The Princess Dehra Part 2

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She shrugged her shoulders. "You seem to have forgot that steel vests do not protect the head; and that several swords might penetrate a guard which one could not."

"Surely," he exclaimed, "surely, you must have loved this man!"

She put his words aside with a wave of her hand.

"My advice is quite impersonal," she said-"and it is only trite advice at that, as you know. You have yourself considered it already scores of times, and have been deterred only by the danger to yourself."

He laughed. "I'm glad you cannot go over to my enemies. You read my mind too accurately."

"Nonsense," she retorted; "Armand knows it quite as well as I, though possibly he may not yet have realized how timid you have grown."


She nodded. "Yes, timid; you had plenty of nerve at first, when the American came; but it seems to have run to water."

"And I shall lose, you think?"

She tossed the cigarette among the red ashes and arose.

"Why should you win, Ferdinand?" she asked-then a sly smile touched her lips-"so far as I have observed, you haven't troubled even so much as to pray for success."

He leaned forward and drew her back to the place beside him.

"Patience, Madeline, patience," said he; "some day I'm going back to Dornlitz."

"To see the Archduke Armand crowned?" she scoffed.

He bent his head close to her ear. "I trust so-with the diadem that never fades."

She laughed. "Trust and hope are the weapons of the apathetic. Why don't you, at least, deal in predictions; sometimes they inspire deeds."

"Very good," he said smilingly. "I predict that there is another little game for you and me to play in Dornlitz, and that we shall be there before many days."

"You are an absent-minded prophet," she said; "I told you I would not go to Dornlitz."

"But if I need you, Madeline?"

She shook her head. "Transfer the game to Paris, or any place outside Valeria, and I will gladly be your partner."

He took her hand. "Will nothing persuade you?"

She faced him instantly. "Nothing, my lord, nothing, so long as Frederick is king."

The Duke lifted her hand and tapped it softly against his cheek.

"Tres bien ma chere, tres bien," he said; then frowned, as Mrs. Spencer's maid entered.

"Pour Monsieur le Duc," she curtsied.

Lotzen took the card from the salver and turned it over.

"I will see him at once," he said; "have him shown to my private cabinet.... It is Bigler," he explained.

"Why not have him here?"

He hesitated.

"Oh, very well; I thought you trusted me."

He struck the bell. "Show Count Bigler here," he ordered. Then when the maid had gone: "There, Madeline, that should satisfy you, for I have no idea what brings him."

She went quickly to him, and leaning over his shoulder lightly kissed his cheek.

"I knew you trusted me, dear," she said, "but a woman likes to have it demonstrated, now and then."

He turned to catch her; but she sprang away.

"No, Ferdinand, no," as he pursued her; "the Count is coming-go and sit down."-She tried to reach her boudoir, but with a laugh he headed her off, and slowly drove her into a corner.

"Surrender," he said; "I'll be merciful."

For answer there came the swish of high-held skirts, a vision of black silk stockings and white lace, and she was across a huge sofa, and, with flushed face and merry eyes, had turned and faced him.

And as they stood so, Count Bigler was announced.

"Welcome, my dear Bigler, welcome!" the Duke exclaimed, hurrying over to greet him; "you are surely Heaven sent.... Madame Spencer, I think you know the Count."

She saw the look of sharp surprise that Bigler tried to hide by bowing very low, and she laughed gayly.

"Indeed, you do come in good time, my lord," she said; "we were so put to for amus.e.m.e.nt we were reduced to playing tag around the room-don't be shocked; you will be playing it too, if you are here for long."

"If it carry the usual penalty," he answered, joining in her laugh, "I am very ready to play it now."

"Doubtless," said the Duke dryly, motioning him to a chair. "But first, tell us the gossip of the Capital; we have heard nothing for weeks.

What's my dear cousin Armand up to-not dying, I fear?"

"Dying! Not he-not while there are any honors handy, with a doting King to shower them on him, and a Princess waiting for wife."

The Duke's face, cold at best, went yet colder.

"Has the wedding date been announced?" he asked.

"Not formally, but I understand it has been fixed for the twenty-seventh."

Lotzen glanced at a calendar. "Three weeks from to-morrow-well, much may happen in that time. Come," he said good-naturedly, shaking off the irritation, "tell us all you know-everything-from the newest dance at the opera to the tattle of the Clubs. I said you were Heaven sent-now prove it. But first-was it wise for you to come here? What will Frederick say?"

The Count laughed. "Oh, I'm not here; I'm in Paris, on two weeks leave."

"Paris!" the Duke exclaimed. "Surely, this Paris fever is the very devil; are you off to-night or in the morning?"

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