Introduction to the History of Religions Part 96

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WILLIAMS, ROGER. Key into the Language of America (London, 1643).

HODGE, F. W. Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico (Was.h.i.+ngton, 1907-1910).

_Journal of American Folklore_ (Boston and New York).

SMITH, JOHN. General History of Virginia (London, 1627; new issue, 1907).

STRACHEY, W. Historie of Travaile into Virginia Britannia (1618; ed.

R. H. Major, London, 1849).

HENDERSON, S. R. The Government and Religion of the Virginia Indians, _Johns Hopkins University Studies in History and Political Science_, xiii (Baltimore).

MuLLER, J. G. Geschichte der amerikanischen Urreligionen (Basel, 1867).

SCHOOLCRAFT, H. R. Indian Tribes of the United States (Philadelphia, 1851-1860).

BANCROFT, H. H. Native Races of the Pacific States of North America (New York, 1875-1876).

WINSOR, J. Narrative and Critical History of America (Boston, 1889).

PAYNE, E. J. History of the New World, called America (Oxford, 1899).

CUs.h.i.+NG, F. H. My Adventures in Zufii, _Century Magazine_ (New York, May, 1883).

FLETCHER, ALICE. Indian Ceremonies from the _Sixteenth Report of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology_ (Cambridge, Ma.s.s., 1883) (Salem, Ma.s.s., 1884).

GATSCHET, A. S. A Migration Legend of the Creek Indians (Philadelphia, 1884).

BRINTON, D. G. The Lenape and their Legends (Philadelphia, 1885).

FEWKES, J. W. The Winter Solstice Ceremony at Walpi (reprinted from the _American Anthropologist_, xi) (Was.h.i.+ngton, 1898).

MATTHEWS, W. Navaho Legends (Boston and New York, 1897).

BOAS, F. The Indians of British Columbia (reprinted from _Report of the British a.s.sociation_, 1889) (London); The Kwakiutl (Was.h.i.+ngton, 1897).

TEIT, J. Traditions of the Thompson River Indians of British Columbia (Boston and New York, 1898).

MORICE, A. G. Notes ... on the Western Denes, _Transactions of the Canadian Inst.i.tute_ (1894).

WILL, G. F., AND SPINDEN, H. J. The Mandans [of North Dakota], (Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Ma.s.s., 1906).

HILL-TOUT, C. British North America (the Far West) (London, 1907).

DIXON, R. B. The Northern Maidu [of California], _Bulletin of American Museum of Natural History_, vol. xvii (New York, 1905); The Shasta (California), ibid. (New York, 1907); The Chimariko Indians, _University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology_ (Berkeley, 1910).

CRANZ. D. History of Greenland (London, 1820).

RINK, H. J. Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo (Edinburgh and London, 1875); The Eskimo Tribes (Copenhagen and London, 1887).

BOAS, F. The Central Eskimo, _Reports of the Bureau of Ethnology_, 1884-1885 (Was.h.i.+ngton, 1888).

RASMUSSEN, KNUD. People of the Polar North (London, 1908).

RADIN, P., AND GRAY, L. H. Article "Eskimos" (in Hastings's Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics).


RILEY, I. W. The Founder of Mormonism, a Psychological Study of Joseph Smith (New York, 1902).

LINN, W. A. The Story of the Mormons ... to the Year 1901 (New York 1902).

MEYER, EDOUARD. Ursprung und Geschichte der Mormonen (Halle a. S., 1912).


SAHAGUN, F. B. DE. Historia general de las cosas de Nueva Espana (Mexico, 1829-1830, and Fr. tr.).

ACOSTA, J. DE. Historia de las Indias (Eng. tr., C. R. Markham, London, 1880).

HERRERA, A. DE. Historia de las Indias Ocidentales (Eng. tr., London, 1825-1826).

SELER, E. Altmexikanische Studien, _Publications of Berlin Museum fur Volkerkunde_, vi (1899); Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur amerikanischen Sprach-und Alterthumskunde (Berlin, 1902-1909).

PRESCOTT, W. H. Conquest of Mexico (Boston, 1843).

ReVILLE, A. Native Religions of Mexico and Peru (London, 1884).

SPENCE, L. Mythologies of Ancient Mexico and Peru (London, 1907).

PREUSS, K. T. Die Feuergotter als Ausgangs.p.u.n.kt zum Verstandniss der mexikanischen Religion, _Mitteilungen der_ [Wiener] _anthropologischen Gesellschaft_ (1903).

NUTALL, ZELIA. A Penitential Rite of the Ancient Mexicans, _Archaeological and Ethnological Papers of the Peabody Museum, Harvard University_ (Cambridge, Ma.s.s., 1904).

TOY, C. H. Mexican Human Sacrifice, _Journal of American Folklore_ (Boston and New York, 1905).


BRINTON, D. G. The Names of the G.o.ds in the Kiche Myths of Central America, _Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society_ (Philadelphia, 1881); The Annals of the Cakchiquels (Philadelphia, 1885); Nagualism, a Study in Native American Folklore and History (Philadelphia, 1894).

SCh.e.l.lHAS, P. Representations of Deities of the Maya Mss. (Eng. tr. of 2d ed. in _Papers of the Peabody Museum, Harvard University_) (Cambridge, Ma.s.s., 1904).

TOZZER, A. M. Comparative Study of the Mayas and Lacandones [of Yucatan]

(New York and London, 1907).

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