The Anatomy of Melancholy -
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_Fear_.] Arcula.n.u.s _in 9. Rhasis ad Almansor. cap. 16._ will have these symptoms to be infinite, as indeed they are, varying according to the parties, "for scarce is there one of a thousand that dotes alike," [2472]
Laurentius _c. 16._ Some few of greater note I will point at; and amongst the rest, fear and sorrow, which as they are frequent causes, so if they persevere long, according to Hippocrates [2473]and Galen's aphorisms, they are most a.s.sured signs, inseparable companions, and characters of melancholy; of present melancholy and habituated, saith Montaltus _cap.
11._ and common to them all, as the said Hippocrates, Galen, Avicenna, and all Neoterics hold. But as hounds many times run away with a false cry, never perceiving themselves to be at a fault, so do they. For Diocles of old, (whom Galen confutes,) and amongst the juniors, [2474]Hercules de Saxonia, with Lod. Mercatus _cap. 17. l. 1. de melan._, takes just exceptions, at this aphorism of Hippocrates, 'tis not always true, or so generally to be understood, "fear and sorrow are no common symptoms to all melancholy; upon more serious consideration, I find some" (saith he) "that are not so at all. Some indeed are sad, and not fearful; some fearful and not sad; some neither fearful nor sad; some both." Four kinds he excepts, fanatical persons, such as were Ca.s.sandra, Nanto, Nicostrata, Mopsus, Proteus, the sibyls, whom [2475]Aristotle confesseth to have been deeply melancholy. Baptista Porta seconds him, _Physiog. lib. 1, cap. 8_, they were _atra bile perciti_: demoniacal persons, and such as speak strange languages, are of this rank: some poets, such as laugh always, and think themselves kings, cardinals, &c., sanguine they are, pleasantly disposed most part, and so continue. [2476]Baptista Portia confines fear and sorrow to them that are cold; but lovers, Sibyls, enthusiasts, he wholly excludes.
So that I think I may truly conclude, they are not always sad and fearful, but usually so: and that [2477]without a cause, _timent de non timendis_, (Gordonius,) _quaeque momenti non sunt_, "although not all alike" (saith Altomarus), [2478]"yet all likely fear," [2479]"some with an extraordinary and a mighty fear," Areteus. [2480]"Many fear death, and yet in a contrary humour, make away themselves," Galen, _lib. 3. de loc. affec. cap. 7._ Some are afraid that heaven will fall on their heads: some they are d.a.m.ned, or shall be. [2481]"They are troubled with scruples of consciences, distrusting G.o.d's mercies, think they shall go certainly to h.e.l.l, the devil will have them, and make great lamentation," Jason Pratensis. Fear of devils, death, that they shall be so sick, of some such or such disease, ready to tremble at every object, they shall die themselves forthwith, or that some of their dear friends or near allies are certainly dead; imminent danger, loss, disgrace still torment others, &c.; that they are all gla.s.s, and therefore will suffer no man to come near them: that they are all cork, as light as feathers; others as heavy as lead; some are afraid their heads will fall off their shoulders, that they have frogs in their bellies, &c.
[2482]Monta.n.u.s _consil. 23_, speaks of one "that durst not walk alone from home, for fear he should swoon or die." A second [2483]"fears every man he meets will rob him, quarrel with him, or kill him." A third dares not venture to walk alone, for fear he should meet the devil, a thief, be sick; fears all old women as witches, and every black dog or cat he sees he suspecteth to be a devil, every person comes near him is maleficiated, every creature, all intend to hurt him, seek his ruin; another dares not go over a bridge, come near a pool, rock, steep hill, lie in a chamber where cross beams are, for fear he be tempted to hang, drown, or precipitate himself. If he be in a silent auditory, as at a sermon, he is afraid he shall speak aloud at unawares, something indecent, unfit to be said. If he be locked in a close room, he is afraid of being stifled for want of air, and still carries biscuit, aquavitae, or some strong waters about him, for fear of deliquiums, or being sick; or if he be in a throng, middle of a church, mult.i.tude, where he may not well get out, though he sit at ease, he is so misaffected. He will freely promise, undertake any business beforehand, but when it comes to be performed, he dare not adventure, but fears an infinite number of dangers, disasters, &c. Some are [2484] "afraid to be burned, or that the [2485]ground will sink under them, or [2486]swallow them quick, or that the king will call them in question for some fact they never did (Rhasis _cont._) and that they shall surely be executed." The terror of such a death troubles them, and they fear as much and are equally tormented in mind, [2487]"as they that have committed a murder, and are pensive without a cause, as if they were now presently to be put to death." Plater, _cap. 3. de mentis alienat._ They are afraid of some loss, danger, that they shall surely lose their lives, goods, and all they have, but why they know not. Trincavelius, _consil. 13. lib. 1._ had a patient that would needs make away himself, for fear of being hanged, and could not be persuaded for three years together, but that he had killed a man. Plater, _observat. lib. 1._ hath two other examples of such as feared to be executed without a cause. If they come in a place where a robbery, theft, or any such offence hath been done, they presently fear they are suspected, and many times betray themselves without a cause. Lewis XI., the French king, suspected every man a traitor that came about him, durst trust no officer. _Alii formidolosi omnium, alii quorundam_ (Fracatorius _lib. 2.
de Intellect._) [2488]"some fear all alike, some certain men, and cannot endure their companies, are sick in them, or if they be from home." Some suspect [2489]treason still, others "are afraid of their [2490]dearest and nearest friends." (_Melanelius e Galeno, Ruffo, Aetio_,) and dare not be alone in the dark for fear of hobgoblins and devils: he suspects everything he hears or sees to be a devil, or enchanted, and imagineth a thousand chimeras and visions, which to his thinking he certainly sees, bugbears, talks with black men, ghosts, goblins, &c., [2491]_Omnes se terrent aurae, sonus excitat omnis._ Another through bashfulness, suspicion, and timorousness will not be seen abroad, [2492]"loves darkness as life, and cannot endure the light," or to sit in lightsome places, his hat still in his eyes, he will neither see nor be seen by his goodwill, Hippocrates, _lib. de Insania et Melancholia_. He dare not come in company for fear he should be misused, disgraced, overshoot himself in gesture or speeches, or be sick; he thinks every man observes him, aims at him, derides him, owes him malice. Most part [2493]"they are afraid they are bewitched, possessed, or poisoned by their enemies, and sometimes they suspect their nearest friends: he thinks something speaks or talks within him, and he belcheth of the poison." Christophorus a Vega, _lib. 2. cap. 1._ had a patient so troubled, that by no persuasion or physic he could be reclaimed. Some are afraid that they shall have every fearful disease they see others have, hear of, or read, and dare not therefore hear or read of any such subject, no not of melancholy itself, lest by applying to themselves that which they hear or read, they should aggravate and increase it. If they see one possessed, bewitched, an epileptic paroxysm, a man shaking with the palsy, or giddy-headed, reeling or standing in a dangerous place, &c., for many days after it runs in their minds, they are afraid they shall be so too, they are in like danger, as Perkins _c. 12. sc. 12._ well observes in his Cases of Conscience and many times by violence of imagination they produce it. They cannot endure to see any terrible object, as a monster, a man executed, a carcase, hear the devil named, or any tragical relation seen, but they quake for fear, _Hecatas somniare sibi videntur_ (Lucian) they dream of hobgoblins, and may not get it out of their minds a long time after: they apply (as I have said) all they hear, see, read, to themselves; as [2494]Felix Plater notes of some young physicians, that study to cure diseases, catch them themselves, will be sick, and appropriate all symptoms they find related of others, to their own persons. And therefore (_quod iterum moneo, licet nauseam paret lectori, malo decem potius verba, decies repet.i.ta licet abundare, quam unum desiderari_) I would advise him that is actually melancholy not to read this tract of Symptoms, lest he disquiet or make himself for a time worse, and more melancholy than he was before.
Generally of them all take this, _de inanibus semper conqueruntur et timent_, saith Aretius; they complain of toys, and fear [2495]without a cause, and still think their melancholy to be most grievous, none so bad as they are, though it be nothing in respect, yet never any man sure was so troubled, or in this sort. As really tormented and perplexed, in as great an agony for toys and trifles (such things as they will after laugh at themselves) as if they were most material and essential matters indeed, worthy to be feared, and will not be satisfied. Pacify them for one, they are instantly troubled with some other fear; always afraid of something which they foolishly imagine or conceive to themselves, which never peradventure was, never can be, never likely will be; troubled in mind upon every small occasion, unquiet, still complaining, grieving, vexing, suspecting, grudging, discontent, and cannot be freed so long as melancholy continues. Or if their minds be more quiet for the present, and they free from foreign fears, outward accidents, yet their bodies are out of tune, they suspect some part or other to be amiss, now their head aches, heart, stomach, spleen, &c. is misaffected, they shall surely have this or that disease; still troubled in body, mind, or both, and through wind, corrupt fantasy, some accidental distemper, continually molested. Yet for all this, as [2496]Jacchinus notes, "in all other things they are wise, staid, discreet, and do nothing unbeseeming their dignity, person, or place, this foolish, ridiculous, and childish fear excepted;" which so much, so continually tortures and crucifies their souls, like a barking dog that always bawls, but seldom bites, this fear ever molesteth, and so long as melancholy lasteth, cannot be avoided.
Sorrow is that other character, and inseparable companion, as individual as Saint Cosmus and Damian, _fidus Achates_, as all writers witness, a common symptom, a continual, and still without any evident cause, [2497]_moerent omnes, et si roges eos reddere causam, non possunt_: grieving still, but why they cannot tell: _Agelasti, moesti, cogitabundi_, they look as if they had newly come forth of Trophonius' den. And though they laugh many times, and seem to be extraordinary merry (as they will by fits), yet extreme lumpish again in an instant, dull and heavy, _semel et simul_, merry and sad, but most part sad: [2498]_Si qua placent, abeunt; inimica tenacius haerent_: sorrow sticks by them still continually, gnawing as the vulture did [2499]t.i.tius' bowels, and they cannot avoid it. No sooner are their eyes open, but after terrible and troublesome dreams their heavy hearts begin to sigh: they are still fretting, chafing, sighing, grieving, complaining, finding faults, repining, grudging, weeping, _Heautontimorumenoi_, vexing themselves, [2500]disquieted in mind, with restless, unquiet thoughts, discontent, either for their own, other men's or public affairs, such as concern them not; things past, present, or to come, the remembrance of some disgrace, loss, injury, abuses, &c. troubles them now being idle afresh, as if it were new done; they are afflicted otherwise for some danger, loss, want, shame, misery, that will certainly come, as they suspect and mistrust. Lugubris Ate frowns upon them, insomuch that Areteus well calls it _angorem animi_, a vexation of the mind, a perpetual agony. They can hardly be pleased, or eased, though in other men's opinion most happy, go, tarry, run, ride, [2501]--_post equitem sedet atra cura_: they cannot avoid this feral plague, let them come in what company they will, [2502]_haeret leteri lethalis arundo_, as to a deer that is struck, whether he run, go, rest with the herd, or alone, this grief remains: irresolution, inconstancy, vanity of mind, their fear, torture, care, jealousy, suspicion, &c., continues, and they cannot be relieved. So [2503]he complained in the poet,
"Domum revertor moestus, atque animo fere Perturbato, atque incerto prae aegritudine, a.s.sido, accurrunt servi: succos detrahunt, Video alios festinare, lectos sternere, Coenam apparare, pro se quisque sedulo Faciebant, quo illam mihi lenirent miseriam."
"He came home sorrowful, and troubled in his mind, his servants did all they possibly could to please him; one pulled off his socks, another made ready his bed, a third his supper, all did their utmost endeavours to ease his grief, and exhilarate his person, he was profoundly melancholy, he had lost his son, _illud angebat_, that was his Cordolium, his pain, his agony which could not be removed."
_Taedium vitae._] Hence it proceeds many times, that they are weary of their lives, and feral thoughts to offer violence to their own persons come into their minds, _taedium vitae_ is a common symptom, _tarda fluunt, ingrataque tempora_, they are soon tired with all things; they will now tarry, now be gone; now in bed they will rise, now up, then go to bed, now pleased, then again displeased; now they like, by and by dislike all, weary of all, _sequitur nunc vivendi, nunc moriendi cupido_, saith Aurelia.n.u.s, _lib. 1. cap. 6_, but most part [2504]_vitam d.a.m.nant_, discontent, disquieted, perplexed upon every light, or no occasion, object: often tempted, I say, to make away themselves: [2505]_Vivere nolunt, mori nesciunt_: they cannot die, they will not live: they complain, weep, lament, and think they lead a most miserable life, never was any man so bad, or so before, every poor man they see is most fortunate in respect of them, every beggar that comes to the door is happier than they are, they could be contented to change lives with them, especially if they be alone, idle, and parted from their ordinary company, molested, displeased, or provoked: grief, fear, agony, discontent, wearisomeness, laziness, suspicion, or some such pa.s.sion forcibly seizeth on them. Yet by and by when they come in company again, which they like, or be pleased, _suam sententiam rursus d.a.m.nant, et vitae solatia delectantur_, as Octavius Horatia.n.u.s observes, _lib. 2. cap. 5_, they condemn their former mislike, and are well pleased to live. And so they continue, till with some fresh discontent they be molested again, and then they are weary of their lives, weary of all, they will die, and show rather a necessity to live, than a desire. Claudius the emperor, as [2506] Sueton describes him, had a spice of this disease, for when he was tormented with the pain of his stomach, he had a conceit to make away himself. Julius Caesar Claudinus, _consil. 84._ had a Polonian to his patient, so affected, that through [2507]fear and sorrow, with which he was still disquieted, hated his own life, wished for death every moment, and to be freed of his misery. Mercurialis another, and another that was often minded to despatch himself, and so continued for many years.
_Suspicion, Jealousy._] Suspicion, and jealousy, are general symptoms: they are commonly distrustful, apt to mistake, and amplify, _facile irascibiles_, [2508]testy, pettish, peevish, and ready to snarl upon every [2509]small occasion, _c.u.m amicissimis_, and without a cause, _datum vel non datum_, it will be _scandalum acceptum_. If they speak in jest, he takes it in good earnest. If they be not saluted, invited, consulted with, called to counsel, &c., or that any respect, small compliment, or ceremony be omitted, they think themselves neglected, and contemned; for a time that tortures them. If two talk together, discourse, whisper, jest, or tell a tale in general, he thinks presently they mean him, applies all to himself, _de se putat omnia dici_. Or if they talk with him, he is ready to misconstrue every word they speak, and interpret it to the worst; he cannot endure any man to look steadily on him, speak to him almost, laugh, jest, or be familiar, or hem, or point, cough, or spit, or make a noise sometimes, &c. [2510]He thinks they laugh or point at him, or do it in disgrace of him, circ.u.mvent him, contemn him; every man looks at him, he is pale, red, sweats for fear and anger, lest somebody should observe him. He works upon it, and long after this false conceit of an abuse troubles him.
Monta.n.u.s _consil. 22._ gives instance in a melancholy Jew, that was _Iracundior Adria_, so waspish and suspicious, _tam facile iratus_, that no man could tell how to carry himself in his company.
_Inconstancy._] Inconstant they are in all their actions, vertiginous, restless, unapt to resolve of any business, they will and will not, persuaded to and fro upon every small occasion, or word spoken: and yet if once they be resolved, obstinate, hard to be reconciled. If they abhor, dislike, or distaste, once settled, though to the better by odds, by no counsel, or persuasion, to be removed. Yet in most things wavering, irresolute, unable to deliberate, through fear, _faciunt, et mox facti poenitent (Areteus) avari, et paulo post prodigi_. Now prodigal, and then covetous, they do, and by-and-by repent them of that which they have done, so that both ways they are troubled, whether they do or do not, want or have, hit or miss, disquieted of all hands, soon weary, and still seeking change, restless, I say, fickle, fugitive, they may not abide to tarry in one place long.
[2511] "Romae rus optans, absentem rusticus urbem Tollit ad astra"------
no company long, or to persevere in any action or business.
[2512] "Et similis regum pueris, pappare minutum Poscit, et iratus mammae lallare recusat,"
eftsoons pleased, and anon displeased, as a man that's bitten with fleas, or that cannot sleep turns to and fro in his bed, their restless minds are tossed and vary, they have no patience to read out a book, to play out a game or two, walk a mile, sit an hour, &c., erected and dejected in an instant; animated to undertake, and upon a word spoken again discouraged.
_Pa.s.sionate._] Extreme pa.s.sionate, _Quicquid volunt valde volunt_; and what they desire, they do most furiously seek; anxious ever, and very solicitous, distrustful, and timorous, envious, malicious, profuse one while, sparing another, but most part covetous, muttering, repining, discontent, and still complaining, grudging, peevish, _injuriarum tenaces_, to revenge, soon troubled, and most violent in all their imaginations, not affable in speech, or apt to vulgar compliment, but surly, dull, sad, austere; _cogitabundi_ still, very intent, and as [2513]
Albertus Durer paints melancholy, like a sad woman leaning on her arm with fixed looks, neglected habit, &c., held therefore by some proud, soft, sottish, or half-mad, as the Abderites esteemed of Democritus: and yet of a deep reach, excellent apprehension, judicious, wise, and witty: for I am of that [2514]n.o.bleman's mind, "Melancholy advanceth men's conceits, more than any humour whatsoever," improves their meditations more than any strong drink or sack. They are of profound judgment in some things, although in others _non recte judicant inquieti_, saith Fracastorius, _lib. 2. de Intell_. And as Arcula.n.u.s, _c. 16. in 9. Rhasis_, terms it, _Judicium plerumque perversum, corrupti, c.u.m judicant honesta inhonesta, et amicitiam habent pro inimicitia_: they count honesty dishonesty, friends as enemies, they will abuse their best friends, and dare not offend their enemies.
Cowards most part _et ad inferendam injuriam timidissimi_, saith Cardan, _lib. 8. cap. 4. de rerum varietate_: loath to offend, and if they chance to overshoot themselves in word or deed: or any small business or circ.u.mstance be omitted, forgotten, they are miserably tormented, and frame a thousand dangers and inconveniences to themselves, _ex musca elephantem_, if once they conceit it: overjoyed with every good rumour, tale, or prosperous event, transported beyond themselves: with every small cross again, bad news, misconceived injury, loss, danger, afflicted beyond measure, in great agony, perplexed, dejected, astonished, impatient, utterly undone: fearful, suspicious of all. Yet again, many of them desperate harebrains, rash, careless, fit to be, as being void of all fear and sorrow, according to [2515]Hercules de Saxonia, "Most audacious, and such as dare walk alone in the night, through deserts and dangerous places, fearing none."
_Amorous_.] "They are to love," and [2516]easy to be taken; _Propensi ad amorem et excandescentiam_ (Montaltus _cap. 21._) quickly enamoured, and dote upon all, love one dearly, till they see another, and then dote on her, _Et hanc, et hanc, et illam, et omnes_, the present moves most, and the last commonly they love best. Yet some again _Anterotes_, cannot endure the sight of a woman, abhor the s.e.x, as that same melancholy [2517]duke of Muscovy, that was instantly sick, if he came but in sight of them; and that [2518]Anchorite, that fell into a cold palsy, when a woman was brought before him.
_Humorous_.] Humorous they are beyond all measure, sometimes profusely laughing, extraordinarily merry, and then again weeping without a cause, (which is familiar with many gentlewomen,) groaning, sighing, pensive, sad, almost distracted, _multa absurda fingunt, et a ratione aliena_ (saith [2519]Frambesarius), they feign many absurdities, vain, void of reason: one supposeth himself to be a dog, c.o.c.k, bear, horse, gla.s.s, b.u.t.ter, &c. He is a giant, a dwarf, as strong as an hundred men, a lord, duke, prince, &c.
And if he be told he hath a stinking breath, a great nose, that he is sick, or inclined to such or such a disease, he believes it eftsoons, and peradventure by force of imagination will work it out. Many of them are immovable, and fixed in their conceits, others vary upon every object, heard or seen. If they see a stage-play, they run upon that a week after; if they hear music, or see dancing, they have nought but bagpipes in their brain: if they see a combat, they are all for arms. [2520]If abused, an abuse troubles them long after; if crossed, that cross, &c. Restless in their thoughts and actions, continually meditating, _Velut aegri somnia, vanae finguntur species_; more like dreams, than men awake, they fain a company of antic, fantastical conceits, they have most frivolous thoughts, impossible to be effected; and sometimes think verily they hear and see present before their eyes such phantasms or goblins, they fear, suspect, or conceive, they still talk with, and follow them. In fine, _cogitationes somniantibus similes, id vigilant, quod alii somniant cogitabundi_, still, saith Avicenna, they wake, as others dream, and such for the most part are their imaginations and conceits, [2521]absurd, vain, foolish toys, yet they are [2522]most curious and solicitous, continual, _et supra modum_, Rhasis _cont. lib. 1. cap. 9._ _praemeditantur de aliqua re_. As serious in a toy, as if it were a most necessary business, of great moment, importance, and still, still, still thinking of it: _saeviunt in se_, macerating themselves. Though they do talk with you, and seem to be otherwise employed, and to your thinking very intent and busy, still that toy runs in their mind, that fear, that suspicion, that abuse, that jealousy, that agony, that vexation, that cross, that castle in the air, that crotchet, that whimsy, that fiction, that pleasant waking dream, whatsoever it is.
_Nec interrogant_ (saith [2523]Fracastorius) _nec interrogatis recte respondent_. They do not much heed what you say, their mind is on another matter; ask what you will, they do not attend, or much intend that business they are about, but forget themselves what they are saying, doing, or should otherwise say or do, whither they are going, distracted with their own melancholy thoughts. One laughs upon a sudden, another smiles to himself, a third frowns, calls, his lips go still, he acts with his hand as he walks, &c. 'Tis proper to all melancholy men, saith [2524]Mercurialis, _con. 11._ "What conceit they have once entertained, to be most intent, violent, and continually about it." _Invitas occurrit_, do what they may they cannot be rid of it, against their wills they must think of it a thousand times over, _Perpetuo molestantur nec oblivisci possunt_, they are continually troubled with it, in company, out of company; at meat, at exercise, at all times and places, [2525]_non desinunt ea, quae, minime volunt, cogitare_, if it be offensive especially, they cannot forget it, they may not rest or sleep for it, but still tormenting themselves, _Sysiphi saxum volvunt sibi ipsis_, as [2526]Brunner observes, _Perpetua calamitas et miserabile flagellum_.
_Bashfulness._] [2527]Crato, [2528]Laurentius, and Fernelius, put bashfulness for an ordinary symptom, _sabrusticus pudor_, or _vitiosus pudor_, is a thing which much haunts and torments them. If they have been misused, derided, disgraced, chidden, &c., or by any perturbation of mind, misaffected, it so far troubles them, that they become quite moped many times, and so disheartened, dejected, they dare not come abroad, into strange companies especially, or manage their ordinary affairs, so childish, timorous, and bashful, they can look no man in the face; some are more disquieted in this kind, some less, longer some, others shorter, by fits, &c., though some on the other side (according to [2529]Fracastorius) be _inverecundi et pertinaces_, impudent and peevish. But most part they are very shamefaced, and that makes them with Pet. Blesensis, Christopher Urswick, and many such, to refuse honours, offices, and preferments, which sometimes fall into their mouths, they cannot speak, or put forth themselves as others can, _timor hos, pudor impedit illos_, timorousness and bashfulness hinder their proceedings, they are contented with their present estate, unwilling to undertake any office, and therefore never likely to rise. For that cause they seldom visit their friends, except some familiars: _pauciloqui_, of few words, and oftentimes wholly silent. [2530]
Frambeserius, a Frenchman, had two such patients, _omnino taciturnos_, their friends could not get them to speak: Rodericus a Fonseca _consult.
tom. 2. 85. consil._ gives instance in a young man, of twenty-seven years of age, that was frequently silent, bashful, moped, solitary, that would not eat his meat, or sleep, and yet again by fits apt to be angry, &c.
_Solitariness._] Most part they are, as Plater notes, _desides, taciturni, aegre impulsi, nec nisi coacti procedunt_, &c. they will scarce be compelled to do that which concerns them, though it be for their good, so diffident, so dull, of small or no compliment, unsociable, hard to be acquainted with, especially of strangers; they had rather write their minds than speak, and above all things love solitariness. _Ob voluptatem, an ob timorem soli sunt_? Are they so solitary for pleasure (one asks,) or pain?
for both; yet I rather think for fear and sorrow, &c.
[2531] "Hinc metuunt cupiuntque, dolent fugiuntque, nec auras Respiciunt, clausi tenebris, et carcere caeco."
"Hence 'tis they grieve and fear, avoiding light, And shut themselves in prison dark from sight."
As Bellerophon in [2532]Homer,
"Qui miser in sylvis moerens errabat opacis, Ipse suum cor edens, hominum vestigia vitans."
"That wandered in the woods sad all alone, Forsaking men's society, making great moan."
They delight in floods and waters, desert places, to walk alone in orchards, gardens, private walks, back lanes, averse from company, as Diogenes in his tub, or Timon Misanthropus [2533], they abhor all companions at last, even their nearest acquaintances and most familiar friends, for they have a conceit (I say) every man observes them, will deride, laugh to scorn, or misuse them, confining themselves therefore wholly to their private houses or chambers, _fugiunt homines sine causa_ (saith Rhasis) _et odio habent_, _cont. l. 1. c. 9._ they will diet themselves, feed and live alone. It was one of the chiefest reasons why the citizens of Abdera suspected Democritus to be melancholy and mad, because that, as Hippocrates related in his Epistle to Philopaemenes, [2534]"he forsook the city, lived in groves and hollow trees, upon a green bank by a brook side, or confluence of waters all day long, and all night." _Quae quidem_ (saith he) _plurimum atra bile vexatis et melancholicis eveniunt, deserta frequentant, hominumque congressum aversantur_; [2535]which is an ordinary thing with melancholy men. The Egyptians therefore in their hieroglyphics expressed a melancholy man by a hare sitting in her form, as being a most timorous and solitary creature, Pierius _Hieroglyph. l. 12._ But this, and all precedent symptoms, are more or less apparent, as the humour is intended or remitted, hardly perceived in some, or not all, most manifest in others. Childish in some, terrible in others; to be derided in one, pitied or admired in another; to him by fits, to a second continuate: and howsoever these symptoms be common and incident to all persons, yet they are the more remarkable, frequent, furious and violent in melancholy men. To speak in a word, there is nothing so vain, absurd, ridiculous, extravagant, impossible, incredible, so monstrous a chimera, so prodigious and strange, [2536]such as painters and poets durst not attempt, which they will not really fear, feign, suspect and imagine unto themselves: and that which [2537]Lod. Vives said in a jest of a silly country fellow, that killed his a.s.s for drinking up the moon, _ut lunam mundo redderet_, you may truly say of them in earnest; they will act, conceive all extremes, contrarieties, and contradictions, and that in infinite varieties.
_Melancholici plane incredibilia sibi persuadent, ut vix omnibus saeculis duo reperti sint, qui idem imaginati sint (Erastus de Lamiis)_, scarce two of two thousand that concur in the same symptoms. The tower of Babel never yielded such confusion of tongues, as the chaos of melancholy doth variety of symptoms. There is in all melancholy _similitudo dissimilis_, like men's faces, a disagreeing likeness still; and as in a river we swim in the same place, though not in the same numerical water; as the same instrument affords several lessons, so the same disease yields diversity of symptoms.
Which howsoever they be diverse, intricate, and hard to be confined, I will adventure yet in such a vast confusion and generality to bring them into some order; and so descend to particulars.
SUBSECT. III.--_Particular Symptoms from the influence of Stars, parts of the Body, and Humours_.
Some men have peculiar symptoms, according to their temperament and crisis, which they had from the stars and those celestial influences, variety of wits and dispositions, as Anthony Zara contends, _Anat. ingen. sect. 1.
memb. 11, 12, 13, 14._ _plurimum irritant influentiae, caelestes, unde cientur animi aegritudines et morbi corporum_. [2538]One saith, diverse diseases of the body and mind proceed from their influences, [2539]as I have already proved out of Ptolemy, Ponta.n.u.s, Lemnius, Cardan, and others as they are significators of manners, diseases, mutually irradiated, or lords of the geniture, &c. Ptolomeus in his centiloquy, Hermes, or whosoever else the author of that tract, attributes all these symptoms, which are in melancholy men, to celestial influences: which opinion Mercurialis _de affect, lib. cap. 10._ rejects; but, as I say, [2540]Jovia.n.u.s Ponta.n.u.s and others stiffly defend. That some are solitary, dull, heavy, churlish; some again blithe, buxom, light, and merry, they ascribe wholly to the stars. As if Saturn be predominant in his nativity, and cause melancholy in his temperature, then [2541]he shall be very austere, sullen, churlish, black of colour, profound in his cogitations, full of cares, miseries, and discontents, sad and fearful, always silent, solitary, still delighting in husbandry, in woods, orchards, gardens, rivers, ponds, pools, dark walks and close: _Cogitationes sunt velle aedificare, velle arbores plantare, agros colere_, &c. To catch birds, fishes, &c. still contriving and musing of such matters. If Jupiter domineers, they are more ambitious, still meditating of kingdoms, magistracies, offices, honours, or that they are princes, potentates, and how they would carry themselves, &c. If Mars, they are all for wars, brave combats, monomachies, testy, choleric, harebrain, rash, furious, and violent in their actions. They will feign themselves victors, commanders, are pa.s.sionate and satirical in their speeches, great braggers, ruddy of colour. And though they be poor in show, vile and base, yet like Telephus and Peleus in the [2542]poet, _Ampullas jactant et sesquipedalia verba_, "forget their swelling and gigantic words," their mouths are full of myriads, and tetrarchs at their tongues' end. If the sun, they will be lords, emperors, in conceit at least, and monarchs, give offices, honours, &c. If Venus, they are still courting of their mistresses, and most apt to love, amorously given, they seem to hear music, plays, see fine pictures, dancers, merriments, and the like. Ever in love, and dote on all they see.
Mercurialists are solitary, much in contemplation, subtle, poets, philosophers, and musing most part about such matters. If the moon have a hand, they are all for peregrinations, sea voyages, much affected with travels, to discourse, read, meditate of such things; wandering in their thoughts, diverse, much delighting in waters, to fish, fowl, &c.
But the most immediate symptoms proceed from the temperature itself, and the organical parts, as head, liver, spleen, mesaraic veins, heart, womb, stomach, &c., and most especially from distemperature of spirits (which, as [2543]Hercules de Saxonia contends, are wholly immaterial), or from the four humours in those seats, whether they be hot or cold, natural, unnatural, innate or advent.i.tious, intended or remitted, simple or mixed, their diverse mixtures, and several adustions, combinations, which may be as diversely varied, as those [2544]four first qualities in [2545] Clavius, and produce as many several symptoms and monstrous fictions as wine doth effect, which as Andreas Bachius observes, _lib. 3. de vino, cap. 20._ are infinite. Of greater note be these.
If it be natural melancholy, as Lod. Mercatus, _lib. 1. cap. 17. de melan._ T. Bright. _c. 16._ hath largely described, either of the spleen, or of the veins, faulty by excess of quant.i.ty, or thickness of substance, it is a cold and dry humour, as Monta.n.u.s affirms, _consil. 26_ the parties are sad, timorous and fearful. Prosper Calenus, in his book _de atra bile_, will have them to be more stupid than ordinary, cold, heavy, solitary, sluggish.
_Si multam atram bilem et frigidam habent_. Hercules de Saxonia, _c. 19. l.
7._ [2546]"holds these that are naturally melancholy, to be of a leaden colour or black," and so doth Guianerius, _c. 3. tract. 15._ and such as think themselves dead many times, or that they see, talk with black men, dead men, spirits and goblins frequently, if it be in excess. These symptoms vary according to the mixture of those four humours adust, which is unnatural melancholy. For as Trallia.n.u.s hath written, _cap. 16. l. 7._ [2547]"There is not one cause of this melancholy, nor one humour which begets, but divers diversely intermixed, from whence proceeds this variety of symptoms:" and those varying again as they are hot or cold. [2548]"Cold melancholy" (saith Benedic. Vittorius Faventinus _pract. mag._) "is a cause of dotage, and more mild symptoms, if hot or more adust, of more violent pa.s.sions, and furies." Fracastorius, _l. 2. de intellect._ will have us to consider well of it, [2549]"with what kind of melancholy every one is troubled, for it much avails to know it; one is enraged by fervent heat, another is possessed by sad and cold; one is fearful, shamefaced; the other impudent and bold;" as Ajax, _Arma rapit superosque furens inpraelia poscit_: quite mad or tending to madness. _Nunc hos, nunc impet.i.t illos._ Bellerophon on the other side, _solis errat male sa.n.u.s in agris_, wanders alone in the woods; one despairs, weeps, and is weary of his life, another laughs, &c. All which variety is produced from the several degrees of heat and cold, which [2550]Hercules de Saxonia will have wholly proceed from the distemperature of spirits alone, animal especially, and those immaterial, the next and immediate causes of melancholy, as they are hot, cold, dry, moist, and from their agitation proceeds that diversity of symptoms, which he reckons up, in the [2551]thirteenth chap. of his Tract of Melancholy, and that largely through every part. Others will have them come from the diverse adustion of the four humours, which in this unnatural melancholy, by corruption of blood, adust choler, or melancholy natural, [2552]"by excessive distemper of heat turned, in comparison of the natural, into a sharp lye by force of adustion, cause, according to the diversity of their matter, diverse and strange symptoms," which T. Bright reckons up in his following chapter. So doth [2553]Arcula.n.u.s, according to the four humours adust, and many others.
For example, if it proceed from phlegm, (which is seldom and not so frequently as the rest) [2554]it stirs up dull symptoms, and a kind of stupidity, or impa.s.sionate hurt: they are sleepy, saith [2555]Savanarola, dull, slow, cold, blockish, a.s.s-like, _Asininam melancholiam_, [2556]
Melancthon calls it, "they are much given to weeping, and delight in waters, ponds, pools, rivers, fis.h.i.+ng, fowling," &c. (Arnoldus _breviar. 1.
cap. 18._) They are [2557]pale of colour, slothful, apt to sleep, heavy; [2558]much troubled with headache, continual meditation, and muttering to themselves; they dream of waters, [2559]that they are in danger of drowning, and fear such things, Rhasis. They are fatter than others that are melancholy, of a muddy complexion, apter to spit, [2560] sleep, more troubled with rheum than the rest, and have their eyes still fixed on the ground. Such a patient had Hercules de Saxonia, a widow in Venice, that was fat and very sleepy still; Christophorus a Vega another affected in the same sort. If it be inveterate or violent, the symptoms are more evident, they plainly denote and are ridiculous to others, in all their gestures, actions, speeches; imagining impossibilities, as he in Christophorus a Vega, that thought he was a tun of wine, [2561]and that Siennois, that resolved within himself not to p.i.s.s, for fear he should drown all the town.
If it proceed from blood adust, or that there be a mixture of blood in it, [2562]"such are commonly ruddy of complexion, and high-coloured," according to Sal.u.s.t. Salvia.n.u.s, and Hercules de Saxonia. And as Savanarola, Vittorius Faventinus Emper. farther adds, [2563]"the veins of their eyes be red, as well as their faces." They are much inclined to laughter, witty and merry, conceited in discourse, pleasant, if they be not far gone, much given to music, dancing, and to be in women's company. They meditate wholly on such things, and think [2564]"they see or hear plays, dancing, and suchlike sports" (free from all fear and sorrow, as [2565]Hercules de Saxonia supposeth.) If they be more strongly possessed with this kind of melancholy, Arnoldus adds, _Breviar. lib. 1. cap. 18._ Like him of Argos in the Poet, that sate laughing [2566]all day long, as if he had been at a theatre. Such another is mentioned by [2567]Aristotle, living at Abydos, a town of Asia Minor, that would sit after the same fas.h.i.+on, as if he had been upon a stage, and sometimes act himself; now clap his hands, and laugh, as if he had been well pleased with the sight. Wolfius relates of a country fellow called Brunsellius, subject to this humour, [2568]"that being by chance at a sermon, saw a woman fall off from a form half asleep, at which object most of the company laughed, but he for his part was so much moved, that for three whole days after he did nothing but laugh, by which means he was much weakened, and worse a long time following." Such a one was old Sophocles, and Democritus himself had _hilare delirium_, much in this vein. Laurentius _cap. 3. de melan._ thinks this kind of melancholy, which is a little adust with some mixture of blood, to be that which Aristotle meant, when he said melancholy men of all others are most witty, which causeth many times a divine ravishment, and a kind of _enthusiasmus_, which stirreth them up to be excellent philosophers, poets, prophets, &c. Mercurialis, _consil. 110._ gives instance in a young man his patient, sanguine melancholy, [2569]"of a great wit, and excellently learned."
If it arise from choler adust, they are bold and impudent, and of a more harebrain disposition, apt to quarrel, and think of such things, battles, combats, and their manhood, furious; impatient in discourse, stiff, irrefragable and prodigious in their tenets; and if they be moved, most violent, outrageous, [2570]ready to disgrace, provoke any, to kill themselves and others; Arnoldus adds, stark mad by fits, [2571]"they sleep little, their urine is subtle and fiery." (Guianerius.) "In their fits you shall hear them speak all manner of languages, Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, that never were taught or knew them before." Apponensis in _com. in Pro.
sec. 30._ speaks of a mad woman that spake excellent good Latin: and Rhasis knew another, that could prophecy in her fit, and foretell things truly to come. [2572]Guianerius had a patient could make Latin verses when the moon was combust, otherwise illiterate. Avicenna and some of his adherents will have these symptoms, when they happen, to proceed from the devil, and that they are rather _demoniaci_, possessed, than mad or melancholy, or both together, as Jason Pratensis thinks, _Immiscent se mali genii_, &c. but most ascribe it to the humour, which opinion Montaltus _cap. 21._ stiffly maintains, confuting Avicenna and the rest, referring it wholly to the quality and disposition of the humour and subject. Cardan _de rerum var.
lib. 8. cap. 10._ holds these men of all others fit to be, bold, hardy, fierce, and adventurous, to undertake anything by reason of their choler adust. [2573]"This humour, saith he, prepares them to endure death itself, and all manner of torments with invincible courage, and 'tis a wonder to see with what alacrity they will undergo such tortures," _ut supra naturam res videatur_: he ascribes this generosity, fury, or rather stupidity, to this adustion of choler and melancholy: but I take these rather to be mad or desperate, than properly melancholy; for commonly this humour so adust and hot, degenerates into madness.
If it come from melancholy itself adust, those men, saith Avicenna, [2574]
"are usually sad and solitary, and that continually, and in excess, more than ordinarily suspicious more fearful, and have long, sore, and most corrupt imaginations;" cold and black, bashful, and so solitary, that as [2575]Arnoldus writes, "they will endure no company, they dream of graves still, and dead men, and think themselves bewitched or dead:" if it be extreme, they think they hear hideous noises, see and talk [2576]"with black men, and converse familiarly with devils, and such strange chimeras and visions," (Gordonius) or that they are possessed by them, that somebody talks to them, or within them. _Tales melancholici plerumque daemoniaci_, Montaltus _consil. 26. ex Avicenna_. Valescus de Taranta had such a woman in cure, [2577]"that thought she had to do with the devil:" and Gentilis Fulgosus _quaest. 55._ writes that he had a melancholy friend, that [2578]
"had a black man in the likeness of a soldier" still following him wheresoever he was. Laurentius _cap. 7._ hath many stories of such as have thought themselves bewitched by their enemies; and some that would eat no meat as being dead. [2579]_Anno_ 1550 an advocate of Paris fell into such a melancholy fit, that he believed verily he was dead, he could not be persuaded otherwise, or to eat or drink, till a kinsman of his, a scholar of Bourges, did eat before him dressed like a corse. The story, saith Serres, was acted in a comedy before Charles the Ninth. Some think they are beasts, wolves, hogs, and cry like dogs, foxes, bray like, and low like kine, as King Praetus' daughters. [2580]Hildesheim _spicel. 2. de mania_, hath an example of a Dutch baron so affected, and Trincavelius _lib. 1. consil. 11._ another of a n.o.bleman in his country, [2581]"that thought he was certainly a beast, and would imitate most of their voices,"
with many such symptoms, which may properly be reduced to this kind.
If it proceed from the several combinations of these four humours, or spirits, Herc. de Saxon. adds hot, cold, dry, moist, dark, confused, settled, constringed, as it partic.i.p.ates of matter, or is without matter, the symptoms are likewise mixed. One thinks himself a giant, another a dwarf. One is heavy as lead, another is as light as a feather. Marcellus Donatus _l. 2. cap. 41._ makes mention out of Seneca, of one Seneccio, a rich man, [2582]"that thought himself and everything else he had, great: great wife, great horses, could not abide little things, but would have great pots to drink in, great hose, and great shoes bigger than his feet."
Like her in [2583]Trallia.n.u.s, that supposed she "could shake all the world with her finger," and was afraid to clinch her hand together, lest she should crush the world like an apple in pieces: or him in Galen, that thought he was [2584]Atlas, and sustained heaven with his shoulders.
Another thinks himself so little, that he can creep into a mouse-hole: one fears heaven will fall on his head: a second is a c.o.c.k; and such a one, [2585]Guianerius saith he saw at Padua, that would clap his hands together and crow. [2586]Another thinks he is a nightingale, and therefore sings all the night long; another he is all gla.s.s, a pitcher, and will therefore let n.o.body come near him, and such a one [2587]Laurentius gives out upon his credit, that he knew in France. Christophorus a Vega _cap. 3. lib. 14._ Skenkius and Marcellus Donatus _l. 2. cap. 1._ have many such examples, and one amongst the rest of a baker in Ferrara that thought he was composed of b.u.t.ter, and durst not sit in the sun, or come near the fire for fear of being melted: of another that thought he was a case of leather, stuffed with wind. Some laugh, weep; some are mad, some dejected, moped, in much agony, some by fits, others continuate, &c. Some have a corrupt ear, they think they hear music, or some hideous noise as their phantasy conceives, corrupt eyes, some smelling, some one sense, some another. [2588]Lewis the Eleventh had a conceit everything did stink about him, all the odoriferous perfumes they could get, would not ease him, but still he smelled a filthy stink. A melancholy French poet in [2589]Laurentius, being sick of a fever, and troubled with waking, by his physicians was appointed to use _unguentum populeum_ to anoint his temples; but he so distasted the smell of it, that for many years after, all that came near him he imagined to scent of it, and would let no man talk with him but aloof off, or wear any new clothes, because he thought still they smelled of it; in all other things wise and discreet, he would talk sensibly, save only in this. A gentleman in Limousin, saith Anthony Verdeur, was persuaded he had but one leg, affrighted by a wild boar, that by chance struck him on the leg; he could not be satisfied his leg was sound (in all other things well) until two Franciscans by chance coming that way, fully removed him from the conceit.
_Sed abunde fabularum audivimus_,--enough of story-telling.
SUBSECT. IV.--_Symptoms from Education, Custom, continuance of Time, our Condition, mixed with other Diseases, by Fits, Inclination, &c._
Another great occasion of the variety of these symptoms proceeds from custom, discipline, education, and several inclinations, [2590]"this humour will imprint in melancholy men the objects most answerable to their condition of life, and ordinary actions, and dispose men according to their several studies and callings." If an ambitious man become melancholy, he forthwith thinks he is a king, an emperor, a monarch, and walks alone, pleasing himself with a vain hope of some future preferment, or present as he supposeth, and withal acts a lord's part, takes upon him to be some statesman or magnifico, makes conges, gives entertainment, looks big, &c.
Francisco Sansovino records of a melancholy man in Cremona, that would not be induced to believe but that he was pope, gave pardons, made cardinals, &c. [2591]Christophorus a Vega makes mention of another of his acquaintance, that thought he was a king, driven from his kingdom, and was very anxious to recover his estate. A covetous person is still conversant about purchasing of lands and tenements, plotting in his mind how to compa.s.s such and such manors, as if he were already lord of, and able to go through with it; all he sees is his, _re_ or _spe_, he hath devoured it in hope, or else in conceit esteems it his own: like him in [2592]Athenaeus, that thought all the s.h.i.+ps in the haven to be his own. A lascivious _inamorato_ plots all the day long to please his mistress, acts and struts, and carries himself as if she were in presence, still dreaming of her, as Pamphilus of his Glycerium, or as some do in their morning sleep. [2593]
Marcellus Donatus knew such a gentlewoman in Mantua, called Elionora Meliorina, that constantly believed she was married to a king, and [2594]