Telling Fortunes By Tea Leaves Part 6

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CABINET.--An unexpected and fortunate discovery, giving you much pleasure and satisfaction, possibly wealth and unthought-of prosperity.

CAGE.--An empty cage shows that you expect to find all manner of amiable qualities in others which are entirely lacking in yourself. See also BIRDS IN CAGE.

CAKES.--New friends, social success, invitations, and hospitality. See also WEDDING CAKE.

CALF.--This signifies a need for gentleness and kindness to those with whom you a.s.sociate.

CAMEL.--A responsibility satisfactorily carried out; sometimes frustrated plans and endless delays; a camel laden means wealth from an unexpected source abroad.

CAMERA.--This proclaims the fact that you are too fond of gathering new or clever ideas from others, with a view to pa.s.sing them off as your own original thoughts whenever the opportunity arises.

CAMPANULAS.--These flowers indicate that your hope is centred on one desire, and a.s.sure you of the certainty of obtaining your wish.

CANDLE.--This is significant of trials, worries, or illness.

CANDLE EXTINGUISHER.--An uncomfortable incident or episode which will put you out considerably.

CANDLESTICK.--You have need to look at things from a wider point of view; to make the best of yourself you must cultivate perception.

CANNON.--This denotes military and naval display and good fortune; with pleasant symbols around or near, such as a crown or star, promotion for someone dear to you in the service.

CANOE.--This implies that a new friends.h.i.+p will eventually lead to a happy love affair.

CANOPY.--This brings success through the help and interest of those who are socially or mentally your superiors.

CANTERBURY BELLS.--These graceful flowers indicate that your happiness is to a great extent dependent upon others; if the figure of a woman appeared beside the flowers it will be through a woman that your best happiness comes, if a man were seen it will be one of the male s.e.x to whom you must look for your chief joy in life.

CAP.--This warns you to be cautious in your dealings with those of the opposite s.e.x; it also points to the fact that those things which you desire to hide will become known. See also PEAKED CAP.

CAPSTAN.--To those a.s.sociated with the sea, this symbol gives warning of storms; to others, it predicts a.s.sociation with sailors or yachtsmen.

CARAFE.--A pleasure which will depend entirely upon yourself is the meaning of this symbol.

CARAVAN.--This signifies an independent nature, desiring to live a roaming life free of restrictions; should a horse be harnessed to the caravan your ambitions will be fulfilled.


CARNATIONS.--These sweet-scented flowers bring happiness, faithfulness, love, and good friends.

CARPENTER AT WORK.--Necessary arrangement of your affairs is the meaning of this symbol.

CARRIAGE AND HORSES.-This foretells that your affairs will prosper and that you may reasonably expect the comforts of life; a carriage without horses means that your riches will be transitory, leaving you in poverty; with other signs it denotes that you may be the victim of scandal.

CARRYING CHAIR.--An omen of illness or accident.

CART.--A symbol of fluctuation in fortune and of a tedious waiting for any settled improvement in financial affairs.

CARVING.--Handsome carving is a sign of satisfaction and development.

CASTLE.--You may expect fortune to smile upon you; a crumbling castle denotes disappointment and ill success in love and marriage.

CAT.--This is an uncomfortable sign of trickery, meanness, and quarrels among relations, money matters probably being the disturbing cause; a cat jumping shows worries and difficulty.

CATERPILLAR.--You are likely to be criticized unkindly by those who are envious of you, although you have no suspicion that these people are anything but friendly in their feeling towards you; there is slyness and deception, and it would be well to be on your guard or you may find unpleasant gossip has been spread about you.

CATHEDRAL.--Prosperity, contentment, and happiness with those whom you love is the meaning of this symbol.

CATTLE.--Profitable transactions.

CAULDRON.--New opportunities which need careful consideration.

CAULIFLOWER.--This signifies that even your best friends cannot describe you as constant or reliable.

CAVE.--Unless you rouse yourself and use a little more push, you are likely to remain in obscurity all your life.

CELERY.--A vigorous body and active mind which will preserve the energies of youth to a good old age.

CHAIN.--An engagement or wedding; an entangled chain means a dilemma which will tax your ingenuity to the utmost; a long, thick chain indicates ties that you wish to undo; a broken one, trouble in store.

CHAIR.--A small chair shows an arrival; a large one, deliberation over a new plan. See also CARRYING CHAIR, ROCKING CHAIR.

CHATELAINE.--This signifies that a variety of people will be instrumental in your career; it is also an indication that you are somewhat inclined to depend too much on sentimental and demonstrative affection.

CHAMPAGNE GLa.s.s.--This is a symbol of good fortune and delight; to the sick, a good omen of recovery.

CHEESE.--A large cheese denotes that you will benefit by the generosity of prosperous friends.

CHERRIES.--A love affair, happiness, and health, are the meanings of this symbol.

CHESSMEN.--These announce the fact that you will be troubled by matters which are difficult to adjust to your satisfaction, and you must expect a certain amount of anxiety and worry.

CHESTNUT TREE.--An event of interest and importance may be expected in the spring.

CHESTNUTS.--These show determination in carrying out a scheme which you think will benefit you.

CHICKEN.--This shows new interests and pleasures; if roosting, domestic tribulation; if flying, troublesome matters.

CHILD.--This is a sign that you will soon be making fresh plans or forming new projects; a child running means bad news or threatened danger; at play, tranquillity and pleasure.

CHILD BLOWING SOAP BUBBLES.--Occasions of sadness and joy in quick succession.

CHILD WITH DANCING-DOLL.--The gratification of a wish through an entirely unexpected means.

CHILD WITH TAMBOURINE.--Pleasure, lightheartedness, coming good news.

CHIMNEY.--Unless you are cautious you will take a false step; a chimney with smoke to be seen means that you are content, and find pleasure in daily routine and a somewhat commonplace life.

CHINAMAN.--There is someone who appears eager to serve you but in reality is far from being trustworthy.

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