An Unfinished Life Part 37

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p. 366: Messed hair: Richard Reeves, 95 and 677.

pp. 366-67: Henry Raymont: Interview with author.

p. 367: Ill-timed health problems: See Dr. Janet Travell medical records, Jan.-Apr. 1961, JFKL.

p. 367: "quite shattered": FRUS: Cuba, 1961-1962, FRUS: Cuba, 1961-1962, 305. 305.

p. 367: "How could I" and the meeting with the Cubans: Richard Reeves, 94, 96-99; Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 279-85. 279-85.

p. 367: "the worst experience": Nixon, 234-35.

p. 367: "I was thinking about": O'Donnell and Powers, 274-75.

pp. 367-68: "President Kennedy has stated," and "an old saying": Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 289-90. 289-90.

p. 368: "the testimony": JFK to Henry Luce, Aug. 29, 1961, Box 9, Evelyn Lincoln Papers.

p. 368: "I have felt": Sept. 12, 1961, ibid.

p. 368: "the military and intelligence": Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 258. 258.

p. 368: "never to rely": Ibid., 296.

p. 368: "The first advice": Bradlee, Conversations, Conversations, 122. 122.

p. 369: "Well for the time being": Brandon Diary, May 2, 1961, Box 5, Brandon Papers.

p. 369: Cynical complaint, especially in western Europe: FRUS: Cuba, 1961- 1962, FRUS: Cuba, 1961- 1962, 423-28. Also see Stevenson's depressing a.n.a.lysis from the UN: Ibid., 295-97. 423-28. Also see Stevenson's depressing a.n.a.lysis from the UN: Ibid., 295-97.

p. 369: "Not much time": Quoted in Richard Reeves, 108.

p. 369: Nixon and Republican opposition: Ambrose, Nixon, Nixon, 632. 632.

p. 369: "It is doubtful": RCC Newsletter, April 27, 1961, Box 18, Arthur Schlesinger Jr. Papers, JFKL.

p. 369: "look pretty good": Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 289. 289.

p. 369: "When he disagreed": Guthman and Shulman, 264-65.

p. 369: The White House and NSC meetings: FRUS: Cuba, 1961-1962, FRUS: Cuba, 1961-1962, 304-7, 313-14. RFK memo: Ibid., 302-4. 304-7, 313-14. RFK memo: Ibid., 302-4.

p. 370: "That's the most": Richard Goodwin, 187.

p. 370: "I knew it!": Quoted in Ambrose, Nixon, Nixon, 632. 632.

p. 370: "It really is true": Nixon, 233-35.

p. 370: "There is only one thing": Quoted in Richard Reeves, 102-3.

p. 370: Gallup, 1717, 1721.

p. 371: "It's just like": Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 292. 292.

p. 371: The Taylor committee: Taylor, 180-84; FRUS: Cuba, 1961-1962, FRUS: Cuba, 1961-1962, 318-24. 318-24.

p. 371: "reoriented": Guthman and Shulman, 11-13.

p. 371: "agreed that": FRUS: Cuba, 1961-1962, FRUS: Cuba, 1961-1962, 482-83. 482-83.

p. 371: "There can be no": Ibid., 605-6.

p. 371: With only 44 percent: Gallup, 1721.

pp. 371-72: Time, Time, May 5, 1961. May 5, 1961.

p. 372: Liked it better and "always on the edge": JFK on Presidency, Box 23, David Powers Papers, JFKL.

p. 372: "Sons of b.i.t.c.hes": Quoted in Richard Reeves, 116.

Chapter 11: A World of Troubles

p. 373: "If the self-discipline": PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 304-6. 304-6.

p. 374: Steel production: Arthur Goldberg to JFK, Mar. 21, 1961, Arthur Goldberg Papers, LC.

p. 374: Williard Mathias, "evolution," and "suspected of being": Bird, 177, 431, n74.

p. 374: "the Soviets have no": Walter h.e.l.ler to JFK, June 27, 1961, Box 125A, POF.

p. 375: "in the interest": PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 334-38. 334-38.

p. 375: "Maybe if you": Quoted in Tifft and Jones, 314-15.

p. 375: "intended to examine": PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 335. 335.

p. 375: Philandering: Conversation with Robert Novak. Other journalists, Haynes Johnson, James Kilpatrick, Nick Kotz, Marianne Means, Bruce Morton, and Don Oberdorfer, echoed Novak's a.s.sertion.

p. 375: Ultra-right-wing press stories: Conversation with Ronald Whalen, JFKL.

p. 375: "underground market": Parmet, JFK, JFK, 114. 114.

p. 375: LBJ's womanizing: Dallek, Lone Star Rising, Lone Star Rising, 189-91, 637, n13; and 189-91, 637, n13; and Flawed Giant, Flawed Giant, 186-87. 186-87.

p. 376: People around the president worried: Confidential source.

p. 376: "Once every two": Evan Thomas, 116.

p. 376: JFK-NSK Messages between November and February: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev Exchanges, FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev Exchanges, 1-6. 1-6.

p. 376: "It is a secret": NSK to JFK, April 18, 1961; JFK to NSK, April 18, 1961, ibid., 7-10. Also see Nixon, 234-35, and Beschloss, Crisis Years, Crisis Years, 120-21. 120-21.

p. 377: Khrushchev answered Kennedy: NSK to JFK, April 22, 30, May 16, 1961; also see JFK to NSK, April 12, 1961: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 10-16, 18-21. 10-16, 18-21.

p. 377: His dilemma: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 288. 288.

p. 377: Department of urban affairs and housing: Ibid., 285.

pp. 377-78: On political opposition: Lee C. White to JFK, Aug. 21, 1961, Box 30, POF.

p. 378: On the bill's secondary priority: Legislative Items Recommended by the President, May 15, June 30, 1961, Box 49, POF.

p. 378: On the economy, see Walter h.e.l.ler to JFK, April 6, 27, and May 10, 1961, Box 5, Walter W. h.e.l.ler Papers, JFKL; Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 630; and Bernstein, 126-27. 630; and Bernstein, 126-27.

p. 378: Tax reform bill: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 290-303. 290-303.

p. 378: Business leaders' opposition: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 631. 631.

p. 378: LBJ: Dallek, Flawed Giant, Flawed Giant, 11. 11.

p. 378: Gains in domestic affairs: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 220, 282, 344, 353, 365, 486, 488, 524, 552. 220, 282, 344, 353, 365, 486, 488, 524, 552.

p. 379: "highest-priority items": Legislative Items Recommended by the President, May 15, June 30, 1961, Box 49, POF.

p. 379: On defeat of the education and health insurance bills: Bernstein, chaps. 7 and 8.

p. 380: "Phase Two": Lou Harris to JFK, June 22, 1961, Box 63A, POF.

p. 380: Vow to renew his efforts in 1962: See the undated 8-page memo headed: "Is the Kennedy Administration financially responsible?" Box 50, POF.

pp. 380-81: "the limited goal," "quick-talking," and "the smartest politician": Quoted in Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 315. 315.

p. 381: "This is the way": Bayard Rustin OH, Columbia University.

p. 381: Executive Order: Bernstein, 51-52.

p. 381: "kept muttering": Wofford, 169-70.

p. 381: "timid and reluctant": Louis Martin to Sorensen, May 10, 1961, Box 66, Gen. Corresp., RFK Papers, JFKL.

pp. 381-82: Polls: Gallup, 1705, 1713, 1723-24.

p. 382: Burke Marshall: Branch, 405.

p. 382: The Charleston incident: Ibid., 399-400.

pp. 382-83: "King's name," O'Donnell's response, and the Mayflower meeting: Ibid., 404-7. Martin Luther King OH.

p. 383: "Summary of Civil Rights Progress," Box 63, POF.

pp. 383-84: Freedom Riders: Burke Marshall OH; Guthman and Shulman, 82-84, 92-93; Branch, 412-30; Richard Reeves, 122-25.

p. 384: "Can't you get": Quoted in Richard Reeves, 125.

p. 384: "What sort of help": Branch, 428.

p. 384: Gallup, 1723.

pp. 384-85: Nashville students: Burke Marshall OH; John Patterson OH; Guthman and Shulman, 84-86; Branch, 429-44.

p. 385: "Do you know": Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, 296. 296.

p. 385: "I never recovered": Guthman and Shulman, 93.

p. 385: "Oh, there are fists": Quoted in Guthman, We Band, We Band, 170-71. For the rest, Branch, 444-50. 170-71. For the rest, Branch, 444-50.

p. 386: The response to King's decision: Ibid., 451-54.

p. 386: JFK statement: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 391. 391.

p. 386: Bobby consulted him constantly: Guthman and Shulman, 95-96.

p. 386: Riots at Abernathy's church: Branch, 454-65.

p. 386: "If they don't get here": Ibid., 460.

pp. 386-87: "Now, Reverend": Wofford, 154.

p. 387: "destroying us politically": Quoted in Branch, 464-65.

p. 387: "They had made their point": Guthman and Shulman, 97-98.

p. 387: "Negroes have been," "Man, we've been," and "You know": Wofford, 155-57.

p. 387: "Wait means 'Never!'": Time, Time, June 2, 1961. June 2, 1961.

p. 387: "could say something": Wofford, 125-26.

p. 388: "Eisenhower never did": Harris Wofford to JFK, May 29, 1961, Box 68, Gen. Corresp., RFK Attorney General's Papers, JFKL.

p. 389: Speech to Canadian Parliament: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 380-88. 380-88.

p. 389: Conflict with Diefenbaker: Sorensen, 648; Memo, April 7, 1961, Chalmers Roberts Papers, JFKL; Guthman and Shulman, 29; Lawrence Martin, 180-91; Bradlee, Conversations, Conversations, 167, 181-85. 167, 181-85.

p. 389: Special message: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 396-402. And see Memo on Defense Posture, to JFK, n.d., Box 84A, POF. 396-402. And see Memo on Defense Posture, to JFK, n.d., Box 84A, POF.

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