The Hampton Road Club: Hesitant Heart Part 17

The Hampton Road Club: Hesitant Heart -

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Aaron straightened.

"Front position, Sam."

There was no hesitation as Sam strode toward the cross then raised his hands and spread his feet so that he could be restrained. It would have to be done tightly to insure that any involuntary movement from the placing of the burning iron on his flesh wouldn't cause the brand to become distorted. The only thing that Aaron had insisted on was that the permanent mark not be placed directly on Sam's a.s.s cheek. Aaron was loathe to mar such a perfect part of Sam's anatomy. Instead, it would be right above and to the left, on his hip.

Aaron bound Sam's wrists then his ankles. The final restraint would be ties around his waist. Then he would be completely flush to the piece of wooden equipment, unable to move in the slightest. Once he'd completed his task, Aaron stepped back to admire his handiwork. Satisfied, he adjusted his leather vest. He wore it sans s.h.i.+rt, along with his black flannel trousers.

He turned to their friends, thrilled that not only Saul, but Theodore, Francesco, and Thomas had agreed to be present. So he would have witnesses that Sam was willingly giving himself over to the process, he spoke to Sam so that all could hear.

"Sam, do you wish me to mark you with my brand?"

"Yes, Master. This is my gift to you." His voice had held conviction.

"Have you been coerced in any way to do this?"

"No, Master."

Francesco piped up. "He's the one that asked for it."


Sam giggled. Francesco lowered his head, but Aaron detected a smirk on him.

"Sorry, Master Theodore."

"I will deal with you later." Theodore's voice had carried a bit of a growl with it.

Aaron was not displeased. In fact, he was grateful to have Francesco's words. There was no longer the slightest trepidation. He was eager to mark his boy.

The branding iron had been specifically constructed for him. The smith had fas.h.i.+oned it so that the round flat piece that comprised Aaron's initials was attached to a foot long iron rod that ended in a loop. The implement's handle was large enough that Aaron could get his leather covered hand completely through so as to grip it in an a.s.sured manner. It had been heating in the fireplace for a while. Aaron picked it up, checking to see that the metal glowed evenly. He placed it back in to keep the temperature stable.

"It's time, Sam. Do you wish me to continue?"

"Yes. Please, Master."

There was a pleading tone to Sam's voice and Aaron knew that his boy was ready. Taking a deep breath, he clutched the handle, wrapping his fingers through the end then grasped it tightly. Without hesitating, he approached Sam. His lover screamed as Aaron pressed the scorching metal to his flesh in one fluid movement before removing it. If the ties hadn't held Sam so strongly, he would likely have collapsed. The wound was red and angry, a blackness to the edges. Saul stepped forward with a bowl of iced water and a clean cloth. Aaron soaked the rag then applied it to the burn. Sam hissed then moaned. Aaron couldn't help the anxious knot in his gut that existed right alongside his immense pride over what Sam had done for him.

He continued to apply cold water to Sam's burn. Saul handed Aaron a gla.s.s of water with a headache powder in it. Aaron turned Sam's head to give him a drink of the liquid, Sam continuing to rest it against the cross. He smoothed Sam's sweat dampened hair back from his forehead, Sam's eyes closed.

"All up, little Sam." He lowered his voice. "You can rest now if you'd like. We don't have to go through with what we discussed. It can wait until you feel better."

Sam's lids shot open. "No. Please. I need you inside me."

Aaron kissed his temple. "Let's get the gel on first. Finish your water."

Sam did as he was told. Aaron set the gla.s.s down then applied the topical antiseptic to the brand. After he and Sam had finished celebrating together, a bandage would be applied. The club's doctor would check it every day for signs of infection until the threat had pa.s.sed. Aaron had already conferred with Theodore over how he'd handled Francesco's mark.

At last, Aaron turned to everyone present.

"Thank you all for being here to share in our commitment to one another. But if you will excuse us, we would like some time alone."

Saul clapped Aaron on the back. "Of course, old sport. Wouldn't dream of keeping you from that sweet boy of yours." Saul leaned in. "Give him what he needs."

Aaron smiled, serenity filling him. "Always."

Nodding, Saul gave him another enthusiastic pat then turned to the others. "I heard a rumor that Master Theodore was going to give us a demonstration on how to effectively use a bull whip on a naughty sub. Is that correct?"

Theodore grinned as Francesco's jaw dropped.

"Indeed. Come along, boy. Let's get you ready."

Their group of friends left with Francesco muttering and Theodore cuffing his ears. Once they'd cleared the doorway, Aaron shut the door then locked it. He wanted complete privacy and no interruptions. It was a day to forever be cherished in both of their hearts.

"Are you still with me, little Sam?"

He sighed. "They're all gone?"

"Yes, we're all alone."

"Finally. Will you f.u.c.k me now?"

Aaron couldn't hold back a hearty chuckle. Sam never stopped amazing him.

"It would be my absolute pleasure."

Aaron unb.u.t.toned his vest to remove it then divested himself of his trousers. His shaft was stiffened and leaking already in antic.i.p.ation of it being encased by the grip of Sam's silken heat. Approaching him in a measured stride, he searched between Sam's crease to find the cord hanging from his hole. Using one hand to keep a cheek open, Aaron used the other to gently tug on the string of stone beads that had been stuffed inside of Sam's snug pa.s.sage all day. His boy was slick and ready for Aaron to claim his a.s.s.

As he pulled the graduating spheres from Sam's body, his boy moaned. It was a needy sound, one that told Aaron that despite any lingering pain from the branding, Sam was ready to receive the gift of Aaron's c.o.c.k.

Aaron rubbed some of the slick from the beads onto his fingers so that he could lubricate his hardened flesh. His intent was to plunge to the hilt into Sam in one piercing thrust. Once he'd greased his own member to his satisfaction, he grasped Sam's right hip and lined his aching d.i.c.k against Sam's tiny hole. Then he drove into his boy, slamming all the way in.

Sam let out a cry and Aaron stilled. He'd been careful to angle himself back in a way so that not only didn't he touch his burn, he also pegged his gland. But instantly he realized what had happened as Sam's tight channel pulsed around him in ripples. Sam had come.

"Sweet boy."

As Aaron's c.o.c.k was ma.s.saged briefly by the continuing waves of Sam's o.r.g.a.s.m, he rutted into Sam in quick, frantic movements. He still held onto Sam's right hip, grasping Sam's left thigh with the other. There would be marks on Sam from his fingers, he was sure, but he was overcome by his l.u.s.t for his boy. His Sam.

He shot hard, a shout ripped from him as he filled Sam's pa.s.sage with his hot seed. Sam moaned as another small ripple surrounded Aaron's c.o.c.k. Sam was a wonder to him, a treasure. Aaron would've truthfully done anything for his boy.

As the dizziness of his climax waned, he loosened his bruising hold on Sam's body. His touch turned tender as he caressed Sam's skin, trailing his fingers along Sam's back and limbs, waiting for his shaft to soften then slip from Sam's body.

Aaron reluctantly stepped back from Sam to get another cloth nearby to wipe them both off. Aaron jerked and hissed when he cleaned his own shaft, his tip still sensitive from his intense o.r.g.a.s.m. He swiped back and forth over Sam's hole then knelt behind him. Sam's d.i.c.k hung down and Aaron wrapped his lips around his flaccid member, licking up the small amount of j.i.z.z that still remained. Sam gasped, struggling in his tight bindings. Aaron parted Sam's cheeks, lapping at his hole.


It had come out on a sigh. Aaron would never get enough of Sam's noises when they shared their bodies.

After rising to his feet, Aaron moved alongside him, stroking his hair back. There was a lazy, contented smile on Sam's face.

"Little Sam." Aaron said it in wonder. "I would do anything for you, please know that."

"Yes, Master, I do." He smiled bigger. "It's the same for me."

"My sweet, wonderful boy. What would you like right now?"

Sam never hesitated. "Kisses?"

Aaron cupped Sam's cheek as he stared intently into his eyes. "Yes, little Sam. Lots and lots of kisses for you always."

Also Available from Totally Bound Publis.h.i.+ng: All Fired Up Morticia Knight Excerpt

Chapter One.

Thorin Oakens.h.i.+eld and Michael Jackson strolled together down the Strip, hips b.u.mping, singing Beat It rather loudly-and badly. There was a valiant attempt on their part to keep their tall, pink, plastic c.o.c.ktail from slos.h.i.+ng their drinks everywhere by holding them up as they swung their arms and around. They were having limited success. As they continued with their boisterous dancing, the two men knocked into a young woman, almost toppling her off her glittery platform stilettos.

Officer Shawn Everly picked up his pace, jogging to catch up to them. He couldn't deny that being a.s.signed to foot patrol along Las Vegas Boulevard was anything but dull. After reaching the two happy carousers, he tapped Thorin on the shoulder. Whirling around, the Dwarven leader almost dumped his c.o.c.ktail on Shawn.

"Oh, hey... Sorry, Officer. I...uh..."

Shawn resisted the urge to break out laughing at the mortified expression on the partier's face.

"We have an unusually crowded night out here, gentlemen. There are families with young kids and we don't anyone to get hurt-yourselves included."

Michael Jackson piped in, swaying on his feet a bit. "He's cool. Fought a dragon and s.h.i.+t. He's even got a sword for protection."

He indicated to the fake weapon attached to his friend's costume belt. Obviously Michael was less in control of his senses than his fellow reveler. Shawn turned back to Thorin.

"Are we gonna have any problems with you two out here tonight?"

He shook his head vigorously. "No sir, we're just having fun like everyone else, but we'll be more careful."

Shawn gave him a curt nod, desperately trying to maintain his composure. "Good. I don't want to hear any complaints about either one of you, okay?"

"You've got it, Officer."

"Oh, and Thorin?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Good luck with Smaug."

The man stared at Shawn as if he'd lost his mind. It took a moment, but he finally snorted laughter.

"Yeah, thanks, Officer."

The two men carried on, picking up where they'd left off-but reining it in a bit. Shawn glanced around at the barely controlled chaos. Colorful neon and flas.h.i.+ng lights were enough to keep him on sensory overload, but it was also combined with honking horns, wildly dressed people, yelling, laughter, and music, all set against the backdrop of spectacularly grand resort casinos.

His radio crackled to life. He'd moved far enough down the Boulevard that he'd gotten separated from his partner amongst the crush of humanity filling the sidewalk.

"Where is your position, Vicki?"

"I'm at the Bellagio. We've got a drunk swimming around in the lake in front of the shops."

"Is he responding to your orders to get out?"


Shawn pressed his lips together. The d.a.m.n lake was a constant issue-it was way too tempting in the scorching desert heat. Even though it was almost seven o'clock at night, it was still over a hundred degrees. At least August was almost over. He'd been a.s.sured by the other officers that it would eventually become bearable. Since he'd only recently arrived in Vegas at the end of May, all he'd encountered so far was unbearable.

"On my way."

As he wove in and out of the crowds, he spotted a cruiser pulled over. There was an officer talking to a group of sparkling and scantily clad women. He recognized Sergeant Darren Miller of the Homeland Security Saturation Team. Like Shawn, he was a.s.signed to the Convention Center Area Command that comprised the majority of the world-famous Las Vegas Strip. When Shawn got closer, he picked up the tail end of the conversation.

"...over the highway. It's a five minute walk from here to the Mirage and you can take the bridge walkway there to get to the other side. Stay out of the street, ladies, it's very dangerous. We want you to have a good time here-not get hurt."

One of the women moved closer to him, as if she was about to give him a hug. He stepped back and placed his hands in front of him in a blocking gesture.

"Step back, please."

"But I wanted to thank you. You're so s.e.xy. I love your uniform."

Shawn smirked. Law enforcement in Las Vegas was definitely unique. It had been quite the culture shock from his previous experiences as part of the Gang Task Force in Los Angeles.

His fellow Metropolitan Police Department officer finally succeeded in getting the women to move along and turned his attention to Shawn. A casual observer would no doubt wonder if they worked for the same agency. Shawn wore a bright yellow uniform s.h.i.+rt that helped him to stand out amidst the overwhelming amount of people walking around. The MPD officers in cruisers wore khaki uniforms and so did the mounted patrol.

"Hey, Darren, we've got a drunk in the lake."

Darren rolled his eyes. "Is he reachable or are they gonna have to use one of the boats?"

"Not sure. I'm headed over there now."

"Radio it in. It's so out of control tonight, Parker and I need to stay on the street."

As if in confirmation, a white stretch limo crawled by in the gridlocked traffic. A woman stood with the top half of her body peeking out of the sunroof. She was yelling and flas.h.i.+ng her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to the cheering sidewalk crowds.

Darren lowered his head and shook it, seemingly in resignation. He lifted it quickly and shouted out to his partner.

"Let's go, Parker!"

It wouldn't exactly be a high speed chase, considering how squashed together foot and vehicle traffic was. At least with the cruiser's lights flas.h.i.+ng, there was the opportunity to clear a path to get to the limo. The weekends were killers. No room to breathe. Bathroom and food breaks next to impossible. But he currently had an inebriated bather to deal with. Before he took off in the direction of the luxurious resort again, he contacted dispatch to apprise them of the situation and to request backup.

He jogged over to the hotel at a fast clip. As soon as he spied his partner, Vicki Ruiz, he wound his way through the people seemingly lost in their own revelry. No doubt they were also overwhelmed by the magical and decadent surroundings. And liquor. He had to speak up to be heard, and to get the circle of onlookers surrounding his partner to step aside. At last he reached her and saw what they were up against.

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