Artifacts Of Power - Dhiammara Part 1

Artifacts Of Power - Dhiammara -

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by Maggie Furey..

This one is for those special friends who have given their unstinting help and support to Eric and myself over the last twelve hair-raising months: Sheila Mawer and Geoff Green, for putting us up and putting up with us during the homeless months of the House move.

Diane Duane and Peter Morwood, for taking us by the hand and leading us safely through the minefield of the move to Ireland.

Philomena and Michael O'Connor-whose warm and wonderful company is a joy and an inspiration.

And Donal Cunningham, Computer-Mage without peer, who, among many other kindnesses, was instrumental in getting this ma.n.u.script delivered on time. (He makes a mean chocolate truffle, too!) Thanks, guys-for everything.


Long ago, four magical weapons had been fas.h.i.+oned by Mages whose history was lost, together with the Artifacts themselves, in the Cataclysm-horrific wars of magic which wrought changes on land and water. Lost also was the history of the non-human Mages: the Winged Ones, the Dragonfolk, and the great Leviathan-or so said ancient legends.

Aurian, growing up in her mother's lonely Valley, knows nothing of these tales. Yet when she meets Forral, a wandering swordsman, the encounter changes not only their lives, but the future course of history.

Aurian's father, Geraint, perished through misuse of his Fire-magic, and her grieving mother, the Earth-Mage Eilin, is obsessed with restoring the Valley-the barren crater left by the explosion. Forral stays to care for the neglected child and teaches her swordplay. A close bond develops between them until Aurian is sent to the city of Nexis and the Academy, home of the few remaining Magefolk, where she can be fully trained as a Mage.

Homesick and missing Forral, Aurian turns to the Arch-mage Miathan, unaware of his sinister plans for her. She incurs the enmity of the Weather-Mage Eliseth and her cohorts

Bragar and Davorshan, and is befriended by Finbarr the Archivist and D'arvan, Davorshan's twin, who is unable to access his powers. As she grows to adulthood, her studies are diverted by the return of Forral as Commander of the Nexis Garrison. Aurian resumes sword training and makes new friends at the Garrison-Lieutenant Maya and Panic, the Cavalrymaster. The bond between Forral and Aurian ripens into mature love, but matings between Mortals and Magefolk are forbidden. In the meantime, Miathan begins to force his attentions on her.

Elsewhere in Nexis, Anvar, son of a baker, is sold as a bondservant to the Archmage. He is truly Miathan's son-a half-breed Mage whose mother has kept his ident.i.ty secret. Miathan steals his powers, binding him with a spell of silence. After months of toil and brutality, he escapes, seeking his lover Sara, who was pregnant when they parted. But she has lost the child and married Vannor, Head of the Merchants' Guild. When Anvar is recaptured, Aurian defies the Arch-mage to claim him as her servant.

In the catacombs beneath the Academy, Miathan discovers a grail fas.h.i.+oned from the Caldron of Rebirth, one of the lost Artifacts of Power. When Aurian and Forral become lovers, the jealous Archmage turns the grail to evil, cursing any child that may come of their union to take the form of the first beast Aurian sees after its birth.

Eliseth persuades Meiriel to negate Aurian's spells against pregnancy, knowing that Miathan will never countenance Portal's half-breed child. Davorshan tries to murder his brother, and D'arvan flees to Aurian's mother, who can help him find his powers. Maya goes with him to the Valley. Miathan discovers that Aurian is pregnant and tries to destroy the child, but Anvar warns Ferral and Vannor. When Forral attacks, Miathan unleashes Death-Wraiths-spirits who feed on life force-from the grail, and Forral is slain.

Aurian and Anvar escape Nexis by s.h.i.+p, taking Sara with them at Vannor's request. Aurian's one hope of defeating Miathan is to find the three lost Artifacts-but time is limited, for as her pregnancy progresses, she will lose her powers until the child is born. Then to her horror, she feels Miathan's mind, searching the seas for her with magic.

When Maya and D'arvan reach the Valley, Eilin tells D'arvan that his true father is HeHorin, Lord of the Phaerie-a powerful race of Elemental beings exiled from the world by The Story So Far.../ x ancient Magefolk. Maya and D'arvan become lovers and stay in the Vale.

At sea, Aurian discovers the wise and powerful whales- the ancient Mage race of Leviathan. When she uses her powers to help them, the Archmage finds her and Eliseth conjures a storm to sink the s.h.i.+p. In the ensuing battle with Miathan, Aurian blinds him.

Aurian, Anvar, and Sara are rescued by the Leviathan, but the storm has blown them to the unknown Southern Kingdoms. Sara seduces Anvar, and Aurian leaves with the Leviathan Ithalasa, who reveals the lost history of the Magefolk. Aurian learns of the missing Artifacts: the Staff of Earth, the Harp of Winds, and the Sword of Flame, created by the Dragon-folk for one hand alone to wield. Ithalasa does not know where they can be found.

Anvar and Sara are captured by the Khazalim, a fierce desert race, and taken to the city of Taibeth, where Anvar is sold as a slave and Sara goes to the harem of Xiang, the ruler. Given the chance to become queen, she callously consigns Anvar to his fate. Aurian reaches Taibeth and is sentenced to fight in the Arena. Here she befriends Eliizar, disillusioned Swordmaster, and his wife Nereni. She hopes to find Anvar, but first she must fight the fearsome Black Demon, against whom no one has survived.

Miathan sends Davorshan to kill Aurian's mother. D'arvan slays him, but not before Eilin is mortally wounded. To save her, D'arvan and Maya, along with Eilin, pa.s.s into the realm of the Forest Lord, where Eilin must remain in order to survive. h.e.l.lorin explains that the Dragons gave the Sword of Flame into the care of the Phaerie, who must now return it to the world. Once the Artifact is claimed, the Phaerie will be freed. h.e.l.lorin conceals the Sword in the Valley, and Maya is transformed into a Guardian-an invisible unicorn. D'arvan brings the Wildwood to the Valley, making it a haven for Miathan's foes.

Aurian fights in the Arena before Xiang, his son, and his new queen, Sara. She survives the first bouts but is wounded, and now must face the Demon: s.h.i.+a, a fierce great cat from an intelligent race. When the Mage communicates mentally with her, s.h.i.+a claims her as a friend. Harihn, Xiang's son, takes Aurian and s.h.i.+a under his protection. While her wounds heal, she is cared for by a eunuch, Bohan, and wins his heart with her kindness. Anvar is found dying in the Khisu's slave pens. Aurian battles Death for his spirit and prevails.

Before Anvar can be warned of Sara's treachery, Xiang's soldiers attack. Anvar and Harihn are sentenced to death. Aurian escapes from the dungeons, freeing s.h.i.+a and Harihn's men. With Yazour, their captain, she storms the throne room, taking Xiang prisoner. Harihn will not accept the throne from a Mage and a woman. He frees Xiang on condition that he and his people may leave the kingdom and cross the desert. Anvar begs Sara to join him, but she repudiates him cruelly. Eliizar and Nereni join the fugitives.

In Nexis, Eliseth holds the land in an extended winter. Vannor, Panic, and their rebels, hide in the sewers beneath Nexis. Miathan believes that Aurian is alive and in the South. Elewin, the Academy's Chief Steward, warns Panic, who decides to go in search of her. The rebels escape the city with Meiriel, who has been driven mad by the loss of her soul-mate, Finbarr. They find sanctuary with Vannor's friends the Nightrunners, an elusive smuggling community who are already sheltering the merchant's daughter Zanna. Vannor's rebels head for the Valley, seeking Aurian's mother, while Par-ric, with Meiriel, Elewin, and the warrior Sangra, journey to the Southern Lands in search of Aurian herself.

In the desert, Anvar quarrels with Harihn. His rage is strong enough to break Miathan's spell, and his powers draw his spirit back to Nexis, where he s.n.a.t.c.hes back his magic from the Archmage. Aurian offers to teach him to use his powers, and his training begins.

Meanwhile, across the desert in the mountain city of Aeril-lia, the Winged Folk are dying in Eliseth's unnatural winter, which is spreading across the world. Blacktalon, the corrupt High Priest, claims he can turn aside the deadly cold and demands to be wedded to the Princess Raven, heir to the throne. Raven flees, heading south across the desert.

Harihn's band reach Dhiammara-a solitary mountain in the desert where a mysterious portal opens in the rock, s.n.a.t.c.hing Aurian away. When she cannot be found, Harihn abandons her companions. Aurian's loss brings home to Anvar how much he loves her. With s.h.i.+a's help he finds the portal, and he is reunited with Aurian. They emerge in the abandoned city of the Dragonfolk, and discover Raven. Forral's ghost leads Aurian to the last Dragon, who tells her that she is the One for whom the Sword of Flame was forged, but first she must win the Staff of Earth. Aurian succeeds and now holds one of the Artifacts.

The Mage is reunited with her comrades and Yazour, who has left the Prince and returned with horses. Eliseth creates a lethal sandstorm to slay them. Aurian's powers have vanished due to her pregnancy, but with the help of the Staff, she and Anvar defeat Eliseth and cross the desert safely. But Miathan is not done with them, for he has learned to free his spirit from the fetters of his body and send it abroad to work mischief....

Aurian and her companions find sanctuary in the forest beyond the desert, where Harihn and his troops are also encamped. The Prince has met with the roving spirit of Miathan and made an unholy bargain, allowing the Archmage to occupy his body at need. Miathan also enlists the aid of Black-talon, who has poisoned Raven's mother. Harihn seduces Raven, persuading her to betray the Mages. She offers to guide them across the mountains to the Tower of Incondor, where the Archmage and Blacktalon have laid an ambush.

Across the mountains, in the lands of the Xandim Horse-folk, a Seer receives a vision on the winds. Chiamh, the despised, reclusive Windeye of the Xandim, discovers powers of evil reaching out from the north toward two Bright Ones beyond the mountains. At the risk of destroying his tribe, he knows he must aid them in their fight against darkness.

The Xandim are shape-s.h.i.+fters, existing in either human or equine form. They capture Parric and his companions and sentence them to death. Chiamh rescues them with the help of Basileus, a Moldan-the living mind and soul of the Wynd-veil mountain.

Vannor, now settled with his rebels in the Vale, under D'ar-van's unseen guidance, hears that his daughter Zanna has left the Nightrunner hideout and returned to Nexis. He sets off to search for her with the veteran warrior Hargorn, but is captured by Miathan.

Aurian's band reach the Tower of Incondor and are attacked by Blacktalon's Skyfolk and Harihn's troops. s.h.i.+a, at the Mage's urging, flees with the Staff of Earth. Yazour, though wounded, escapes. Aurian is imprisoned in the tower to await the birth of her son, whom Miathan plans to kill. Anvar is taken to the Skyfolk city of Aerillia as a hostage. Yazour is found by Schian-nath, a Xandim outlaw exiled from his homeland with his sister Iscalda, condemned by the Herdlord Phalihas to exist solely in her equine shape: a white mare. Using the Staff to communicate, s.h.i.+a convinces Schiannath to help the wounded warrior.

Raven is taken back to Aerillia. Blacktalon plans to wed her to consolidate his power, but first he destroys her wings. She attempts to kill herself, but her life is saved by the physician Elster and her apprentice Cygnus, formerly a secret supporter of the High Priest.

In Nexis, Hargorn is wounded by the troops of Pendral, a cruel, corrupt merchant, and is rescued by Jarvas, who runs a refuge for dest.i.tute Nexians. Hargom is cared for by the physician Benziorn and his a.s.sistant Emmie, who finds two strays- a starving white dog and a boy, Grince. She takes them back to the refuge, along with the dog's litter of puppies.

To reach Aerillia, s.h.i.+a must cross the lands of her own people. Helped by the old cat Hreeza and the young male Khanu, she wins her way through. The two others join her.

Remana, mother of Yanis, the Nightrunner leader, goes with her son and Zanna's friend Tarnal to Nexis, to find Van-nor and his daughter. Seeking the help of Jarvas, they row up-river by night and make their way into Nexis via the sewers, emerging to find Jarvas's refuge under attack by Pendral's soldiers. Remana helps the refugees escape through the sewers, taking them back to the smuggler hideout at Wyvernesse, but Grince is left behind. Benziom remains to search for him, while Yanis and Tarnal stay in Nexis to find Zanna.

Vannor is captured by Miathan and imprisoned within the Mages' Tower. He discovers that Zanna is already there, in the guise of Eliseth's maid.

At the request of the wounded Yazour, Schiannath climbs the Tower of Incondor and finds Aurian. She refuses to be rescued while Anvar is a hostage, but agrees to signal the Xandim for his a.s.sistance when her child is born.

Chiamh has rescued Panic and his companions, but Meiriel, now dangerously insane, has vanished into the mountains. To gain the help of the Xandim, Panic challenges Phalihas for leaders.h.i.+p or the tribe and becomes Herdlord. The Windeye traps Phalihas in his equine form, and acting on Chiamh's Vision, Parric takes a troop of warriors to Aurian's rescue.

Anvar has been imprisoned by the Skyfolk in a cave high on a cliff. s.h.i.+a makes a near-impossible climb to bring him the Staff, and he uses it to pa.s.s through the mountain to the city of Aerillia. The Mage slays Blacktalon, but the Moldan of Aerillia, who wants the Staff, causes an earthquake and traps him underground. Unable to attack in her earthly form, the Moldan transports Anvar to another dimension-the Elsewhere of such elemental beings as the Moldan and the Phaerie. Here she takes the form of a monster, and attacks.

Miathan, in Harihn's body, attacks Aurian, who goes into labor. Wolves come to her rescue and Harihn is slain by the pack leader-and as Miathan's curse takes effect, Aurian's child a.s.sumes the shape of a wolf cub. When Parric and Chiamh reach the tower, the Windeye frees Iscalda from her equine shape, and Parric, as Herdlord, pardons Schiannath the outlaw. Aurian journeys with Chiamh to Aerillia, in search of Anvar.

h.e.l.lorin, Lord of the Phaerie, discovers the presence of the Staff of Earth in his realm, and with Aurian's mother goes to Anvar's rescue. The Moldan is destroyed, and h.e.l.lorin sends Anvar Between the Worlds to the Timeless Lake, to seek the Harp of Winds. Anvar evades the traps set by the Cailleach, guardian of the Harp, and claims the Artifact for his own. He returns to Aerillia and finds Aurian, and at last they affirm their love. Using the Artifacts to break the deadly power of Eliseth's winter, they bring spring back to the world.

Aurian's companions journey to Aerillia, where Raven is crowned Queen. The Mages rejoice in their new love and the claiming of another Artifact, unaware that jealous eyes watch them. Cygnus is convinced that the Harp should be returned to the Skyfolk.

To Nereni's dismay, Eliizar's fear of magic convinces him to return south with some of the Winged Folk and the remainder of Harihn's soldiers and servants, to set up an independent colony in the forest close to the desert. Reluctantly, they say farewell to the Mages.

In the North, the Nexian refugees shelter with the Night-runners. Back in Nexis, young Grince and the surviving pup from the white dog's litter are hiding in the deserted Grand Arcade. For the sake of his beloved dog, he embarks on a life of thievery.

In Aerillia, Raven is facing difficulties in her new role of Queen. Her only allies are Elster and Aguila, Captain of the Guard. Skua, the new High Priest, is plotting against her, together with Sunfeather, one of Aerillia's warrior elite-and JCygnus, who still wants the Harp of Winds for himself and jlplots to prevent the Skyfolk from a.s.sisting Aurian in her quest.

Elster advises Raven to marry Aguila, for she needs his strength and support.

Aurian and her companions travel to the Xandim Fastness, aided by winged couriers sent by Raven, On arrival, they are ambushed by the mad Healer-Mage Meiriel, aided by Gristheena, the brutal leader of the great cats. Meiriel kidnaps Wolf, but the Mages and Chiamh track her down and Aurian slays her. s.h.i.+a defeats Gristheena, but leaves Hreeza to rule the cats so that she herself can remain with Aurian.

Panic's term as Herdlord is coming to an end. The Xandim revolt against him, and while the companions are escaping their attackers, Bohan falls from the cliffs behind the Fastness and dies. Backed by Chiamh, Panic nominates Schi-annath to Challenge in his place. The former outlaw battles Phalihas and, on killing him, becomes Herdlord.

In Nexis, Vannor is still the captive of the Magefolk. Though Miathan will not permit her to kill him, Eliseth has discovered that she can use Mortal pain to increase her powers, and mangles Vannor's hand. Zanna has manipulated herself into the role of Eliseth's maid, hoping to spy on the Mages. When she discovers her father, she rescues him and they escape via the archives and the sewers. They find sanctuary with Hebba, Vannor's cook, who is also sheltering Tarnal, Ya-nis, and the physician Benziom, who is forced to amputate Vannor's injured hand. They all escape from Nexis and flee back to the Nightrunners.

In a vision, Chiamh discovers that the Sword of Flame is hidden in the Lady Eilin's Valley. The Mages and their companions make plans to return to the North, unaware of the fact that Eliseth has sent Bern to infiltrate the rebel camp in the Vale.

In the city of Taibeth, Sara is alone, for Xiang has headed north across the desert in search of his son Harihn, unaware that the Prince is already dead. Sara has evolved a plan to dupe Xiang with a feigned pregnancy during his absence. On reaching the far side of the desert, Xiang finds the forest occupied by Eliizar and his folk-who are ready for invaders. Xiang's forces are vanquished and he is slain by Eliizar himself. As long as Sara can carry out her deception to its conclusion and produce a child from somewhere at the proper time, she will be in an una.s.sailable position of power as the mother of Xiang's successor.

On reaching the coast of the Southern Lands, Aurian sum- mons the Leviathan Ithalasa. Risking the disapproval of his people, he agrees to take Chiamh, Panic, and Sangra on his back so that they can contact Yanis and arrange for Night-runner s.h.i.+ps to take the Mages and the Xandim forces provided by Schiannath back to the North. Before they can board the s.h.i.+ps, Cygnus joins them. Though he has deceived Raven into sending him to a.s.sist the Mages, he has truly come to steal the Harp by any possible means.

In Nexis, Eliseth sees in her scrying crystal that Aurian has returned. She makes a treacherous attack on Miathan, takes him out of time and steals the Grail of Rebirth. With a force of mercenaries, she advances on the Valley to battle the Mages and their allies on the outskirts. D'arvan, the Wildwood's guardian, lets Aurian's folk pa.s.s within. When Eliseth finds herself barred from entering, she calls down lightning to set the woods ablaze.

When Aurian reaches the lake, she is attacked by Maya, but breaks the spell and returns her old friend to her human form. When the Mage tries to claim the Sword, it demands a sacrifice-the blood of a loved one. Rather than make such a bargain, Aurian forfeits the Artifact. The Phaerie, freed by the Sword but unable to swear allegiance to its wielder, are loosed upon the world and turn the Xandim back to their equine form. Cygnus, seeing his chance, attacks Anvar, and as Aurian rushes to his aid, Eliseth steals the Sword. When she tries to wield it together with the Grail, however, she rends open the fabric of time, vanis.h.i.+ng with Anvar through the gap. Aurian follows, along with D'arvan, Maya, Chiamh, Schiannath, and the great cats s.h.i.+a and Khanu. All of them are lost in time and hurtling toward an unknown fate.


LANDSNexi Noa berth The Valley I eatland: Southern Hills .Wyvernesse Easthaven Aerillia Tower of Incondor SOUTHERN KINGDOMS.

Chapter 1.

The Last of the Magefolk When the wizard failed to master the Sword of Flame, the Phaerie were free at last. To Hel-lorin, it was a stroke of good fortune beyond belief that the flame-haired Magewoman had not only, through her weakness, granted his people the liberty they had craved, but had also been the means of restoring the Phaerie steeds that had lived for so long in human guise, far across the sea. "Ride, my children," he roared exultantly. "Let the world tremble, for the Phaerie ride once more!"

"No," Eilin shouted. "Lord, you must not do this. Let the Xandim go. These are intelligent beings!"

For an instant, the Forest Lord hesitated. While the Mage had been trapped in his realm they had become close friends, and she had meant a good deal to him-but now that he could exercise his Maggie FureyVhia.mm3.r3.

will again nothing must interfere with his freedom. The days of the Magefolk were over, and once again the Phaerie could take the world and shake it to its foundations. h.e.l.lorin shrugged, dismissing Eilin from his mind along with his softhearted son, who would have left the Phaerie steeds in their useless human form. D'arvan would be taught to know better in times to come.

With a spine-wrenching leap, the white mare sprung skyward. The heart of the Forest Lord, fettered and earthbound for so long, soared with his Phaerie steed as her hooves spurned the ground and she sped aloft, with stretching strides, along a path of invisible air. So intent was he on his triumph that he failed to notice the gate in time that the Sword of Flame had opened behind him. He did not see D'arvan, his son, leap through the gateway after Aurian, to be whirled away into oblivion.

Scores of voices took up h.e.l.lorin's cry as his people followed; shadowy figures no longer, but comely and clad in radiant flesh: soaring behind him on their own mounts, who but moments before had worn the guise, and held the consciousness and intelligence, of mortal men. Higher and higher the Phaerie climbed, swarming upward like a drift of dark smoke as they followed their Lord into the heavens. Those who remained earthbound, through lack of sufficient horses, scattered into the forest as though they planned to follow the Hunt on foot.

The Forest Lord glanced proudly back at his followers, his triumph marred only by the fact that this gathering was but a pallid reflection of the great ridings of old, for little more than fivescore of the Phaerie steeds had come with the strangers to the Vale. Therefore many of his folk could not take to the skies. Firmly, he shrugged the thought aside, determined not to let such comparisons mar this great and triumphal moment. If the missing horses were on this side of the ocean they would be found-and if they were still lost across the seas, beyond the powerful reach of the Phaerie, then others could easily be bred from the stock that had been recovered today. Casting such mundane matters firmly from his mind, h.e.l.lorin reveled in his new freedom, breathing in great drafts of the icy wind that stung his face and burned thinly in his lungs. Glancing earthward, he gloried in the power of his Phaerie mount as the white mare leapt from cloud to cloud, striking thunderbolts with her silver hooves.

Far below, h.e.l.lorin's keen eyes spied human shapes: a throng of fleeing Mortals who were swarming like ants through the smoldering trees near the rim of the Vale. Though such creatures had their uses, they must first be taught a lesson- that the Phaerie were their masters now. With a triumphant howl, the Forest Lord called up his pack of great hounds and spurred the white mare, sending her hurtling downward, toward the invaders. His people followed, curving down out of the sky like shooting stars, their eyes ablaze with the thirsting lost for Mortal blood; their voices upraised in a shrill, discordant song of battle that sliced the air like blades. One by one, the mercenaries who had followed Eliseth on her ill-fated raid were hunted down like deer amid the trees, and like deer were slaughtered while the earth amid the roots of the tortured forest drank deeply of their blood. Only when all the Mortals had been slain did the Phaerie look around them for other prey.

In the center of the Vale's great bowl, on the of the lake, the Earth-Mage Eilin shuddered to hear the death-screams of the slaughtered Mortals. The Phaerie Lord's treachery was a minor matter when compared with the loss of her daughter, but the betrayal hurt nonetheless. Eilin, almost crushed beneath the weight of her grief, stood numb and irresolute. Only her stubborn pride kept her on her feet. For the second time in her life, she beheld die destruction of all that she held dear-her daughter, her home, her hopes. The first time, when Geraint had died and her life had fallen apart in ruin, she had risen above grief and disaster to build a productive and purposeful life from the rubble of her dreams-but she was older now: crushed, bewildered, and alone. How could she ever find he strength and courage to pick up the pieces a second time?

Beside her, Vannor and Parric, the erstwhile companions er daughter, stood at the forefront of the band of rebels had been sheltered in her Valley during her absence in vjpe otherworldly Phaerie Realm. Through her constant vigil *t h.e.l.lorin's magic window that had looked out on her own jSlorld, she had come to know all these folk over the last . 'Sponths-with the exception of one, a stranger; by his color- ; and facial structure a foreigner from across the seas, where magic of the Forest Lord's window did not reach.

None of these Mortals meant anything to Eilin-save that she couldn't wait for them to leave. The Mage wanted her Valley to herself again-she wanted time to repair the devastation that had been visited upon her by the Weather-Mage Eliseth, and solitude in which to a.s.similate the horror of losing a daughter and the pain of her betrayal by the Phaerie Lord. There was no help for it, however. These people had been Aurian's friends and companions. They were as stunned as Eilin by the horrors of the day, and she knew they would need to rest and collect themselves before she could be rid of them at last. They would find no surcease from her, though-she had nothing left to give. Let the Mortals s.h.i.+ft for themselves!

Of all the folk who had survived the dreadful events of that day, Dulsina, who had scarcely known the Lady Aurian, seemed best equipped to cope. As she looked around at her devastated companions, the woman realized that if they were to spend the night in a comparative degree of comfort, everything would be up to her. Panic had wandered away from the others and was standing with his back to them, his head bowed, his shoulders slumped in grief and defeat. Even at this distance Dulsina could hear the bloodcurdling sound of his ceaseless cursing. Sangra was struggling valiantly, with little success, to stifle her tears. She was grasping the hilt of her sword so tightly that her hands were a knot of bones, as if by force of arms she could defeat the sense of dread and desolation that had overtaken her.

Fional, though utterly distraught at the loss of his friend D'arvan, was with the stranger-the exotic man with a tanned face, long dark hair, and the lithe, muscled body of a dancer. The archer was trying his best to calm the stranger as he cried out loudly in rage and anguish, in some foreign tongue, while Vannor-dear, good-hearted Vannor, who, up to a moment ago seemed so calm and collected-had sat down on the ground so abruptly that it looked as though his knees had turned to water, his hand across his eyes. Worst of all, the Lady Eilin stood unmoving, a little apart from the others, her eyes blazing with a bleak and terrible light in a face that had been turned to stone.

Someone would have to take care of them all-that much was plain. Perhaps, Dulsina thought, it might be better if they could leave this unhappy place with its tragic a.s.sociations and return to what remained of the rebel camp-if, as she hoped, tfaeir sanctuary had been spared from the blaze. Her companions, however, seemed unable to rouse themselves from their ^jjhocked and grieving la.s.situde-and when she tried to persuade the Lady Eilin, she was repulsed by an impenetrable wall of ice, and behind it, a blaze of suppressed rage that Seared like flames.

There was little in life that daunted Dulsina, but the way the Mage's eyes looked straight through her chilled her to the fceart. For her very life, she dared not push Eilin any further- br she was certain that the next time the Lady's dreadful ze turned upon her, it would not be chill with indifference but burning with wrath. Dulsina, no fool, changed her plans with alacrity. We can move what's left of the encampment here, she decided briskly. The G.o.ds only know, we'll need some comforts about us, after the terrible things we've seen and suffered today. The sun will be setting before much longer, and we must have food and shelter organized before it gets dark.

Already the sun was sinking into the wrack of smoke that bung over the Vale like a grim, grey pall. Dulsina sighed. Surely there must be someone here who could help her? Someone sensible, and capable, who was still in possession of his wits? It was with a sense of profound thankfulness that die noticed Hargorn, standing a short distance away on the sh.o.r.e of the lake. The veteran was looking out across the water at the island, leaning heavily on his sword, which he had planted, point down, in the muddy bank of the lake. As she approached him, Dulsina's relief vanished abruptly. For the first time since she had met him, Hargorn looked like an tman. But as he heard her footsteps he straightened, and ugh there were telltale glints of moisture on his seamed fefce as he turned toward her, he was dry-eyed and seemed in hill possession of his wits-save for the dread, bitter empti-fless that lurked behind his gaze.

- "Maya's gone," he said softly, before Dulsina could speak.

*$he poor la.s.s was here in the Vale all the time and I never fcnew it-and now she's gone again." His voice sank to a whis-"I was always so proud of her-what she made of herself, didn't know it, but she was like the daughter I never L" Then he shook himself, and his eyes became alert once 5. "But there's no sense in mourning her as if she's dead we don't know for sure," he added decisively. "Maya Id have a thing or two to say about that-she's got more b.a.l.l.s than most men put together-sorry, lovey," he apologized to Dulsina, remembering, belatedly, that he was not talking to one of his men. "What can I do for you, anyway?"

Dulsina had to swallow back her own sadness before she could reply. His words had reminded her of the Solstice Eve when she had lost Vannor's daughter in the crowded Grand Arcade. Maya and the Lady Aurian had rescued Zanna from the throng and brought her back safely to the carriage. The two young women, warrior and Mage but the fastest of friends, so full of the courage and promise of youth, had been through so much hards.h.i.+p and suffering since then-and now both of them were gone.

"Come on, now," Hargorn gently interrupted her thoughts. "It doesn't do to dwell on it-I shouldn't have set you off. The G.o.ds help anyone who dares to tangle with Maya and Aurian-and standing around here like a bunch of wet hens won't get us anywhere, either. Thank goodness the two of us are here-somebody's got to have their wits about them."

Dulsina smiled, comforted by the warm sense of comrades.h.i.+p that existed between them. She and the ageing warrior had shared a soft spot for each other ever since he had smuggled her to the Valley with the rest of the rebels after Vannor had forbidden her to come.

Taking a grip on herself, the woman explained her predicament to Hargorn: "The Lady Eilin won't s.h.i.+ft from this spot, poor thing, and the rest of them are more like headless chickens than wet hens. We need to get a camp together before nightfall... ."; "Don't worry," the veteran rea.s.sured her. "I'll round up v our folk and get them busy. I'll set some of them to building,"* shelters, if you can come back to the camp with the rest of us y and choose what you want us to bring. We can be back here < with="" food="" and="" blankets="" in="" no="">

As he hurried off, Dulsina noticed that his sword was still where he had left it-planted in the mud of the lakeside. Hargorn wasn't usually so absentminded. Was age catching up with the veteran at last? She called him back. "Hargorn- you've forgotten your sword."

He looked at her bleakly, and shook his head. "It was a sword that was responsible for this disaster in the first place. I'm finished with fighting, Dulsina. I haven't the heart for it anymore-not after today. I'll never touch a sword again."

After a time, Parric pulled himself out of his dazed reverie, and realized with dismay that dusk had fallen. He was aghast to discover how long he had been simply standing there, lost in anguish and horror-and thoroughly ashamed to find that Dulsina and Hargorn had been forced to cope alone. They had managed very well without him, the Cavalrymaster admitted-but it shouldn't have been necessary.

"Don't worry about it," Dulsina told him. "Once we got our belongings moved from the old camp, the rest was easy. There's dry wood enough for burning now, on the edge of the fires where the trees are still just smoldering-and there was no need to hunt. Lots of animals were killed by the smoke-if you look in the woods there are bodies all over the place." A slight catch in her voice and her pale, strained face were the only things about her that hinted to Parric of the carnage she had witnessed in the forest.

Now that Dulsina had mentioned it, the Cavalrymaster became aware, for the first time, of the mouthwatering aromas of roasting meat. A short distance away from him, a rough camp was taking shape, with primitive shelters constructed from wooden frameworks draped with blankets, cloaks, and hides. A huge fire blazed like a beacon on the of the lake, with a cl.u.s.ter of smaller cooking fires close by.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Parric asked guiltily.

"Yes," Dulsina told him. "You can go and comfort your friend Sangra and that poor young man you brought with you from foreign parts."

The Cavalrymaster looked through the gathering darkness, across the sward to where Sangra and Yazour were sitting close to the fire, deep in talk and holding tightly to one another's hands.

"It looks like the two of them are managing well enough without me," he grumbled. "Where's Vannor?"

The deep line of a frown appeared between Dulsina's dark brows. "Never you mind about him," she retorted firmly. "You go and help your young friends over there. I've dealt with Vannor myself-instead of letting him sit there and brood, I've sent him to talk to the Lady Eilin. The G.o.ds only know, someone ought to do it."

Eilin cursed and clenched her fists at her sides in annoyance as she saw the Mortal approaching. Once her unwelcome guests had begun to set up their camp-near the very beech grove where Forral had first made his shelter, she thought, with a flash of old pain that she'd believed to be long behind her-the Mage, seeking solitude, had retreated across the charred and splintered wooden bridge to the sanctuary of her island. No one, she'd been certain, would dare to follow her there. How wrong she had been-but when Eilin's unwelcome visitor came close enough to be recognized, she found that she was not in the least surprised.

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