The Riverside Bulletin, March, 1910 Part 5

The Riverside Bulletin, March, 1910 -

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Profusely ill.u.s.trated from photographs. 12mo, 60 cents _net_. Postpaid.

This book tells the story of a journey which the author took in company with a party of young people through the British Isles. An introduction summarizes the geographical facts of the British Isles, and sketches the history of the English people. An appendix contains statistics of areas, population, production, etc.

Little-Folk Lyrics By Frank Dempster Sherman

School Edition. Ill.u.s.trated. 16mo, 60 cents _net_. Postpaid.

Mr. Sherman's poems have been widely recognized for their special appeal to children. They are written in a vein similar to Stevenson's "Child's Garden of Verse."

Old Ballads in Prose By Eva March Tappan

School Edition. Ill.u.s.trated. 12mo, 40 cents _net_. Postpaid.

There is no more fascinating chapter of literature for children than that of the old English ballads. The most suitable of these ballads for school use, written in Miss Tappan's best narrative style, are offered in this book. The book is ill.u.s.trated by f.a.n.n.y Y. Cory.

The Basket Woman Stories By Mary Austin

Author of "The Land of Little Rain," "Isidro," etc.

Prepared for School Use. Ill.u.s.trated. Square 12mo. _In press_.

One of the most delightful collections of Indian stories ever published.

They are either legends as told around the camp fires of the Paiute Indians of the Pacific coast, or are based upon the traditions of this tribe. The book contains a number of interesting photographs of scenes described in the tales, taken by the United States Indian Service.

Everyman, The Second Shepherd's Play, and Other Miracles and Folk Plays

Edited by Clarence Griffin Child, Professor of English in the University of Pennsylvania. Riverside Literature Series, No. 191. Paper, 30 cents, linen, 40 cents _net_. Postpaid.

The editorial equipment contains a general introduction, special introductions to the different plays, and explanatory and critical notes.

Mrs. Gaskell's Cranford

Edited, with complete introduction, notes, questions, and suggestions, by H. E. Coblentz, head of the English Department, South Division High School, Milwaukee.

Riverside Literature Series, No. 192. Paper, 30 cents, linen, 40 cents _net_. Postpaid.

The editor, well known as a teacher and literary critic, has had the unusual advantage of a recent visit to Knutsford, which is the Cranford of the story. Photographs of the town of Knutsford add interest.

A Translation of the neid of Virgil

By Theodore C. Williams, formerly Head Master of the Roxbury Latin School. Riverside Literature Series, No.

193. Ill.u.s.trated. Linen, 75 cents _net_. Postpaid.

The editorial equipment includes a synopsis of the story, an introduction on the "poet and the poem," questions on the text, suggestions for reading, books for reference, famous lines, and a p.r.o.nouncing vocabulary of the proper names in the poem.

Selections from Irving's Bracebridge Hall

Edited by Samuel Thurber, head of the English Department, Technical High School, Newton, Ma.s.s. Riverside Literature Series, No. 194. Paper, 15 cents, linen, 25 cents _net_. Postpaid.

Teachers of English in technical and commercial high schools will find this edition unusually well adapted to their students. The introduction, explanatory notes, and questions have been prepared with unusual care.

Th.o.r.eau's Walden

Edited by Francis H. Allen, compiler of a Bibliography of Henry David Th.o.r.eau. With questions by Charles Swain Thomas, head of the Department of English, Newton (Ma.s.s.) High School. Riverside Literature Series, No.

195. Triple number. Ill.u.s.trated. Paper, 45 cents, linen, 50 cents _net_. Postpaid.

The editorial equipment contains an excellent characterization of Th.o.r.eau, full explanatory notes, and complete questions which will greatly a.s.sist in the interpretation of this nature cla.s.sic.




The Duke's Price. By DEMETRA and KENNETH BROWN. Ill.u.s.trated in color. 12mo, _net_ $1.20

The Right Stuff. By IAN HAY. With frontispiece. 12mo, _net_ 1.20

The Twisted Foot. By HENRY MILNER RIDEOUT. Ill.u.s.trated.

12mo, _net_ 1.20

The G.o.dparents. By GRACE SARTWELL MASON. Ill.u.s.trated. 12mo, _net_ 1.10

An Army Mule. By CHARLES MINER THOMPSON. Ill.u.s.trated. 16mo, _net_ 1.00

Country Neighbors. By ALICE BROWN. 12mo, _net_ 1.20

The Royal Americans. By MARY HALLOCK FOOTE. 12mo, _net_ 1.25

The Professional Aunt. By MARY C. E. WEMYSS. 16mo, _net_ 1.00

Little Brother o' Dreams. By ELAINE GOODALE EASTMAN. Narrow 12mo, _net_ 1.00

John Forsyth's Aunts. By ELIZA ORNE WHITE. _New Edition._ 12mo 1.50


Flutterfly. By CLARA LOUISE BURNHAM. Ill.u.s.trated in color.

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