Introduction to the Science of Sociology -
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5. _Family behavior._--Family life from the standpoint of the four wishes (security, response, recognition, and new experience); family crises; the family and the community; familism versus individualism; family life and the development of personality.
(1) Kistiakowski, Dr. Th. _Gesellschaft und Einselwesen; eine methodologische Studie._ Berlin, 1899. [A review and criticism of the conceptions of society with reference to their value for a natural science of society.]
(2) Barth, Paul. _Die Philosophie der Geschichte als Sociologie._ Leipzig, 1897. [A comparison of the different schools and an attempt to interpret them as essays in the philosophy of history.]
(3) Espinas, Alfred. _Des societes animales._ Paris, 1877. [A definition of society based upon a comparative study of animal a.s.sociations, communities, and societies.]
(4) Spencer, Herbert. "The Social Organism," _Essays, Scientific, Political and Speculative_. I, 265-307. New York, 1892. [First published in _The Westminster Review_ for January, 1860.]
(5) Lazarus, M., and Steinthal, H. "Einleitende Gedanken zur Volkerpsychologie als Einladung zu einer Zeitschrift fur Volkerpsychologie und Sprachwissenschaft," _Zeitschrift fur Volkerpsychologie und Sprachwissenschaft_, I (1860), 1-73. [This is the most important early attempt to interpret social phenomena from a social psychological point of view. See p. 35 for definition of _Volk_ "the people."]
(6) Knapp, G. Friedrich. "Quetelet als Theoretiker," _Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik_, XVIII (1872), 89-124.
(7) Lazarus, M. _Das Leben der Seele in Monographien uber seine Erscheinungen und Gesetze._ Berlin, 1876.
(8) Durkheim, emile. "Representations individuelles et representations collectives," _Revue de metaphysique et de morale_, VI (1898), 273-302.
(9) Simmel, Georg. _uber sociale Differenzierung._ Sociologische und psychologische Untersuchungen. Leipzig, 1890.
[See also in Bibliography, chap. i, volumes listed under Systematic Treatises.]
(1) Clements, Frederic E. _Plant Succession._ An a.n.a.lysis of the development of vegetation. Carnegie Inst.i.tution of Was.h.i.+ngton, 1916.
(2) Wheeler, W. M. "The Ant-Colony as an Organism," _Journal of Morphology_, XXII (1911), 307-25.
(3) Parmelee, Maurice. _The Science of Human Behavior._ Biological and Psychological Foundations. New York, 1913. [Bibliography.]
(4) Ma.s.sart, J., and Vandervelde, e. _Parasitism, Organic and Social._ 2d ed. Translated by W. Macdonald. Revised by J. Arthur Thomson. London, 1907.
(5) Warming, Eug. _Oecology of Plants._ An introduction to the study of plant communities. Oxford, 1909. [Bibliography.]
(6) Adams, Charles C. _Guide to the Study of Animal Ecology._ New York, 1913. [Bibliography.]
(7) Waxweiler, E. "Esquisse d'une sociologie," _Travaux de l'Inst.i.tut de Sociologie (Solvay), Notes et memoires_, Fasc. 2. Bruxelles, 1906.
(8) Reinheimer, H. _Symbiosis._ A socio-physiological study of evolution. London, 1920.
A. _Types of Social Group_
1. Non-territorial Groups:
(1) Le Bon, Gustave. _The Crowd._ A study of the popular mind. London, 1897.
(2) Sighele, S. _Psychologie des sectes._ Paris, 1898.
(3) Tarde, G. _L'opinion et la foule._ Paris, 1901.
(4) Fahlbeck, Pontus. _Kla.s.serna och Samhallet._ Stockholm, 1920. (Book review in _American Journal of Sociology_, XXVI [1920-21], 633-34.)
(5) Nesfield, John C. _Brief View of the Caste System of the North-western Provinces and Oudh_. Allahabad, 1885.
2. Territorial Groups:
(1) Simmel, Georg. "Die Grossstadte und das Geistesleben," _Die Grossstadt_, Vortrage und Aufsatze zur Stadteausstellung, von K. Bucher, F. Ratzel, G. v. Mayr, H. Waentig, G. Simmel, Th. Peterman, und D.
Schafer. Dresden, 1903.
(2) Galpin, C. J. _The Social Anatomy of an Agricultural Community._ Madison, Wis., 1915. (Agricultural experiment station of the University of Wisconsin. Research Bulletin 34.) [See also _Rural Life_, New York, 1918.]
(3) Aronovici, Carol. _The Social Survey._ Philadelphia, 1916.
(4) McKenzie, R. D. _The Neighborhood._ A study of local life in Columbus, Ohio. Chicago, 1921 [in press].
(5) Park, Robert E. "The City. Suggestions for the Investigation of Human Behavior in the City Environment," _American Journal of Sociology_, XX (1914-15), 577-612.
(6) Sims, Newell L. _The Rural Community, Ancient and Modern._ New York, 1920.
B. _Studies of Individual Communities:_
(1) Maine, Sir Henry. _Village-Communities in the East and West._ London, 1871.
(2) Baden-Powell, H. _The Indian Village Community._ Examined with reference to the physical, ethnographic, and historical conditions of the provinces. London, 1896.
(3) Seebohm, Frederic. _The English Village Community._ Examined in its relations to the manorial and tribal systems and to the common or open field system of husbandry. An essay in economic history. London, 1883.
(4) McGee, W. J. "The Seri Indians," _Bureau of American Ethnology 17th Annual Report 1895-96._ Was.h.i.+ngton, 1898.
(5) Rivers, W. H. R. _The Todas._ London and New York, 1906.
(6) Jenks, Albert. _The Bontoc Igorot._ Manila, 1905.
(7) Stow, John. _A Survey of London._ Reprinted from the text of 1603 with introduction and notes by C. L. Kingsford. Oxford, 1908.
(8) Booth, Charles. _Life and Labour of the People in London_, 9 vols.