Introduction to the History of Religions Part 93

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BOISSIER G. La religion romaine d'Auguste aux Antonins (2d ed., Paris, 1878).

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WISSOWA, G. Religion und Kultus der Romer (Munich, 1902).

FOWLER, W. W. Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic (London, 1899); Social Life at Rome in the Age of Cicero (New York, 1910); Religious Experience of the Roman People (London, 1911).

FRIEDLaNDER, L. Sittengeschichte Roms (8th ed., Leipzig, 1910); Eng. tr.

of 7th ed., Roman life and Manners under the Early Empire (London and New York ca. 1903).

GLOVER, T. R. Conflict of Religions in the Early Roman Empire (2d ed., London, 1909).

GRUPPE, G. Kulturgeschichte der romischen Kalserzeit (Munchen, 1903-1904).

CARTER, J. B. Religion of Numa (London, 1906); The Religious Life of Ancient Rome (Boston and New York, 1911).

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ARNOLD, E. V. Roman Stoicism (Cambridge, England, 1911).


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MACCULLOCH J. A. Religion of the Ancient Celts (Edinburgh, 1911); article "Celts" (in Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics); article "Druids," ibid.

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QUIGGIN, E. C. Article "Celtic Languages and Literature," ibid.

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Revue Celtique (Paris).

_Celtic Review_, Edinburgh.


GRIMM, J. Deutsche Mythologie (Berlin, 1835; 4th ed., 1875-1878); Kleinere Schriften (Berlin, 1864-1890).

MuLLENHOFF, K. Deutsche Altertumskunde (Berlin, 1870-1892).

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GRUPPE, O. Griechische Culte und Mythen in ihren Beziehungen zu den orientalischen Religionen, Index (Leipzig, 1887).

MOGK, E. Germanische Mythologie (in Paul's Grundriss der germanischen Philologie) (2d ed., Stra.s.sburg, 1898).

MEYER, E. H. Germanische Mythologie (Berlin, 1891).

GUMMERE, F. B. Article "Teutonic (or Germanic) Mythology" (in Johnson's Universal Cyclopaedia); Germanic Origins (New York, 1892).

LA SAUSSAYE, P. D. CHANTEPIE DE. Religion of the Teutons (with bibliography) (Boston and London, 1902).

CHADWICK, H. M. Article "Teutonic Peoples," p. 683 ff. (in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th ed.).

MANNHARDT, W. Baumcultus der Germanen und ihrer Nachbarstamme (Berlin, 1875); Antike Wald- und Feldkulte aus nordeuropaischen Uberlieferungen erlautert (Berlin, 1877); Mythologische Forschungen, _Quellen und Forschungen_ (1884).

JoNSSON, F. Article "The Eddas" (in Hastings's Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics).

VIGFUSSON, G., AND POWELL, F. YORK. Corpus Poetic.u.m Boreale (Old Norse Poetry, Scaidic and Eddic) (Oxford, 1883).

THORPE, B. Metrical Translation of the Edda (London, 1866).


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MANNS, E. H. Article "Slavs," p. 230 (in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th.


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KRAUSS, F. S. Slavische Folkforschungen (Leipzig, 1908).

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_Central and Northern Asia_

RATZEL, F. History of Mankind (Eng. tr., London, 1896-1898).

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