One-Act Plays Part 75

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All things--all men yield to the touch of gold.


Blind are the eyes on which thy visions rise.

My spells have turned thy glories into dust.


The gold thou offerest me is stained with blood; Thy precious stones were won with tears and toil; The sum of all thy wealth could not reflower The arid wastes that Sorrow has laid bare.


She is too simple for thy promises; To one who knows not Sister Poverty Thy lures, my lord, appear as idle words.

[_Enter HERALD, followed by POWER._]


Power, Lord of the Marches North and South, salutes thee.

[_Exit HERALD._]


My name, Princess, is Power and this my gift.

My brothers brought thee fair renown and gold With freedom from the spells that Sorrow weaves.

All these I offer thee. If thou accept, Together we will sway men's destinies, Together we may rule their hearts--their souls-- Together turn the very universe.

Our throne shall rise a monument of might, Its steps shall mount from the green land of earth, Its canopy shall the stars of Heaven.


I have set that about her like a net Thou canst not deal with. Never yet, O Power, Hast thou been known to cut through cords of fear.


I would not wield thy scepter for an hour.

The burden of its weight would bear me down.


She is too young, too gentle for the heights Where thou wouldst raise her. Be content, my lords; What ye have done is well, but One alone Can break the spell, and he is at the gates.

Already Hope returns. He comes, he comes.

[_Enter HOPE running._]


The stranger comes; he whom I went to seek.


The Stranger comes whose music fills the world.


The Stranger comes, whose treasure gilds the world.


The Stranger comes, whose scepter rules the world.


Now shall thy spell be broken. Dost thou hear The measured footsteps of approaching Fate?

The one who comes clad in a Pilgrim's garb Has ever proved thy silent conqueror.


I yield to him who is the greatest here, But those who have not met me by the way Can never know him as he may be known.

They only who have trod the dark abyss May dare to stand upon the topmost height.

For they whose eyes were blindfold for awhile Alone can bear that blaze of brilliant light.

Thus have I brought thee more than all thy Court.

Learn from his lips to see the world anew.

I drew that gray veil all about thy head Thinking perchance to keep thee for my own, But thou wert made for sunlight, not for gloom.

Thus do I leave thee. Fare thee well, Princess!

[_Enter LOVE._]

DOUCE-COEUR [_starts up and tries to hold SORROW back_].

Ah, stay with me, thou art my only friend!

[_LOVE and SORROW look at each other, she draws her veil across her face and exit._]


Who art thou, Stranger, in a pilgrim's guise Who comest unattended, unannounced?


I may not tell thee that. Thou first must learn Out of thine own heart to recall my name.


Fame, Power, and Riches brought me costly gifts Which I refused.

LOVE. I come with empty hands.


Thy coming caused Queen Sorrow to depart; What right hast thou to drive my friends from me?


I came to bring thee swift deliverance, She laid a spell upon thee which in time Had turned thy heart to unresponsive stone.


She brought me peace and sure oblivion Of all this dark and weary world around.


Art thou so sure, Princess, the world is dark?


So sure? Have I not heard the children weep?

Is not my heart torn with their piteous cries?

We live, and round us lies their sea of tears, A mighty sea that could engulf a realm.


I met a Child outside thy Palace once.

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