Principles of Geology Part 17

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Lawrence begin to thaw in their upper course, while they remain frozen over lower down, and thus large slabs of ice are set free and thrown upon the unbroken sheet of ice below. Then begins what is called the packing of the drifted fragments; that is to say, one slab is made to slide over another, until a vast pile is built up, and the whole being frozen together, is urged onwards by the force of the dammed up waters and drift-ice. Thus propelled, it not only forces along boulders, but breaks off from cliffs, which border the rivers, huge pieces of projecting rock. By this means several b.u.t.tresses of solid masonry, which, up to the year 1836, supported a wooden bridge on the St.

Maurice, which falls into the St. Lawrence, near the town of Trois Rivieres, lat. 46 20', were thrown down, and conveyed by the ice into the main river; and instances have occurred at Montreal of wharfs and stone-buildings, from 30 to 50 feet square, having been removed in a similar manner. We learn from Captain Bayfield that anchors laid down within high-water mark, to secure vessels hauled on sh.o.r.e for the winter, must be cut out of the ice on the approach of spring, or they would be carried away. In 1834, the Gulnare's bower-anchor, weighing half a ton, was transported some yards by the ice, and so firmly was it fixed, that the force of the moving ice broke a chain-cable suited for a 10-gun brig, and which had rode the Gulnare during the heaviest gales in the gulf. Had not this anchor been cut out of the ice, it would have been earned into deep water and lost.[284]

[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE II.


View taken by Lieut. Bowen, from the N. E., in the Spring of 1835, at Richelieu Rapid, lat. 46 N.]

The scene represented in the annexed plate (pl. 2), from a drawing by Lieutenant Bowen, R. N., will enable the reader to comprehend the incessant changes which the transport of boulders produces annually on the low islands,, and bed of the St. Lawrence above Quebec. The fundamental rocks at Richelieu Rapid, situated in lat. 46 N., are limestone and slate, which are seen at low-water to be covered with boulders of granite. These boulders owe their spheroidal form chiefly to weathering, or action of frost, which causes the surface to exfoliate in concentric plates, so that all the more prominent angles are removed.

At the point _a_ is a cavity in the mud or sand of the beach, now filled with water, which was occupied during the preceding winter (1835) by the huge erratic _b_, a ma.s.s of granite, 70 tons' weight, found in the spring following (1836) at a distance of several feet from its former position. Many small islands are seen on the river, such as _c d_, which afford still more striking proofs of the carrying and propelling power of ice. These islets are never under water, yet every winter ice is thrown upon them in such abundance, that it _packs_ to the height of 20, and even 30 feet, bringing with it a continual supply of large stones or boulders, and carrying away others; the greatest number being deposited, according to Lieutenant Bowen, on the edge of deep water. On the island _d_, on the left of the accompanying view, a lighthouse is represented, consisting of a square wooden building, which having no other foundation than the boulders, requires to be taken down every winter, and rebuilt on the reopening of the river.

These effects of frost, which are so striking on the St. Lawrence above Quebec, are by no means displayed on a smaller scale below that city, where the gulf rises and falls with the tide. On the contrary; it is in the estuary, between the lat.i.tudes 47 and 49, that the greatest quant.i.ty of gravel and boulders of large dimensions are carried down annually towards the sea. Here the frost is so intense, that a dense sheet of ice is formed at low water, which, on the rise of the tide, is lifted up, broken, and thrown in heaps on the extensive shoals which border the estuary. When the tide recedes, this packed ice is exposed to a temperature sometimes 30 below zero, which freezes together all the loose pieces of ice, as well as the granitic and other boulders. The whole of these are often swept away by a high tide, or when the river is swollen by the melting of the snow in Spring. One huge block of granite, 15 feet long by 10 feet both in width and height, and estimated to contain 1500 cubic feet, was conveyed in this manner to some distance in the year 1837, its previous position being well known, as up to that time it had been used by Captain Bayfield as a mark for the surveying station.

_Ground-ice._--When a current of cold air over the surface of a lake or stream it abstracts from it a quant.i.ty of heat, and the specific gravity of the water being thereby increased, the cooled portion sinks.

This circulation may continue until the whole body of fluid has been cooled down to the temperature of 40 F., after which, if the cold increase, the vertical movement ceases, the water which is uppermost expands and floats over the heavier fluid below, and when it has attained a temperature of 32 Fahr. it sets into a sheet of ice. It should seem therefore impossible, according to this law of congelation, that ice should ever form at the bottom of a river; and yet such is the fact, and many speculations have been hazarded to account for so singular a phenomenon. M. Arago is of opinion that the mechanical action of a running stream produces a circulation by which the entire body of water is mixed up together, and cooled alike, and the whole being thus reduced to the freezing point, ice begins to form at the bottom for two reasons, first, because there is less motion there, and secondly, because the water is in contact with solid rock or pebbles which have a cold surface.[285] Whatever explanation we adopt, there is no doubt of the fact, that in countries where the intensity and duration of the cold is great, rivers and torrents acquire an increase of carrying power by the formation of what is called ground-ice. Even in the Thames we learn from Dr. Plott that pieces of this kind of ice, having gravel frozen on to their under side, rise up from the bottom in winter, and float on the surface. In the Siberian rivers, Weitz describes large stones as having been brought up from the river's bed in the same manner, and made to float.[286]

_Glaciers._--In the temperate zone, the snow lies for months in winter on the summit of every high mountain, while in the arctic regions, a long summer's day of half a year's duration is insufficient to melt the snow, even on land just raised above the level of the sea. It is therefore not surprising, since the atmosphere becomes colder in proportion as we ascend in it, that there should be heights, even in tropical countries, where the snow never melts. The lowest limit to which the perpetual snow extends downwards, from the tops of mountains at the equator, is an elevation of not less than 16,000 feet above the sea; while in the Swiss Alps, in lat. 46 N. it reaches as low as 8,500 feet above the same level, the loftier peaks of the Alpine chain being from 12,000 to 15,000 feet high. The frozen ma.s.s augmenting from year to year would add indefinitely to the alt.i.tude of alpine summits, were it not relieved by its descent through the larger and deeper valleys to regions far below the general snow-line. To these it slowly finds its way in the form of rivers of ice, called glaciers, the consolidation of which is produced by pressure, and by the congelation of water infiltered into the porous ma.s.s, which is always undergoing partial liquefaction, and receiving in summer occasional showers of rain on its surface. In a day of hot suns.h.i.+ne, or mild rain, innumerable rills of pure and sparkling water run in icy channels along the surface of the glaciers, which in the night shrink, and come to nothing. They are often precipitated in bold cascades into deep fissures in the ice, and contribute together with springs to form torrents, which flow in tunnels at the bottom of the glaciers for many a league, and at length issue at their extremities, from beneath beautiful caverns or arches. The waters of these streams are always densely charged with the finest mud, produced by the grinding of rock and sand under the weight of the moving ma.s.s. (See fig. 18.)

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig 18.

Glacier with medial and lateral moraines and with terminal cave.]

The length of the Swiss glaciers is sometimes twenty miles, their width in the middle portion, where they are broadest, occasionally two or three miles; their depth or thickness sometimes more than 600 feet. When they descend steep slopes, and precipices, or are forced through narrow gorges, the ice is broken up, and a.s.sumes the most fantastic and picturesque forms, with lofty peaks and pinnacles, projecting above the general level. These snow-white are often relieved by a dark background of pines, as in the valley of Chamouni; and are not only surrounded with abundance of the wild rhododendron in full flower, but encroach still lower into the region of cultivation, and trespa.s.s on fields where the tobacco-plant is flouris.h.i.+ng by the side of the peasant's hut.

The cause of glacier motion has of late been a subject of careful investigation and much keen controversy. Although a question of physics, rather than of geology, it is too interesting to allow me to pa.s.s it by without some brief mention. De Saussure, whose travels in the Alps are full of original observations, as well as sound and comprehensive general views, conceived that the weight of the ice might be sufficient to urge it down the slope of the valley, if the sliding motion were aided by the water flowing at the bottom. For this "gravitation theory"

Charpentier, followed by Aga.s.siz, subst.i.tuted the hypothesis of dilatation. The most solid ice is always permeable to water, and penetrated by innumerable fissures and capillary tubes, often extremely minute. These tubes imbibe the aqueous fluid during the day, which freezes, it is said, in the cold of the night, and expands while in the act of congelation. The distension of the whole ma.s.s exerts an immense force, tending to propel the glacier in the direction of least resistance--"in other words, down the valley." This theory was opposed by Mr. Hopkins on mathematical and mechanical grounds, in several able papers. Among other objections, he pointed out that the friction of so enormous a body as a glacier on its bed is so great, that the vertical direction would always be that of least resistance, and if a considerable distension of the ma.s.s should take place, by the action of freezing, it would tend to increase its thickness, rather than accelerate its downward progress. He also contended (and his arguments were ill.u.s.trated by many ingenious experiments), that a glacier can move along an extremely slight slope, solely by the influence of gravitation, owing to the constant dissolution of ice in contact with the rocky bottom, and the number of separate fragments into which the glacier is divided by fissures, so that freedom of motion is imparted to its several parts somewhat resembling that of an imperfect fluid. To this view Professor James Forbes objected, that gravitation would not supply an adequate cause for the sliding of solid ice down slopes having an inclination of no more than four or five degrees, still less would it explain how the glacier advances where the channel expands and contracts. The Mer de Glace in Chamouni, for example, after being 2000 yards wide, through a strait only 900 yards in width. Such a gorge, it is contended, would be choked up by the advance of any solid ma.s.s, even if it be broken up into numerous fragments. The same acute observer remarked, that water in the fissures and pores of glaciers cannot, and does not part with its latent heat, so as to freeze every night to a great depth, or far in the interior of the ma.s.s. Had the dilatation theory been true, the chief motion of the glacier would have occurred about sunset, when the freezing of the water must be greatest, and it had, in fact, been at first a.s.sumed by those who favored that hypothesis, that the ma.s.s moved faster at the sides, where the melting of ice was promoted by the sun's heat, reflected from boundary precipices.

Aga.s.siz appears to have been the first to commence, in 1841, aided by a skilful engineer, M. Escher de la Linth, a series of exact measurements to ascertain the laws of glacier motion, and he soon discovered, contrary to his preconceived notions, that the stream of ice moved more slowly at the sides than at the centre, and faster in the middle region of the glacier than at its extremity.[287] Professor James Forbes, who had joined Mr. Aga.s.siz during his earlier investigations in the Alps, undertook himself an independent series of experiments, which he followed up with great perseverance, to determine the laws of glacier motion. These he found to agree very closely with the laws governing the course of rivers, their progress being greater in the centre than at the sides, and more rapid at the surface than at the bottom. This fact was verified by carefully fixing a great number of marks in the ice, arranged in a straight line, which gradually a.s.sumed a beautiful curve, the middle part pointing down the glacier, and showing a velocity there, double or treble that of the lateral parts.[288] He ascertained that the rate of advance by night was nearly the same as by day, and that even the hourly march of the icy stream could be detected, although the progress might not amount to more than six or seven inches in twelve hours. By the incessant though invisible advance of the marks placed on the ice, "time," says Mr. Forbes, "was marked out as by a shadow on a dial, and the unequivocal evidence which I obtained, that even while walking on a glacier we are, day by day, and hour by hour, imperceptibly carried on by the resistless flow of the icy stream, filled me with admiration." (Travels in the Alps, p. 133.) In order to explain this remarkable regularity of motion, and its obedience to laws so strictly a.n.a.logous to those of fluids, the same writer proposed the theory that the ice, instead of being solid and compact, is a viscous or plastic body, capable of yielding to great pressure, and the more so in proportion as its temperature is higher, and as it approaches more nearly to the melting point. He endeavors to show that this hypothesis will account for many complicated phenomena, especially for a ribboned or veined structure which is everywhere observable in the ice, and might be produced by lines of discontinuity, arising from the different rates at which the various portions of the semi-rigid glacier advance and pa.s.s each other. Many examples are adduced to prove that a glacier can model itself to the form of the ground over which it is forced, exactly as would happen if it possessed a certain ductility, and this power of yielding under intense pressure, is shown not to be irreconcilable with the idea of the ice being sufficiently compact to break into fragments, when the strain upon its parts is excessive; as where the glacier turns a sharp angle, or descends upon a rapid or convex slope. The increased velocity in summer is attributed partly to the greater plasticity of the ice, when not exposed to intense cold, and partly to the hydrostatic pressure of the water in the capillary tubes, which imbibe more of this liquid in the hot season.

On the a.s.sumption of the ice being a rigid ma.s.s, Mr. Hopkins attributed the more rapid motions in the centre to the unequal rate at which the broad stripes of ice, intervening between longitudinal fissures, advance; but besides that there are parts of the glacier where no such fissures exist, such a mode of progression, says Mr. Forbes, would cause the borders of large transverse rents or "," to be jagged like a saw, instead of being perfectly even and straight-edged.[289] An experiment recently made by Mr. Christie, secretary to the Royal Society, appears to demonstrate that ice, under great pressure, possesses a sufficient degree of moulding and self-adapting power to allow it to be acted upon, as if it were a pasty substance. A hollow sh.e.l.l of iron an inch and a half thick, the interior being ten inches in diameter, was filled with water, in the course of a severe winter, and exposed to the frost, with the fuze-hole uppermost. A portion of the water expanded in freezing, so as to protrude a cylinder of ice from the fuze-hole; and this cylinder continued to grow inch by inch in proportion as the central nucleus of water froze. As we cannot doubt that an outer sh.e.l.l of ice is first formed, and then another within, the continued rise of the column through the fuze-hole must proceed from the squeezing of successive of ice concentrically formed, through the narrow orifice; and yet the protruded cylinder consisted of entire, and not fragmentary ice.[290]

The agency of glaciers in producing permanent geological changes consists partly in their power of transporting gravel, sand, and huge stones to great distances, and partly in the smoothing, polis.h.i.+ng, and scoring of their rocky channels, and the boundary walls of the valleys through which they pa.s.s. At the foot of every steep cliff or precipice in high Alpine regions, a talus is seen of rocky fragments detached by the alternate action of frost and thaw. If these loose, instead of acc.u.mulating on a stationary base, happen to fall upon a glacier, they will move along with it, and, in place of a single heap, they will form in the course of years a long stream of blocks. If a glacier be 20 miles long, and its annual progression about 500 feet, it will require about two centuries for a block thus lodged upon its surface to travel down from the higher to the lower regions, or to the extremity of the icy ma.s.s. This terminal point remains usually unchanged from year to year, although every part of the ice is in motion, because the liquefaction by heat is just sufficient to balance the onward movement of the glacier, which may be compared to an endless file of soldiers, pouring into a breach, and shot down as fast as they advance.

The stones carried along on the ice are called in Switzerland the "moraines" of the glacier. There is always one line of blocks on each side or edge of the icy stream, and often several in the middle, where they are arranged in long ridges or mounds, often several yards high.

(See fig. 18, p. 223.) The cause of these "medial moraines" was first explained by Aga.s.siz, who referred them to the confluence of tributary glaciers.[291] Upon the union of two streams of ice, the right lateral moraine of one of the streams comes in contact with the left lateral moraine of the other, and they afterwards move on together, in the centre, if the confluent glaciers are equal in size, or nearer to one side if unequal.

All sand and fragments of soft stone which fall through fissures and reach the bottom of the glaciers, or which are interposed between the glacier and the steep sides of the valley, are pushed along, and ground down into mud, while the larger and harder fragments have their angles worn off. At the same time the fundamental and boundary rocks are smoothed and polished, and often scored with parallel furrows, or with lines and scratches produced by hard minerals, such as crystals of quartz, which act like the diamond upon gla.s.s.[292] This effect is perfectly different from that caused by the action of water, or a muddy torrent forcing along heavy fragments; for when stones are fixed firmly in the ice, and pushed along by it under great pressure, in straight lines, they scoop out long rectilinear furrows or grooves parallel to each other.[293] The discovery of such markings at various heights far above the surface of the existing glaciers and for miles beyond their present terminations, affords geological evidence of the former extension of the ice beyond its present limits in Switzerland and other countries.

The moraine of the glacier, observes Charpentier, is entirely devoid of stratification, for there has been no sorting of the materials, as in the case of sand, mud, and pebbles, when deposited by running water. The ice transports indifferently, and to the same spots, the heaviest blocks and the finest particles, mingling all together, and leaving them in one confused and promiscuous heap wherever it melts.[294]

_Icebergs._--In countries situated in high northern lat.i.tudes, like Spitzbergen, between 70 and 80 N., glaciers, loaded with mud and rock, descend to the sea, and there huge fragments of them float off and become icebergs. Scoresby counted 500 of these bergs drifting along in lat.i.tudes 69 and 70 N., which rose above the surface from the height of 100 to 200 feet, and measured from a few yards to a mile in circ.u.mference.[295] Many of them were loaded with beds of earth and rock of such thickness, that the weight was conjectured to be from 50,000 to 100,000 tons. Specimens of the rocks were obtained, and among them were granite, gneiss, mica-schist, clay-slate, granular felspar, and greenstone. Such bergs must be of great magnitude; because the ma.s.s of ice below the level of the water is about eight times greater than that above. Wherever they are dissolved, it is evident that the "moraine"

will fall to the bottom of the sea. In this manner may submarine valleys, mountains, and platforms become strewed over with gravel, sand, mud, and scattered blocks of foreign rock, of a nature perfectly dissimilar from all in the vicinity, and which may have been transported across unfathomable abysses. If the bergs happen to melt in still water, so that the earthy and stony materials may fall tranquilly to the bottom, the deposit will probably be unstratified, like the terminal moraine of a glacier; but whenever the materials are under the influence of a current of water as they fall, they will be sorted and arranged according to their relative weight and size, and therefore more or less perfectly stratified.

In a former chapter it was stated that some ice islands have been known to drift from Baffin's Bay to the Azores, and from the South Pole to the immediate neighborhood of the Cape of Good Hope, so that the area over which the effects of moving ice may be experienced, comprehends a large portion of the globe.

We learn from Von Buch that the most southern point on the continent of Europe at which a glacier comes down to the sea is in Norway, in lat.

67 N.[296] But Mr. Darwin has shown, that they extend to the sea, in South America, in lat.i.tudes more than 20 nearer the equator than in Europe; as, for example, in Chili, where, in the Gulf of Penas, lat. 46 40' S., or the lat.i.tude of central France; and in Sir George Eyre's Sound, in the lat.i.tude of Paris, they give origin to icebergs, which were seen in 1834 carrying angular pieces of granite, and stranding them in fiords, where the were composed of clay-slate.[297] A large proportion, however, of the ice-islands seen floating both in the northern and southern hemispheres, are probably not generated by glaciers, but rather by the acc.u.mulation of coast ice. When the sea freezes at the base of a lofty precipice, the sheet of ice is prevented from adhering to the land by the rise and fall of the tide.

Nevertheless, it often continues on the sh.o.r.e at the foot of the cliff, and receives accessions of drift snow blown from the land. Under the weight of this snow the ice sinks slowly if the water be deep, and the snow is gradually converted into ice by partial liquefaction and re-congelation. In this manner, islands of ice of great thickness and many leagues in length, originate, and are eventually blown out to sea by off-sh.o.r.e winds. In their interior are inclosed many fragments of stone which had fallen upon them from overhanging cliffs during their formation. Such floating icebergs are commonly flat-topped, but their lower portions are liable to melt in lat.i.tudes where the ocean at a moderate depth is usually warmer than the surface water and the air.

Hence their centre of gravity changes continually, and they turn over and a.s.sume very irregular shapes.

In a voyage of discovery made in the antarctic regions in 1839, a dark-colored angular ma.s.s of rock was seen imbedded in an iceberg, drifting along in mid-ocean in lat. 61 S. That part of the rock which was visible was about 12 feet in height, and from 5 to 6 in width, but the dark color of the surrounding ice indicated that much more of the stone was concealed. A sketch made by Mr. Macnab, when the vessel was within a quarter of a mile of it, is now published.[298] This iceberg, one of many observed at sea on the same day, was between 250 and 300 feet high, and was no less than 1400 miles from any certainly known land. It is exceedingly improbable, says Mr. Darwin, in his notice of this phenomenon, that any land will hereafter be discovered within 100 miles of the spot, and it must be remembered that the erratic was still firmly fixed in the ice, and may have sailed for many a league farther before it dropped to the bottom.[299]

Captain Sir James Ross, in his antarctic voyage in 1841, 42, and 43, saw mult.i.tudes of icebergs transporting stones and rocks of various sizes, with frozen mud, in high southern lat.i.tudes. His companion, Dr. J.

Hooker, informs me that he came to the conclusion that most of the southern icebergs have stones in them, although they are usually concealed from view by the quant.i.ty of snow which falls upon them.

In the account given by Messrs. Dease and Simpson, of their recent arctic discoveries, we learn that in lat. 71 N., long. 156 W., they found "a long low spit, named Point Barrow, composed of gravel and coa.r.s.e sand, in some parts more than a quarter of a mile broad, which the pressure of the ice had forced up into numerous mounds, that, viewed from a distance, a.s.sumed the appearance of huge boulder rocks."[300]

This fact is important, as showing how of drift ice, when stranding on submarine banks, may exert a lateral pressure capable of bending and dislocating any yielding strata of gravel, sand, or mud. The banks on which icebergs occasionally run aground between Baffin's Bay and Newfoundland, are many hundred feet under water, and the force with which they are struck will depend not so much on the velocity as the momentum of the floating ice-islands. The same berg is often carried away by a change of wind, and then driven back again upon the same bank, or it is made to rise and fall by the waves of the ocean, so that it may alternately strike the bottom with its whole weight, and then be lifted up again until it has deranged the superficial beds over a wide area. In this manner the geologist may account, perhaps, for the circ.u.mstance that in Scandinavia, Scotland, and other countries where erratics are met with, the beds of sand, loam, and gravel are often vertical, bent, and contorted into the most complicated folds, while the underlying strata, although composed of equally pliant materials, are horizontal.

But some of these curvatures of loose strata may also have been due to repeated alternations of layers of gravel and sand, ice and snow, the melting of the latter having caused the intercalated beds of indestructible matter to a.s.sume their present anomalous position.

There can be little doubt that icebergs must often break off the peaks and projecting points of submarine mountains, and must grate upon and polish their surface, furrowing or scratching them in precisely the same way as we have seen that glaciers act on the solid rocks over which they are propelled.[301]

To conclude: it appears that large stones, mud, and gravel are carried down by the ice of rivers, estuaries, and glaciers, into the sea, where the tides and currents of the ocean, aided by the wind, cause them to drift for hundreds of miles from the place of their origin. Although it will belong more properly to the seventh and eighth chapters to treat of the transportation of solid matter by the movements of the ocean, I shall add here what I have farther to say on this subject in connection with ice.

The saline matter which sea-water holds in solution, prevents its congelation, except where the most intense cold prevails. But the drifting of the snow from the land often renders the surface-water brackish near the coast, so that a sheet of ice is readily formed there, and by this means a large quant.i.ty of gravel is frequently conveyed from place to place, and heavy boulders also, when the coast-ice is packed into dense Both the large and small stones thus conveyed usually travel in one direction like s.h.i.+ngle-beaches, and this was observed to take place on the coast of Labrador and Gulf of St. Lawrence, between the lat.i.tudes 50 and 60 N., by Capt. Bayfield, during his late survey.

The line of coast alluded to is strewed over for a distance of 700 miles with ice-borne boulders, often 6 feet in diameter, which are for the most part on their way from north to south, or in the direction of the prevailing current. Some points on this coast have been observed to be occasionally deserted, and then again at another season thickly bestrewed with erratics.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 19.

Boulders, chiefly of granite, stranded by ice on the coast of Labrador, between lat. 50 and 60 N. (Lieut. Bowen, R. N.)]

The accompanying drawing (fig. 19), for which I am indebted to Lieut.

Bowen, R. N., represents the ordinary appearance of the Labrador coast, between the lat.i.tudes of 50 and 60 N. Countless blocks, chiefly granitic, and of various sizes, are seen lying between high and low-water mark. Capt. Bayfield saw similar carried by ice through the Straits of Belle Isle, between Newfoundland and the American continent, which he conceives may have travelled in the course of years from Baffin's Bay, a distance which may be compared in our hemisphere to the drifting of erratics from Lapland and Iceland as far south as Germany, France, and England.

It may be asked in what manner have these blocks been originally detached? We may answer that some have fallen from precipitous cliffs, others have been lifted up from the bottom of the sea, adhering by their tops to the ice, while others have been brought down by rivers and glaciers.

The erratics of North America are sometimes angular, but most of them have been rounded either by friction or decomposition. The granite of Canada, as before remarked (p. 221 ), has a tendency to concentric exfoliation, and scales off in spheroidal coats when exposed to the spray of the sea during severe frosts. The range of the thermometer in that country usually exceeds, in the course of the year, 100, and sometimes 120 F.; and, to prevent the granite used in the buildings of Quebec from peeling off in winter, it is necessary to oil and paint the squared stones.

In parts of the Baltic, such as the Gulf of Bothnia, where the quant.i.ty of salt in the water amounts in general to one fourth only of that in the ocean, the entire surface freezes over in winter to the depth of 5 or 6 feet. Stones are thus frozen in, and afterwards lifted up about 3 feet perpendicularly on the melting of the snow in summer, and then carried by floating ice-islands to great distances. Professor Von Baer states, in a communication on this subject to the Academy of St.

Petersburg, that a block of granite, weighing a million of pounds, was carried by ice during the winter of 1837-8 from Finland to the island of Hockland, and two other huge blocks were transported about the years 1806 and 1814 by packed ice on the south coast of Finland, according to the testimony of the pilots and inhabitants, one block having travelled about a quarter of a mile, and lying about 18 feet above the level of the sea.[302]

More recently Dr. Forchhammer has shown that in the Sound, the Great Belt, and other places near the entrance of the Baltic, ground-ice forms plentifully at the bottom and then rises to the surface, charged with sand and gravel, stones and sea-weed. Sheets of ice, also, with included boulders, are driven up on the coast during storms, and "packed" to a height of 50 feet. To the motion of such, but still more to that of the ground-ice, the Danish professor attributes the striation of rocky surfaces, forming the and bed of the sea, and he relates a striking fact to prove that large quant.i.ties of rocky fragments are annually carried by ice out of the Baltic. "In the year 1807," he says, "at the time of the bombardment of the Danish fleet, an English sloop-of-war, riding at anchor in the roads at Copenhagen, blew up. In 1844, or thirty-seven years afterwards, one of our divers, known to be a trustworthy man, went down to save whatever might yet remain in the s.h.i.+pwrecked vessel. He found the s.p.a.ce between decks entire, but covered with blocks from 6 to 8 cubic feet in size, and some of them heaped one upon the other. He also affirmed, that all the sunk s.h.i.+ps which he had visited in the Sound, were in like manner strewed over with blocks."

Dr. Forchhammer also informs us, that during an intense frost in February, 1844, the Sound was suddenly frozen over, and sheets of ice, driven by a storm, were heaped up at the bottom of the Bay of Taarbeijk, threatening to destroy a fis.h.i.+ng-village on the sh.o.r.e. The whole was soon frozen together into one ma.s.s, and forced up on the beach, forming a mound more than 16 feet high, which threw down the walls of several buildings. "When I visited the spot next day, I saw ridges of ice, sand, and pebbles, not only on the sh.o.r.e, but extending far out into the bottom of the sea, showing how greatly its bed had been changed, and how easily, where it is composed of rock, it may be furrowed and streaked by stones firmly fixed in the moving ice."[303]



Origin of Springs--Artesian wells--Borings at Paris--Distinct causes by which mineral and thermal waters may be raised to the surface--Their connection with volcanic agency--Calcareous springs--Travertin of the Elsa--Baths of San Vignone and of San Filippo, near Radicofani--Spheroidal structure in travertin--Lake of the Solfatara, near Rome--Travertin at Cascade of Tivoli--Gypseous, siliceous, and ferruginous springs--Brine springs--Carbonated springs--Disintegration of granite in Auvergne--Petroleum springs--Pitch lake of Trinidad.

_Origin of springs._--The action of running water on the surface of the land having been considered, we may next turn our attention to what may be termed "the subterranean drainage," or the phenomena of springs.

Every one is familiar with the fact, that certain porous soils, such as loose sand and gravel, absorb water with rapidity, and that the ground composed of them soon dries up after heavy showers. If a well be sunk in such soils, we often penetrate to considerable depths before we meet with water; but this is usually found on our approaching the lower parts of the formation, where it rests on some impervious bed; for here the water, unable to make its way downwards in a direct line, acc.u.mulates as in a reservoir, and is ready to ooze out into any opening which may be made, in the same manner as we see the salt water flow into, and fill, any hollow which we dig in the sands of the sh.o.r.e at low tide.

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