Principles of Geology Part 69

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"Suppose a shoal, 600 miles in length, to sink fifteen feet, and then to remain unmoved for a thousand years; during that interval the growing coral may again approach the surface. Then let the ma.s.s be re-elevated fifteen feet, so that the original reef is restored to its former position: in this case, the new coral formed since the first subsidence will const.i.tute an island 600 miles long. An a.n.a.logous result would have occurred if a lava-current fifteen feet thick had overflowed the submerged reef. The absence, therefore, of more extensive tracts of land in the Pacific, seems to show that the amount of subsidence by earthquakes exceeds, in that quarter of the globe, at present, the elevation due to the same cause."[1127]

Another proof also of subsidence derived from the structure of atolls, was pointed out by me in the following pa.s.sage in all former editions.

"The low coral islands of the Pacific," says Captain Beechey, "follow one general rule in having their windward side higher and more perfect than the other. At Gambia and Matilda islands this inequality is very conspicuous, the weather side of both being wooded, and of the former inhabited, while the other sides are from twenty to thirty feet under water; where, however, they may be perceived to be equally _narrow_ and well defined. It is on the leeward side also that the entrances into the lagoons occur; and although they may sometimes be situated on a side that runs in the direction of the wind, as at Bow Island, yet there are none to windward." These observations of Captain Beechey accord with those which Captain Horsburgh and other hydrographers have made in regard to the coral islands of other seas. From this fortunate circ.u.mstance s.h.i.+ps can enter and sail out with ease; whereas if the narrow inlets were to windward, vessels which once entered might not succeed for months in making their way out again. The well-known security of many of these harbors depends entirely on this fortunate peculiarity in their structure.

"In what manner is this singular conformation to be accounted for? The action of the waves is seen to be the cause of the superior elevation of some reefs on their windward sides, where sand and large of coral rock are thrown up by the breakers; but there is a variety of cases where this cause alone is inadequate to solve the problem; for reefs submerged at considerable depths, where the movements of the sea cannot exert much power, have, nevertheless, the same conformation, the leeward being much lower than the windward side.[1128]

"I am informed by Captain King, that, on examining the reefs called Rowley Shoals, which lie off the north-west coast of Australia, where the east and west monsoons prevail alternately, he found the open side of one crescent-shaped reef, the Imperieuse, turned to the east, and of another, the Mermaid, turned to the west; while a third oval reef, of the same group, was entirely submerged. This want of conformity is exactly what we should expect, where the winds vary periodically.

"It seems impossible to refer the phenomenon now under consideration to any original uniformity in the configuration of submarine volcanoes, on the summits of which we may suppose the coral reefs to grow; for although it is very common for craters to be broken down on one side only, we cannot imagine any cause that should breach them all in the same direction. But the difficulty will, perhaps, be removed, if we call in another part of the volcanic agency--subsidence by earthquakes.

Suppose the windward barrier to have been raised by the mechanical action of the waves to the height of two or three yards above the wall on the leeward side, and then the whole island to sink down a few fathoms, the appearances described would then be presented by the submerged reef. A repet.i.tion of such operations, by the alternate elevation and depression of the same ma.s.s (an hypothesis strictly conformable to a.n.a.logy), might produce still greater inequality in the two sides, especially as the violent efflux of the tide has probably a strong tendency to check the acc.u.mulation of the more tender corals on the leeward reef; while the action of the breakers contributes to raise the windward barrier."[1129]

Previously to my adverting to the signs above enumerated of a downward movement in the bed of the ocean, Dr. MacCulloch, Captain Beechey, and many other writers, had shown that of recent coral had been laid dry at various heights above the sea-level, both in the Red Sea, the islands of the Pacific, and in the East and West Indies. After describing thirty-two coral islands in the Pacific, Captain Beechey mentioned that they were all formed of living coral except one, which, although of coral formation, was raised about seventy or eighty feet above the level of the sea, and was encompa.s.sed by a reef of living coral. It is called Elizabeth or Henderson's Island, and is five miles in length by one in breadth. It has a flat surface, and, on all sides, except the north, is bounded by perpendicular cliffs about fifty feet high, composed entirely of dead coral, more or less porous, honey-combed at the surface, and hardening into a compact calcareous ma.s.s, which possesses the fracture of secondary limestone, and has a species of millepore interspersed through it. These cliffs are considerably undermined by the action of the waves, and some of them appear on the eve of precipitating their superinc.u.mbent weight into the sea. Those which are less injured in this way present no alternate ridges or indication of the different levels which the sea might have occupied at different periods; but a smooth surface, as if the island, which has probably been raised by volcanic agency, had been forced up by one great subterraneous convulsion.[1130] At the distance of a few hundred yards from this island, no bottom could be gained with 200 fathoms of line.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 120.

Elizabeth, or Henderson's Island.]

It will be seen, from the annexed sketch, communicated to me by Lieutenant Smith, of the Blossom, that the trees came down to the beach towards the centre of the island; a break at first sight resembling the openings which usually lead into lagoons; but the trees stand on a steep slope, and no hollow of an ancient lagoon was perceived.

Beechey also remarks, that the surface of Henderson's Island is flat, and that in Queen Charlotte's Island, one of the same group, but under water, there was no lagoon, the coral having grown up everywhere to one level. The probable cause of this obliteration of the central basin or lagoon will be considered in the sequel.

That the bed of the Pacific and Indian oceans, where atolls are frequent, must have been sinking for ages, might be inferred, says Mr.

Darwin, from simply reflecting on two facts; first, that the efficient coral-building zoophytes do not flourish in the ocean at a greater depth than 120 feet; and, secondly, that there are s.p.a.ces occupying areas of many hundred thousand square miles, where all the islands consist of coral, and yet none of which rise to a greater height than may be accounted for by the action of the winds and waves on broken and triturated coral. Were we to take for granted that the floor of the ocean had remained stationary from the time when the coral began to grow, we should be compelled to a.s.sume that an incredible number of submarine mountains of vast height (for the ocean is always deep, and often unfathomable between the different atolls) had all come to within 120 feet of the surface, and yet no one mountain had risen above water.

But no sooner do we admit the theory of subsidence, than this great, difficulty vanishes. However varied may have been the alt.i.tude of different islands, or the separate peaks of particular mountain-chains, all may have been reduced to one uniform level by the gradual submergence of the loftiest points, and the additions made to the calcareous cappings of the less elevated summits as they subsided to great depths.

_Openings into the lagoons._--In the general description of atolls and encircling reefs, it was mentioned that there is almost always a deep narrow pa.s.sage opening into the lagoon, or into the still water between the reef and the sh.o.r.e, which is kept open by the efflux of the sea as the tide goes down.

The origin of this channel must, according to the theory of subsidence before explained, be traced back to causes which were in action during the existence of the encircling reef, and when an island or mountain-top rose within it, for such a reef precedes the atoll in the order of formation. Now in those islands in the Pacific, which are large enough to feed small rivers, there is generally an opening or channel in the surrounding coral reef at the point where the stream of fresh water enters the sea. The depth of these channels rarely exceeds twenty-five feet; and they may be attributed, says Captain Beechey, to the aversion of the lithophytes to fresh water, and to the probable absence of the mineral matter of which they construct their habitations.[1131]

Mr. Darwin, however, has shown, that mud at the bottom of river-courses is far more influential than the freshness of the water in preventing the growth of the polypi, for the walls which inclose the openings are perpendicular, and do not slant off gradually, as would be the case, if the nature of the element presented the only obstacle to the increase of the coral-building animals.

When a breach has thus been made in the reef, it will be prevented from closing up by the efflux of the sea at low tides; for it is sufficient that a reef should rise a few feet above low-water mark to cause the waters to collect in the lagoon at high tide, and when the sea falls, to rush out at one or more points where the reef happens to be lowest or weakest. This event is strictly a.n.a.logous to that witnessed in our estuaries, where a body of salt water acc.u.mulated during the flow issues with great velocity at the ebb of the tide, and scours out or keeps open a deep pa.s.sage through the bar, which is almost always formed at the mouth of a river. At first there are probably many openings, but the growth of the coral tends to obstruct all those which do not serve as the channels of discharge; so that their number is gradually reduced to a few, and often finally to one. The fact observed universally, that the opening fronts a considerable valley in the encircled island, between the of which and the outer reef there is often deep water, scarcely leaves any doubt as to the real origin of the channel in all those countless atolls where the nucleus of land has vanished.

_Size of atolls and barrier reefs._--In regard to the dimensions of atolls, it was stated that some of the smallest observed by Beechey in the Pacific were only a mile in diameter. If their external slope under water equals upon an average an angle of 45, then would such an atoll at the depth of half a mile, or 2640 feet, have a diameter of two miles.

Hence it would appear that there must be a tendency in every atoll to grow smaller, except in those cases where oscillations of level enlarge the base on which the coral grows by throwing down a talus of detrital matter all round the original cone of limestone.

Bow Island is described by Captain Beechey as seventy miles in circ.u.mference, and thirty in its greatest diameter, but we have seen that some of the Maldives are much larger.

As the sh.o.r.e of an island or continent which is subsiding will recede from a coral reef at a slow or rapid rate according as the surface of the land has a steep or gentle slope, we cannot measure the thickness of the coral by its distance from the coast; yet, as a general rule, those reefs which are farthest from the land imply the greatest amount of subsidence. We learn from Flinders, that the barrier reef of north-eastern Australia is in some places seventy miles from the mainland, and it should seem that a calcareous formation is there in progress 1000 miles long from north to south, with a breadth varying from twenty to seventy miles. It may not, indeed, be continuous over this vast area, for doubtless innumerable islands have been submerged one after another between the reef and mainland, like some which still remain, as, for example, Murray's Islands, lat. 9 54' S. We are also told that some parts of the gulf inclosed within a barrier are 400 feet deep, so that the efficient rock-building corals cannot be growing there, and in other parts of it islands appear encircled by reefs.

It will follow as one of the consequences of the theory already explained that, provided the bottom of the sea does not sink too fast to allow the zoophytes to build upwards at the same pace, the thickness of coral will be great in proportion to the rapidity of subsidence, so that if one area sinks two feet while another sinks one, the ma.s.s of coral in the first area will be double that in the second. But the downward movement must in general have been very slow and uniform, or where intermittent, must have consisted of a great number of depressions, each of slight amount, otherwise the bottom of the sea would have been carried down faster than the corals could build upwards, and the island or continent would be permanently submerged, having reached a depth of 120 or 150 feet, at which the effective reef-constructing zoophytes cease to live. If, then, the subsidence required to account for all the existing atolls must have amounted to three or four thousand feet, or even sometimes more, we are brought to the conclusion that there has been a _slow_ and _gradual_ sinking to this enormous extent. Such an inference is perfectly in harmony with views which the grand scale of denudation, everywhere observable in the older rocks, has led geologists to adopt in reference to upward movements. They must also have been gradual and continuous throughout indefinite ages to allow the waves and currents of the ocean to operate with adequate power.

The map constructed by Mr. Darwin to display at one view the geographical position of all the coral reefs throughout the globe is of the highest geological interest (see above, p. 351.), leading to splendid generalizations, when we have once embraced the theory that all atolls and barrier reefs indicate recent subsidence, while the presence of fringing reefs proves the land to be stationary or rising. These two of coral formations are depicted by different colors; and one of the striking facts brought to light by the same cla.s.sification of coral formations is the absence of active volcanoes in the areas of subsidence, and their frequent presence in the areas of elevation. The only supposed exception to this remarkable coincidence at the time when Mr. Darwin wrote, in 1842, was the volcano of Torres Strait, at the northern point of Australia, placed on the borders of an area of subsidence; but it has been since proved that this volcano has no existence.

We see, therefore, an evident connection, first, between the bursting forth every now and then of volcanic matter through rents and fissures, and the expansion or forcing outwards of the earth's crust, and, secondly, between a dormant and less energetic development of subterranean heat, and an amount of subsidence sufficiently great to cause mountains to disappear over the broad face of the ocean, leaving only small and scattered lagoon islands, or groups of atolls, to indicate the spots where those mountains once stood.

On a review of the differently-colored reefs on the map alluded to, it will be seen that there are large s.p.a.ces in which upheaval, and others in which depression prevails, and these are placed alternately, while there are a few smaller areas where movements of oscillation occur. Thus if we commence with the western of South America, between the summit of the Andes and the Pacific (a region of earthquakes and active volcanoes), we find signs of recent elevation, not attested indeed by coral formations, which are wanting there, but by upraised banks of marine Then proceeding westward, we traverse a deep ocean without islands, until we come to a band of _atolls_ and encircled islands, including the Dangerous and Society archipelagoes, and const.i.tuting an area of subsidence more than 4000 miles long and 600 broad. Still farther, in the same direction, we reach the chain of islands to which the New Hebrides, Salomon, and New Ireland belong, where fringing reefs and of elevated coral indicate another area of upheaval. Again, to the westward of the New Hebrides we meet with the encircling reef of New Caledonia and the great Australian barrier, implying a second area of subsidence.

The only objection deserving attention which has. .h.i.therto been advanced against the theory of atolls, as before explained (p. 759.), is that proposed by Mr. Maclaren.[1132] "On the outside," he observes, "of coral reefs very highly inclined, no bottom is sometimes found with a line of 2000 or 3000 feet, and this is by no means a rare case. It follows that the reef ought to have this thickness; and Mr. Darwin's diagrams show that he understood it so. Now, if such of coral exist under the sea, they ought somewhere to be found on _terra firma_; for there is evidence that all the lands yet visited by geologists, have been at one time submerged. But neither in the great volcanic chain, extending from Sumatra to j.a.pan, nor in the West Indies, nor in any other region yet explored, has a bed or formation of coral even 500 feet thick been discovered, so far as we know."

When considering this objection, it is evident that the first question we have to deal with is, whether geologists have not already discovered calcareous of the required thickness and structure, or precisely such as the upheaval of atolls might be expected to expose to view? We are called upon, in short, to make up our minds both as to the internal composition of the rocks that must result from the growth of corals, whether in lagoon islands or barrier reefs, and the external shape which the reefs would retain when upraised gradually to a vast height,--a task by no means so easy as some may imagine. If the reader has pictured to himself large of entire corals, piled one upon another, for a thickness of several thousand feet, he unquestionably mistakes altogether the nature of the acc.u.mulations now in progress. In the first place, the strata at present forming very extensively over the bottom of the ocean, within such barrier reefs as those of Australia and New Caledonia, are known to consist chiefly of horizontal layers of calcareous sediment, while here and there an intermixture must occur of the detritus of granitic and other rocks brought down by rivers from the adjoining lands, or washed from sea-cliffs by the waves and currents.

Secondly, in regard to atolls, the stone-making polypifers grow most luxuriantly on the outer edge of the island, to a thickness of a few feet only. Beyond this margin broken pieces of coral and calcareous sand are strewed by the breakers over a steep seaward slope, and as the subsidence continues the next coating of live coral does not grow vertically over the first layer, but on a narrow annular s.p.a.ce within it, the reef, as was before stated (p. 761), constantly contracting its dimensions as it sinks. Thirdly, within the lagoon the acc.u.mulation of calcareous matter is chiefly sedimentary, a kind of chalky mud derived from the decay of the softer corallines, with a mixture of calcareous sand swept by the winds and waves from the surrounding circular reef.

Here and there, but only in partial clumps, are found living corals, which grow in the middle of the lagoon, and mixed with fine mud and sand, a great variety of, and fragments of testacea and echinoderms.

We owe to Lieutenant Nelson the discovery that in the Bermudas the calcareous mud resulting from the decomposition of the softer corallines is absolutely undistinguishable when dried from the ordinary white chalk of Europe,[1133] and this mud is carried to great distances by currents, and spread far and wide over the floor of the ocean. We also have opportunities of seeing in upraised atolls, such as Elizabeth Island, Tonga, and Hapai, which rise above the level of the sea to heights varying from ten to eighty feet, that the rocks of which they consist do not differ in structure or in the state of preservation of their included zoophytes and from some of the oldest limestones known to the geologist. Captain Beechey remarks that the dead coral in Elizabeth Island is more or less porous and honeycombed at the surface, and hardening into a compact rock which has the fracture of _secondary limestone_.[1134]

The island of Pulo Nias, off Sumatra (see Map, fig. 39. p. 351), which is about 3000 feet high, is described by Dr. Jack as being overspread by coral and large of the _Chama (Tridacna) gigas_, which rest on quartzose and arenaceous rocks, at various levels from the sea-coast to the summit of the highest hills.

The cliffs of the island of Timor in the Indian Ocean are composed, says Mr. Jukes, of a raised coral reef abounding in _Astraea_, _Meandrina_, and _Porites_, with of _Strombus_, _Conus_, _Nerita_, _Arca_, _Pecten_, _Venus_, and _Lucina_. On a ledge about 150 feet above the sea, a Tridacna (or large clam sh.e.l.l), two feet across, was found bedded in the rock with closed valves, just as they are often seen in barrier reefs. This formation in the islands of Sandlewood, Sumbawa, Madura, and Java, where it is exposed in sea cliffs, was found to be from 200 to 300 feet thick, and is believed to ascend to much greater heights in the interior. It has usually the form of a "chalk-like" rock, white when broken, but in the weathered surface turning nearly black.[1135]

It appears, therefore, premature to a.s.sert that there are no recent coral formations uplifted to great heights, for we are only beginning to be acquainted with the geological structure of the rocks of equatorial regions. Some of the upraised islands, such as Elizabeth and Queen Charlotte, in the Pacific, although placed in regions of atolls, are described by Captain Beechey and others as flat-topped, and exhibiting no traces of lagoons. In explanation of the fact, we may presume that after they had been sinking for ages, the descending movement was relaxed; and while it was in the course of being converted into an ascending one, the ground remained for a long season almost stationary, in which case the corals within the lagoon would build up to the surface, and reach the level already attained by those on the margin of the reef. In this manner the lagoon would be effaced, and the island acquire a flat summit.

It may, however, be thought strange that many examples have not been noticed of fringing reefs uplifted above the level of the sea. Mr.

Darwin, indeed, cites one instance where the reef preserved, on dry land in the Mauritius, its peculiar moat-like structure; but they ought, he says, to be of rare occurrence, for in the case of atolls or of barrier or fringing reefs, the characteristic outline must usually be destroyed by denudation as soon as a reef begins to rise; since it is immediately exposed to the action of the breakers, and the large and conspicuous corals on the outer rim of the atoll or barrier are the first to be destroyed and to fall to the bottom of vertical and undermined cliffs.

After slow and continued upheaval a wreck alone can remain of the original reef. If, therefore, says Mr. Darwin, "at some period as far in futurity as the secondary rocks are in the past, the bed of the Pacific with its atolls and barrier reefs should be converted into a continent, we may conceive that scarcely any or none of the existing reefs would be preserved, but only widely spread strata of calcareous matter derived from their wear and tear."[1136]

When it is urged in support of the objection before stated (p. 767), that the theory of atolls by subsidence implies the acc.u.mulation of calcareous formations 2000 or 3000 feet thick, it must be conceded that this estimate of the minimum density of the deposits is by no means exaggerated. On the contrary, when we consider that the s.p.a.ce over which atolls are scattered in Polynesia and the Indian oceans may be compared to the whole continent of Asia, we cannot but infer from a.n.a.logy that the differences in level in so vast an area have amounted, antecedently to subsidence, to 5000 or even a greater number of feet. Whatever was the difference in height between the loftiest and lowest of the original mountains or mountainous islands on which the different atolls are based, that difference must represent the thickness of coral which has now reduced all of them to one level. Flinders, therefore, by no means exaggerated the volume of the limestone, which he conceived to have been the work of coral animals; he was merely mistaken as to the manner in which they were enabled to build reefs in an unfathomed ocean.

But is it reasonable to expect, after the waste caused by denudation, that calcareous, gradually upheaved in an open sea, should retain such vast thicknesses? Or may not the limestones of the cretaceous and oolitic epochs, which attain in the Alps and Pyrenees a density of 3000 or 4000 feet, and are in great part made up of coralline and matter, present us with a true geological counterpart of the recent coral reefs of equatorial seas?

Before we attach serious importance to arguments founded on negative evidence, and opposed to a theory which so admirably explains a great variety of complicated phenomena, we ought to remember that the upheaval to the height of 4000 feet of atolls in which the coralline limestone would be 4000 feet thick, implies, first, a slow subsidence of 4000 feet, and, secondly, an elevation of the same amount. Even if the reverse or ascending movement began the instant the downward one ceased, we must allow a great lapse of ages for the accomplishment of the whole operation. We must also a.s.sume that at the commencement of the period in question, the equatorial regions were as fitted as now for the support of reef-building zoophytes. This postulate would demand the continuance of a complicated variety of conditions throughout a much longer period than they are usually persistent in one place.

To show the difficulty of speculating on the permanence of the geographical and climatal circ.u.mstances requisite for the growth of reef-building corals, we have only to state the fact that there are no reefs in the Atlantic, off the west coast of Africa, nor among the islands of the Gulf of Guinea, nor in St. Helena, Ascension, the Cape Verdes, or St. Paul's. With the exception of Bermuda, there is not a single coral reef in the central expanse of the Atlantic, although in some parts the waves, as at Ascension, are charged to excess with calcareous matter. This capricious distribution of coral reefs is probably owing to the absence of fit stations for the reef-building polypifers, other organic beings in those regions obtaining in the great struggle for existence a mastery over them. Their absence, in whatever manner it be accounted for, should put us on our guard against expecting upraised reefs at all former geological epochs, similar to those now in progress.

_Lime, whence derived._--Dr. Maculloch, in his system of Geology, vol.

i. p. 219, expressed himself in favor of the theory of some of the earlier geologists, that all limestones have originated in organized substances. If we examine, he says, the quant.i.ty of limestone in the primary strata, it will be found to bear a much smaller proportion to the siliceous and argillaceous rocks than in the secondary; and this may have some connexion with the rarity of testaceous animals in the ancient ocean. He farther infers, that in consequence of the operations of animals, "the quant.i.ty of calcareous earth deposited in the form of mud or stone is always increasing; and that as the secondary series far exceeds the primary in this respect, so a third series may hereafter arise from the depths of the sea, which may exceed the last in the proportion of its calcareous strata."

If these propositions went no farther than to suggest that every particle of lime that now enters into the crust of the globe, may possibly in its turn have been subservient to the purposes of life, by entering into the composition of organized bodies, I should not deem the speculation improbable; but, when it is hinted that lime may be an animal product combined by the powers of vitality from some simple elements, I can discover no sufficient grounds for such an hypothesis, and many facts militate against it.

If a large pond be made in almost any soil, and filled with rain water, it may usually become tenanted by testacea; for carbonate of lime is almost universally diffused in small quant.i.ties. But if no calcareous matter be supplied by waters flowing from the surrounding high grounds, or by springs, no tufa or sh.e.l.l-marl are formed. The thin of one generation of mollusks decompose, so that their elements afford nutriment to the succeeding races; and it is only where a stream enters a lake, which may introduce a fresh supply of calcareous matter, or where the lake is fed by springs, that acc.u.mulate and form marl.

All the lakes in Forfars.h.i.+re which have produced deposits of sh.e.l.l-marl have been the sites of springs, which still evolve much carbonic acid, and a small quant.i.ty of carbonate of lime. But there is no marl in Loch Fithie, near Forfar, where there are _no springs_, although that lake is surrounded by these calcareous deposits, and although, in every other respect, the site is favorable to the acc.u.mulation of aquatic testacea.

We find those Charae which secrete the largest quant.i.ty of calcareous matter in their stems to abound near springs impregnated with carbonate of lime. We know that, if the common hen be deprived altogether of calcareous nutriment, the of her eggs will become of too slight a consistency to protect the contents; and some birds eat chalk greedily during the breeding season.

If, on the other hand, we turn to the phenomena of inorganic nature, we observe that, in volcanic countries, there is an enormous evolution of carbonic acid, either free, in a gaseous form, or mixed with water; and the springs of such districts are usually impregnated with carbonate of lime in great abundance. No one who has travelled in Tuscany, through the region of extinct volcanos and its confines, or who has seen the map constructed by Targioni (1827), to show the sites of mineral springs, can doubt, for a moment, that if this territory was submerged beneath the sea, it might supply materials for the most extensive coral reefs. The importance of these springs is not to be estimated by the magnitude of the rocks which they have thrown down on the slanting sides of hills, although of these alone large cities might be built, nor by a coating of travertin that covers the soil in some districts for miles in length. The greater part of the calcareous matter down in a state of solution to the sea, and in all countries the rivers which flow from chalk and other marly and calcareous rocks carry down vast quant.i.ties of lime into the ocean. Lime is also one of the component parts of augite and other volcanic and hypogene minerals, and when these decompose is set free, and may then find its way in a state of solution to the sea.

The lime, therefore, contained generally in sea water, and secreted so plentifully by the testacea and corals of the Pacific, may have been derived either from springs rising up in the bed of the ocean, or from rivers fed by calcareous springs, or impregnated with lime derived from disintegrated rocks, both volcanic and hypogene. If this be admitted, the greater proportion of limestone in the more modern formations as compared to the most ancient, will be explained, for springs in general hold no argillaceous, and but a small quant.i.ty of siliceous matter in solution, but they are continually subtracting calcareous matter from the inferior rocks. The constant transfer, therefore, of carbonate of lime from the lower or older portions of the earth's crust to the surface, must cause at all periods and throughout an indefinite succession of geological epochs, a preponderance of calcareous matter in the newer as contrasted with the older formations.



In the concluding chapters of the first book, I examined in detail a great variety of arguments which have been adduced to prove the distinctness of the state of the earth's crust at remote and recent epochs. Among other supposed proofs of this distinctness, the dearth of calcareous matter, in the ancient rocks above adverted to, might have been considered. But it would have been endless to enumerate all the objections urged against those geologists who represent the course of nature at the earliest periods as resembling in all essential circ.u.mstances the state of things now established. We have seen that, in opposition to this doctrine, a strong desire has been manifested to discover in the ancient rocks the signs of an epoch when the planet was uninhabited, and when its surface was in a chaotic condition and uninhabitable. The opposite opinion, indeed, that the oldest of the rocks now visible may be the last monuments of an antecedent era in which living beings may already have peopled the land and water, has been declared to be equivalent to the a.s.sumption that there never was a beginning to the present order of things.

With equal justice might an astronomer be accused of a.s.serting that the works of creation extended throughout _infinite_ s.p.a.ce, because he refuses to take for granted that the remotest stars now seen in the heavens are on the utmost verge of the material universe. Every improvement of the telescope has brought thousands of new worlds into view; and it would, therefore, be rash and unphilosophical to imagine that we already survey the whole extent of the vast scheme, or that it will ever be brought within the sphere of human observation.

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