An Unfinished Life Part 23

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p. 31: Arrogance: Damore, 20-21, 36-41.

pp. 31-32: Indifference to money: Ralph Horton OH; James Rousmaniere interview in NHP.

p. 32: "They really didn't have": Collier and Horowitz, 62.

p. 32: "Jack, I sent for you": Smith, 161.

p. 32: "Mind your own business": Boston Globe, Boston Globe, Nov. 19, 1964. Nov. 19, 1964.

p. 33: Jack's admission to Choate: Hamilton, 84, 88.

pp. 33-34: JFK medical record, including Rose Kennedy's card file on JFK's childhood illnesses; JFK undated letters to "Mother" and "Dad" in Box 1, PP; Doris Goodwin, 309-312; Hamilton, 87-88.

p. 34: "probably very homesick": "Notes on John Fitzgerald Kennedy's Canterbury Attendance" provided by the school, NHP.

p. 34: "a mild cold": Secretary to Mrs. Kennedy, Nov. 24, 1931; also see exchanges between Rose Kennedy and Mrs. St. John for Jan. 18, n.d., 19, 20, 21, 22, 1932, Box 1, PP.

p. 34: "quite a cough": Jan. 23, 25, 1932, Outline of JFK Choate Letters, Box 1, PP; JPK to Mr. St. John, Dec. 3, 1931, and Clara St. John to Mr. Ma.s.sie and to Mrs. Kennedy, Feb. 8, April 28, 1932, NHP.

pp. 34-35: "flu-like symptoms" and "Jack's winter term": Quoted in Hamilton, 98. Also see Secretary to Mrs. Kennedy, Jan. 10, Feb. 14, 17, 18, Mar. 3, 9, 10, Apr. 13, 1933; Rose Kennedy to Mrs. St. John, Jan. 17, Mar. 9, 1933; Mrs. St. John to Mrs. Kennedy, Jan. 23, 1933; Mrs. St. John to Paul Murphy, Jan. 30, 1933; Paul Murphy to Mrs. Kennedy, Jan. 28, 1933, Outline of JFK Choate Letters, Box 1, PP.

p. 35: On his weight: George St. John to Mr. Maher, quoting JPK, Oct. 10, 1933, NHP.

p. 35: "We are still puzzled": Mrs. St. John to Mrs. Kennedy, Feb. 6, 1934, NHP.

p. 35: "I hope with all my heart": Mrs. St. John to Jack, Feb. 5, 1934, NHP.

p. 35: "It seems that I was": JFK to Billings, Feb. 1934, JFKL. Also see Mrs. St. John to Jack, Feb. 8, Mar. 6, 1934; George St. John to JPK, Feb. 8, 1934, NHP; George Steele to Masters, Feb. 14, 1934; Secretary to JPK, April 25, 1934, Outline of JFK Choate Letters, Box 1, PP; Maurice "Maury" Shea OH.

p. 35: "one of the 'big boys'": Clara St. John to Rose F. Kennedy, Oct. 7, 1931, NHP.

p. 35: Rose had already signaled: In letter to George St. John, July 3, 1931, NHP.

p. 36: "Jack sits at": G. St. John to JPK, Oct. 20, 1931, NHP.

p. 36: Rat Face: Meyers, 15.

p. 37: Jack told Billings: Doris Goodwin, 465-66.

p. 37: "stressed to his children": Ibid., 351.

p. 37: "Jack was sick," "Why don't you," and "Everybody wants to": Hersh, 16.

p. 37: "very frame": Quoted in Hamilton, 358-59.

p. 37: His schoolwork continued: JFK Choate School Records, Box 2, PP.

p. 37: "what concerned us": Rose Kennedy, 176-77.

p. 38: "conspicuously failed": Quoted in Hamilton, 107.

p. 38: Information Please: Information Please: Horton OH. Reading the Horton OH. Reading the New York Times: New York Times: Meyers, 15; Horton OH. On Churchill, Kay Halle OH. Meyers, 15; Horton OH. On Churchill, Kay Halle OH.

p. 38: "most likely to succeed": Horton OH.

p. 38: "I'd like to take": John J. Maher Report of JFK, in Meyers, 14.

p. 38: "I can't tell you": JPK to G. St. George, Nov. 21, 1933; JPK to JPK Jr., Nov. 21, 1933; JPK to G. Steele, Jan. 5, 1935, NHP.

pp. 38-39: The Muckers episode is best recounted in Parmet, Jack, Jack, 34-38; Doris Goodwin, 486-89; Thomas C. Reeves, 42-43; and Hamilton, 119-27. 34-38; Doris Goodwin, 486-89; Thomas C. Reeves, 42-43; and Hamilton, 119-27.

p. 39: For Tinker on St. John's anti-Catholicism, see Sheldon Stern to author, Mar. 25, 2002. Also, Meyers, 17; Parmet, Jack, Jack, 33. 33.

p. 40: "the longer I live": Meyers, 15.

p. 40: "I never saw a boy": G. St. John to JPK, Nov. 24, 1933, NHP.

p. 40: "Jack is one": G. St. John to JPK, Feb. 8, 1934, NHP.

p. 40: "never lectured": Meyers, 16.

pp. 40-41: "My G.o.d": LeMoyne Billings recounted this to Doris Goodwin, 487-88.

p. 41: "To Boss Tweed": Horton OH.

p. 41: "a little wild": Doris Goodwin, 467.

p. 41: "If I were their age": Rose Kennedy, 172-73.

p. 41: "Jack has a clever": Meyers, 15.

p. 41: Harvard College:'s Report on Applicant, Box 2, PP.

pp. 41-42: Princeton decision: Rose Kennedy, 201. For the most detailed description of this interlude between fall 1935 and summer 1936, see Hamilton, 139-64.

p. 42: "Exam today": JFK to Billings, Jan. 27, 1937, LBP.

p. 42: "cram school": Torbert H. Macdonald OH. JFK's Harvard records, including tutor's report, are in Box 2, PP.

p. 43: On JFK at Harvard: Lawrence Lader, "Jack Kennedy at Harvard: A Fellow Student Tells About," which includes the quotes from the coach and the contemporary about Joe, Box 2, PP; also see Doris Goodwin, 505-6.

p. 43: "espoused their causes": Lasky, 74.

p. 43: "You are certainly": JFK to Billings, Nov. 9, 1936, NHP.

p. 43: The state of the university is described in Keller, chap. 1.

p. 44: Galbraith on Joe Jr.: Galbraith, A Life, A Life, 53. 53.

p. 44: "When I become": Lasky, 75.

p. 44: For Joe Jr.'s career at Harvard, see Doris Goodwin, 504-5.

p. 44: For JFK's courses, see JFK, Harvard University Concentration Card, June 1940, Box 2, PP.

p. 44: "is planning to do work": Freshman Adviser's Report; the books are listed in Tutorial Record, 1937-38, Box 2, PP.

pp. 44-45: For the papers on Francis I and Rousseau, see Box 1, PP, and Hamilton, 168-71, 176-77.

p. 45: "A gangling": Lader, "Jack Kennedy at Harvard."

p. 45: a "Good boy" and other quotes in reports of house applications, April 1, 1937, Box 2, PP.

p. 45: "handsome ... gregarious": Galbraith, A Life, A Life, 53. 53.

p. 45: "We are having one h.e.l.l": JFK to Billings, Sept. 29, 1936, NHP.

p. 45: "I am now known": JFK to Billings, Oct. 21, 1936, NHP.

p. 45: "very humorous": Blair, 49.

p. 45: "Anytime" and "Jack was more fun": Hamilton, 204.

p. 45: "I can't help it": JFK to Billings, July 25, 1934, NHP.

p. 46: "I had an enema": JFK to Billings, June 19, 1934, LBP.

p. 46: "The nurses here": JFK to Billings, June 27, 1934, NHP.

p. 46: "a bundle from": JFK to Billings, Oct. 21, 1936, NHP.

p. 46: "I can now get": JFK to Billings, Jan. 13, 1937, NHP.

p. 46: "dirty": See the JFK letters in Billings papers for 1934-1937, NHP.

p. 46: "He was interested": LeMoyne Billings OH.

p. 46: "brother John": Michaelis, 152.

p. 46: "because he was": Billings OH.

p. 47: His father's infidelities: Hamilton, 350-51.

p. 47: "went down to the Cape": JFK to Billings, Oct. 16, 1936, LBP.

p. 47: "locker room stories": Collier and Horowitz, 212.

p. 47: "needed female": Doris Goodwin, 724.

pp. 47-48: JPK's visits to Hollywood: Hersh, 27.

p. 48: go "down next week": JFK to Billings, Oct. 16, 1936, LBP.

p. 48: "little party": JFK to Billings, Oct. 21, 1936, in NHP.

p. 48: JFK's fascination with the Cecil book: h.e.l.lmann, 29-32; Hersh, 25.

p. 48: "didn't have to lift" and "h.e.l.lo, kid": Hersh, 22-23.

p. 48: "Still can't get use to": JFK to Billings, Oct. 4, 1940, NHP.

pp. 48-49: The anecdotes about "only fifteen minutes" and "foreplay" were told to me respectively by a journalist and a colleague at Boston University, whose roommate dated JFK.

p. 49: "Slam, bam": h.e.l.lmann, 28.

p. 49: as "compulsive as Mussolini": Collier and Horowitz, 212.

p. 49: "a true count": William Walton Interview in NHP.

p. 49: The arrangement to pay Billings's way: Hamilton, 177.

pp. 49-53: The itinerary of the trip and most of the JFK quotes about what he saw are in JFK Diary, Box 1, PP. For other quotes, see LeMoyne Billings, The New Yorker, The New Yorker, April 1, 1961, 126-27; Hamilton, 183, 185, 192-93; Collier and Horowitz, 85; Burns, 32. April 1, 1961, 126-27; Hamilton, 183, 185, 192-93; Collier and Horowitz, 85; Burns, 32.

p. 53: The Maryland mansion: Doris Goodwin, 450-51.

p. 53: The Spee and "It was a status symbol": Hamilton, 205-9.

p. 53: Appointment as amba.s.sador: Dallek, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, 533; Beschloss, 533; Beschloss, Kennedy and Roosevelt, Kennedy and Roosevelt, 123-28. 123-28.

p. 53: "The moment the appointment": Quoted in Doris Goodwin, 509.

p. 54: "London is where": Arthur Krock OH.

p. 54: "You don't understand": Beschloss, Kennedy and Roosevelt, Kennedy and Roosevelt, 126. 126.

p. 54: "Don't go buying": Collier and Horowitz, 88.

p. 54: For Jack's summer: Doris Goodwin, 537, 539-40, 545; Hamilton, 233-37; Hugh Fraser OH; William Douglas-Home OH.

p. 54: Jack's 1938-39 academic record is in Box 2; his fall course list, grades, and tutorial record agreeing to the reading and thesis plan are in Box 3, PP.

p. 55: "a rather thin": A. Chester Hanford OH.

p. 55: For the Holcombe quotes, see Meyers, 23.

p. 55: The visit to New Orleans: Hamilton, 254.

pp. 55-56: Pro-Chamberlain speech and "It's pretty funny": JFK to Parents, n.d. (but probably Oct. 1938), Box 1, PP.

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