Halleck's New English Literature Part 54

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While the prose does not take such high rank as the poetry, there are some writers who will not soon be forgotten. Scott will be remembered as the great master of the historical novel, Jane Austen as the skillful realistic interpreter of everyday life, De Quincey for the brilliancy of his style and the vigor of his imagination in presenting his opium dreams, and Lamb for his exquisite humor. In philosophical prose, Mill, Bentham, and Malthus made important contributions to moral, social, and political philosophy, while Coleridge opposed their utilitarian and materialistic tendencies, and codified the principles of criticism from a romantic point of view.



Gardiner[27], Green, Walker, or Cheney. For the social side, see Traill, V., VI., and Cheney's _Industrial and Social History of England_.


_The Cambridge History of English Literature_, Vols. XI., XII.

Courthope's _A History of English Poetry_, Vol. VI.

Elton's _A Survey of English Literature from 1780-1830_, 2 vols.

Herford's _The Age of Wordsworth_.

Brandes's _Naturalism in England_ (Vol. IV. of _Main Currents in Nineteenth Century Literature_.)

_The Revolution in English Poetry and Fiction_ (Chap. XXII. of Vol. X.

of _Cambridge Modern History_.)

Hanc.o.c.k's _The French Revolution and the English Poets_.

Scudder's _Life of the Spirit in the Modern English Poets_.

Symons's _The Romantic Movement in English Poetry_.

Reynolds's _The Treatment of Nature in English Poetry between Pope and Wordsworth_.

Mackie's _Nature Knowledge in Modern Poetry_.

Brookes's _Studies in Poetry_ (Blake, Scott, Sh.e.l.ley, Keats).

Symons's _William Blake_.

Payne's _The Greater English Poets of the Nineteenth Century_ (Keats, Sh.e.l.ley, Byron, Coleridge, Wordsworth).

Stephen's _Hours in a Library_, 3 vols. (Scott, De Quincey, Cowper, Wordsworth, Sh.e.l.ley, Coleridge).

Dowden's _Studies in Literature_, 1879-1877.

Bradley's _Oxford Lectures on Poetry_ (Wordsworth, Sh.e.l.ley, Keats).

Lowell's _Among my Books, Second Series_ (Wordsworth, Keats).

Ainger's _Life of Lamb_. (E.M.L.)

Lucas's _Life of Charles Lamb_.

Goldwin Smith's _Life of Cowper_. (E.M.L.)

Wright's _Life of Cowper_.

Shairp's _Robert Burns_. (E.M.L.)

Carlyle's _Essay on Burns_.

Lockhart's _Life of Scott_., Hutton's _Life of Scott_. (E.M.L.)

Yonge's _Life of Scott_. (G.W.)

Goldwin Smith's _Life of Jane Austen_. (G.W.)

Helm's _Jane Austen and her Country House Comedy_.

Mitton's _Jane Austen and her Times_.

Adams's _The Story of Jane Austen's Life_.

Knight's _Life of Wordsworth_, 3 vols., Myers's _Life of Wordsworth_ (E.M.L.), Raleigh's _Wordsworth_.

Robertson's _Wordsworth and the English Lake Country_.

Traill's _Life of Coleridge_ (E.M.L.), Caine's _Life of Coleridge_ (G.W.), Garnett's _Coleridge_.

Sneath's _Wordsworth, Poet of Nature and Poet of Man_.

Mayne's _The New Life of Byron_, 2 vols, Nichol's _Life of Byron_ (E.M.L.), Noel's _Life of Byron_. (G.W.)

Trelawney's _Recollections of the Last Days of Sh.e.l.ley and Byron_.

Dowden's _Life of Sh.e.l.ley_, 2 vols., Symonds's _Life of Sh.e.l.ley_ (E.M.L.), Sharp's _Life of Sh.e.l.ley_ (G.W.). Francis Thompson's _Sh.e.l.ley_.

Clutton-Brock's _Sh.e.l.ley: The Man and the Poet_.

Hogg's _Life of Percy Bysshe Sh.e.l.ley_(contemporary).

Angeli's _Sh.e.l.ley and his Friends in Italy_.

Colvin's _Life of Keats_ (E.M.L.), Rossetti's _Life of Keats_ (G.W.), Hanc.o.c.k's _John Keats_.

Miller's _Leigh Hunt's Relations with Byron, Sh.e.l.ley, and Keats_.

Arnold's _Essays in Criticism, Second Series_ (Keats).

H. Buxton Forman's _Complete Works of John Keats_ (includes the _Letters_, the best edition).

Ma.s.son's _Life of De Quincey_. (E.M.L.)

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