Principles of Geology Part 34

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Now we might imagine a similar event, or a series of subsidences to have formerly occurred on the eastern side of Etna, although such catastrophes have not been witnessed in modern times, or only on a very trifling scale. A narrow ravine, about a mile long, twenty feet wide, and from twenty to thirty-six in depth, has been formed, within the historical era, on the flanks of the volcano, near the town of Mascalucia; and a small circular tract, called the Cisterna, near the summit, sank down in the year 1792, to the depth of about forty feet, and left on all sides of the chasm a vertical section of the beds, exactly resembling those which are seen in the precipices of the Val del Bove. At some remote periods, therefore, we might suppose more extensive portions of the mountain to have fallen in during great earthquakes.

But we ought not to exclude entirely from our speculations another possible agency, by which the great cavity may in part at least have been excavated, namely, the denuding action of the sea. Whether its waves may once have had access to the great valley before the ancient portion of Etna was upheaved to its present elevation, is a question which will naturally present itself to every geologist. Marine have been traced to a height of 800 feet above the base of Etna, and would doubtless be seen to ascend much higher, were not the structure of the lower region of the mountain concealed by floods of lava. We cannot ascertain to what extent a change in the relative level of land and sea may have been carried in this spot, but we know that some of the tertiary strata in Sicily of no ancient date reach a height of 3000 feet, and the marine deposits on the flanks of Etna, full of recent species of, may ascend to equal or greater heights. The narrow Valley of Calanna leading out of the Val del Bove, and that of San Giacomo lower down, have much the appearance of ravines swept out by aqueous action.

_Structure and origin of the cone of Etna._--Our data for framing a correct theory of the manner in which the cone of Etna has acquired its present dimensions and internal structure are very imperfect, because it is on its eastern side only, in the Val del Bove above described, that we see a deep section exposed. Even here we obtain no insight into the interior composition of the mountain beyond a depth of between three and four thousand feet below the base of that highest cone, which has been several times destroyed and renewed. The precipices seen at the head of the Val del Bove, in the escarpment called the Serre del Solfizio, exhibit merely the same series of alternating lavas and breccias, which, descending with a general dip towards the sea, form the boundary cliffs of all other parts of the Val del Bove. If then we estimate the height of Etna at about 11,000 feet, we may say that we know from actual observation less than one-half of its component materials, a.s.suming it to extend downwards to the level of the sea; namely, first, the highest cone, which is about 1000 feet above its base; and, secondly, the alternations of lava, tuff, and volcanic breccia, which const.i.tute the rocks between the Cisterna, near the base of the upper cone, and the foot of the precipices at the head of the Val del Bove. At the lowest point to which the vertical section extends, there are no signs of any approach to a termination of the purely volcanic ma.s.s, which may perhaps penetrate many thousand feet farther downwards. There is, indeed, a rock called Rocca Gianicola, near the foot of the great escarpment, which consists of a large ma.s.s between 150 and 200 feet wide, not divided into beds, and almost resembling granite in its structure, although agreeing very closely in mineral composition with the lavas of Etna in general.[574] This ma.s.s may doubtless be taken as a representative of those crystalline or plutonic formations which would be met with in abundance if we could descend to greater depths in the direction of the central axis of the mountain. For a great body of geological evidence leads us to conclude, that rocks of this cla.s.s result from the consolidation, under great pressure, of melted matter, which has risen up and filled rents and chasms, such, for example, as may communicate with the and minor vents of eruption in a volcano like Etna.

But, if we speculate on the nature of the formation which the lava may have pierced in its way upwards, we may fairly presume that a portion of these consist of marine tertiary rocks, like those of the neighboring Val di Noto, or those which skirt the borders of the Etnean cone, on its southern and eastern sides. Etna may, in fact, have been at first an insular volcano, raising its summit but slightly above the level of the sea; but we have no grounds for concluding that any of the beds exposed in the deep section of the Val del Bove have formed a part of such a marine acc.u.mulation. On the contrary, all the usual signs of subaqueous origin are wanting; and even if we believe the foundations of the mountain to have been laid in the sea, we could not expect this portion to be made visible in sections which only proceed downwards from the summit through one-half the thickness of the mountain, especially as the highest points attained by the tertiary strata in other parts of Sicily very rarely exceed 3000 feet above the sea.

On the eastern and southern base of Etna, a marine deposit, already alluded to, is traced up to the height of 800 or 1000 feet, before it becomes concealed beneath that covering of modern lavas which is continually extending its limits during successive eruptions, and prevents us from ascertaining how much higher the marine strata may ascend. As the imbedded belong almost entirely to species now inhabiting the Mediterranean, it is evident that there has been here an upheaval of the region at the base of Etna at a very modern period. It is fair, therefore, to infer that the volcanic nucleus of the mountain, partly perhaps of submarine, and partly of subaerial origin, partic.i.p.ated in this movement, and was carried up bodily. Now, in proportion as a cone gains height by such a movement, combined with the c.u.mulative effects of eruptions, throwing out matter successively from one or more central vents, the hydrostatic pressure of the columns of lava augments with their increasing height, until the time arrives when the flanks of the cone can no longer resist the increased pressure; and from that period they give way more readily, lateral outbursts becoming more frequent. Hence, independently of any local expansion of the fractured volcanic ma.s.s, those general causes by which the modern tertiary strata of a great part of Sicily have been raised to the height of several thousand feet above their original level, would tend naturally to render the discharge of lava and scoriae from the summit of Etna less copious, and the lateral discharge greater.

If, then, a conical or dome-shaped ma.s.s of volcanic materials was acc.u.mulated to the height of 4000, or perhaps 7000 feet, before the upward movement began, or, what is much more probable, during the continuance of the upward movement, that ancient ma.s.s would not be buried under the products of newer eruptions, because these last would then be poured out chiefly at a lower level.

Since I visited Etna in 1828, M. de Beaumont has published a most valuable memoir on the structure and origin of that mountain, which he examined in 1834;[575] and an excellent description of it has also appeared in the posthumous work of Hoffmann.[576]

In M. de Beaumont's essay, in which he has explained his views with uncommon perspicuity and talent, he maintains that all the alternating stony and fragmentary beds, more than 3000 feet thick, which are exposed in the Val del Bove, were formed originally on a surface so nearly flat that the slope never exceeded three degrees. From this horizontal position they were at length heaved up suddenly (d'un seul coup) into a great mountain, to which no important additions have since been made.

Prior to this upthrow, a platform is supposed to have existed above the level of the sea, in which various fissures opened; and from these melted matter was poured forth again and again, which spread itself around in thin sheets of uniform thickness. From the same rents issued showers of scoriae and fragmentary matter, which were spread out so as to form equally uniform and horizontal beds, intervening between the sheets of lava. But although, by the continued repet.i.tion of these operations, a vast pile of volcanic matter, 4000 feet or more in thickness, was built up precisely in that region where Etna now rises, and to which nothing similar was produced elsewhere in Sicily, still we are told that Etna was not yet a mountain. No hypothetical diagram has been given to help us to conceive how this great ma.s.s of materials of supramarine origin could have been disposed of in horizontal beds, so as not to const.i.tute an eminence towering far above the rest of Sicily; but it is a.s.sumed that a powerful force from below at length burst suddenly through the horizontal formation, uplifted it to a considerable height, and caused the beds to be, in many places, highly inclined. This elevatory force was not all expended on a single central point as Von Buch has imagined in the case of Palma, Teneriffe, or Somma, but rather followed for a short distance a linear direction.[577]

Among other objections that may be advanced against the theory above proposed, I may mention, first, that the increasing number of dikes as we approach the head of the Val del Bove, or the middle of Etna, and the great thickness of lava, scoriae, and conglomerates in that region, imply that the great centre of eruption was always where it now is, or nearly at the same point, and there must, therefore, have been a tendency, from the beginning, to a conical or dome-shaped arrangement in the ejected materials. Secondly, were we to admit a great number of separate points of eruption, scattered over a plain or platform, there must have been a great number of cones thrown up over these different vents; and these hills, some of which would probably be as lofty as those now seen on the flanks of Etna, or from 300 to 750 feet in height, would break the continuity of the sheets of lava, while they would become gradually enveloped by them. The ejected materials, moreover, would slope at a high angle on the sides of these cones, and where they fell on the surrounding plain, would form strata thicker near the base of each cone than at a distance.

What then are the facts, it will be asked, to account for which this hypothesis of original horizontality, followed by a single and sudden effort of upheaval, which gave to the beds their present slope, has been invented? M. de Beaumont observes, that in the boundary precipices of the Val del Bove, sheets of lava and intercalated beds of cinders, mixed with pulverulent and fragmentary matter evidently cast out during eruptions, are sometimes inclined at steep angles, varying from 15 to 27. It is impossible, he says, that the lavas could have flowed originally on planes so steeply inclined, for streams which descend a slope even of 10 form narrow stripes, and never acquire such a compact texture. Their thickness, moreover, always inconsiderable, varies with every variation of steepness, in the declivity down which they flow; whereas, in several parts of the Val del Bove, the sheets of lava are continuous for great distances, in spite of their steep inclination, and are often compact, and perfectly parallel one to the other, even where there are more than 100 beds of interpolated fragmentary matter.

The intersecting dikes also terminate upwards in many instances, at different elevations, and blend (or, as M. de Beaumont terms it, articulate) with sheets of lava, which they meet at right angles. It is therefore a.s.sumed that such dikes were the feeders of the streams of lava with which they unite, and they are supposed to prove that the platform, on the surface of which the melted matter was poured out, was at first so flat, that the fluid ma.s.s spread freely and equally in every direction, and not towards one point only of the compa.s.s, as would happen if it had descended the sloping sides of a cone. This argument is ingeniously and plainly put in the following terms:--"Had the melted matter poured down an inclined plane, after issuing from a rent, the sheet of lava would, after consolidation, have formed an elbow with the dike, like the upper bar of the letter F, instead of extending itself on both sides like that of a T."[578] It is also contended that a series of sheets of lava, formed on a conical or dome-shaped mountain, would have been more numerous at points farthest from the central axis, since every dike which had been the source of a lava-stream, must have poured its contents downwards, and never upwards.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 54.

Dikes as they would now appear had they been originally perpendicular.]

In reference to the facts here stated, I may mention that the dikes which I saw in the Val del Bove were either vertical, or made almost all of them a near approach to the perpendicular, which could not have been the case had they been the feeders of horizontal beds of lava, and had they consequently joined them originally at right angles, for then the dikes, as at _a_, _b_, _c_, fig. 54, ought subsequently to have acquired a considerable slope, like the beds which they intersect. I may also urge another objection to the views above set forth, namely, that had the dikes been linear vents, or orifices of eruption, we must suppose the inter-stratified scoriae and lapilli, as well as the lavas, to have come out of them, and in that case the irregular heaping up of fragmentary matter around the vents would, as before hinted, have disturbed that uniform thickness and parallelism of the beds which M. de Beaumont describes.

If, however, some of the sheets of lava join the dikes in such a manner, as to imply that they were in a melted state simultaneously with the contents of the fissures,--a point not easily ascertained, where the precipices are for the most part inaccessible,--the fact may admit of a different interpretation from that proposed by the French geologists.

Rents like those before alluded to (p. 399), which opened in the plain of S. Lio in 1669, filled below with incandescent lava, may have lain in the way of currents of melted matter descending from higher openings. In that case, the matter of the current would have flowed into the fissure and mixed with the lava at its bottom. Numerous open rents of this kind are described by Mr. Dana as having been caused, during a late eruption, in one of the volcanic domes of the Sandwich Islands. They remained open at various heights on the slopes of the great cone, running in different directions, and demonstrate the possibility of future junctions of slightly inclined lava-streams with perpendicular walls of lava.

To me, therefore, it appears far more easy to explain the uniform thickness and parallelism of so many lavas and beds of fragmentary matter seen in the Val del Bove, by supposing them to have issued successively out of one or more higher vents near the summit of a great dome, than to imagine them to have proceeded from lateral dikes or rents opening in a level plain. In the Sandwich Islands, we have examples of volcanic domes 15,000 feet high, produced by successive outpourings from vents at or near the summit. One of these, Mount Loa, has a slope in all directions of 6 30'; another, Mount Kea, a mean inclination of 7 46'.

That their lavas may occasionally consolidate on slopes of 25, and even more, and still preserve considerable solidity of texture, has been already stated; see above, p. 383.

We know not how large a quant.i.ty of modern lava may have been poured into the bottom of the Val del Bove, yet we perceive that eruptions breaking forth near the centre of Etna have already made some progress in filling up this great hollow. Even within the memory of persons now living, the rocks of Musara and Capra have, as before stated, lost much of their height and picturesque grandeur by the piling up of recent lavas round their base (see fig. 51, p. 408), and the great chasm has intercepted many streams which would otherwise have deluged the fertile region below, as has happened on the side of Catania. The volcanic forces are now laboring, therefore, to repair the breach which subsidence has caused on one side of the great cone; and unless their energy should decline, or a new sinking take place, they may in time efface this inequality. In that event, the restored portion will always be unconformable to the more ancient part, yet it will consist, like it, of alternating beds of lava, scoriae;, and conglomerates, which, with all their irregularities, will have a general slope from the centre and summit of Etna towards the sea.

I shall conclude, then, by remarking that I conceive the general inclination of the alternating stony and fragmentary beds of the Val del Bove, from the axis of Etna towards its circ.u.mference or base, and the greater thickness of the volcanic pile as we approach the central parts of the mountain, to be due to the preponderance of eruptions from that centre. These gave rise, from the first, to a dome-shaped ma.s.s, which has ever since been increasing in height and area, being fractured again and again by the expansive force of vapors, and the several parts made to cohere together more firmly after the solidification of the lava with which every open fissure and chasm has been filled. At the same time the cone may have gained a portion of its height by the elevatory effect of such dislocating movements, and the sheets of lava may have acquired in some places a greater, in others a less, inclination than that which at first belonged to them.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 55.

Non-volcanic protuberance and valley of elevation.]

But had the mountain been due solely, or even, to upheaval, its structure would have resembled that which geologists have so often recognized in dome-shaped hills, or certain elevated regions, which all consider as having been thrust up by a force from below. In this case there is often an elliptical cavity at the summit, due partly to the fracture of the upraised rocks, but still more to aqueous denudation, as they rose out of the sea. The central cavity, or valley, exposes to view the subjacent formation _c_, fig. 55, and the inc.u.mbent ma.s.s dips away on all sides from the axis, but has no tendency to thin out near the base of the dome, or at _x_, _x_; whereas at this point the volcanic ma.s.s terminates (see fig. 56) and allows the fundamental rock _c_ to appear at the surface. In the last diagram, the more ordinary case is represented of a great hollow or crater at the summit of the volcanic cone; but instead of this, we have seen that in the case of Etna there is a deep lateral depression, called the Val del Bove, the upper part of which approaches near to the central axis, and the origin of which we have attributed to subsidence.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 56.

Volcanic mountain and crater.]

_Antiquity of the cone of Etna._--It was before remarked that confined notions in regard to the quant.i.ty of past time have tended, more than any other prepossessions, to r.e.t.a.r.d the progress of sound theoretical views in geology;[579] the inadequacy of our conceptions of the earth's antiquity having cramped the freedom of our speculations in this science, very much in the same way as a belief in the existence of a vaulted firmament once r.e.t.a.r.ded the progress of astronomy. It was not until Descartes a.s.sumed the indefinite extent of the celestial s.p.a.ces, and removed the supposed boundaries of the universe, that just opinions began to be entertained of the relative distances of the heavenly bodies; and until we habituate ourselves to contemplate the possibility of an indefinite lapse of ages having been comprised within each of the modern periods of the earth's history, we shall be in danger of forming most erroneous and partial views in geology.

If history had bequeathed to us a faithful record of the eruptions of Etna, and a hundred other of the active volcanoes of the globe, during the last three thousand years,--if we had an exact account of the volume of lava and matter ejected during that period, and the times of their production,--we might, perhaps, be able to form a correct estimate of the average rate of the growth of a volcanic cone. For we might obtain a mean result from the comparison of the eruptions of so great a number of vents, however irregular might be the development of the igneous action in any one of them, if contemplated singly during a brief period.

It would be necessary to balance protracted periods of inaction against the occasional outburst of paroxysmal explosions. Sometimes we should have evidence of a repose of seventeen centuries, like that which was interposed in Ischia, between the end of the fourth century B.C., and the beginning of the fourteenth century of our era.[580] Occasionally a tremendous eruption, like that of Jorullo, would be recorded, giving rise, at once, to a considerable mountain.

If we desire to approximate to the age of a cone such as Etna, we ought first to obtain some data in regard to the thickness of matter which has been added during the historical era, and then endeavor to estimate the time required for the acc.u.mulation of such alternating lavas and beds of sand and scoriae as are superimposed upon each other in the Val del Bove; afterwards we should try to deduce, from observations on other volcanoes, the more or less rapid increase of burning mountains in all the different stages of their growth.

There is a considerable a.n.a.logy between the mode of increase of a volcanic cone and that of trees of _exogenous_ growth. These trees augment, both in height and diameter, by the successive application externally of cone upon cone of new ligneous matter; so that if we make a transverse section near the base of the trunk, we intersect a much greater number of layers than nearer to the summit. When branches occasionally shoot out from the trunk, they first pierce the bark, and then, after growing to a certain size, if they chance to be broken off, they may become inclosed in the body of the tree, as it augments in size, forming knots in the wood, which are themselves composed of layers of ligneous matter, cone within cone.

In like manner, a volcanic mountain, as we have seen, consists of a succession of conical enveloping others, while lateral cones, having a similar internal structure, often project, in the first instance, like branches from the surface of the main cone, and then becoming buried again, are hidden like the knots of a tree.

We can ascertain the age of an oak or pine by counting the number of concentric rings of annual growth seen in a transverse section near the base, so that we may know the date at which the seedling began to vegetate. The Baobab-tree of Senegal (_Adansonia digitata_) is supposed to exceed almost any other in longevity. Adanson inferred that one which he measured, and found to be thirty feet in diameter, had attained the age of 5150 years. Having made an incision to a certain depth, he first counted three hundred rings of annual growth, and observed what thickness the tree had gained in that period. The average rate of growth of younger trees, of the same species, was then ascertained, and the calculation made according to a supposed mean rate of increase. De Candolle considers it not improbable that the celebrated Taxodium of Chapultepec, in Mexico (_Cupressus disticha_, Linn.), which is 117 feet in circ.u.mference, may be still more aged.[581]

It is, however, impossible, until more data are collected respecting the average intensity of the volcanic action, to make any thing like an approximation to the age of a cone like Etna; because, in this case, the successive envelopes of lava and scoriae are not continuous, like the layers of wood in a tree, and afford us no definite measure of time.

Each conical envelope is made up of a great number of distinct lava-currents and showers of sand and scoriae, differing in quant.i.ty, and which may have been acc.u.mulated in unequal periods of time. Yet we cannot fail to form the most exalted conception of the antiquity of this mountain, when we consider that its base is about ninety miles in circ.u.mference; so that it would require ninety flows of lava, each a mile in breadth at their termination, to raise the present foot of the volcano as much as the average height of one lava-current.

There are no records within the historical era which lead to the opinion that the alt.i.tude of Etna has materially varied within the last two thousand years. Of the eighty most conspicuous minor cones which adorn its flanks, only one of the largest, Monti Rossi, has been produced within the times of authentic history. Even this hill, thrown up in the year 1669, although 450 feet in height, only ranks as a cone of second magnitude. Monte Minardo, near Bronte, rises, even now, to the height of 750 feet, although its base has been elevated by more modern lavas and ejections. The dimensions of these larger cones appear to bear testimony to _paroxysms_ of volcanic activity, after which we may conclude, from a.n.a.logy, that the fires of Etna remained dormant for many years--since nearly a century of rest has sometimes followed a violent eruption in the historical era. It must also be remembered, that of the small number of eruptions which occur in a century, one only is estimated to issue from the summit of Etna for every two that proceed from the sides. Nor do all the lateral eruptions give rise to such cones as would be reckoned amongst the smallest of the eighty hills above enumerated; some of them produce merely insignificant monticules, which are soon afterwards buried by showers of ashes.

How many years then must we not suppose to have been expended in the formation of the eighty cones? It is difficult to imagine that a fourth part of them have originated during the last thirty centuries. But if we conjecture the whole of them to have been formed in twelve thousand years, how inconsiderable an era would this portion of time const.i.tute in the history of the volcano! If we could strip off from Etna all the lateral monticules now visible, together with the lavas and scoriae that have been poured out from them, and from the highest crater, during the period of their growth, the diminution of the entire ma.s.s would be extremely slight: Etna might lose, perhaps, several miles in diameter at its base, and some hundreds of feet in elevation; but it would still be the loftiest of Sicilian mountains, studded with other cones, which would be recalled, as it were, into existence by the removal of the rocks under which they are now buried.

There seems nothing in the deep sections of the Val del Bove to indicate that the lava-currents of remote periods were greater in volume than those of modern times; and there are abundant proofs that the countless beds of solid rock and scoriae were acc.u.mulated, as now, in succession.

On the grounds, therefore, already explained, we must infer that a ma.s.s so many thousand feet in thickness must have required an immense series of ages anterior to our historical periods for its growth; yet the whole must be regarded as the product of a modern portion of the tertiary epoch. Such, at least, is the conclusion that seems to follow from geological data, which show that the oldest parts of the mountain, if not of posterior date to the marine strata around its base, were at least of coeval origin.

Some geologists contend, that the sudden elevation of large continents from beneath the waters of the sea have again and again produced waves which have swept over vast regions of the earth.[582] But it is clear that no devastating wave has pa.s.sed over the forest zone of Etna since any of the lateral cones before mentioned were thrown up; for none of these heaps of loose sand and scoriae could have resisted for a moment the denuding action of a violent flood. To some, perhaps, it may appear that hills of such incoherent materials cannot be of very great antiquity, because the mere action of the atmosphere must, in the course of several thousand years, have obliterated their original forms. But there is no weight in this objection; for the older hills are covered with trees and herbage, which protect them from waste; and, in regard to the newer ones, such is the porosity of their component materials, that the rain which falls upon them is instantly absorbed; and for the same reason that the rivers on Etna have a subterranean course, there are none descending the sides of the minor cones.

No sensible alteration has been observed in the form of these cones since the earliest periods of which there are memorials; and there seems no reason for antic.i.p.ating that in the course of the next ten thousand or twenty thousand years they will undergo any great alteration in their appearance, unless they should be shattered by earthquakes or covered by volcanic ejections.

In other parts of Europe, as in Auvergne and Velay, in France, similar loose cones of scoriae, probably of as high antiquity as the whole ma.s.s of Etna, stand uninjured at inferior elevations above the level of the sea.


Volcanic eruption in Iceland in 1783--New island thrown up--Lava currents of Skaptar Jokul, in same year--their immense volume--Eruption of Jorullo in Mexico--Humboldt's theory of the convexity of the plain of Malpais--Eruption of Galongoon in Java--Submarine volcanoes--Graham island, formed in 1831--Volcanic archipelagoes--Submarine eruptions in mid-Atlantic--The Canaries--Teneriffe--Cones thrown up in Lancerote, 1730-36--Santorin and its contiguous isles--Barren island in the Bay of Bengal--Mud volcanoes--Mineral composition of volcanic products.

_Volcanic eruptions in Iceland._--With the exception of Etna and Vesuvius, the most complete chronological records of a series of eruptions are those of Iceland, for their history reaches as far back as the ninth century of our era; and, from the beginning of the twelfth century, there is clear evidence that, during the whole period, there has never been an interval of more than forty, and very rarely one of twenty years, without either an eruption or a great earthquake. So intense is the energy of the volcanic action in this region, that some eruptions of Hecla have lasted six years without ceasing. Earthquakes have often shaken the whole island at once, causing great changes in the interior, such as the sinking down of hills, the rending of mountains, the desertion by rivers of their channels, and the appearance of new lakes.[583] New islands have often been thrown up near the coast, some of which still exist; while others have disappeared, either by subsidence or the action of the waves.

In the interval between eruptions, innumerable hot springs afford vent to subterranean heat, and solfataras discharge copious streams of inflammable matter. The volcanoes in different parts of this island are observed, like those of the Phlegraean Fields, to be in activity by turns, one vent often serving for a time as a safety-valve to the rest.

Many cones are often thrown up in one eruption, and in this case they take a linear direction, running generally from northeast to southwest, from the northeastern part of the island, where the volcano Krabla lies, to the promontory Reykianas.

_New island thrown up in 1783._--The convulsions of the year 1783 appear to have been more tremendous than any recorded in the modern annals of Iceland; and the original Danish narrative of the catastrophe, drawn up in great detail, has since been substantiated by several English travellers, particularly in regard to the prodigious extent of country laid waste, and the volume of lava produced.[584] About a month previous to the eruption on the mainland, a submarine volcano burst forth in the sea in lat. 63 25' N., long. 23 44' W., at a distance of thirty miles in a southwest direction from Cape Reykianas, and ejected so much pumice, that the ocean was covered with that substance to the distance of 150 miles, and s.h.i.+ps were considerably impeded in their course. A new island was thrown up, consisting of high cliffs, within which fire, smoke, and pumice were emitted from two or three different points. This island was claimed by his Danish Majesty, who denominated it Nyoe, or the New Island; but before a year had elapsed, the sea resumed its ancient domain, and nothing was left but a reef of rocks from five to thirty fathoms under water.

_Great eruption of Skaptar Jokul._--Earthquakes which had long been felt in Iceland, became violent on the 11th of June, 1783, when Skaptar Jokul, distant nearly 200 miles from Nyoe, threw out a torrent of lava which flowed down into the river Skapta, and completely dried it up. The channel of the river was between high rocks, in many places from four hundred to six hundred feet in depth, and near two hundred in breadth.

Not only did the lava fill up this great defile to the brink, but it overflowed the adjacent fields to a considerable extent. The burning flood, on issuing from the confined rocky gorge, was then arrested for some time by a deep lake, which formerly existed in the course of the river, between Skaptardal and Aa, which it entirely filled. The current then advanced again, and reaching some ancient lava full of subterraneous caverns, penetrated and melted down part of it; and in some places, where the steam could not gain vent, it blew up the rock, throwing fragments to the height of more than 150 feet. On the 18th of June another ejection of liquid lava rushed from the volcano, which flowed down with amazing velocity over the surface of the first stream.

By the damming up of the mouths of some of the tributaries of the Skapta, many villages were completely overflowed with water, and thus great destruction of property was caused. The lava, after flowing for several days, was precipitated down a tremendous cataract called Stapafoss, where it filled a profound abyss, which that great waterfall had been hollowing out for ages, and after this, the fiery current again continued its course.

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