Demon's Diary Chapter 1217: Beastkin Assault

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Chapter 1217: Beastkin a.s.sault

At the entrance of the valley, overwhelming black fireb.a.l.l.s spewed out from the mouths of those wolf-shaped beastkins, causing violent explosions on the city walls.

Under the flash of purple light on these huge city walls, it turned into a layer of bright purple light curtain, which blocked the fireb.a.l.l.s. Cl.u.s.ters of black fireb.a.l.l.s burst one after another, turning into countless shocking waves.

Fortunately, under the arrows shot from the city wall and the fierce counterattack of the beastkin cultivators, these wolf-shaped beastkins were unable to cross the city walls for half a step.

At the same time, the Sunset Tribe’s beastkin cultivators in the valley also began to counterattack the green flying snakes in the sky after a brief mobilization.

All of a sudden, all kinds of spell light shuttled back and forth in the air, causing huge explosions in the air.

“Could this be the beastkin tide?” In mid-air, Liu Ming remained calm while Qian Rupin tightly grasped Liu Ming’s arm, looking a little nervous.

At this moment, a green flying snake several meters long swooped down and pounced on a young boy wearing a beast hide not far from Liu Ming. Its long snake teeth were exposed like sharp daggers.

The young boy looked like he was only in his teens. He seemed to have been stupefied at this moment, His body froze in place, unable to escape.

Seeing this, Liu Ming frowned, snorted and flicked his fingers. A purple sword qi spiraled out swiftly.

With a click sound, the huge green flying snake was slashed in half, and blood rained from the sky.

The young boy only reacted when the blood hit his face. He glanced at Liu Ming in a daze, then he ran toward a nearby building with a scream.

The flying snake that was slashed in half struggled for a second before dying completely.

Liu Ming’s fingers moved quickly, and a series of spiral purple sword qi shot out. In the blink of an eye, several green flying snakes that were fighting with several beastkin cultivators nearby were slashed apart.

Those beastkin cultivators glanced at Liu Ming gratefully, then they flew toward the other green flying snakes.

Accompanied by repeated loud noises, several figures s.h.i.+ning with violent spiritual power surged from somewhere in the valley. Dazzling lights emanated from these figures.

Every time the light flashed, a green flying snake was killed.

Liu Ming stopped and stood aside.

These people who came were the middle and high-level Crystallization Period people of the Sunset Tribe. Han Xin was among them.

There were no less than 300 flying snakes gathered in the sky at this moment. Although the number was larger than these people, they were at most at the Condensation Period later stage, the disparity of strength between both sides was very different. Soon hundreds of green flying snakes were killed, and a b.l.o.o.d.y and pungent smell filled the entire valley.

At this moment, on the tall stone platform in the center of the valley, a purple light rose into the sky and turned into a huge purple barrier. It quickly covered the entire valley at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, the remaining green flying snakes let out a frightened shrill and tried to flee from the gap of the purple barrier one after another.

“Animals, no way to run!” Han Xin roared angrily and wanted to pursue them.

“Stop chasing!” Patriarch Han Ye shouted loudly with a gloomy face. Although Han Xin looked unwilling, he still stopped.

At this time, the wolf-shaped beastkins at the entrance of the valley saw the green flying snakes retreating in the sky, and they also fled toward the Sky Rift Valley in the distance.

The chaos in the Sunset Tribe Valley gradually settled down. Only some of the wounded were still crying for help.

Patriarch Han Ye glanced around a few times with an ugly face.

“Elder Luo, take a team to the valley entrance to guard in case those beastkins invade again.” Han Ye ordered so to a middle-aged beastkin man behind him who seemed to be stable.

The middle-aged man agreed and flew away with some people soon.

“Elder Lie, take someone to treat those wounded.” The red-faced patriarch ordered another middle-aged man in a gray robe.

“Xin’er, bring the person in charge of the security of the tribe here. I want to ask what is he doing. How did he let those beastkins invade the city walls so easily!” Patriarch Han Ye said angrily.

Han Xin agreed. He also turned and left, flying toward the valley entrance.

Seeing that the patriarch was really angry, the other people of the Sunset Tribe fell silent.

“Okay, let’s go to work.”

Han Ye restrained his anger a little, glanced at Liu Ming and Qian Rupin who were standing not far away, and ordered again.

The others breathed a sigh of relief and dispersed.

Han Ye flew toward Liu Ming and Qian Rupin.

“Sorry if the beastkin invasion disturbed you. I would like to thank Mr. Liu Ming for helping us to kill a few beastkins just now.” Patriarch Han Ye glanced at the surrounding flying snake corpses and cupped his fist.

“I’m just doing what I could.” Liu Ming replied calmly.

At this moment, the members of the Sunset Tribe who were hiding in the building also came out. Just now, many people saw Liu Ming rescuing the young boy of the Sunset Tribe, so their gazes toward Liu Ming became much gentler.

“Are those beastkin attacks just now the beastkin tide?” Liu Ming asked.

“Of course not, these are just a small group of beastkins before the beastkin tide came. Unfortunately, our Sunset Tribe’s protective totem is too troublesome to activate. We couldn’t activate the barrier in time. It’s a shame that these small groups of beastkins sneaked into the tribe.” Han Ye said with some embarra.s.sment.

“Totem?” Liu Ming’s eyes flashed when he heard this, and he looked at the high platform in the center of the tribe.

“Mr. Liu is from the Middle Sky Continent, so you may not know what a totem is. I have heard that there is something called an enchantment in your human race. It should be similar to our totem mystic arts from the Savage Wild Continent.” After Patriarch Han Ye was stunned slightly, he said immediately.

Liu Ming was surprised by the words.

Naturally, he was no stranger to totems, but he didn’t know whether the “totem” he mentioned was the “totem” he knew.

“I wonder if Patriarch Han can show us the protective totem of your tribe?” Qian Rupin, who was standing by the side, said with scorching eyes.

Patriarch Han Ye was taken aback when he heard the words. He showed a hesitant look.

In some tribes of the Savage Wild Continent, especially small tribes like the Sunset Tribe, the protective totem was a very important inheritance. It could be said to be the top priority of the tribe. It is related to the survival of the entire tribe. Even ordinary people are not allowed to get close, let alone foreigners.

“Patriarch, don’t be offended. Ruping is an array master in the Middle Sky Continent, so she is more interested in these related things. If it’s inconvenient, then forget her request.” Liu Ming smiled and said.

“Miss Qian is actually an array master? I was really disrespectful. In our Savage Wild Continent, totem masters are extremely rare. Since miss is interested, let’s go and have a look together.” After hearing Liu Ming’s words, he was first stunned, then he looked at Qian Rupin with burning eyes and said delightedly.

After that, Patriarch Han Ye couldn’t wait to take them to the high platform in the center of the tribe.

The att.i.tude of Patriarch Han Ye surprised Liu Ming, then he flew over with Qian Rupin with a smile.

Soon, the three of them landed near the high platform. Below the high platform was a castle-like green stoe building.

The gate of the ancient castle was closed. There is a beast-shaped relief on it that looked like a tiger. There was a faint flow of light.

Patriarch Han Ye walked to the gate of the castle and took out a fist-sized item similar to a token.

This token was gray-green in color, but it looked like a beast’s head with 2 snow-white fangs, a protruding forehead and 2 red spots s.h.i.+ning in the deep-set eye sockets.

Liu Ming looked away after taking a glance.

Patriarch Han Ye chanted an obscure spell, then the token shot a green light onto animal-shaped relief on the gate.

The relief’s eyes flashed, then the gate opened slowly amidst a rumbling sound.

“Please come in.” Patriarch Han Ye made a gesture of invitation and walked in first.

Liu Ming’s eyes flashed, then he calmly led Qian Rupin to follow behind.

Once going in, the light in front was quite dim, but he quickly adapted to it and saw everything.

Inside the gate was an unusually wide hall, about the size of an acre. It had an arched top that was 60 meters tall.

Except for an altar-like building in the temple, there was nothing else. It looked quite empty.

5 purple pillars stood on the altar. They were covered with countless strange runes, emitting bursts of purple light.

The rays of light emitted by the 5 pillars were connected together to form a thick purple light beam that shot straight to the dome of the castle.

At this moment, a gray-haired beastkin old man in a black robe stood on the altar, holding a gray-white bone disk about the size of a foot in his hand and chanting facing the 5 pillars.

The old man looked so focused that he didn’t even notice Liu Ming and the others coming in.

“It really is a totem pillar?” Liu Ming swept his eyes over the old man and the 5 pillars, and he murmured.

Oh, Mr. Liu also knows about totem mystic arts?” Patriarch Han Ye said a little surprised.

“In the southern wilderness area of ​​the Middle Sky Continent, there are also many beastkin cultivators. I have been there before, and I have seen some local totem mystic arts.” Liu Ming slowly explained.

“That’s why.” Patriarch Han Ye nodded upon hearing this.

Since Qian Rupin entered the main hall, her gaze had been fixed on the 5 pillars on the altar. Her eyes were s.h.i.+ning brightly.

Their conversation finally alerted the old man in a black robe, making him look over.

Seeing the 2 unfamiliar faces, the old man in a black robe showed a frightened and angry look, but when he saw Han Ye also standing there, his angry look subsided slightly.

“Patriarch.” The old man in a black robe nodded at Han Ye.

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