The Princess Dehra Part 39

The Princess Dehra -

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They had gone into the library for a rubber of bridge, until it was time to start for the Ferida. Now there came a chime from the mantel, and Dehra glanced at the old French clock that her Bourbon ancestress had brought with her-among wagon loads of clothes and furniture-when she came to be wife to Henry the Third.

"Well, Armand," she said, "if we are to be at our dear cousin's rear gate at eleven, I suppose it's the last moment for me to change my gown, this one isn't especially appropriate-have you anything in particular to suggest?"

"Nothing," he smiled, "nothing; except that you don't make yourself any more attractive than is absolutely unavoidable."

"And that I conceal my ident.i.ty as much as possible, I suppose?"

"Undoubtedly-and the more effective the concealment, the better."

She laid aside the cards she was shuffling and arose.

"Will you come with me, Elise?" she asked. "You can help me with the disguise."

Moore closed the door behind them, and going over to a side-table poured out a very stiff drink.

"I don't like it!" he said, turning around, the gla.s.s half emptied, and tossing off the remainder; "I don't like it, a little bit!"

"Then it's appalling to think what you would take if you did like it,"

the Archduke commented.

The Colonel laughed and poured out a trifle more.

"The liquor is all right," he laughed; "it's this notion of Her Highness I don't like."

Armand had begun to deal solitaire, but he stopped and tossed the cards together.

"I wonder if Mademoiselle d'Essolde could persuade her to give it up?" he said.

"She wouldn't try-she, too, wanted to go. I blocked that, however; I told her that one foolish virgin was as much as we could look after in this mess, and that she would best stay home and trim the lamps. It wasn't a happy remark, I fear, but it did the business-you will have to give me another message for her to-morrow. Meanwhile, I must go over and do a bit of dress changing myself-shall I need a mask?"

"I don't know; better take one."

The Archduke was in the uniform of a general officer, dark green evening coat and trousers, with buff waistcoat; and unadorned save for the narrow gold cord on the shoulder, the insignia on the sleeves, and the braid on the leg seam. Because Dehra liked him best in the Red Huzzar dress, he always wore it when he dined with her; for to-night, however, it was entirely too showy and hampering, and he had chosen the one quietest in tone and best suited for quick action.

Left alone, he tried the solitaire again; but it got on his nerves, and after a minute of listless playing, he sprang up, with an exclamation of disgust, and began to pace the floor. Presently Moore returned, in the fatigue uniform of the General Staff, with its easy-fitting jacket, and was immediately sent back to telephone the Secret Police to spread a loose cordon around the Ferida, with a dozen men loitering in close vicinity to every gate. There was no antic.i.p.ating what they were about to encounter, so it was well to provide for the worst. It was his duty to protect the Regent whether she wished it or not; and though he might not take them inside with her, yet if the occasion arose, a pistol shot would bring them very quickly.

"It's growing late," he remarked, as the Adjutant came back; "if we are to be there on time we must start."

He was going toward the bell when voices in the next room told him the Princess was coming; and she entered-a slender officer in a long military coat, and a soft felt service hat.

The two men mechanically raised their hands in salute, and she acknowledged it with formal motion and a merry laugh.

"Will I pa.s.s?" she asked.-"See, the hat covers my hair, and its wide brim shadows my face; the coat reaches almost to my feet, and its big collar quite hides the back of my head; and, as for what's under the coat, see again"-and loosing the frogs, she swung it back, disclosing the tunic of her Blue Guards, and, below it, the close-fitting knee skirts, and high spiral puttees of a shooting suit.

"And is that as unattractive as you could make yourself?" the Archduke asked, with affected seriousness, as he fastened her coat and adjusted her sword.

"It's as un.o.btrusive as I could make myself-some day, if you wish, sir, I'll show you just how unattractive I can be."

But he only laughed, and, taking her hand, hurried her to the carriage.

On the drive, he told her briefly how they were to reach Mrs. Spencer's apartments, and cautioned her, as tactfully as he could, against doing anything which might serve to disclose her ident.i.ty.

"Don't worry, dear," she said, "I'm going simply to see the Book; I shall not even speak without permission-you are in command, not I;" and she found his hand, and held it; rather sorry now that she had ordered her Adjutant inside with them, when he was about to mount his horse to follow.

"Will there be others with us?" she asked, presently.

"Yes, Captain De Coursey and Lieutenant Marsov, of the Cuira.s.siers; both guaranteed by Colonel Moore to be skillful swordsmen, and friendly to me as against Lotzen."

"And besides," the Adjutant added, "devoted to an adventure, and in discretion unsurpa.s.sed."

"Will you tell them who I am?" she asked.

The Archduke hesitated.... "No, not unless it becomes necessary; it would only make them unduly nervous; but if trouble come, they must know."

"I can protect myself, a little while," said she, slapping her sword in laughing bravado; though indeed she was very clever with the foils.

To her quick eye and natural talent had been added years of careful training under expert maitres; for, to Frederick, she was both son and daughter, and he had encouraged her in everything that went to strengthen body or mind. Yet she was so very modest about it, that only very lately had even Armand known of her proficiency; and now, he regularly put on the mask and plastron with her, and had her present when Moore and he were practicing.

"And for more than a little while," the Archduke replied; "and if you do have to draw, try to forget you're fencing with pointed weapons, and bear in mind only that you must not be touched."

She leaned closer to him.

"Goodness Armand, you make me afraid," she said, with a little s.h.i.+ver; "I don't want to fight any one."

"Please G.o.d you won't have to, dear, but if you do, remember that the surest way to save your life is to take the other fellow's."

She s.h.i.+vered again. "I shouldn't want to be a man."

He slipped his arm around her and bent down.

"Let me send you back to the Palace, sweetheart," he whispered-"for my sake go back."

"It is for your sake I'm going on," she answered, "and-I'll kill the other fellow if I have to-but I don't want to."

The carriage drew in to the curb and stopped. It was on a side street near the rear gate of the Ferida, and as the Archduke got out, two officers in quiet uniforms and capes, who were walking slowly along, halted, and, after a glance, came up and saluted. They were De Coursey and Marsov.

"I thank you for your attendance," said the Archduke; and leaving it for Moore to acquaint them with as much of the business in hand as was necessary, he linked arms with the Regent and they went leisurely on; there was ample time, and they reached the entrance as the Cathedral bell rang the hour.

The great gate was closed and locked, but in it was a small one, so cleverly hidden among the frets and ornaments that the Archduke had trouble in locating it, and still more in finding the catch, which Mrs.

Spencer had engaged would not be fastened.

Across the street a number of men were loitering, and two came hastily over; but recognizing Colonel Moore, who had stepped out to meet them, they made a quick salute and were returning, when he called them back.

"It will be for you to see that we are not locked in," he said, and following the others, who had already entered, he closed the gate behind him.

The drive ran between great oaks straight toward the house, but, a little way in, a narrow walk branched from it on either side and wound through trees and between hedges to the side gates, and thence on to the front.

Mrs. Spencer's apartments were in the wing on the right, and her instructions were to proceed by the path on that side until opposite the rear of her suite; then by another path that bisected the first, and which, crossing the driveway between the rear and side gates, led to the house and close under her windows; there, at the first small door, they were to knock.

Eleven o'clock was a very early hour at Ferida Palace, and the Archduke looked dubiously at the lighted windows and the flitting figures inside, with the music of the orchestra, in the main hall, throbbing out irregularly in bursts of rhythmic melody. It seemed rather absurd for five people to attempt a surrept.i.tious entrance into such a place; and again he urged the Princess to return at least to the carriage, and await him there; but without success; and in deep misgiving he went on.

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