Vampire Vacation Part 10

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"Yeah, I bet." Antonio reaches for his empty drink and his black eyes flash up to mine.

By the looks of his original gla.s.s, he was drinking a blood-infused c.o.c.ktail. Another house special of employee blood mixed with alcohol.

"I'll be back to visit just for the blood. Unreal."

I laugh. "Good to hear! I knew you wouldn't be asking for a refund."

He snorts. "I'd be surprised if anyone did.''

He must be a little punch drunk. He doesn't look like the type who snorts when they laugh.

Rafe takes the discarded vial and turns to rinse it in the sink.

"Wait!" Antonio calls out. "Can I rinse the container with some alcohol and pour it into my gla.s.s? It's too good to waste a drop."

He's not the first who's had a slight freak-out when the vial gets taken away, so Rafe turns back and takes the vodka out from under the counter.

"Is vodka again okay?" At Antonio's nod, he pours a bit into the vial and puts the stopper back on to shake it up.

Rafe pours the blood mix into his gla.s.s on the bar and moves to put the vial in the sink. The expression of sheer delight on Antonio's face as he looks at the drink is priceless.

"Antonio, I have to warn you..." His eyes whip up to meet mine. "You may feel other's desires or thoughts for a few days. This vampire is a powerful empath."

That should help him accept the visions I toss his way with even more ease.

"Good. Glad to see I'll get my money's worth." His smile is slightly crooked.

G.o.d, I hope he isn't so young he's going to make an a.s.s out of himself. It would ruin my plans.

Olivia picks that moment to arrive. Her timing couldn't be better.

"Olivia, darling," I call out, to ensure every head will swivel to her. "Don't you look smas.h.i.+ng tonight."

My comment has the desired effect. The bar patrons turn to admire the beautiful blond as she glides into the room. I glance over at Drew, who meets my eye after checking her out. I give a slight nod then indicate Antonio with my eyes. Drew nods in understanding while a slow smile spreads across his handsome features.

Antonio remains quiet as he studies Olivia. This could be one of those moments when the blinders are off and he sees her for the first time as something other than food. I picked up from Olivia earlier tonight that she has been a part of their seethe for a few months now, after transferring from another in the hopes of finding a vampire to serve. She's what some call in the vamp community a "sheep," a regular donor not bound to any one vampire.

A lot of companions share the same dream of falling in love with a vampire and be deemed worthy enough to be made a human servant. Very few go beyond servants to become bonded mates.

Olivia preens from the attention she's receiving. I'm proud when I see her straighten to stand a little taller. She's beautiful but needed a little renewed shot of confidence when surrounded by a bunch of gorgeous predators. Her eyes scan the room, avoiding the stool where Antonio sits.

Antonio rises, turning his body towards her, silently offering her a place next to him at the bar with his action. Nice to see he can be gallant when it suits him. He looks like he's trying to catch her eye, but G.o.d forbid, doesn't want to call her name out and show too much interest. Silly boy. He should have tried; I might let him off easier.

Olivia takes my instructions to avoid Antonio. She walks with grace toward the corner booth where Drew sits. He's the only other person seated alone in the bar, so joining him is a good choice. His warm, open expression leaves no doubt he's impressed with her beauty and thrilled she's heading his way.

The timing is perfect to project to Antonio the first scene Rafe and I created. I push my memories out to the swarthy, s.e.xy vampire. He sees Olivia bent at her waist with her delightful bottom brus.h.i.+ng up against his front. I watch Antonio as he looks down and then back up, a trifle confused. Before he has a chance to piece together what he has seen, the illusion is gone and Olivia arrives at Drew's table.

"Is this seat taken? I was hoping to relax and enjoy a drink with someone to talk to."

Bravo! If I could clap out loud, I would. The unsure woman who first called me on the phone to find out if she should wear red tonight doesn't appear to be the same vivacious, blond creature I see before me now. Incredible what some great clothes, fabulous hair, and s.e.xy makeup can do for you. Not to mention the feel good vibes I sent her all evening. Like I said, a woman who feels s.e.xy is s.e.xy.

"I would be honored if you'd share my table." Drew rises half-way from his seat while she slides into the corner booth. The young woman makes her way around the curved bench to sit in the middle, closer to Drew.

He motions to the bar with his hand, in the age-old request of come hither a customer directs toward the wait staff. I smile before sending Rafe over to get their drink orders; Drew adapts well in his role, to say the least. He's staring at Olivia like he hasn't had a meal in weeks, and I know from our records he fed two days ago.

Out of courtesy, most vampires don't eavesdrop on each other. Conversations are pitched low and a sense of intimacy prevails. In actuality, any vampire here can listen to any conversation with a little bit of focus. Hearing Drew and Olivia's entire interchange would prove an easy feat for any interested party in the room. I observe Antonio to see what he'll do.

He looks a bit disappointed that she walked in the direction she did, but since they never made eye contact, I don't think he could say it was deliberate. Shrugging it off, he sits back down to focus on his drink. We have a large mirror over the bar and patrons seated at the stools can see everything going on behind them in the room.

I notice Antonio peers toward the mirror in the direction of the couple's table while picking up his drink. It seems he's not as unaffected by the vision I sent as his outward appearance would lead one to believe. I decide to stir it up as best I can.

"Isn't that woman from your seethe?" I ask with innocence in my voice.

"Yes, you knew her name. You must have met her earlier." He replies a bit snappish.

Hmm...perhaps he is affected.

"She and I made an appointment for tea in the morning. It's always nice to get a chance to spend time with our guests."

Rafe heads back to the bar to fill Drew and Olivia's drink requests while I push to Antonio the feel he had of Olivia's bottom nuzzling the front of his zipper again. He fumbles his drink, places it down and reaches to adjust himself under the bar. This is going to be fun. I love teasing poor b.a.s.t.a.r.ds like him all night.

You are evil, my little minx.

I laugh back in Rafe's mind. I know, baby. And it's so much fun!

"What would they like?" I ask Rafe as I reach for a gla.s.s.

"Drew wants another blood mimosa and Olivia would like a s.e.x on the beach."

Antonio's eyes whip up to the bar mirror again and I can tell his mind is racing with her request.

"How about I send her a shot of Flaming o.r.g.a.s.m on the house as well? Just saying that one is always a fun way to break the ice." Rafe smiles in agreement, on the same page as I am. He's watching Antonio out of the corner of his eye.

"Sounds good. I'll start on that while you do the mimosa."

Rafe returns to their table in a few minutes with the drinks and wanders around to check on things with the rest of the bar guests. Olivia's peal of happiness over the flaming shot gla.s.s sounds light and musical.

"Oh, how delightful! I never knew there was drink named a Flaming o.r.g.a.s.m!" Drew joins in with her enjoyment, forming a quick bond through the shared moment.

"You have such a lovely laugh, my dear. I can't believe they let you wander around here unescorted. I could just eat you up."

Olivia must think this is even funnier than the name of the drink. Her laughter increases in strength, and I begin to wonder if she might be laughing at something else entirely.

"Yes," Olivia responds in a flat tone. "Well, there's no accounting for taste is there? Different strokes for different folks and all that..."

Hmm, that sounds a little maudlin. I hope Drew can turn her around a bit.

"Whoever he is, he's a fool. Don't waste another thought on him. Let's focus on the now. Red is stunning on you."

Olivia's face lights up at the compliment.

"Why, thank you. I don't normally wear this color. In fact, Vivian suggested it." With that last observation, she raises her drink, turning her focus to where I am at the bar. "Kudos to her for making me try something new."

I nod, to show I'm accepting her praise, but busy myself under the counter so a conversation across the bar does not begin.

"Our Viv is a gem, isn't she? I bet that sweater is as soft as it looks. May I?" Drew reaches a hand out toward Olivia as he waits for her response.

Olivia's attention is brought back to the brown-eyed man in the booth as she starts to sense the beginning of his desire. She nods her head in mute acceptance of his request. His hand does not go to her shoulder but deftly settles under the table on her thigh and the short knit skirt covering it.

"Oh yes, it is a nice feel. Cashmere if I'm not mistaken, right?"

A perfect moment to push another image to Antonio. This one of me straddling my husband's lap with his hands running up and over my hips. Then those hands run around to my backside and start to ma.s.sage my firm bottom. Antonio fumbles with his now empty gla.s.s and it clatters loudly across the surface of the bar.

Rafe reaches out and s.n.a.t.c.hes it before it can fall to the floor and shatter. Antonio rises half out of his seat. His erection can clearly be seen behind the fly of his custom-fitted black slacks. Olivia appears entranced by the feel of Drew's hand on her thigh and has no attention for anything else.

I, on the other hand, am starting to think Olivia is really freakin' hot. I'd like to go peel her clothes off of her and lick her from head to toe.

Excuse me?

I shake my head, wondering where the h.e.l.l that came from. Drew's advances take on a whole new dimension and Olivia leans back in her seat at what must only be his obvious exploration under the booth table. I wish I could feel her wet, dripping p.u.s.s.y in my hand right now. I'm betting it feels hot and tight and just aching to have my long...

Whoa! Holy c.r.a.p! Antonio is projecting his desires to the entire room!

I slam close my mental door as tight as I can. Unfortunately, that also means I'm blocking Rafe and I can't speak to him without opening myself back up to Antonio's desires. This is a first in our books. I've never had a reaction from someone taking my blood before who could project so strongly. Either he has latent glamour abilities or some will emerge soon.

I check the room to a.s.sess the effects on the others and realize things are about to get to dangerous levels of arousal in here. Everyone's eyes are trained on Olivia. Heads crane around booth corners, patrons rise in their seats, and conversation has stopped. All to get a glimpse of the woman every person now desires.

Nostrils flare and vampire eyes go black with longing. Drew leans in to sample a kiss at her neck. Antonio's face starts to crumple in jealousy, and a black vibe coils in the air waiting to pounce on the rest of the crowd.

Oh, s.h.i.+t. This is not going well.

I leap over the bar, accompanied by a loud ripping noise, to tackle Antonio, bringing him down in one smooth, fast movement. His body presses face down into the floor and I've got my knee planted firmly in his back.

It's enough to break the emotions and the patrons in the room come back to themselves in a rush. c.o.c.ks are adjusted in pants and damp underwear squirmed in on hard wooden chairs and plush booth seats alike.

"Antonio, old chap, I think the old blood is getting to you, and not in a good way. Let's get you back to your room."

In the time it takes for me to finish my sentence, Rafe appears at my side, motioning for me to get up. He raises Antonio to his feet with care and moves him to the door without further preamble. The whole exchange is over in less than a minute, but d.a.m.n, that was a close call.

It could have been a lot worse. h.e.l.l, when I think back to past struggles to control my powers, I know exactly how bad it could have been. Judging by the breeze tickling my a.s.s, I bet the ripping sound I heard was the kick pleat of my tight pencil skirt giving way.

People are almost back to normal and all eyes are on front and center of the bar, where Antonio was a moment ago and where now I stand, alone. Here's the rub-do I apologize or pretend nothing happened? I'm going with playing dumb. It's worked in the past; why mess with a good thing?

Chapter Twelve.

"Not to worry everyone!" I call out cheerfully. "Antonio will be fine. He had some very old vampire blood in a c.o.c.ktail which apparently didn't agree with him." I give a gentle push of acceptance out to the room at large so no one will question my statement.

"Nice thigh-highs and no undies there, Viv," Charlie says, loud enough for everyone to hear. "I always wondered if you wore them or not."

One can always count on our bartender to get the guests excited about something else. This time in particular it happens to be me, with my a.s.s jiggling on display. Thankfully, I'm angled a bit and only mooning half of the crowd.

I zero my piercing gaze back at Charlie sitting with his fellow employees. "Break time is over. I'm going to need to head out after Rafe to check on our guest."

Charlie grins ear to ear as he rises from his seat at the round table. "Yeah. You may want to cover up first," he adds with a wink and laugh.

I stare at him and his chuckle subsides. He starts to head back to the bar while I decide to take my leave. Holding my head up high, I strut out of the bar and through the gentleman's lounge like nothing is amiss with my attire.

I'm going to choose to believe those giggles and m.u.f.fled laughs I hear behind me mean the guests have been properly re-directed rather than that they are laughing at me. Hey, who knows, I might be right.

I make it to the landing without anyone trying to stop me in the lounge and head over to the stairs to descend to the second floor.

Rafe, did you take Antonio back to his room?

Yes, we'll wait for you here. What do you want to do with him?

Funny you should ask. I don't know. Any thoughts?

Rafe pauses before answering, perhaps to give the matter some thought. My heels. .h.i.t the second floor and I'm heading towards the north wing at a good clip. I do like the way the rip in my skirt allows my legs to move better. Ahh, what we do for fas.h.i.+on.

Rafe answers my question right before I arrive at the suite. Is there a way for you to control his projections?

I open the door and step inside, closing it behind me. "Now that's a very good question."

Antonio sits on the bed, looking my way with a dazed air about him. Rafe lounges in an upholstered chair near the door, watching him carefully.

"What the h.e.l.l happened back there, Vivian?" Antiono asks. "Why did you tackle me?"

His expression appears a bit dejected and petulant, as though I've taken away his favorite toy. His shoulders are rounded and his posture has lost the stiff arrogance he'd had when he arrived.

"Before I answer your questions, I want you to answer one of mine."

I stare this incredibly good-looking man square in the eye. I'm not going to compel him to answer me yet; I want to see how he does on his own. If that doesn't work, I'll go in and get the information, which would not be a good thing for him.

"Were you born this attractive or are you enhancing your looks?"

I've caught him off guard, that is, if the slightly fish-eyed look he's giving me is any indication.

"Uhh...umm...why is it important?"

My temper flares close to the surface and I don't care to p.u.s.s.yfoot around. "Answer me, dammit, or I'll drag it out of you and believe me, you won't like it!"

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