Principles of Geology Part 53

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The south of Africa is spread out into fine level plains from the tropic to the Cape. In this region, says Pennant, besides the horse genus, of which five species have been found, there are also peculiar species of rhinoceros, the hog, and the hyrax, among pachydermatous races; and amongst the ruminating, the Cape buffalo, and a variety of remarkable antelopes, as the springbok, the oryx, the gnou, the leucophoe, the pygarga, and several others.[874]

4thly. The a.s.semblage of quadrupeds in _Madagascar_ affords a striking ill.u.s.tration of the laws before alluded to, as governing the distribution of species in islands. Separated from Africa by the Mozambique channel, which is 300 miles wide, Madagascar forms, with two or three small islands in its immediate vicinity, a zoological province by itself, all the species except one, and nearly all the genera, being peculiar. The only exception consists of a small insectivorous quadruped (_Centetes_), found also in the Mauritius, to which place it is supposed to have been taken in s.h.i.+ps. The most characteristic feature of this remarkable fauna consists in the number of quadrumana of the Lemur family, no less than six genera of these monkeys being exclusively met with in this island, and a seventh genus of the same, called _Galago_, which alone has any foreign representative, being found, as we might from a.n.a.logy have antic.i.p.ated, in the nearest main land. Had the species of quadrupeds in Madagascar agreed with those of the contiguous parts of Africa, as do those of England with the rest of Europe, the naturalist would have inferred that there had been a land communication since the period of the coming in of the existing quadrupeds, whereas we may now conclude that the Mozambique channel has const.i.tuted an insuperable barrier to the fusion of the continental fauna with that of the great island during the whole period that has elapsed since the living species were created.

5thly. Another of the great nations of terrestrial mammalia is that of _India_, containing a great variety of peculiar forms, such as the sloth-bear (_Prochilus_), the musk-deer (_Moscus_), the nylghau, the gibbon or long-armed ape, and many others.

6thly. A portion of the islands of the _Indian archipelago_ might, perhaps, be considered by some geologists as an appendage of the same province. In fact, we find in the large islands of Java, Sumatra, and Borneo, the same genera, for the most part, as on the continent of India, and some of the same species, _e. g._ the tapir (_Tapirus Malaya.n.u.s_), the rhinoceros of Sumatra, and some others. Most of the species, however, are distinct, and each island has many, and even a few genera, peculiar to itself. Between eighty and ninety species are known to inhabit Java, and nearly the same number occur in Sumatra. Of these, more than half are common to the two islands. Borneo, which is much less explored, has yielded already upwards of sixty species, more than half of which are met with either in Java or Sumatra. Of the species inhabiting Sumatra and not found in Java, Borneo contains the greater portion. Upon the whole, if these three large islands were united, and a fusion of their respective indigenous mammalia should take place, they would present a fauna related to that of continental India, and comprising about as many species as we might expect from a.n.a.logy to discover in an area of equal extent. The Philippine Islands are peopled with another a.s.semblage of species generically related to the great Indian type.

7thly. But the islands of Celebes, Amboina, Timor, and _New Guinea_, const.i.tute a different region of mammalia more allied to the Australian type, as having an intermixture of marsupial quadrupeds, yet showing an affinity also to the Indian in such forms as the deer (_Cervus_), the weasel (_Viverra_), the pig (_Sus_), the Macaque monkey (_Cercopithecus_), and others. As we proceed in a south-westerly direction, from Celebes to Amboina and thence to New Guinea, we find the Indian types diminis.h.i.+ng in number, and the Australian (_i. e._ marsupial forms) increasing. Thus in New Guinea seven species of pouched quadrupeds have been detected, and among them two singular tree-kangaroos; yet only one species of the whole seven, viz. the flying opossum (_Petauris ariel_), is common to the Indian archipelago and the main land of Australia. The greater the zoological affinity, therefore, between the latter and the New Guinea fauna, although it seems in some way connected with geographical proximity, is not to be explained simply by the mutual migration of species from the one to the other.

8thly. When _Australia_ was discovered, its land quadrupeds, belonging almost exclusively to the marsupial or pouched tribe, such as the kangaroos, wombats, flying opossums, kangaroo-rats, and others, some feeding on herbs and fruits, others carnivorous, were so novel in their structure and aspect, that they appeared to the naturalist almost as strange as if they were the inhabitants of some other planet. We learn from the recent investigations of Mr. Waterhouse,[875] that no less than 170 species of marsupial quadrupeds have now been determined, and of the whole number all but thirty-two are exclusively restricted to Australia.

Of these thirty-two, nine belong to the islands in the Indian archipelago before mentioned, and the other twenty-three are all species of opossum inhabiting the tropical parts of South America, or a few of them extending into Mexico and California, and one, the Virginian opossum, into the United States.

9thly. It only remains for me to say something of the mammiferous fauna of _North_ and _South America_. It has often been said that, where the three continents of Asia, Europe, and North America, approach very near to each other towards the pole, the whole arctic region forms one zoological and botanical province. The narrow straits which separate the old and new world are frozen over in winter, and the distance is farther lessened by intervening islands. Many plants and animals of various have accordingly spread over all the arctic lands, being sometimes carried in the same manner as the polar bear, when it is drifted on floating ice from Greenland to Iceland. But on a close inspection of the arctic mammalia, it has been found of late years that a very small number of the American species are identical with those of Europe or Asia. The genera are, in great part, the same or nearly allied; but the species are rarely identical, and are often very unlike, as in the case of the American badger and that of Europe. Some of the _genera_ of arctic America, such as the musk ox (_Ovibos_), are quite peculiar, and the distinctness of the fauna of the great continents goes on increasing in proportion as we trace them southwards, or as they recede farther from each other, and become more and more separated by the ocean. At length we find that the three groups of tropical mammalia, belonging severally to America, Africa, and India, have not a single species in common.

The predominant influence of climate over all the other causes which limit the range of species in the mammalia is perhaps nowhere so conspicuously displayed as in North America. The arctic fauna, so admirably described by Sir John Richardson, has scarcely any species in common with the fauna of the state of New York, which is 600 miles farther south, and comprises about forty distinct mammifers. If again we travel farther south about 600 miles, and enter another zone, running east and west, in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and the contiguous states, we again meet with a new a.s.semblage of land quadrupeds, and this again differs from the fauna of Texas, where frosts are unknown. It will be observed that on this continent there are no great geographical barriers running east and west, such as high snow-clad mountains, barren deserts, or wide arms of the sea, capable of checking the free migration of species from north to south. But notwithstanding the distinctness of those zones of indigenous mammalia, there are some species, such as the buffalo (_Bison America.n.u.s_), the rac.o.o.n (_Procyon lotor_), and the Virginian opossum (_Didelphis Virginiana_), which have a wider habitation, ranging almost from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico; but they form exceptions to the general rule. The opossum of Texas (_Didelphis carnivora_) is different from that of Virginia, and other species of the same genus inhabit westward of the Rocky Mountains, in California, for example, where almost all the mammalia differ from those of the United States.

10thly. The _West Indian_ land quadrupeds are not numerous, but several of them are peculiar; and 11thly, _South America_ is the most distinct, with the exception of Australia, of all the provinces into which the mammalia can be cla.s.sed geographically. The various genera of monkeys, for example, belong to the family Platyrrhini, a large natural division of the quadrumana, so named from their widely separated nostrils. They have a peculiar dent.i.tion, and many of them prehensile tails, and are entirely unknown in other quarters of the globe. The sloths and armadillos, the true blood-sucking bats or vampyres (_Phyllostomidae_), the capybara, the largest of the rodents, the carnivorous coatimondi (_Nasua_), and a great many other forms, are also exclusively characteristic of South America.

"In Peru and Chili," says Humboldt, "the region of the, which is at an elevation of from 12,300 to 15,400 feet, is inhabited by crowds of lama, guanaco, and alpaca. These quadrupeds, which here represent the genus camel of the ancient continent, have not extended themselves either to Brazil or Mexico; because, during their journey, they must necessarily have descended into regions that were too hot for them."[876] In this pa.s.sage it will be seen that the doctrine of "specific centres" is tacitly a.s.sumed.

_Quadrupeds in Islands._--Islands remote from continents, especially those of small size, are either dest.i.tute of quadrupeds, except such as have been conveyed to them by man, or contain species peculiar to them.

In the Galapagos archipelago no indigenous quadrupeds were found except one mouse, which is supposed to be distinct from any hitherto found elsewhere. A peculiar species of fox is indigenous in the Falkland Islands, and a rat in New Zealand, which last country, notwithstanding its magnitude, is dest.i.tute of other mammalia, except bats, and these, says Dr. Prichard, may have made their way along the chain of islands which extend from the of New Guinea far into the Southern Pacific. The same author remarks, that among the various groups of fertile islands in the Pacific, no quadrupeds have been met with except the rat and a few bats as above mentioned, and the dog and hog, which appear to have been conveyed thither by the natives from New Guinea.

"Rats are to be found even on some desert islands, whither they may have been conveyed by canoes which have occasionally approached the sh.o.r.e. It is known, also, that rats occasionally swim in large numbers to considerable distances."[877]

_Geographical range of the Cetacea._--It is natural to suppose that the geographical range of the different species of Cetacea should be less correctly ascertained than that of the terrestrial mammifers. It is, however, well known that the whales which are obtained by our fishers in the South Seas are distinct from those of the North; and the same dissimilarity has been found in all the other marine animals, of the same cla.s.s, so far as they have yet been studied by naturalists.

_Dispersion of quadrupeds._--Let us now inquire what facilities the various land quadrupeds enjoy of spreading themselves over the surface of the earth. In the first place, as their numbers multiply, all of them, whether they feed on plants, or prey on other animals, are disposed to scatter themselves gradually over as wide an area as is accessible to them. But before they have extended their migrations over a large s.p.a.ce, they are usually arrested either by the sea, or a zone of uncongenial climate, or some lofty and unbroken chain of mountains, or a tract already occupied by a hostile and more powerful species.

_Their powers of swimming._--Rivers and narrow friths can seldom interfere with their progress; for the greater part of them swim well, and few are without this power when urged by danger and pressing want.

Thus, amongst beasts of prey, the tiger is seen swimming about among the islands and creeks in the delta of the Ganges, and the jaguar traverses with ease the largest streams in South America.[878] The bear, also, and the bison, cross the current of the Mississippi. The popular error, that the common swine cannot escape by swimming when thrown into the water, has been contradicted by several curious and well-authenticated instances during the floods in Scotland of 1829. One pig, only six months old, after having been carried down from Garmouth to the bar at the mouth of the Spey, a distance of a quarter of a mile, swam four miles eastward to Port Gordon, and landed safe. Three others, of the same age and litter, swam, at the same time, five miles to the west, and landed at Blackhill.[879]

In an adult and wild state, these animals would doubtless have been more strong and active, and might, when hard pressed, have performed a much longer voyage. Hence islands remote from the continent may obtain inhabitants by casualties which, like the late storms in Morays.h.i.+re, may only occur once in many centuries, or thousands of years, under all the same circ.u.mstances. It is obvious that powerful tides, winds, and currents may sometimes carry along quadrupeds capable, in like manner, of preserving themselves for hours in the sea, to very considerable distances; and in this way, perhaps, the tapir (_Tapir Indicus_) may have become common to Sumatra and the Malayan peninsula.

To the elephant, in particular, the power of crossing rivers is essential in a wild state, for the quant.i.ty of food which a herd of these animals consumes renders it necessary that they should be constantly moving from place to place. The elephant crosses the stream in two ways. If the bed of the river be hard, and the water not of too great a depth, he fords it. But when he crosses great rivers, such as the Ganges and the Niger, the elephant swims deep, so deep, that the end of his trunk only is out of the water; for it is a matter of indifference to him whether his body be completely immersed, provided he can bring the tip of his trunk to the surface, so as to breathe the external air.

Animals of the deer kind frequently take to the water, especially in the rutting season, when the stags are seen, swimming for several leagues at a time, from island to island, in search of the does, especially in the Canadian lakes; and in some countries where there are islands near the sea-sh.o.r.e, they fearlessly enter the sea and swim to them. In hunting excursions, in North America, the elk of that country is frequently pursued for great distances through the water.

The large herbivorous animals, which are gregarious, can never remain long in a confined region, as they consume so much vegetable food. The immense herds of bisons (_Bos America.n.u.s_) which often, in the great valleys of the Mississippi and its tributaries blacken the surface of the prairie lands, are continually s.h.i.+fting their quarters, followed by wolves, which prowl about in their rear. "It is no exaggeration," says Mr. James, "to a.s.sert, that in one place, on the banks of the Platte, at least ten thousand bisons burst on our sight in an instant. In the morning, we again sought the living picture; but upon all the plain, which last evening was so teeming with n.o.ble animals, not one remained."[880]

_Migratory instincts._--Besides the disposition common to the individuals of every species slowly to extend their range in search of food, in proportion as their numbers augment, a migratory instinct often developes itself in an extraordinary manner, when, after an unusually prolific season, or upon a sudden scarcity of provisions, great mult.i.tudes are threatened by famine. It may be useful to enumerate some examples of these migrations, because they may put us upon our guard against attributing a high antiquity to a particular species merely because it is diffused over a great s.p.a.ce; they show clearly how soon, in a state of nature, a newly created species might spread itself, in every direction, from a single point.

In very severe winters, great numbers of the black bears of America migrate from Canada into the United States; but in milder seasons, when they have been well fed, they remain and hybernate in the north.[881]

The rein-deer, which, in Scandinavia, can scarcely exist to the south of the sixty-fifth parallel, descends, in consequence of the greater coldness of the climate, to the fiftieth degree in Chinese Tartary, and often roves into a country of more southern lat.i.tude than any part of England.

In Lapland, and other high lat.i.tudes, the common squirrels, whenever they are compelled, by want of provisions, to quit their usual abodes, migrate in amazing numbers, and travel directly forwards, allowing neither rocks nor forests, nor the broadest waters, to turn them from their course. Great numbers are often drowned in attempting to pa.s.s friths and rivers. In like manner the small Norway rat sometimes pursues its migrations in a straight line across rivers and lakes; and Pennant informs us, that when the rats, in Kamtschatka, become too numerous, they gather together in the spring, and proceed in great bodies westward, swimming over rivers, lakes, and arms of the sea. Many are drowned or destroyed by water-fowl or fish. As soon as they have crossed the river Penginsk, at the head of the gulf of the same name, they turn southward, and reach the rivers Judoma and Okotsk by the middle of July; a district more than 800 miles distant from their point of departure.

The lemings, also, a small kind of rat, are described as natives of the mountains of Kolen, in Lapland; and once or twice in a quarter of a century they appear in vast numbers, advancing along the ground, and "devouring every green thing." Innumerable bands march from the Kolen, through Nordland and Finmark, to the Western Ocean, which they immediately enter; and after swimming about for some time, perish. Other bands take their route through Swedish Lapland, to the Bothnian Gulf, where they are drowned in the same manner. They are followed in their journeys by bears, wolves, and foxes, which prey upon them incessantly.

They generally move in lines, which are about three feet from each other, and exactly parallel, going directly forward through rivers and lakes; and when they meet with stacks of hay or corn, gnawing their way through them instead of pa.s.sing round.[882] These excursions usually precede a rigorous winter, of which the lemings seem in some way forewarned.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 97.

The Leming, or Lapland Marmot (Mus Lemmus, Linn.)]

Vast troops of the wild a.s.s, or _onager_ of the ancients, which inhabit the mountainous deserts of Great Tartary, feed, during the summer, in the tracts east and north of Lake Aral. In the autumn they collect in herds of hundreds, and even thousands, and direct their course towards Persia, to enjoy a warm retreat during winter.[883] Bands of two or three hundred quaggas, a species of wild a.s.s, are sometimes seen to migrate from the tropical plains of southern Africa to the vicinity of the Malaleveen River. During their migrations they are followed by lions, who slaughter them night by night.[884]

The migratory swarms of the springbok, or Cape antelope, afford another ill.u.s.tration of the rapidity with which a species under certain circ.u.mstances may be diffused over a continent. When the stagnant pools of the immense deserts south of the Orange River dry up, which often happens after intervals of three or four years, myriads of these animals desert the parched soil, and pour down like a deluge on the cultivated regions near the Cape. The havoc committed by them resembles that of the African locusts; and so crowded are the herds, that "the lion has been seen to walk in the midst of the compressed phalanx with only as much room between him and his victims as the fears of those immediately around could procure by pressing outwards."[885]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 98.

Mydaus meliceps, or badger-headed Mydaus. Length, including the tail, 16 inches.]

Dr. Horsfield mentions a singular fact in regard to the geographical distribution of the _Mydaus meliceps_, an animal intermediate between the polecat and badger. It inhabits Java, and is "confined exclusively to those mountains which have an elevation of more than seven thousand feet above the level of the ocean; on these it occurs with the same regularity as many plants. The long extended surface of Java, abounding with conical points which exceed this elevation, affords many places favorable for its resort. On ascending these mountains, the traveller scarcely fails to meet with this animal, which, from its peculiarities, is universally known to the inhabitants of these elevated tracts, while to those of the plains it is as strange to an animal from a foreign county. In my visits to the mountainous districts, I uniformly met with it; and, as far as the information of the natives can be relied on, it is found on all the mountains."[886]

Now, if asked to conjecture how the Mydaus arrived at the elevated regions of each of these isolated mountains, we might say that, before the island was peopled by man, by whom their numbers are now thinned, they may occasionally have multiplied so as to be forced to collect together and migrate: in which case notwithstanding the slowness of their motions, some few would succeed in reaching another mountain, some twenty, or even, perhaps, fifty miles distant; for although the climate of the hot intervening plains would be unfavourable to them, they might support it for a time, and would find there abundance of insects on which they feed. Volcanic eruptions, which, at different times have covered the summits of some of those lofty cones with sterile sand and ashes, may have occasionally contributed to force on these migrations.

_Drifting of animals on ice-floes._--The power of the terrestrial mammalia to cross the sea is very limited, and it was before stated that the same species is scarcely ever common to districts widely separated by the ocean. If there be some exceptions to this rule, they generally admit of explanation; for there are natural means whereby some animals may be floated across the water, and the sea may in the course of ages wear a wide pa.s.sage through a neck of land, leaving individuals of a species on each side of the new channel. Polar bears are known to have been frequently drifted on the ice from Greenland to Iceland; they can also swim to considerable distances, for Captain Parry, on the return of his s.h.i.+ps through Barrow's Straits, met with a bear swimming in the water about midway between the, which were about forty miles apart, and where no ice was in sight.[887] "Near the east coast of Greenland," observes Scoresby, "they have been seen on the ice in such quant.i.ties, that they were compared to flocks of sheep on a common; and they are often found on field-ice, above two hundred miles from the sh.o.r.e."[888] Wolves, in the arctic regions, often venture upon the ice near the sh.o.r.e, for the purpose of preying upon young seals which they surprise when asleep. When these ice-floes get detached, the wolves are often carried out to sea; and though some may be drifted to islands or continents, the greater part of them perish, and have been often heard in this situation howling dreadfully, as they die by famine.[889]

During the short summer which visits Melville Island, various plants push forth their leaves and flowers the moment the snow is off the ground, and form a carpet spangled with the most lively colours. These secluded spots are reached annually by herds of musk-oxen and reindeer, which travel immense distances over dreary and desolate regions, to graze undisturbed on these luxuriant pastures.[890] The rein-deer often pa.s.s along in the same manner, by the chain of the Aleutian Islands, from Behring's Straits to Kamtschatka, subsisting on the moss found in these islands during their pa.s.sage.[891] But the musk-ox, notwithstanding its migratory habits, and its long journeys over the ice, does not exist, either in Asia or Greenland.[892]

_On floating islands of drift-wood._--Within the tropics there are no ice-floes; but, as if to compensate for that mode of transportation, there are floating islets of matted trees, which are often borne along through considerable s.p.a.ces. These are sometimes seen sailing at the distance of fifty or one hundred miles from the mouth of the Ganges, with living trees standing erect upon them. The Amazon, the Congo, and the Orinoco, also produce these verdant rafts, which are formed in the manner already described when speaking of the great raft of the Atchafalaya, an arm of the Mississippi, where a natural bridge of timber, ten miles long, and more than two hundred yards wide, existed for more than forty years, supporting a luxuriant vegetation, and rising and sinking with the water which flowed beneath it.

On these green islets of the Mississippi, observes Malte-Brun, young trees take root, and the pistia and nenuphar display their yellow flowers: serpents, birds, and the cayman alligator, come to repose there, and all are sometimes carried to the sea and engulphed in its waters.[893]

Spix and Martius relate that, during their travels in Brazil, they were exposed to great danger while ascending the Amazon in a canoe, from the vast quant.i.ty of drift-wood constantly propelled against them by the current; so much so, that their safety depended on the crew being always on the alert to turn aside the trunks of trees with long poles. The tops alone of some trees appeared above water, others had their roots attached to them with so much soil that they might be compared to floating islets. On these, say the travellers, we saw some very singular a.s.semblages of animals, pursuing peacefully their uncertain way in strange companions.h.i.+p. On one raft were several grave-looking storks, perched by the side of a party of monkeys, who made comical gestures, and burst into loud cries, on seeing the canoe. On another was seen a number of ducks and divers, sitting by a group of squirrels. Next came down upon the stem of a large rotten cedar tree, an enormous crocodile, by the side of a tiger-cat, both animals regarding each other with hostility and mistrust, but the saurian being evidently most at his ease, as conscious of his superior strength.[894]

Similar green rafts, composed of canes and brushwood, are called "camelotes" on the Parana in South America; and they are occasionally carried down by inundations, bearing on them the tiger, cayman, squirrels, and other quadrupeds, which are said to be always terror-stricken on their floating habitation. No less than four tigers (pumas) were landed in this manner in one night at Monte Video, lat. 35 S., to the great alarm of the inhabitants, who found them prowling about the streets in the morning.[895]

In a memoir lately published, a naval officer relates that, as he returned from China by the eastern pa.s.sage, he fell in, among the Moluccas, with several small floating islands of this kind, covered with mangrove trees interwoven with underwood. The trees and shrubs retained their verdure, receiving nourishment from a stratum of soil which formed a white beach round the margin of each raft, where it was exposed to the was.h.i.+ng of the waves and the rays of the sun.[896] The occurrence of soil in such situations may easily be explained; for all the natural bridges of timber which occasionally connect the islands of the Ganges, Mississippi, and other rivers, with their banks, are exposed to floods of water, densely charged with sediment.

Captain W. H. Smyth informs me, that, when cruising in the Cornwallis amidst the Philippine Islands, he has more than once seen, after those dreadful hurricanes called typhoons, floating of wood, with trees growing upon them, and s.h.i.+ps have sometimes been in imminent peril, as often as these islands were mistaken for terra firma, when, in fact, they were in rapid motion.

It is highly interesting to trace, in imagination, the effects of the pa.s.sage of these rafts from the mouth of a large river to some archipelago, such as those in the South Pacific, raised from the deep, in comparatively modern times, by the operations of the volcano and the earthquake, and the joint labours of coral animals and testacea. If a storm arise, and the frail vessel be wrecked, still many a bird and insect may succeed in gaining, by flight, some island of the newly formed group, while the seeds and berries of herbs and shrubs, which fall into the waves, may be thrown upon the strand. But if the surface of the deep be calm, and the rafts are carried along by a current, or wafted by some slight breath of air fanning the foliage of the green trees, it may arrive, after a pa.s.sage of several weeks, at the bay of an island, into which its plants and animals may be poured out as from an ark, and thus a colony of several hundred new species may at once be naturalized.

The reader should be reminded, that I merely advert to the transportation of these rafts as of extremely rare and accidental occurrence; but it may account, in tropical countries, for some of the rare exceptions to the general law of the confined range of mammiferous species.

_Migrations of the Cetacea._--Many of the Cetacea, the whales of the northern seas for example, are found to desert one tract of the sea, and to visit another very distant, when they are urged by want of food, or danger. The seals also retire from the coast of Greenland in July, return again in September, and depart again in March, to return in June.

They proceed in great droves northwards, directing their course where the sea is most free from ice, and are observed to be extremely fat when they set out on this expedition, and very lean when they come home again.[897]

_Species of the Mediterranean, Black Sea, and Caspian identical._--Some naturalists have wondered that the sea-calves, dolphins, and other marine mammalia of the Mediterranean and Black Sea, should be identical with those found in the Caspian: and among other fanciful theories, they have suggested that they may dive through subterranean conduits, and thus pa.s.s from one sea into the other. But as the occurrence of wolves and other noxious animals, on both sides of the British Channel, was adduced, by Verstegan and Desmarest, as one of many arguments to prove that England and France were once united; so the correspondence of the aquatic species of the inland seas of Asia with those of the Black Sea tend to confirm the hypothesis, for which there are abundance of independent geological data, that those seas were connected together by straits at no remote period of the earth's history.

_Geographical Distribution and Migrations of Birds._

I shall now offer a few observations on some of the other divisions of the animal kingdom. Birds, notwithstanding their great locomotive powers, form no exception to the general rules already laid down; but, in this cla.s.s, as in plants and terrestrial quadrupeds, different groups of species are circ.u.mscribed within definite limits. We find, for example, one a.s.semblage in the Brazils, another in the same lat.i.tudes in Central Africa, another in India, and a fourth in New Holland. Of twenty-six different species of land birds found in the Galapagos archipelago, all, with the exception of one, are distinct from those inhabiting other parts of the globe;[898] and in other archipelagos a single island sometimes contains a species found in no other spot on the whole earth; as is exemplified in some of the parrot tribes. In this extensive family, which are, with few exceptions, inhabitants of tropical regions, the American group has not one in common with the African, nor either of these with the parrots of India.[899]

Another ill.u.s.tration is afforded by that minute and beautiful tribe, the humming-birds. The whole of them are, in the first place, peculiar to the new world; but some species are confined to Mexico, while others exist only in some of the West India Islands, and have not been found elsewhere in the western hemisphere. Yet there are species of this family which have a vast range, as the _Trochilus flammifrons_ (or _Mellisuga Kingii_), which is found over a s.p.a.ce of 2500 miles on the west coast of South America, from the hot dry country of Lima to the humid forests of Tierra del Fuego. Captain King, during his survey in the years 1826-30, found this bird at the Straits of Magellan, in the month of May--the depth of winter--sucking the flowers of a large species of fuchsia, then in bloom, in the midst of a shower of snow.

The ornithology of our own country affords one well-known and striking exemplification of the law of a limited specific range; for the common grouse (_Tetra scoticus_) occurs nowhere in the known world except in the British isles.

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