Principles of Geology Part 64

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"It was in the rivers only that we could observe sections of these deposits; but the same operation goes on, on a much more magnificent scale, in the lakes. A shoal of many miles in extent is formed on the south side of Athabasca Lake, by the drift-timber and vegetable debris brought down by the Elk River; and the Slave Lake itself must in process of time be filled up by matters daily conveyed into it from Slave River.

Vast quant.i.ties of drift-timber are buried under the sand at the mouth of the river, and enormous piles of it are acc.u.mulated on the of every part of the lake."[1062]

The banks of the Mackenzie display almost everywhere horizontal beds of wood coal, alternating with bituminous clay, gravel, sand, and friable sandstone; sections, in short, of such deposits as are now evidently forming at the bottom of the lakes which it traverses.

Notwithstanding the vast forests intercepted by the lakes, a still greater ma.s.s of drift-wood is found where the Mackenzie reaches the sea, in a lat.i.tude where no wood grows at present except a few stunted willows. At the mouths of the river the alluvial matter has formed a barrier of islands and shoals, where we may expect a great formation of coal at some distant period.

The abundance of floating timber on the Mackenzie is owing, as Dr.

Richardson informs me, to the direction and to the length of the course of this river, which runs from south to north, so that the sources of the stream lie in much warmer lat.i.tudes than its mouths. In the country, therefore, where the sources are situated, the frost breaks up at an earlier season, while yet the waters in the lower part of its course are ice-bound. Hence the current of water, rus.h.i.+ng down northward, reaches a point where the thaw has not begun, and, finding the channel of the river blocked up with ice, it overflows the banks, sweeping through forests of pines, and carrying away thousands of uprooted trees.

_Drift-timber on coasts of Iceland, Spitzbergen, &c._--The ancient forests of Iceland, observes Malte-Brun, have been improvidently exhausted; but, although the Icelander can obtain no timber from the land, he is supplied with it abundantly by the ocean. An immense quant.i.ty of thick trunks of pines, firs, and other trees, are thrown upon the northern coast of the island, especially upon the North Cape and Cape Langaness, and are then carried by the waves along these two promontories to other parts of the coast, so as to afford sufficiency of wood for fuel and for constructing boats. Timber is also carried to the of Labrador and Greenland; and Crantz a.s.sures us that the of floating wood thrown by the waves upon the island of John de Mayen often equal the whole of that island in extent.[1063]

In a similar manner the bays of Spitzbergen are filled with drift-wood, which acc.u.mulates also upon those parts of the coast of Siberia that are exposed to the east, consisting of larch trees, pines, Siberian cedars, firs, and Pernambuco and Campeachy woods. These trunks appear to have been swept away by the great rivers of Asia and America. Some of them are brought from the Gulf of Mexico by the Bahama stream; while others are hurried forward by the current which, to the north of Siberia, constantly sets in from east to west. Some of these trees have been deprived of their bark by friction, but are in such a state of preservation as to form excellent building timber.[1064] Parts of the branches and almost all the roots remain fixed to the pines which have been drifted into the North Sea, into lat.i.tudes too cold for the growth of such timber, but the trunks are usually barked.

The leaves and lighter parts of plants are seldom carried out to sea, in any part of the globe, except during tropical hurricanes among islands, and during the agitations of the atmosphere which sometimes accompany earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

_Comparative number of living and fossilized species of plants._--It will appear from these observations that, although the remains of terrestrial vegetation, borne down by aqueous causes from the land, are chiefly deposited at the bottom of lakes or at the mouths of rivers, yet a considerable quant.i.ty is drifted about in all directions by currents, and may become imbedded in any _marine_ formation, or may sink down, when water-logged, to the bottom of unfathomable abysses, and there acc.u.mulate without intermixture with other substances.

It may be asked whether we have any data for inferring that the remains of a considerable proportion of the existing species of plants will be permanently preserved, so as to be hereafter recognizable, supposing the strata now in progress to be at some future period upraised? To this inquiry it may be answered, that there are no reasons for expecting that more than a small number of the plants now flouris.h.i.+ng in the globe will become fossilized; since the entire habitations of a great number of them are remote from lakes and seas, and even where they grow near to large bodies of water, the circ.u.mstances are quite accidental and partial which favor the imbedding and conservation of vegetable remains. Suppose, for example, that the species of plants inhabiting the hydrographical basin of the Rhine, or that region, extending from the Alps to the sea, which is watered by the Rhine and its numerous tributaries, to be about 2500 in number, exclusive of the cryptogamic cla.s.s. This estimate is by no means exaggerated; yet if a geologist could explore the deposits which have resulted from the sediment of the Rhine in the Lake of Constance, and off the coast of Holland, he could scarcely expect to obtain from the recent strata the leaves, wood, and seeds of _fifty_ species in such a state of preservation as to enable a botanist to determine their specific characters with certainty.

Those naturalists, therefore, who infer that the ancient flora of the globe was, at certain periods, less varied than now, merely because they have as yet discovered only a few hundred fossil species of a particular epoch, while they can enumerate more than one hundred thousand living ones, are reasoning on a false basis, and their standard of comparison is not the same in the two cases.

_Submarine forests on coast of Hants._--We have already seen that the submarine position of several forests, or the remains of trees standing in a vertical position on the British, has been due, in some instances, to the subsidence of land.[1065] There are some cases which require a different explanation. My friend, Mr. Charles Harris, discovered, in 1831, evident traces of a fir-wood beneath the mean level of the sea, at Bournmouth, in Hamps.h.i.+re, the formation having been laid open during a low spring tide. It is composed of peat and wood, and is situated between the beach and a bar of sand about 200 yards off, and extends fifty yards along the sh.o.r.e. It also lies in the direct line of the Bournmouth Valley, from the termination of which it is separated by 200 yards of s.h.i.+ngle and drift-sand. Down the valley flows a large brook, traversing near its mouth a considerable tract of rough, boggy, and heathy ground, which produces a few birch-trees, and a great abundance of the _Myrica gale_. Seventy-six rings of annual growth were counted in a transverse section of one of the buried fir-trees, which was fourteen inches in diameter. Besides the stumps and roots of fir, pieces of alder and birch are found in the peat; and it is a curious fact, that a part of many of the trees have been converted into iron pyrites. The peat rests on pebbly strata, precisely similar to the sand and pebbles occurring on the adjoining heaths.

As the sea is encroaching on this sh.o.r.e, we may suppose that at some former period the Bourne Valley extended farther, and that its extremity consisted, as at present, of boggy ground, partly clothed with fir-trees. The bog rested on that bed of pebbles which we now see below the peat; and the sea, in its progressive encroachments, eventually laid bare, at low water, the sandy foundations; upon which a stream of fresh water, rus.h.i.+ng through the sand at the fall of the tides, carried out loose sand with it. The superstratum of vegetable matter, being matted and bound together by the roots of trees, remained; but being undermined, sank down below the level of the sea, and then the waves washed sand and s.h.i.+ngle over it. In support of this hypothesis, it may be observed, that small streams of fresh water often pa.s.s under the sands of the sea-beach, so that they may be crossed dry-shod; and the water is seen, at the point where it issues, to carry out sand and even pebbles.

_Mineralization of plants_--Although the botanist and chemist have as yet been unable to explain fully the manner in which wood becomes petrified, it is nevertheless ascertained that, under favorable circ.u.mstances, the lapidifying process is now continually going on. A piece of wood was lately procured by Mr. Stokes, from an ancient Roman aqueduct in Westphalia, in which some portions were converted into spindle-shaped bodies, consisting of carbonate of lime, while the rest of the wood remained in a comparatively unchanged state.[1066] It appears that in some cases the most perishable, in others the most durable, portions of plants are preserved, variations which doubtless depend on the time when the mineral matter was supplied. If introduced immediately, on the first commencement of decomposition, then the most destructible parts are lapidified, while the more durable do not waste away till afterwards, when the supply has failed, and so never become petrified. The converse of these circ.u.mstances gives rise to exactly opposite results.

Professor Goppert, of Breslau, has inst.i.tuted a series of curious experiments, in which he has succeeded in producing some very remarkable imitations of fossil petrifactions. He placed recent ferns between soft layers of clay, dried these in the shade, and then slowly and gradually heated them, till they were red-hot. The result was the production of so perfect a counterpart of fossil plants as might have deceived an experienced geologist. According to the different degrees of heat applied, the plants were obtained in a brown or perfectly carbonized condition; and sometimes, but more rarely, they were in a black s.h.i.+ning state, adhering closely to the layer of clay. If the red heat was sustained until all the organic matter was burnt up, only an impression of the plant remained.

The same chemist steeped plants in a moderately strong solution of sulphate of iron, and left them immersed in it for several days, until they were thoroughly soaked in the liquid. They were then dried, and kept heated until they would no longer shrink in volume, and until every trace of organic matter had disappeared. On cooling them he found that the oxide formed by this process had taken the form of the plants. A variety of other experiments were made by steeping animal and vegetable substances in siliceous, calcareous, and metallic solutions, and all tended to prove that the mineralization of organic bodies can be carried much farther in a short time than had been previously supposed.[1067]

_Imbedding of the Remains of Insects._

I have observed the elytra and other parts of beetles in a band of fissile clay, separating two beds of recent sh.e.l.l-marl, in the Loch of Kinnordy in Forfars.h.i.+re. Amongst these, Mr. Curtis recognized _Elator lincatus_ and _Atopa cervina_, species still living in Scotland. These, as well as other remains which accompanied them, appear to belong to terrestrial, not aquatic species, and must have been carried down in muddy water during an inundation. In the lacustrine peat of the same locality, the elytra of beetles are not uncommon; but in the deposits of drained lakes generally, and in the silt of our estuaries, the relics of this cla.s.s of the animal kingdom are rare. In the blue clay of very modern origin of Lewes levels, Dr. Mantell has found the Indusia, or cases of the larvae of Phryganea, in abundance, with minute belonging to the genera Planorbis, Limnea, &c., adhering to them.[1068]

When speaking of the migrations of insects, I pointed out that an immense number are floated into lakes and seas by rivers, or blown by winds far from the land; but they are so buoyant that we can only suppose them, under very peculiar circ.u.mstances, to sink to the bottom before they are either devoured by insectivorous animals or decomposed.

_Remains of Reptiles._

As the bodies of several crocodiles were found in the mud brought down to the sea by the river inundation which attended an earthquake in Java, in the year 1699, we may imagine that extraordinary floods of mud may stifle many individuals of the shoals of alligators and other reptiles which frequent lakes and the deltas of rivers in tropical climates.

Thousands of frogs were found leaping about among the wreck, carried into the sea by the inundations in Morays.h.i.+re, in 1829;[1069] and it is evident that whenever a sea-cliff is undermined, or land is swept by other violent causes into the sea, land reptiles may be carried in.

_Remains of Birds._

We might have antic.i.p.ated that the imbedding of the remains of birds in new strata would be of very rare occurrence; for their powers of flight insure them against peris.h.i.+ng, by numerous casualties to which quadrupeds are exposed during floods; and if they chance to be drowned, or to die when swimming on the water, it will scarcely ever happen that they will be submerged so as to become preserved in sedimentary deposits. In consequence of the hollow tubular structure of their bones and the quant.i.ty of their feathers, they are extremely light in proportion to their volume; so that when first killed they do not sink to the bottom like quadrupeds, but float on the surface until the carca.s.s either rots away or is devoured by predaceous animals. To these causes we may ascribe the absence of any vestige of the bones of birds in the recent marl formations of Scotland; although these lakes, until the moment when they were artificially drained, were frequented by a great abundance of waterfowl.

_Imbedding of Terrestrial Quadrupeds._

River inundations recur in most climates at very irregular intervals, and expend their fury on those rich alluvial plains where herds of herbivorous quadrupeds congregate together. These animals are often surprised; and, being unable to stem the current, are hurried along until they are drowned, when they sink at first immediately to the bottom. Here their bodies are drifted along, together with sediment, into lakes or seas, and may then be covered by a ma.s.s of mud, sand, and pebbles, thrown down upon them. If there be no sediment superimposed, the gases generated by putrefaction usually cause the bodies to rise again to the surface about the ninth, or at latest the fourteenth day.

The pressure of a thin covering of mud would not be sufficient to retain them at the bottom; for we see the putrid of dogs and cats, even in rivers, floating with considerable weights attached to them, and in sea-water they would be still more buoyant.

Where the body is so buried in drift sand, or mud acc.u.mulated upon it, as never to rise again, the skeleton may be preserved entire; but if it comes again to the surface while in the process of putrefaction, the bones commonly fall piecemeal from the floating carca.s.s, and may in that case be scattered at random over the bottom of the lake, estuary, or sea; so that a jaw may afterwards be found in one place, a rib in another, a humerus in a third--all included, perhaps, in a matrix of fine materials, where there may be evidence of slight transporting power in the current, or even of none, but simply of some chemical precipitate.

A large number of the bodies of drowned animals, if they float into the sea or a lake, especially in hot climates, are instantly devoured by sharks, alligators, and other carnivorous beasts, which may have power to digest even the bones; but during extraordinary floods, when the greatest number of land animals are destroyed, the waters are commonly so turbid, especially at the bottom of the channel, that even aquatic species are compelled to escape into some retreat where there is clearer water, lest they should be stifled. For this reason, as well as the rapidity of sedimentary deposition at such seasons, the probability of becoming permanently imbedded is considerable.

_Flood in the Solway Firth, 1794._--One of the most memorable floods of modern date, in our island, is that which visited part of the southern borders of Scotland, on the 24th of January, 1794, and which spread particular devastation over the country adjoining the Solway Firth.

We learn from the account of Captain Napier, that the heavy rains had swollen every stream which entered the Firth of Solway; so that the inundation not only carried away a great number of cattle and sheep, but many of the herdsmen and shepherds, was.h.i.+ng down their bodies into the estuary. After the storm, when the flood subsided, an extraordinary spectacle was seen on a large sand-bank called "the beds of Esk," where there is a meeting of the tidal waters, and where heavy bodies are usually left stranded after great floods. On this single bank were found collected together the bodies of 9 black cattle, 3 horses, 1840 sheep, 45 dogs, 180 hares, besides a great number of smaller animals, and, mingled with the rest, the corpses of two men and one woman.[1070]

_Floods in Scotland, 1829._--In those more recent floods in Scotland, in August, 1829, whereby a fertile district on the east coast became a scene of dreadful desolation, a vast number of animals and plants were washed from the land, and found scattered about after the storm, around the mouths of the rivers. An eye-witness thus describes the scene which presented itself at the mouth of the Spey, in Morays.h.i.+re:--"For several miles along the beach crowds were employed in endeavoring to save the wood and other wreck with which the heavy-rolling tide was loaded; whilst the margin of the sea was strewed with the of domestic animals, and with millions of dead hares and rabbits."[1071]

_Savannahs of South America._--We are informed by Humboldt, that during the periodical swellings of the large rivers in South America great numbers of quadrupeds are annually drowned. Of the wild horses, for example, which graze in immense troops in the savannahs, thousands are said to perish when the river Apure, a tributary of the Orinoco, is swollen, before they have time to reach the rising ground of the Llanos.

The mares, during the season of high water, may be seen, followed by their colts, swimming about and feeding on the gra.s.s, of which the top alone waves above the waters. In this state they are pursued by crocodiles; and their thighs frequently bear the prints of the teeth of these carnivorous reptiles. "Such is the pliability," observes the celebrated traveller, "of the organization of the animals which man has subjected to his sway, that horses, cows, and other species of European origin, lead, for a time, an amphibious life, surrounded by crocodiles, water-serpents, and manatees. When the rivers return again into their beds, they roam in the savannah, which is then spread over with a fine odoriferous gra.s.s, and enjoy, as in their native climate, the renewed vegetation of spring."[1072]

_Floods of the Parana._--The great number of animals which are drowned in seasons of drought in the tributaries of the Plata, was before mentioned. Sir W. Parish states, that the Parana, flowing from the mountains of Brazil to the estuary of the Plata, is liable to great floods, and during one of these, in the year 1812, vast quant.i.ties of cattle were carried away, "and when the waters began to subside, and the islands which they had covered became again visible, the whole atmosphere for a time was poisoned by the effluvia from the innumerable of skunks, capybaras, tigers, and other wild beasts which had been drowned."[1073]

_Floods of the Ganges._--We find it continually stated, by those who describe the Ganges and Burrampooter, that these rivers carry before them, during the flood season, not only floats of reeds and timber, but dead bodies of men, deer, and oxen.[1074]

_In Java, 1699._--I have already referred to the effects of a flood which attended an earthquake in Java in 1699, when the turbid waters of the Batavian river destroyed all the fish except the carp; and when drowned buffaloes, tigers, rhinoceroses, deer, apes, and other wild beasts, were brought down to the sea-coast by the current, with several crocodiles which had been stifled in the mud. (See above, p. 503.)

On the western side of the same island, in the territory of Galongoon, in the Regencies, a more recent volcanic eruption (that of 1822, before described) (see above, p. 431) was attended by a flood, during which the river Tandoi bore down hundreds of of rhinoceroses and buffaloes, and swept away more than one hundred men and women from a mult.i.tude a.s.sembled on its banks to celebrate a festival. Whether the bodies reached the sea, or were deposited, with drift matter, in some large intervening alluvial plains, we are not informed.[1075]

_Sumatra._--"On the coast of Orissa," says Heynes, "I have seen tigers and whole herds of black cattle carried along by what are called freshes, and trees of immense size."[1076]

_In Virginia, 1771._--I might enumerate a great number of local deluges that have swept through the fertile lands bordering on large rivers, especially in tropical countries, but I should surpa.s.s the limits a.s.signed to this work. I may observe, however, that the destruction of the islands, in rivers, is often attended with great loss of lives. Thus when the river in Virginia rose, in 1771, to the height of twenty-five feet above its ordinary level, it swept entirely away Elk Island, on which were seven hundred head of quadrupeds,--horses, oxen, sheep, and hogs,--and nearly one hundred houses.[1077]

The reader will gather, from what was before said respecting the deposition of sediment by aqueous causes, that the greater number of the remains of quadrupeds drifted away by rivers must be intercepted by lakes before they reach the sea, or buried in freshwater formations near the mouths of rivers. If they are carried still farther, the probabilities are increased of their rising to the surface in a state of putrefaction, and, in that case, of being there devoured by aquatic beasts of prey, or of subsiding into some spots whither no sediment is conveyed, and, consequently, where every vestige of them will, in the course of time, disappear.

_Skeletons of animals in recent sh.e.l.l-marl, Scotland._--In some instances, the skeletons of quadrupeds are met with abundantly in recent sh.e.l.l-marls in Scotland, where we cannot suppose them to have been imbedded by the action of rivers or floods. They all belong to species which now inhabit, or are known to have been indigenous in Scotland. The remains of several hundred skeletons have been procured within the last century from five or six small lakes in Forfars.h.i.+re, where sh.e.l.l-marl has been worked. Those of the stag (_Cervus Elaphas_) are most numerous; and if the others be arranged in the order of their relative abundance, they will nearly follow thus--the ox, the boar, the horse, the sheep, the dog, the hare, the fox, the wolf, and the cat. The beaver seems extremely rare; but it has been found in the sh.e.l.l-marl of Loch Marlie, in Perths.h.i.+re, and in the parish of Edrom, in Berwicks.h.i.+re.

In the greater part of these lake-deposits there are no signs of floods; and the expanse of water was originally so confined, that the smallest of the above-mentioned quadrupeds could have crossed, by swimming from one sh.o.r.e to the other. Deer, and such species as take readily to the water, may often have been mired in trying to land, where the bottom was soft and quaggy, and in their efforts to escape may have plunged deeper into the marly bottom. Some individuals, I suspect, of different species, have fallen in when crossing the frozen surface in winter; for nothing can be more treacherous than the ice when covered with snow, in consequence of the springs, which are numerous, and which, retaining always an equal temperature, cause the ice, in certain spots, to be extremely thin, while in every other part of the lake it is strong enough to bear the heaviest weights.

_Mammiferous remains in marine strata._--As the bones of mammalia are often so abundantly preserved in peat, and such lakes as have just been described, the encroachments of a sea upon a coast may sometimes throw down the imbedded skeletons, so that they may be carried away by tides and currents, and entombed in submarine formations. Some of the smaller quadrupeds, also, which burrow in the ground, as well as reptiles and every species of plant, are liable to be cast down into the waves by this cause, which must not be overlooked, although probably of comparatively small importance amongst the numerous agents whereby terrestrial organic remains are included in submarine strata.

During the great earthquake of Conception in 1835, some cattle, which were standing on the steep sides of the island of Quiriquina, were rolled by the shock into the sea, while on a low island at the head of the Bay of Conception seventy animals were washed off by a great wave and drowned.[1078]



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