An Unfinished Life Part 47

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p. 655: JFK-NSK exchanges: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 215-23, 226-33. 215-23, 226-33.

p. 656: "we must a.s.sume": JFK conference with Chiefs, Dec. 27, 1962, Box 345, NSF.

p. 656: Feb. and Apr. exchanges about invasion plans: FRUS: Missile Crisis, FRUS: Missile Crisis, 711-12, 791, 802-3. 711-12, 791, 802-3.

p. 656: "the situation could develop": JFK to McNamara, Oct. 4, 1963, Box 68, POF.

p. 656: Political pressures on JFK over Cuba: McGeorge Bundy to JFK, Dec. 30, 1962, Box 215A, NSF; Lincoln Diary, Feb. 5, 1963, Lincoln Papers; Richard Goodwin, "President Kennedy's Plan for Peace with Cuba," New York Times, New York Times, July 5, 2000; Lawrence Freedman, 225. July 5, 2000; Lawrence Freedman, 225.

p. 656: JFK speech, Dec. 29, 1962: PPP: JFK, 1962, PPP: JFK, 1962, 911-13; O'Donnell and Powers, 276-77; Evan Thomas, 238. 911-13; O'Donnell and Powers, 276-77; Evan Thomas, 238.

p. 656: Soviet troops: FRUS: Missile Crisis, FRUS: Missile Crisis, 681-83, 715-18; Lawrence Freedman, 224. 681-83, 715-18; Lawrence Freedman, 224.

p. 656: Subversion: FRUS: Missile Crisis, FRUS: Missile Crisis, 359, 433, 648, 662, 696-97, 726-27, 867-68, 888. JFK to McCone, Feb. 9, 1963; Marshall S. Carter to JFK, Feb. 13, 1963; JFK to Rusk, McNamara, McCone, Feb. 15, 1963; Bundy to McCone, Mar. 14, 1963, Box 72, POF. RFK to JFK, Mar. 14, 1963, Box 35, Sorensen Papers. JFK to Rusk, May 31, 1963, Box 68, POF. 359, 433, 648, 662, 696-97, 726-27, 867-68, 888. JFK to McCone, Feb. 9, 1963; Marshall S. Carter to JFK, Feb. 13, 1963; JFK to Rusk, McNamara, McCone, Feb. 15, 1963; Bundy to McCone, Mar. 14, 1963, Box 72, POF. RFK to JFK, Mar. 14, 1963, Box 35, Sorensen Papers. JFK to Rusk, May 31, 1963, Box 68, POF.

p. 657: Replace failed Mongoose: Evan Thomas, 233-35.

p. 657: Ousting Castro: FRUS: Missile Crisis, FRUS: Missile Crisis, 670-75, 780-81, 804, 821-23, 828-38, 852-53; U.S. Policy Toward Cuba, Feb. 19, 1963, Box 49, Sorensen Papers; Cabinet Meeting, Mar. 1, 1963, Box 7, RFK Attorney General's Papers, JFKL; "Backstage with Bobby," 670-75, 780-81, 804, 821-23, 828-38, 852-53; U.S. Policy Toward Cuba, Feb. 19, 1963, Box 49, Sorensen Papers; Cabinet Meeting, Mar. 1, 1963, Box 7, RFK Attorney General's Papers, JFKL; "Backstage with Bobby," Miami News, Miami News, July 14, 1963; "U.S. Builds Up Underground's Support in Cuba," July 14, 1963; "U.S. Builds Up Underground's Support in Cuba," Was.h.i.+ngton Post, Was.h.i.+ngton Post, Aug. 13, 1963; John McCone to RFK, Mar. 22, 1962, Box 1, RFK Confidential File; Lawrence Freedman, 228, 232, 238-39. Also see Evan Thomas, 234. Aug. 13, 1963; John McCone to RFK, Mar. 22, 1962, Box 1, RFK Confidential File; Lawrence Freedman, 228, 232, 238-39. Also see Evan Thomas, 234.

p. 657: "Kennedy was maintaining": Lawrence Freedman, 227.

p. 658: Cuban-Soviet tensions and Castro's demands on the U.S.: Fursenko and Naftali, 290-91.

p. 658: NSC staffer urged: FRUS: Missile Crisis, FRUS: Missile Crisis, 699-700. 699-700.

p. 658: Kennedy had told newsmen, and the shrimp boat incident: PPP: JFK, 1963, PPP: JFK, 1963, 177-78, 202-4; "'Soft' Cuba Reply Expected by U.S. in Firing on Boat," 177-78, 202-4; "'Soft' Cuba Reply Expected by U.S. in Firing on Boat," New York Times, New York Times, Feb. 25, 1963. Feb. 25, 1963.

p. 658: March NSC meeting and RFK pressure for more action: FRUS: Missile Crisis, FRUS: Missile Crisis, 715-18; RFK to JFK, Mar. 14, 1963, Box 35, Sorensen Papers; Evan Thomas, 233-39. 715-18; RFK to JFK, Mar. 14, 1963, Box 35, Sorensen Papers; Evan Thomas, 233-39.

pp. 658-59: JFK's unresponsiveness: Evan Thomas, 239.

p. 659: The exile raids: FRUS: Missile Crisis, FRUS: Missile Crisis, 728, 738-40, 745-46. 728, 738-40, 745-46.

p. 659: JFK was willing to consider: Ibid., 739. Also see Robert A. Hurwitch to RFK, April 6, 1963, Box 30; "Miami to Sec. of State," April 14, 1963, Box 11; CIA reports, May 15 and 22, 1963, Box 8, RFK Confidential File.

pp. 659-60: Donovan and Castro: JFK to RFK and Rusk, April 4, 1963, Box 34, RFK Confidential File; McCone to JFK, April 10, 1963, in FRUS: Missile Crisis, FRUS: Missile Crisis, 755-56 and n. 1; M. C. Miskovsky to McCone, April 13, 1963, Box 47, NSF; Gertrude Samuels, "James Donovan and Castro," 755-56 and n. 1; M. C. Miskovsky to McCone, April 13, 1963, Box 47, NSF; Gertrude Samuels, "James Donovan and Castro," The Nation, The Nation, April 13, 1963. April 13, 1963.

p. 660: On Castro's Moscow visit: CIA Memo, May 18, 1963, Box 1, RFK Confidential File; FRUS: Missile Crisis, FRUS: Missile Crisis, 820-24, 838-44. 820-24, 838-44.

pp. 660-61: The raids, Soviet protests, and JFK's response: FRUS: Missile Crisis, FRUS: Missile Crisis, 828-38, 866-68, 875-77. 828-38, 866-68, 875-77.

pp. 661-63: Attwood's initiative: Ibid., 868-70, 877-83, 888-89; Lawrence Freedman, 240-43; Audiotape /a.5.5, Nov. 5, 1963, conversation between JFK and Bundy about Attwood and Cuba.

pp. 661-62: The Daniel-JFK meeting: Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, 552-53. 552-53.

p. 662: Castro surprised the Americans: Charles O. Porter to Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Oct. 11, 1963, Box 36, RFK Confidential File.

p. 663: JFK's Nov. 18 Miami speech: PPP: JFK, 1963, PPP: JFK, 1963, 872-77. 872-77.

p. 663: "expressions of willingness": Richard Helms Memo, Nov. 21, 1963, Box 1, RFK Confidential File.

p. 663: Still intense pressure: FRUS: Missile Crisis, FRUS: Missile Crisis, 871-72, 874, 883-88. 871-72, 874, 883-88.

pp. 663-64: JFK asked whether the sabotage program: Ibid., 884.

p. 664: The plot: Lawrence Freedman, Kennedy's Wars, Kennedy's Wars, 232-33. 232-33.

pp. 664-65: JFK and comments on Vietnam in 1962: PPP: JFK, 1962, PPP: JFK, 1962, 17, 93, 136-37, 199, 228, 322, 360, 362, 453, 493, 500, 502, 537, 592-93, 651, 690, 703. 17, 93, 136-37, 199, 228, 322, 360, 362, 453, 493, 500, 502, 537, 592-93, 651, 690, 703.

pp. 665-66: Debate about strategic hamlets, and reports to JFK: FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, 727-29, 736-41, 763-65, 779-87, 797-98; Forrestal to RFK, Nov. 7, 1962, RFK Confidential File. 727-29, 736-41, 763-65, 779-87, 797-98; Forrestal to RFK, Nov. 7, 1962, RFK Confidential File.

p. 666: December 1962 press conference: PPP: JFK, 1962, PPP: JFK, 1962, 870. 870.

p. 666: JFK's reaction to Mansfield: David Kaiser, 180; O'Donnell and Powers, 15.

p. 666: Sylvester comment: Quoted in The Nation, The Nation, April 22, 2002. April 22, 2002.

p. 667: JFK meeting with Wheeler: FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.-Aug. 1963, FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.-Aug. 1963, 94-95, 97-98. 94-95, 97-98.

p. 667: Hilsman, Forrestal report and CIA: Ibid., 7, 22, 50, 52.

pp. 667-68: JFK public statements on Vietnam between January and March: PPP: JFK, 1963, PPP: JFK, 1963, 11, 20, 34, 243-44, 294-96, 303. 11, 20, 34, 243-44, 294-96, 303.

p. 668: JFK call to Hilsman: FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.-Aug., 1963, FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.-Aug., 1963, 63. CIA director John McCone said in 1988 that Kennedy saw the "folly" of escalation in Vietnam and was determined to withdraw U.S. advisers: "Conversation with John A. McCone," Spring 1988, Inst.i.tute of International Studies, Univ. of California, Berkeley. 63. CIA director John McCone said in 1988 that Kennedy saw the "folly" of escalation in Vietnam and was determined to withdraw U.S. advisers: "Conversation with John A. McCone," Spring 1988, Inst.i.tute of International Studies, Univ. of California, Berkeley.

p. 668: JFK-Mansfield conversation and JFK to O'Donnell: O'Donnell and Powers, 16; Newman, 321-25.

p. 669: On the civil strife in Vietnam and reports of it in the U.S, see the doc.u.ments for May, June, and July in FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.-Aug. 1963 FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.-Aug. 1963. Also see JFK news conference: PPP: JFK, 1963, PPP: JFK, 1963, 569. 569.

p. 669: On July 17, a reporter asked: FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.-Aug. 1963, FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.-Aug. 1963, 294-96; Lawrence Freedman, 363; 294-96; Lawrence Freedman, 363; PPP: JFK, 1963, PPP: JFK, 1963, 421. 421.

p. 669: 107 taped meetings: Logs of Presidential Recordings, JFKL.

p. 669: Warning to Diem and JFK embargo: FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.-Aug. 1963, FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.-Aug. 1963, 381-83 n., 386-87; David Kaiser, 215-16. 381-83 n., 386-87; David Kaiser, 215-16.

pp. 669-70: Frankel: New York Times, New York Times, July 3, 1963. July 3, 1963.

p. 670: Kattenburg: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, 69-74; Lawrence Freedman, 372. 69-74; Lawrence Freedman, 372.

p. 670: Lodge's appointment: Lawrence Freedman, 367-68; FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.-Aug. 1963, FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.-Aug. 1963, 413-14. 413-14.

pp. 670-71: July 4 meeting: FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.-Aug. 1963, FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.-Aug. 1963, 451-53. 451-53.

p. 671: July 8 meeting: Ibid., 486 n.

p. 671: Urging of State Dept. officials: 531-43, 559-60.

p. 671: Request of Aug. 15: Ibid., 589, n.

p. 671: Krulak's response to Halberstam: Ibid., 584.

p. 671: Krulak's meeting with JFK: Tape 106/A41, Aug. 21, 1963.

p. 672: Mansfield to JFK, Aug. 19, 1963: FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.-Aug. 1963, FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.-Aug. 1963, 585-88. 585-88.

p. 672: Taylor to McNamara, Aug. 20, 1963: Ibid., 590-91.

pp. 672-73: Attack on paG.o.das and U.S. response: Ibid., 560-66, 597-99, 625-31, 634-35.

p. 673: JFK's second thoughts: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 991. 991.

p. 673: Aug. 26 meeting: FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.-Aug. 1963, FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.-Aug. 1963, 638-41. 638-41.

p. 673: Aug. 27 meeting: Ibid., 659-65.

pp. 673-74: CIA a.n.a.lysis: Ibid., 671.

p. 674: Aug. 28 meeting: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, 1-9. 1-9.

p. 674: The acrimony between advocates and opponents of a coup: Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, 713-14; Gibbons, 155-56. 713-14; Gibbons, 155-56.

pp. 674-75: Exchanges with Lodge: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec., 1963, FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec., 1963, 20-21, 26-31, 35-36. 20-21, 26-31, 35-36.

p. 675: The aborted coup: Ibid., 55, 63, 64, 66, 70-74, 76.

p. 675: Kattenburg's views: Gibbons, 160-61.

pp. 675-76: JFK interviews: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec., 1963, FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec., 1963, 81-82, 93-94; 81-82, 93-94; PPP: JFK, 1963, PPP: JFK, 1963, 658-59. 658-59.

p. 676: JFK told Manning: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, 103-4; also see 111-12. 103-4; also see 111-12.

p. 676: "We should wait": Ibid., 103.

p. 676: Sept. 6 meeting: Ibid.,117-21.

pp. 676-77: Reports on and response to the Nhus: Ibid., 135.

p. 677: JFK facetiously suggested: Briefing Session with JFK, Sept. 12, 1963, Box 6, h.e.l.ler Papers.

p. 677: CIA also reported: CIA reports, Sept. 5 and 12, 1963, Box 199A, NSF.

p. 677: Conflicting a.s.sessments: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, 137-40, 146, 161-62. 137-40, 146, 161-62.

pp. 677-78: JFK's frustration: Ibid., 162-67.

p. 678: Continuing divisions among JFK's advisers: Ibid., 190-93, 209, 235.

p. 678: New coup plans: CIA reports, Sept. 16, 20, 21, 28, Oct. 3, 1963, Boxes 199A and 200, NSF; FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, 291-92. 291-92.

p. 678: McNamara-Taylor mission and stage managing it: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, 255-57, 278-81. 255-57, 278-81.

pp. 678-79: McNamara-Taylor report: Ibid., 336-46.

p. 679: JFK Oct. 9 statement: PPP: JFK, 1963, PPP: JFK, 1963, 770. 770.

pp. 679-80: Response to the report and follow-up announcements and actions: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, 350-54, 368-71, 395-96, 407-9, 467; McNamara, 77-81; Tapes 114/A49 and A50. 350-54, 368-71, 395-96, 407-9, 467; McNamara, 77-81; Tapes 114/A49 and A50.

p. 679: JFK and Halberstam: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec., 1963, FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec., 1963, 277-78, 281; Tifft and Jones, 388-89. 277-78, 281; Tifft and Jones, 388-89.

p. 680: Salinger publicly announced: Salinger news conference and statement, Oct. 2, 1963, 6:52 P.M. P.M., following JFK meeting, Box 14, Powers Papers.

p. 680: Taylor said, "Well, G.o.ddammit": Quoted in Gibbons, 186.

p. 680: Oct. 31 news conference: PPP: JFK, 1963, PPP: JFK, 1963, 828. 828.

p. 681: Minh told Taylor, and discussions about a coup: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, 326-27, 365-67, 379, 393. 326-27, 365-67, 379, 393.

p. 681: "We certainly would not": Quoted in Gibbons, 190.

p. 681: Bundy to Lodge, Oct. 25, 1963: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, 437. 437.

p. 681: Lodge's response: Ibid., 454-55.

p. 682: If the coup failed: Ibid., 468-75; Audiotape 118/A54, and transcripts of these meetings given to me by George Eliades.

p. 682: The coup and the JFK-Lodge-Rusk responses: Conference with JFK, Nov. 1, 1963, Box 317, NSF; Audiotape 118/A54, and Eliades transcript; FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, 502, 505, 513, 519-20, 525-26. 502, 505, 513, 519-20, 525-26.

pp. 682-83: The and JFK response: Ibid., 527; Audiotape / a.5.5, and Eliades transcript; Gibbons, 200-202; Taylor, 301; Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 997-98. 997-98.

p. 683: Diem had a million: Described in a cable from Lodge to Rusk, May 1964, in the Gerald Ford Library, cited by Douglas Brinkley, who suggests the CIA involvement: "Of Ladders and Letters," Time, Time, April 24, 2000, 40-41. April 24, 2000, 40-41.

pp. 683-84: JFK taped statement, Nov. 4, 1963, Ca.s.sette M (Side 2).

p. 684: JFK's official and public statements: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, 579-80; 579-80; PPP: JFK, 1963, PPP: JFK, 1963, 846. 846.

p. 685: Honolulu conference: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.-Dec. 1963, 593-94, 625. 593-94, 625.

p. 685: Newspaper editorials and administration opposition to neutralization: Ibid., 581, 592, 594-95, 599-600. Only 37 percent of the public was paying attention to Vietnam as late as April of 1964: Gallup, 1882.

p. 685: For the unsigned memo, see David Kaiser, 258.

pp. 685-86: JFK request to Forrestal: Rust, 3-5.

p. 686: JFK's popularity: Gallup, 1796, 1800, 1807, 1810-11, 1815, 1818, 1820, 1827, 1829, 1835-36, 1840-42, 1844-45, 1847, 1850.

p. 686: North Dakota: Joseph F. Kraft a.n.a.lysis, April 1963, Box 104, POF.

pp. 686-87: Pennsylvania: Public Opinion Surveys, April 1963, Box 105, POF.

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