Catwalk. Part 14

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DJ laughs so loudly that she snorts. "Except for the small hitch that this girl this girl didn't really want to be a model." didn't really want to be a model."

"That's true." Mrs. Carter nods sadly, as if she's still getting over this. "But I do understand. DJ marches to her own drummer and that's okay. She's a wonderful granddaughter and I couldn't be prouder of her."

"But you had other girls living in your home too, is that right?" Paige continues.

"Yes. Because of my hopes to groom DJ into-well, you know how that went. And because some other situations arose where other teenage girls had a need for housing, and I had this overly large Victorian home in Connecticut...well, it just seemed to fall into place. So a couple of years ago, I took five other young women into my home."

"You had six teenage girls under one roof?" Paige looks shocked.

Mrs. Carter laughs. "It's true. I had no idea what I was getting into." Mrs. Carter and DJ take turns regaling us with wild tales of the goings on at Carter House and how the Carter House girls made quite a name for themselves in the local high school. It's good entertainment. And it makes the hour-long car ride (through snail's-pace traffic) pa.s.s quickly.

The stories continue on through lunch, only now I'm the one behind the camera-attempting to be discreet as I capture this conversation, which Fran is hoping might fill up an entire episode of On the Runway. On the Runway. Then, just as we're considering dessert and coffee, Taylor joins us, and the stories not only continue, but become much more colorful too. It ends up being a three-hour lunch, but as we're heading off to our rooms, it seems that we've all enjoyed it. Then, just as we're considering dessert and coffee, Taylor joins us, and the stories not only continue, but become much more colorful too. It ends up being a three-hour lunch, but as we're heading off to our rooms, it seems that we've all enjoyed it.

On Sunday morning, we do the Marc Jacobs show. This time, our camera guys have press and Paige manages to get some pretty hot off-the-cuff interviews, which pleases Fran immensely.

Then on Monday morning it's cold and drizzly and we get in our town car and head over to a small studio on the edge of the garment district, apparently owned by a designer who's not having a show for Fas.h.i.+on Week, and there we meet Rhiannon Farley. We already know that Rhiannon is a former Carter House girl and that she is much loved by DJ, Taylor, and Mrs. Carter. We also know that Rhiannon wants to be a designer and that her mother recently died of a drug overdose.

Rhiannon is the one who lets us into the studio, explaining that she's the only one here today. "The others are trying to take in as much of Fas.h.i.+on Week as possible."

"Did we keep you from that?" Paige asks as we go inside.

"No, not really. I mean, I'll go to some of the shows-our school gets and we're expected to attend. But I hadn't planned to go to all of them. It's too overwhelming, not to mention impossible." Rhiannon looks at us with a puzzled brow and I can tell she wonders why we're here.

"I'm sorry," Paige says quickly to recover. Then she goes into a brief introduction and asks if it's okay for me to use my camera.

Rhiannon still looks confused. "Why?"

Paige reaches in her pocket and hands Rhiannon a card. "I forgot to mention that we're from-"

"On the Runway?" Rhiannon's jaw literally drops. "I've heard of this show and I've been wanting to see it, but I don't have a TV in my dorm room. Are you really really from this show?" from this show?"

Paige smiles and nods. "And if it's okay with you, Erin will begin filming until the camera crew arrives. We'd like to do an episode about young designers and what it takes to make it, and we want to feature you."

"Me?" Rhiannon looks stunned. "Why?"

"Because we've heard you're really talented." Paige explains what Taylor and Mrs. Carter had said, and then Fran gets Rhiannon to sign the release form. But I can tell she's still shocked by all this, and I'm wondering if it would've been better to give this poor girl some warning. I mean, what if she wore an outfit she hates today? Although she looks great in her short plaid skirt, black tights, and a lacy white blouse, which I'm guessing might be one of her own creations.

As my camera rolls, I'm trying to capture Rhiannon's surprised delight as she continues to absorb what's really going on, but I wish she'd relax a little. It's as if her words and movements are guarded, like she can't let down in front of us.

As I focus the camera on her I realize that she's much shorter than Paige, and although she's very pretty with her long, curly auburn hair and green eyes, she doesn't seem like the model type. I mean that as a compliment. But she also doesn't seem very comfortable (like me) while the camera's on her. Paige asks Rhiannon some routine questions, and I can tell she's trying to get Rhiannon to relax.

When the crew finally arrives I make room for them, but I continue to film Rhiannon as she gives us a quick tour of the small studio. Soon, she's talking about her own designs and what she hopes to achieve, and it's like she's suddenly coming to life.

"I want to be a responsible designer," she says as she holds up an absolutely beautiful dress that's a combination of all kinds of fabrics and notions and things. It's kind of a like a patchwork creation, and yet it's elegant and graceful-looking in varying shades of purple. "I try to use materials that are organic, recycled, and renewable...and I try to make each garment one of a kind."

"Similar to Granada Greenwear's mission," Paige suggests. "Although I must say your styles are completely different. Perhaps more feminine."

Rhiannon nods. "I adore Granada Greenwear. But, yes, I'd agree, our styles are different."

"Your designs have a very delicate quality to them," Paige says as she holds up a sky-blue dress. "Almost fairy-like."

Rhiannon laughs and her eyes sparkle. "Yes, I've heard that before."

"This is beautiful," Paige says as she continues to study the blue dress. "I usually go more for the cla.s.sic contemporary styles, but I think I would wear something like this...if it were the right occasion." She nods to the rack of other clothes. "Why don't you show us some more? Tell us about what you were hoping for with each creation, and what inspires you."

It's like Paige has somehow managed to flick the switch and Rhiannon comes completely and totally to life. I can tell that this interview is not only going well, but it will look fantastic on film too.

After more than an hour, we finally wind it down. But then Paige gets an idea. "How would you feel if I try on that gorgeous blue dress?" she asks Rhiannon. "To get some footage of it for the show. Is that all right?"

"Are you kidding?" Rhiannon rushes to the get the dress, thrusting it toward Paige. "I would love that!"

So while Paige is changing into the dress and Rhiannon scrambles to find the shoes that she knows will be perfect, we get our cameras ready to roll again. When Paige announces she's coming out, we are filming. She pushes open the curtains and, not like a striding model but more like a ballerina, she glides out of the fitting room and sort of dances around the studio. "This dress is absolutely amazing," she says. "I feel almost magical in it. Like I could do ballet or a very lovely waltz." Then she goes and stands next to Rhiannon. "I'm Paige Forrester from On the Runway On the Runway, standing next to a young woman who I'm certain is going to become a well-known designer before long. And I am wearing one of her dresses-an original Rhiannon Farley creation. And I am loving it." She holds out a foot to show a delicate old-fas.h.i.+oned-looking ballerina slipper that's encrusted with beads, b.u.t.tons, and other things. "Don't forget to put your best foot forward, and today it's a Rhiannon creation. See you next week!"

"Cut," calls Fran. "That's a wrap."

Rhiannon hugs Paige. "Thank you so much." She actually has tears in her eyes. "You have no idea what this has meant to me." She fumbles to find a sc.r.a.p of cloth that she uses to blot her tears. "Even if it doesn't make it on your show, I'm still-"

"Oh, don't kid yourself," Fran is telling Rhiannon. "I have no doubt this is going to make it on our show. It's one of the most unique and refres.h.i.+ng interviews we've done."

Rhiannon thanks everyone now. Then she turns to Paige. "Please, keep the dress."

"Keep it?" Paige says lightly. "I already planned to buy it, if that's okay."

"No, I want to give it to you."

"But I want to-"

Rhiannon holds up her forefinger to stop her. "No. You must let me give it to you. I have this very strong feeling-a spiritual feeling-that I need to give it to you. So please let me."

Paige smiled. "Only if you let me buy the shoes."

Rhiannon sticks out her hand. "It's a deal."

Then we tell Rhiannon about how we're going to stay with Taylor and Eliza after Fas.h.i.+on Week ends. And I ask if she might be able to pop over while we're there. "It'd be fun to get to know you better."

"Are you kidding? I'd love to come."

So, feeling like we're all old friends, Paige and I both hug Rhiannon, and then we head back to our hotel. And I have to say, I don't think I've enjoyed doing a segment for a show as much as the one we did today. Rhiannon is a cool girl. And seeing her response to being on our show gives me hope-like maybe there's more going on with On the Runway On the Runway than I ever realized. than I ever realized.

Later the same afternoon, we attend another designer's show. And although this guy is an amazing designer, I keep mentally comparing him to Rhiannon and, well, it's like comparing apples and stardust.

Then on Tuesday we see Kate Spade's show and afterward we meet Helen for dinner. She tells us that she's seen footage from last week and that she's feeling very hopeful. "You girls were right to make this an extended trip in New York. It's going to be worth the extra expense."

We all go to the Perry Ellis show on Wednesday afternoon and then to Badgley Mischka on Thursday morning. The final show for Paige and me is Miu Miu on Friday afternoon-and I think if I never see another fas.h.i.+on show, it will be too soon.

Chapter 16.

"How are you holding up?" Blake asks me over the phone on afternoon. Paige and I have finally made it to the FIT museum, which has turned out to be rather interesting. We're both particularly intrigued with the sixties and seventies section. I'm not even sure why. over the phone on afternoon. Paige and I have finally made it to the FIT museum, which has turned out to be rather interesting. We're both particularly intrigued with the sixties and seventies section. I'm not even sure why.

"I'm doing okay now," I tell him as I take a sip of coffee. Paige and I are taking a little break and checking our phones.

"So were the fas.h.i.+on shows pretty great?"

"I guess so. But you know me, a little bit of fas.h.i.+on goes a long way." Then I tell him about our interview with Rhiannon.

"And she's only twenty?"

"Yes. But she seems a lot older. I think it's because she's kind of been taking care of herself-she must've grown up fast. But she's friends with Taylor Mitch.e.l.l and she's going to join our little slumber party tonight."

"It's tonight?"

"Yeah-we decided to change it so that both Rhiannon and DJ could be there. I guess it's kind of a Carter House reunion, except two of the girls aren't coming. One goes to Harvard and the other one lives in California."

"So you and Paige are their replacements?" He chuckles. "And you will will get all this on film, right? I know I'd like to see it." get all this on film, right? I know I'd like to see it."

"That's pretty much the idea, and it should be interesting. But we told the camera guys they can only stay until midnight. And then we'll regroup with just Taylor and Eliza on Tuesday for a slice of the model life in New York City."

"And then back home on Wednesday?"

"That's the plan."

"'ll be home for Valentine's Day."

I consider this. "Yeah, that's about a week away, right?"


So now I'm wondering, what's going on? Why did he bring this up?

"I thought maybe you'd want to do something...something with me."

"You mean like a date?"

"I don't want to get serious."

I don't say anything. I'm not really sure what to say. And I'm not really sure how I feel either. The truth is I think it might be fun to go out with Blake again-on a real date. But at the same time, I'm not sure.

"Let me guess," he says, "you're trying to think of a way to let me down gently. Right?"

"No...not at all."


"I was just thinking. That's all."


"I don't know. I mean, going on a date doesn't have have to mean we're serious, does it? Can't a date just be a date?" to mean we're serious, does it? Can't a date just be a date?"

"Yeah, sure. Why not?"

"If we understand this up front...I don't see why we couldn't go out."

"On Valentine's Day?" He sounds skeptical.

"Well, as long as you don't try to turn it into some big romantic thing."

"So, what do you think? Wanna go bowling?"

I laugh. "Well, it doesn't have to be that that unromantic." unromantic."

"Maybe I think bowling is romantic."

"Fine," I say. "Let's go bowling."

"How about we just keep that on the options list."

"Sounds good."

"Well, you girls have fun at your slumber party. I wouldn't mind being a fly on that wall-all these gorgeous girls sitting around in their pajamas talking about...hey, what will will you talk about?" you talk about?"

"Since Paige will probably take charge, and since almost everyone there is into fas.h.i.+on big-time, I'll let you guess."

"Poor Erin."

"Nah, I'll be okay." Then I tell him about how Taylor and DJ are Christians. "And I have a feeling Rhiannon might be too. I don't know about Eliza though. She's a little hard to read, but I get the impression this girl is from money. Especially since her parents are footing the bill on the apartment, which sounds pretty"

"Sounds interesting to me."

We wind down the conversation and, after I hang up, I think maybe it does sound interesting. But by the time I drop my phone in my bag, Paige is getting worried. She insists we need to head back to the hotel and get ourselves ready ready for the big slumber party. for the big slumber party.

"It's just a slumber party," I say as we ride back in the town car. "What's there to get ready for?"

Paige presses her lips together like she's thinking. "I guess I mean mentally ready."

"Mentally ready for a slumber party?"

"Well, you know the cameras will be running."

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