An Unfinished Life Part 40

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p. 439: His 1988 recollection: Beschloss, Crisis Years, Crisis Years, 139. 139.

p. 439: "on the very same day": Evan Thomas, 157-58. U.S. Senate, Interim Report, Interim Report, 83-84, 128-36. 83-84, 128-36.

p. 439: "We were hysterical": U.S. Senate, Interim Report, Interim Report, 142. Also see 142. Also see FRUS: Cuba, 1961-1962, FRUS: Cuba, 1961-1962, 659-60. 659-60.

pp. 439-40: On JFK, RFK, and plots, see Lawrence Freedman, 150-51; Central Intelligence Agency, CIA Targets Fidel, CIA Targets Fidel, 25, 108; and Arthur Schlesinger Jr. to Editor, Dec. 21, 1997, 25, 108; and Arthur Schlesinger Jr. to Editor, Dec. 21, 1997, New York Times Book Review New York Times Book Review.

pp. 440-41: On Jagan and British Guiana: FRUS: American Republics, FRUS: American Republics, 519-40; Schlesinger, 519-40; Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 773-79. 773-79.

Chapter 13: Reluctant Warrior

p. 442: For discussions on Vietnam between March and LBJ's trip in May: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 58-157. 58-157.

p. 443: For a concise history of Indochina, see Roy Jumper and Marjorie Weiner Normand, "Vietnam: The Historical Background," in Gettleman.

p. 443: Kissinger had it right: Kissinger, 226.

p. 443: "There is no clearer example": FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 84. 84.

pp. 443-44: Muting U.S. involvement: Gibbons, 34-36.

p. 444: Rostow to JFK, May 26, 1961: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 157-58. 157-58.

p. 444: a.s.surance on MAAG, limited appropriations, and Diem's resistance: Ibid., 85-86, 166-68, 174.

p. 444: Special Financial Group: Ibid., 179, 198-203, 221-23.

p. 444: "emphasized the reluctance": Ibid., 253-54.

p. 445: "you would wish": Quoted in Gibbons, 61-62.

p. 445: JFK to Diem, Aug. 5, 1961, FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 263-66. 263-66.

p. 445: "specifically conditioned": Ibid., 260.

p. 446: U.N. speech: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 624. 624.

p. 446: Rostow to JFK, Sept. 15, 1961; Taylor to JFK, Sept. 18, 1961: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 298-99, 304-5. 298-99, 304-5.

p. 446: In his U.N. address: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 624. 624.

p. 446: Bowles to Rusk, Oct. 5, 1961: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 322. 322.

p. 447: "any investment": Theodore White to JFK, Oct. 11, 1961, Box 128, POF.

p. 447: "Concept for": Quoted in Gibbons, 69-70.

p. 447: White House meeting, Oct. 11, 1961: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 343-44. 343-44.

p. 447: Preferred alternatives: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 656, 660. 656, 660.

p. 447: Press conference: Ibid.

p. 447: Responded to press reports: New York Times, New York Times, Oct. 14, 1961; Gibbons, 71. Oct. 14, 1961; Gibbons, 71.

p. 448: Rusk to Bell, Oct. 12, 1961; Lemnitzer to Adm. Felt, Oct. 13, 1961: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 359, 362-63. Felt's reply: Gibbons, 72. 359, 362-63. Felt's reply: Gibbons, 72.

p. 448: JFK's message to Taylor, Oct. 28, 1961: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 443. 443.

p. 448: Taylor report: Ibid., 477-532. The quotes are on 477-79.

pp. 448-49: Taylor proposals: Ibid.

p. 448: "Only the Vietnamese": Ibid., 489. Gibbons, 73-78.

p. 449: Military coup: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 493-94, 512-14. 493-94, 512-14.

p. 449: McNamara recommendations: Ibid., 538-40, 559-61.

p. 449: The compromise recommendations: Ibid., 561-66, 576; Gibbons, 89-91.

p. 450: "United States troops": Krock, Memoirs, Memoirs, 332-33. 332-33.

p. 450: "They want a force": Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 547. 547.

p. 450: "had many questions": FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 532-33. 532-33.

p. 451: Opposed the suggestion: Ibid., 467-70, 474-76, 580-82.

p. 451: Ball was as emphatic: Ball, 366-67.

p. 452: Armed himself with eight questions: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 576. 576.

p. 452: Nov. 11 meeting: Ibid., 577-78.

p. 452: William Bundy believed: Gibbons, 91-92.

pp. 452-53: Kennedy approved a recommendation: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 591-94, 603-4. 591-94, 603-4.

p. 453: NSC meeting, Nov. 15, 1961: Ibid., 607-10.

p. 454: Rostow's warning: Ibid., 601-2.

p. 454: Rusk to Nolting, Nov. 13, 1961: Ibid., 583.

p. 454: The sense of urgency: Ibid., 477, 479, 486, 490, 511-12, 524.

pp. 454-55: JFK's message of Nov. 15, 1961, to Diem: Ibid., 656-57; Gibbons, 99-100.

p. 455: Diem's ghosted letter: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 801-2. 801-2.

p. 455: JFK's speeches: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 724-28, 735-36. 724-28, 735-36.

p. 455: Implemented JFK's directives: Gibbons, 137.

pp. 455-56: Opposition from Diem: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 643, 689-91. 643, 689-91.

p. 456: John K. Galbraith to JFK, Nov. 21, 1961: Galbraith, Letters, Letters, 89-94. 89-94.

p. 456: "I've told the Secretary": FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 612-14. 612-14.

p. 456: "considerable discussion": Ibid., 673-74, 675-76. Gibbons, 106-7.

p. 456: Drawn into firefights and lacked the training: Edward G. Lansdale OH, Columbia University; FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 741, 754. 741, 754.

p. 457: Rusk cable, Nov. 28, 1961: Ibid., 679.

p. 457: JFK news conference, Jan. 15, 1962: PPP: JFK, 1962, PPP: JFK, 1962, 17. 17.

p. 458: "we seem headed": FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, 129-32. 129-32.

p. 458: "now involved in": James Reston, New York Times, New York Times, Feb. 14, 1962. Salinger, 394, 398. Feb. 14, 1962. Salinger, 394, 398.

p. 458: "maximum feasible": Rusk to Saigon, Feb. 21, 1962. FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, 158-60. 158-60.

p. 458: February 14 press conference: PPP: JFK, 1962, PPP: JFK, 1962, 136-37. 136-37.

p. 458: Ongoing problems with the press: FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, 194-95, 206-7, 279-81. 194-95, 206-7, 279-81.

p. 459: Harriman to, April 4, 1962: Ibid., 305-6.

p. 459: Rusk to, April 11, 1962: Ibid., 323-24.

p. 460: Galbraith to JFK, April 4 and 5, 1962: Galbraith, Letters, Letters, 100-103. David Kaiser, 131-32, 518 n. 37. 100-103. David Kaiser, 131-32, 518 n. 37.

p. 460: JFK-Harriman discussion, April 6, 1962: FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, 309-10. 309-10.

p. 460: "subterranean war": PPP: JFK, 1962, PPP: JFK, 1962, 199. 199.

p. 460: "we are going to win": New York Times, New York Times, Feb. 19, 1962. In March, the White House told Sen. Wayne Morse of Oregon that RFK's remarks "reflect the policy of the Administration toward Viet-Nam": Feb. 19, 1962. In March, the White House told Sen. Wayne Morse of Oregon that RFK's remarks "reflect the policy of the Administration toward Viet-Nam": FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, 230. 230.

p. 461: White House conversation, May 1, 1962: Ibid., 366-67.

p. 461: For JFK's dilemma on testing, see Seaborg, 63-86. Also see FRUS: Arms Control and Disarmament, 1961-1963, FRUS: Arms Control and Disarmament, 1961-1963, 38-40, and Memo, April 7, 1961, Chalmers Roberts Papers, JFKL. 38-40, and Memo, April 7, 1961, Chalmers Roberts Papers, JFKL.

p. 462: Soviets' fifty atmospheric tests: Seaborg, 89-90.

p. 462: Nov. 2 NSC meeting: FRUS: Arms Control, FRUS: Arms Control, 217-22. 217-22.

p. 462: The president announced: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 692-93. 692-93.

p. 462: "we now entered": Seaborg, 111.

p. 462: "We could not get": Ibid., 126-27.

pp. 462-63: "considerably more in favor": Ibid., 129-30. Also FRUS: Arms Control, FRUS: Arms Control, 272-81. 272-81.

p. 463: Repeatedly sought a.s.surances: Seaborg, 132. News conference, Jan. 15, 1962: PPP: JFK, 1962, PPP: JFK, 1962, 18. 18.

p. 463: "Who would want": Quoted in Richard Reeves, 274.

p. 463: Decision to test: NSC Meeting., Feb. 27, 1962: FRUS: Arms Control, FRUS: Arms Control, 331-37. 331-37.

pp. 463-64: JFK address, Mar. 2, 1962: PPP: JFK, 1962, PPP: JFK, 1962, 186-92. 186-92.

pp. 464-65: Civil defense: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 536-37; JFK to McNamara, Aug. 20, 1961, Box 295, NSF; Jerome Wiesner to JFK, Sept. 27, 1961, Box 67, POF; Kaplan, 309-10. 536-37; JFK to McNamara, Aug. 20, 1961, Box 295, NSF; Jerome Wiesner to JFK, Sept. 27, 1961, Box 67, POF; Kaplan, 309-10.

p. 465: JFK to governors, Oct. 7, 1961, and news conference, Oct. 11, 1961: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 648-49, 657. 648-49, 657.

pp. 465-66: The pamphlet and the response to it and the program: Kaplan, 310-12; Galbraith to JFK, Nov. 9, 1961, Box 295, NSF; Schlesinger to JFK, Nov. 22, 1961, Box 63, POF; Sorensen to JFK, Nov. 23, 1961, Box 30, Theodore Sorensen Papers, JFKL.

p. 466: Meetings with Teller: Bundy to JFK, Dec. 1, 1961, Box 295, NSF; Kaplan, 313-14.

p. 466: JFK's backtracking on civil defense: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 748-49; Kaplan, 314. 748-49; Kaplan, 314.

p. 466: JFK news conference, July 5, 1962: PPP: JFK, 1962, PPP: JFK, 1962, 543. 543.

p. 467: Anti-Castro planning: FRUS: Cuba, 1961-62, FRUS: Cuba, 1961-62, 689-700, 703, 710, 719-20, 746, 767, 771, 786-91. 689-700, 703, 710, 719-20, 746, 767, 771, 786-91.

p. 467: Mary Hemingway: The Nation, The Nation, Mar. 26, 2001, 17. Mar. 26, 2001, 17.

p. 468: Dominican Republic: FRUS: American Republics, FRUS: American Republics, 623-24, 642-44, 679-93. 623-24, 642-44, 679-93.

p. 468: Visits to Venezuela and Colombia: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 803-15. Also see Angello M. Novello to RFK, July 27, 1961, General Correspondence, Box 2, RFK Papers, JFKL. 803-15. Also see Angello M. Novello to RFK, July 27, 1961, General Correspondence, Box 2, RFK Papers, JFKL.

p. 469: "I too found": JFK to James Farley, Jan. 5, 1962, Box 33, James Farley Papers, LC.

p. 469: JFK's reception: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 767 767 Chapter 14: The Limits of Power

p. 470: "the fix that he was in": Theodore C. Sorensen, "Judgment and Responsibility: John F. Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis," in Lobel, 27.

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