Telling Fortunes By Tea Leaves Part 10

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FORGET-ME-NOT.--This flower speaks of the attainment of a cherished hope, also that you will probably find your truest happiness in love and marriage.

FORK.--This warns you against those who constantly flatter you; it would be well for you to be on your guard or you may one day awake to the fact that all this flattery was used as a tool to harm you.

FOUNTAIN.--A most favourable omen foretelling happiness, success in love and marriage, prosperity in business, and good fortune in all you undertake; this symbol also points to an unexpected legacy.

FOX.--This denotes that you may have an unsuspected enemy, possibly disloyal dependents; sometimes it means theft and trickery.

FOXGLOVES.--These show ambition and attainment; if broken or bending, defeated plans and hopes.

FROG.--A change of residence; with other signs, new work or profession; with bad symbols around, unpleasant sights and stories.

FRUIT.--A happy sign of forthcoming prosperity and general advancement.


GAITERS.--Your chief interests will be in outdoor work and amus.e.m.e.nts; intellectual pursuits will not attract you; to clergy, or to those a.s.sociated with them, gaiters indicate promotion.

GALLOWS.--An omen of great distress and tragedy.

GARDEN ROLLER.--An indication that things around you are liable to become somewhat unmanageable, and that you will need tact and strength to avoid being crushed by circ.u.mstances.

GARLAND.--A sign of happiness, love and honour.

GARTERS.--A contempt for feminine weakness is the meaning of this sign.

GATE.--An excellent opportunity awaits you, perhaps the chance of a lifetime; ma.s.sive high gates denote restriction, misery, or imprisonment.

GEESE.--These indicate the arrival of unexpected and rather troublesome visitors.

GENTIAN.--A memory which is interwoven with sorrow and joy.

GERANIUM.--This flower shows a strong will and determined character, contentment, and happiness; it also denotes two opposite natures who have a great bond of affection between them.

GIANT.--There is, or will be, a serious obstacle in your path.

GIMLET.--You will be unpleasantly reminded of a disagreeable fact.

GIRAFFE.--You are apt to cause mischief through blundering and the making of incorrect statements.

GLADIOLI.--These flowers indicate courage in the face of difficulty; hope and tenderness.

GLa.s.sES.--These show that you will entertain your friends on a lavish scale, and delight in hospitality, but will occasionally be confronted by difficulties in your arrangements. See also CHAMPAGNE GLa.s.s, CUSTARD-GLa.s.sES, EYEGLa.s.sES, HAND GLa.s.s.

GLEANER.--You will always endeavour to make the best of the circ.u.mstances in which you find yourself but will seldom possess the most desirable things in life.

GOAT.--A new enterprise which has an element of risk about it; a goat is an unfortunate sign to sailors or to those connected with them.

GOLF CLUBS.--These indicate a life so full of work that there is but little leisure for recreation.

GONDOLA.--A visit to Italy, or a romance are the meanings of this sign.

GONG-AND-STICK.--This symbol warns you to expect little else than the "trivial round and common task" for the present.

GOOSE.--A venture needing much discussion and arrangement; plans are made only to be upset again, and unless you proceed with caution, you are likely to make a bad mistake.

GRAMOPHONE.--This usually portends vexation at being drawn into a somewhat disorderly and noisy pleasure.

GRAPES.--These signify pleasure, abundance, fulfilment, and a life free from care.

GRa.s.sHOPPERS.--These insects give warning of a poor harvest season; for an old person the risk of chill leading to severe illness.

GRAVE.--This symbol must be read in accordance with its position, also with reference to other signs in the cup; as a general rule, with gloomy signs it would bring a message of coming sorrow, or with cheerful symbols that a death would benefit the consultant.

GREYHOUND.--This sign stands for energy and untiring activity which will bring you unqualified success; it also denotes that you may expect favourable tidings of the result of a new enterprise.

GRINDSTONE.--The aftermath of an indiscretion.

GUITAR.--This symbol displays strong power of attraction for the opposite s.e.x, also pleasant adventures ending in a happy love affair.

GUN.--A very disquieting symbol, grave danger of a sudden calamity; with other bad signs, a violent death.


HAMMER.--Troublesome little tasks which you are reluctant to undertake.

HAMMOCK.--A mournful ending of something to which you had looked forward with delight.

HAM WITH FRILL.--This denotes a nice invitation, hospitality, pleasure with your friends; also enjoyment followed by dismay; a ham without a frill means increasing fortune and success.

HAND.--A sign of good fellows.h.i.+p, loyalty, and affection; it may also indicate a parting, a meeting or a bargain concluded; other signs around it must be noticed in order to read its special meaning. See also CLENCHED HAND.

HANDBELL.--You would much like to startle the world by a wonderful discovery or amazing theory by which your name would be known for all time but you will need every possible good symbol to appear in the cup to give you any a.s.surance of your ambition being gratified.

HANDCUFFS.--Disgrace, imprisonment, misfortune, and dishonesty; this sign must be read in connection with others around it.

HANDGLa.s.s.--An illusion quickly dispelled is the meaning of this symbol.

HANDSCREEN.--Even small demands sometimes necessitate great effort on the part of those to whom the demand is made.

HARE.--The return of an absent friend after a long absence; if it is running, a journey is indicated; a dead hare foreshows money acquired through industry.

HAREBELL.--Peace, a placid existence, and faithfulness in love are the meanings of this lovely little flower; with other signs you may expect news of a birth.

HARP.--This is a sign of melancholy and predicts the possibility of a nervous breakdown.

HARRISSI LILY.--These graceful flowers predict peace, joy, hope, and a wedding.

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