Jane And The Madness Of Lord Byron Part 9

Jane And The Madness Of Lord Byron -

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Mrs. Silchester was correct: Such behaviour must provoke wonder. Either Lord Byron was too firmly in the grip of pa.s.sion to retain his reason, despite the claims of propriety; or he cared nothing for propriety at all. Either att.i.tude, for a gentleman of his consequence, argued a disregard for the bounds of society that bordered on the mad. But when one had already so far overstepped convention, it was not, I reflected, so very far a stretch to murder murder.

"Having been discovered in an attempted abduction, I had a.s.sumed that his lords.h.i.+p would never descend upon Brighton again," Louisa Silchester muttered. "But I failed to consider that n.o.body but ourselves was aware of the event; it could not be generally published; the town remained in ignorance, and welcomed Lord Byron's return; the General observed the strictest silence, for Catherine's sake. He had lately formed the idea of uniting her in marriage to a respectable clergyman-Mr. Hendred Smalls-from a desire to preserve the child's good name. Questionable young officers and poets proved too much for the General's patience; he wished to see Catherine safely bestowed in matrimony before another month was out. No reproach could attach to the virtue of Mr. Smalls's wife, the General believed; no blemish could darken the Twining name. The General is very jealous of his dignity," she added, by way of explanation.

"So I have been made to understand."

"Lord Byron saw his advantage in our silence. Not content with destroying the poor child's peace, he pursued her the length and breadth of the a.s.sembly last night, calling Catherine by a heathen name-Leila, some Attic language of which I know nothing-glowering at her through every dance; thrusting his way, on that hideous leg, into her slightest conversation, to demand a private word she could not grant-his face by turns burning with pa.s.sion, and dead white with rage. I could have kissed the painted feet of that Caro Lamb, when she entered the ballroom and put flight to the Fiend-I was never so pleased to see anybody in my life!"

Startled, I asked, "You are acquainted with her ladys.h.i.+p?"

"I knew her mother, the Countess, a little in my salad days," Mrs. Silchester said dismissively. "Her daughter I confess I know not at all-but only fancy! She She sought an introduction to Catherine and me! And nothing would do but that she must carry Catherine away for a private tete-a-tete at the Pavilion-such an honour, I am sure-promising faithfully to see the child home in one of the Regent's carriages, when at last they were done." sought an introduction to Catherine and me! And nothing would do but that she must carry Catherine away for a private tete-a-tete at the Pavilion-such an honour, I am sure-promising faithfully to see the child home in one of the Regent's carriages, when at last they were done."

I felt myself go swiftly cold. "Miss Twining left the a.s.sembly in Lady Caroline's company? And the General made no objection?" This was hardly being jealous of his dignity, or his daughter's reputation; only the ignorant encouraged the attentions of the scandalous Caro Lamb.

"The General was no longer present; he could not be appealed to. I saw no harm in Lady Caroline's condescension. Catherine wished to go."

Catherine had wished to return to a place she despised upon first acquaintance-a place where no less a roue than George Hanger had forced his attentions upon her-and the woman entrusted with her safety had sent her off with a complete stranger. The whole narrative defied comprehension.

"You blame me," Louisa Silchester said. "I am sure sure you blame me, Miss Austen. But after all, what was I to do? The Pavilion, you know! It was very nearly a Royal summons! I could not gainsay so obliging and august a personage. Indeed I could not. And so of course I granted my permission. But the General is so dreadfully angry! He would not admit me this afternoon, when I attempted to pay a call of condolence! If the General abandons me, Miss Austen, so shall all of Brighton-and then I do not know you blame me, Miss Austen. But after all, what was I to do? The Pavilion, you know! It was very nearly a Royal summons! I could not gainsay so obliging and august a personage. Indeed I could not. And so of course I granted my permission. But the General is so dreadfully angry! He would not admit me this afternoon, when I attempted to pay a call of condolence! If the General abandons me, Miss Austen, so shall all of Brighton-and then I do not know what what I shall do!" I shall do!"

17 "To cut Wisdoms" refers to the emergence of wisdom teeth-a phrase suggesting age, experience, and knowledge of the world.- "To cut Wisdoms" refers to the emergence of wisdom teeth-a phrase suggesting age, experience, and knowledge of the world.-Editor's note.


A Call to Justice TUESDAY, 11 MAY 1813 1813.


"WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN SAYING TO POOR L LOUISA S SILCHESTER?" Lady Swithin demanded as she led me to the fire, where a pair of chairs were at liberty, owing to the general warmth of the night. "She looks as if she had received a sentence of death-tho' I suppose that is very natural, given the loss of her protegee."

"I did not rebuke her; tho' I confess I was tempted. She is an excessively silly woman, my lady-and ought never to have been entrusted with Miss Twining. She tells me she allowed the child to go off to the Pavilion last night with Caro Lamb!"

"Did she?" Desdemona enquired, all interest. "I had not an idea of it. I stayed only to observe Byron's outrage at Caro's entrance-to judge the effect her costume made upon the room-and then Swithin pled boredom, and we made good our escape. What did Caro mean by carrying that child off to the Pavilion? They were not acquainted before last night, I am sure-and there must be more than a decade between them in age. It is a singular condescension."

"I cannot say what her ladys.h.i.+p was about, but I must endeavour to learn," I replied. "Lady Caroline should have been one of the last to see Catherine Twining alive. It may be in her power to disclose something vital of the child's movements. At what hour did you quit the a.s.sembly, my lady?"

Desdemona shrugged. "Far too early for Fas.h.i.+on. It was not above one o'clock, I am sure-Lady Caroline having put in her appearance just after midnight. But do sit down, Miss Austen"-the Countess was already arranging the folds of her silk gown-"so that we may be comfortable. No one shall teaze us; your blacks will keep them all at a distance, you know."

I sat. My mind, I confess, was worrying at the problem of Lady Caroline-and my thoughts ranged so far abroad as to render me almost uncivil. I drew my attention back to my hostess; she had, after all, summoned me to her home that evening with the object of conversation.

"You must have formed your own opinion of Catherine Twining," she began. "For my part, I knew her not at all. But any lady capable of engaging Byron's entire interest, must have been a paragon. And when one considers her youth-it is in every way extraordinary. He has been in the habit of pursuing married married ladies of a certain age-not virgins of fifteen." ladies of a certain age-not virgins of fifteen."

"Our acquaintance was so slight, and of such recent formation-we met in a stable yard in Cuckfield, on the journey south," I said. I hesitated at disclosing the nature of our meeting-but the silence so fervently embraced by the General and Mrs. Silchester had already done damage enough; I could not regard myself as bound by it. "I rescued Miss Twining from Lord Byron's clutches, in fact. He had formed the intention of abducting her-to what end, a Gretna marriage or a swift ruin, I know not. Certainly he had bound her wrists and gagged her; she made her presence known by beating on the side panels of Lady Oxford's chaise, which his lords.h.i.+p had borrowed for the purpose."

"Good G.o.d!" Desdemona said blankly. "And he chose Jane's Jane's chaise for his seductions? The man's insolence knows no bounds! I shall have to suppress the fact-tho' it may already be all over Brighton." chaise for his seductions? The man's insolence knows no bounds! I shall have to suppress the fact-tho' it may already be all over Brighton."

The fact of the abduction did not appear to outrage her ladys.h.i.+p nearly as much as the bad ton ton his lords.h.i.+p betrayed; there was little that could shock Lord Harold's niece. his lords.h.i.+p betrayed; there was little that could shock Lord Harold's niece.

"I do not think anyone but the Twining family, and ourselves, is aware of it," I a.s.sured her. "Lady Oxford may remain in ignorance-but I cannot think it wise. There may be worse shocks in store, if Lord Byron is charged with murder."

She looked at me speculatively. "What sort of girl was Miss Twining?"

"I should have said that she was no different from every other young lady of respectable birth and gentle rearing. She was diffident, shy, easily imposed upon-" I might, at this juncture, have disclosed my encounter with George Hanger in the Pavilion, but doubt as to what I had actually seen, stopped my mouth. "Her appearance of goodness, I thought, was entirely genuine. And she was afraid of Byron-she dreaded a meeting with him. Indeed, only last evening, she begged me to remain with her."

"And now you berate yourself for having failed to do so." Desdemona reached impulsively for my hand. "My dear Miss Austen-you were not her parent. were not her parent. You You were not her chaperon. Having saved her once from a predator's clutches, you cannot always have been her protector. What of the girl's family?" were not her chaperon. Having saved her once from a predator's clutches, you cannot always have been her protector. What of the girl's family?"

"There is a General Twining-Mrs. Alleyn had much that was ill to say of his character-and a brother in the 10th Hussars, lost in the Peninsula." I hesitated. "My lady, to what end do these questions tend?"

She chose her words with care. "You are aware, I think, that Lady Oxford is my friend-Swithin would not have me call her so, to be sure, as she is regarded askance by almost everyone of consequence in the ton ton, on account of her sad tendency to seek consolation outside her marriage."

"And yet you brave the Earl's displeasure?" I interjected, curiously. "This is being a loyal friend indeed!"

"The Countess is a clever woman, and unafraid to appear the bluestocking before her friends; it is for this reason so many gentlemen seek her company-she possesses a well-informed mind. Have you any notion, Miss Austen, how rare a powerful understanding is, among women of Fas.h.i.+on? It is insupportably dull, I a.s.sure you, to spend all one's days among creatures who talk of nothing but dress, and children, and the gifts their husbands have lately showered upon their mistresses! I prize Lady Oxford for her courage in living life as she chuses, without entirely affronting the Polite World, as Caro Lamb must perpetually do; and if Swithin fears her ladys.h.i.+p's example-so much the better for me," she added with a droll glint in her eye. "Anxiety keeps the Earl attentive; and that is saying a good deal."

We had wandered from the subject of Catherine Twining, and the Countess recognised it. She took up the reins of conversation with a brisk twitch. "I do not need to tell you that Lady Oxford is in love with Lord Byron. Indeed, a degree of affection subsists between them that would make any risk to his life or reputation a matter of extreme anxiety to the Countess."

A degree of affection subsists between them...and yet he had been obsessed with Catherine to the point of madness. How to explain it? Was Lady Oxford deceived, or was Byron the sort who must seduce every creature he encountered?

"That can be nothing to me," I said, tho' the words felt thick and ungracious on my tongue. "I am acquainted with neither the Countess nor the poet; my bond, slight as it was, lay with the unfortunate victim, and my sympathies must be entirely devoted to her cause."

"I do do understand," Desdemona said with swift warmth. She squeezed my hand. "Indeed, I expected no less-and honour you for your sentiments. Which is why I craved your society this evening; I cannot help recalling, Miss Austen, how brilliantly you acted in the matter of my brother Kinsfell's being mistakenly taken up for murder-and how deftly you understand," Desdemona said with swift warmth. She squeezed my hand. "Indeed, I expected no less-and honour you for your sentiments. Which is why I craved your society this evening; I cannot help recalling, Miss Austen, how brilliantly you acted in the matter of my brother Kinsfell's being mistakenly taken up for murder-and how deftly you then then penetrated the motives of those who would have seen him unjustly hanged." penetrated the motives of those who would have seen him unjustly hanged."18 "It was your uncle's brilliance that prevailed on that occasion, not mine."

A bold statement and a painful one in such a house, with all that remained of the past lying unspoken between us; and for an instant, Desdemona stiffened. "We will not speak of my uncle my uncle, I beg."

She had loved Lord Harold like a daughter-or perhaps, their natures being so alike, more as a companion in adventure. When he was killed, I must believe she blamed me-for tho' present, I was entirely unable to avert the deed, or save him from the mortal effect of his wounds. I had fully expected to be pet.i.tioned for the details of the Rogue's final hour; but thus far, her ladys.h.i.+p had not asked for them. I guessed it was a form of Wilborough pride-and the fear of opening old wounds. I waited all the same for the moment when Desdemona's desire should overcome her dignity.

"Are you suggesting that I ought to exert my energies to clear Lord Byron's Lord Byron's name?" I demanded. "-Given that gentleman's extraordinary history, I doubt any woman could do so." name?" I demanded. "-Given that gentleman's extraordinary history, I doubt any woman could do so."

Desdemona's countenance eased. "You are annihilatingly frank, are you not? I care nothing for Byron myself; it is merely the fas.h.i.+on, you know, to swoon over his verses. I find him boorish and ungentlemanly; which is to say that he has never made the slightest push to engage my attention. Naturally I must regard him as my enemy! But with Lady Oxford it is otherwise; and I should not be most truly truly the friend I profess, did I not endeavour to help where help was wanted." the friend I profess, did I not endeavour to help where help was wanted."

"What is your honest opinion of Lord Byron's mind?" I asked. "I spoke to him only once-in Cuckfield-and he was not then master enough of himself to know what he said. But you, who have seen him a good deal...would you regard him as entirely sound?"

"Are you asking whether he is mad?"

I made a diffident gesture with my hand. "I had wondered, indeed, whether he was perfectly sane. His behaviour of late has been most unsteady. Even in his writings there is much that is violent. It is of a piece, you know, with Romantical poetry, to be driven to the brink of murder-by thwarted love."

"Caro Lamb would certainly think so! I am sure she is wis.h.i.+ng it were she she, and not poor Miss Twining, who was dropped like a sacrifice in Byron's bed last night."

The words, however farcical, were too close to truth for comfort. Her ladys.h.i.+p seemed to feel it; there was the briefest uneasiness between us; and then Desdemona attempted a recovery.

"Such stuff may be exotic exotic, and feed the rage for all things Oriental that the Regent himself is so wild about-but it is not to my my taste at all! I vastly prefer a good novel, about people such as one knows, and circ.u.mstances one may comprehend-something delightful and br.i.m.m.i.n.g with excellent conversation! I adored taste at all! I vastly prefer a good novel, about people such as one knows, and circ.u.mstances one may comprehend-something delightful and br.i.m.m.i.n.g with excellent conversation! I adored Pride and Prejudice Pride and Prejudice-has it come in your way, by the by?"

"It has has, yes-indeed, I was so happy as to look into it this winter," I stuttered, feeling my countenance flush as tho' her ladys.h.i.+p had let slip an indecency; and then, reverting to safer subjects, "But if you do not care for Byron, how can you be so solicitous for his welfare-?"

"It is all Lady Oxford. She sent me such such a letter by Express this evening-the courier drew rein at our door just as the dinner bell was rung. I do not scruple to say, Miss Austen, that her ladys.h.i.+p is wild with fear that Byron will be a letter by Express this evening-the courier drew rein at our door just as the dinner bell was rung. I do not scruple to say, Miss Austen, that her ladys.h.i.+p is wild with fear that Byron will be hanged. hanged."

My senses sharpened. "Has he been taken, then?"

"You did not know?" Desdemona sat up alertly in her chair, the fire in the hearth edging her profile in gold. "He was met at the door of his lodgings-he has rooms in Bennet Street, St. James's-by the Brighton constabulary. Lady Oxford-her Christian name, like yours, is Jane-says Byron listened to them patiently, but when told he must return for the inquest, he kicked up a dust. One of the constables had his cork drawn, and another was tossed on his ear into the street, whereupon Byron remounted and rode directly to Mortimer House, the Oxford residence in Town. The constables followed, and it was the Earl of Oxford in the end who urged Byron to do their bidding-fearing, no doubt, a hideous scene at his very door. Adultery may be one thing-Oxford is accustomed to that that-but murder is quite another."

"And Lady Oxford?"

"-prepares to follow her heart. She wrote to beg a room here on the Marine Parade, and tho' Swithin dislikes it, he has given way to my wishes." She glanced affectionately at her husband, who was deep in conversation with Sir John and my brother. "He is an excellent husband, is he not? I never dreamt, during those distant days in Bath when Charles was disposed to be excessively disagreeable, intent upon winning every battle and making myself the object of his conquest-that I should be so content with my surrender!"

"I am glad to hear it," I said; and meant it. Tho' the Earl and his Countess had rarely met without quarreling in their salad days, it had been obvious to all who observed them that they were formed for each other. I envied them completely.

"Jane-I hope I may may call you Jane?" call you Jane?"

"Of course."

"And you shall call me Mona. Everyone does." She leaned towards me confidingly. "I shall not tax you to save Byron's neck-he will come to a bad end regardless. No one can pursue so ruinous a course, in love and debt, without he ends in a sponging house or flight to the Continent. I will will urge you, however, to pursue justice. Someone drowned Catherine Twining like a helpless kitten; and I cannot bear to think that such a horror should go unpunished. Even if it urge you, however, to pursue justice. Someone drowned Catherine Twining like a helpless kitten; and I cannot bear to think that such a horror should go unpunished. Even if it was was Byron who killed her. We should be doing the world a service, in publis.h.i.+ng the murderer's ill fame-whoever he proves to be." Byron who killed her. We should be doing the world a service, in publis.h.i.+ng the murderer's ill fame-whoever he proves to be."

"We?" I repeated dubiously. Justice was a far higher plane of talking for the Countess of Swithin, who had begun with mere ties of friends.h.i.+p to a woman whose morals I could not like.

"Well, naturally, I shall do my all all to help you," Mona said indignantly. "I may open any door in Brighton on your behalf; nothing is more easily done; and I should think it very good sport, to be frank, to be privileged to hear of your researches. Uncle used to tell me to help you," Mona said indignantly. "I may open any door in Brighton on your behalf; nothing is more easily done; and I should think it very good sport, to be frank, to be privileged to hear of your researches. Uncle used to tell me everything everything, you know."

There; she had referred to him, despite herself.

"He even told me," she said distinctly, "that he intended to marry you one day."

My breath stopped in my throat; my face, I felt, was blazing. I wished of a sudden that I might run from the room, heedless of the Alleyns and Silchesters and Hodges who might stare after me, astonished and babbling; I wished only for darkness, and a soothing bout of tears.

"I wish that he had," Mona persisted. "I wish that he had lived. I might have called you Aunt."

"Pray, say no more," I whispered.

"Will you do it? Will you find Catherine Twining's murderer?"

"I cannot simply thrust myself in the way of an investigation, Mona." I sighed in exasperation. "There are men men charged with finding the truth. The magistrate, for one-and the coroner, for another." charged with finding the truth. The magistrate, for one-and the coroner, for another."

"The magistrate is Sir Harding Cross, who is intimate with the Regent-hence his token office," Mona said shrewdly. "Sir Harding lives for the next race-meeting, considers himself a das.h.i.+ng blade, for all his stays creak when he attempts to bow; and is disinclined to bother himself very much in anybody's death. He is a three-bottle-a-day man, too intent upon draining the last drop to attend to trifling affairs like a drowning. Rather than untangle this web, he would vastly prefer to charge Lord Byron with the deed-and have an end to it."

"Then the truth will out at his lords.h.i.+p's trial."

"-Do you believe it? So do not not I." The Countess's voice had sharpened. "Once Miss Twining is in her grave, any proofs that might have pointed to the culprit will have been neatly swept into the rubbish." I." The Countess's voice had sharpened. "Once Miss Twining is in her grave, any proofs that might have pointed to the culprit will have been neatly swept into the rubbish."

"It is for her family to pursue justice, not a stranger."

"The Jane Austen so valued by Lord Harold should never never have hesitated to learn the whole!" have hesitated to learn the whole!"

Her voice had risen, on this last; a few curious eyes turned in our direction; I observed Henry to set down his gla.s.s of Port with an audible clink. He looked as if he would approach; I shook my head slightly.

It was unfair of Mona to invoke, again, the Gentleman Rogue. I looked at her ladys.h.i.+p, whose grey eyes were as cool and satiric as Lord Harold's own, and whose wits were certainly as sharp, and said, "But what if it was indeed Lord Byron who held Catherine Twining's head beneath the waves? What shall you tell your friend Lady Oxford?"

"The truth," Desdemona replied without hesitation. "It should, after all, be the salvation of her."

18 The Countess refers here to events set down in Austen's third journal of her detective adventures, The Countess refers here to events set down in Austen's third journal of her detective adventures, Jane and the Wandering Eye.-Editor's note Jane and the Wandering Eye.-Editor's note.


Evidence of an Undergroom WEDNESDAY, 12 MAY 1813 1813.


THE CONSTABLES BROUGHT L LORD B BYRON BACK TO Brighton under cover of darkness last night, hoping, no doubt, to escape the notice of the general populace-but they reckoned without the avidity of the lower orders in all matters having to do with murder, and found to their discomfiture that the way into town was lined with torches and a gallery of faces four deep along the roadside. I observed some part of the chilling progress from my window at the Castle, for it was to this inn that his lords.h.i.+p was bound. He has not, it seems, been charged with murder or placed under arrest-merely summoned to appear at the coroner's inquest-and thus could not be housed in Brighton's gaol. The King's Arms, it seemed, would not have his lords.h.i.+p back again-Mr. Scrope Davies, tho' sympathetic, could not a.s.sure Byron's safety in his private lodgings-and so his lords.h.i.+p was consigned to the comforts of our own temporary abode. Brighton under cover of darkness last night, hoping, no doubt, to escape the notice of the general populace-but they reckoned without the avidity of the lower orders in all matters having to do with murder, and found to their discomfiture that the way into town was lined with torches and a gallery of faces four deep along the roadside. I observed some part of the chilling progress from my window at the Castle, for it was to this inn that his lords.h.i.+p was bound. He has not, it seems, been charged with murder or placed under arrest-merely summoned to appear at the coroner's inquest-and thus could not be housed in Brighton's gaol. The King's Arms, it seemed, would not have his lords.h.i.+p back again-Mr. Scrope Davies, tho' sympathetic, could not a.s.sure Byron's safety in his private lodgings-and so his lords.h.i.+p was consigned to the comforts of our own temporary abode.

"Once the verdict is brought in at the inquest," Henry mused as he stood beside me in the window, "he shall have to be placed under the 10th Hussars' guard at Brighton Camp. No other place will hold him."

We had a brief glimpse of the poet-dark head, dark clothes, and a face whose pallor was dreadful-as he limped from coach to Castle entry; and it required the combined efforts of four constables and a burly individual I took to be a Bow Street Runner, who brandished a pair of pistols and met the crowd jeer for jeer, for his lords.h.i.+p to achieve the door.

Who, I wondered, had hired the Runner as Byron's guard-Lady Oxford, perhaps?

"When is the inquest to be?" I asked my brother.

"Tomorrow," he replied. "They were waiting only for Byron."

He left me then to my bed and my thoughts, which were so numerous and tangled as to keep me awake, long into the night.

HAVING FORMED NO PART IN THE DISCOVERY OF C CATHERINE Twining's body, I was not permitted to attend the inquest this morning; that was for the select company of the coroner, his chosen panel of local fellows, and the magistrate, Sir Harding Cross. The King's Arms' publican should be present, indeed; and the chambermaid who found poor Catherine; and Lord Byron, whose bed she had lain in; and General Twining, whose office it must be to confirm the ident.i.ty of Deceased. Even Mr. Scrope Davies should be there-to swear on his oath that Byron had spent Monday night in his lodgings, and quitted them for London early Tuesday morning. All the oaths should avail Byron nothing; if Lady Swithin was to be credited, Sir Harding would make swift work of the business, and a verdict of willful murder should be returned against the poet. There was no very great loss in being barred from the inquest; Henry should have an account of it almost as soon as it was done, from the knowledgeable at Raggett's Club. Twining's body, I was not permitted to attend the inquest this morning; that was for the select company of the coroner, his chosen panel of local fellows, and the magistrate, Sir Harding Cross. The King's Arms' publican should be present, indeed; and the chambermaid who found poor Catherine; and Lord Byron, whose bed she had lain in; and General Twining, whose office it must be to confirm the ident.i.ty of Deceased. Even Mr. Scrope Davies should be there-to swear on his oath that Byron had spent Monday night in his lodgings, and quitted them for London early Tuesday morning. All the oaths should avail Byron nothing; if Lady Swithin was to be credited, Sir Harding would make swift work of the business, and a verdict of willful murder should be returned against the poet. There was no very great loss in being barred from the inquest; Henry should have an account of it almost as soon as it was done, from the knowledgeable at Raggett's Club.

"Betsy," I said to the chambermaid as she tidied the ashes from my grate, "are you at all acquainted with the servants at the King's Arms?"

Her eyes grew round. "That I am, ma'am, but if it's the murder you're wanting to talk of, I must beg to be excused. Not a word I've heard of anything else, since yesterday noon, and not a wink of sleep I've had, for brooding over all I've heard, and dreading to find a similar case each time I open a bedchamber door!-For if there's a madman throwing young ladies into beds at the Arms, what's to keep him from doing the same at the Castle? There's little to chuse between them, except we've more beds to hide a body in! And now they've lodged that Lord Byron here! I declare, it's enough to make every man, woman, and child pack up their traps and quit the place, for all he's so handsome. Mr. Anson, the head steward, allows as how our patrons is too high in the instep for the use of hammocks, besides needing a servant to do the sewing for 'em, but I never pay no mind to Mr. Anson. He's from Liverpool," she added, as tho' such an origin could hardly be trusted.

"I was a little acquainted with the young lady who died," I said.

Betsy sat back on her haunches, her dustpan slack on her knees. "Were you now? No wonder you look so peaked this morning. Probably never caught a mite's sleep all night. But wasn't she fearful young?"

"I should judge her to have been no more than fifteen."

Betsy bit her lip. "Then she'd no cause to be walking abroad alone at night. Foolish, I call it, and fast fast, tho' the poor thing was was murdered. Got what she asked for, didn't she?" murdered. Got what she asked for, didn't she?"

"n.o.body asks to be drowned," I said sharply, "much less sewn into a hammock. But why do you say Miss Twining walked alone?"

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