Arohanui: Letters from Shoghi Effendi to New Zealand Part 4

Arohanui: Letters from Shoghi Effendi to New Zealand -

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_My dear fellow-worker:_

_I am touched by this expression of the loyalty and devotion of the Auckland Baha'is whose welfare, and spiritual advancement are the object of my earnest and constant prayer. I shall devote it to further the interests of the Cause in ways that are dearest and nearest to my heart. I shall supplicate the Almighty that strength and wisdom may be given you to face and overcome the obstacles and trials that you will inevitably encounter in future. The end is glorious if we only persevere._

_Your true brother, _ _ Shoghi_

(13) September 18th, 1926

Dear Spiritual Brother:

Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated July 18, 1926. He was very glad to learn of the encouraging prospects you have for your "Herald of the South". He hopes that it will daily progress and add to its importance in drawing the attention of the people there. A good periodical fully representative of the spirit and teachings of the Cause is the greatest help the Movement can have in establis.h.i.+ng itself in a country. So though difficulties may be found at the outset, we should bear them patiently and await that the future should give us our reward.

Shoghi Effendi wishes me to extend to you his loving greetings and a.s.sure you, as well as your mother and Mr Brewer, of his constant prayers. He hopes that through your combined efforts the Herald of the South will soon realise its aim and purpose.

Yours in His Service, Ruhi Afnan

[From the Guardian:]

_My dear and precious co-worker:_

_Your welcome letter has cheered my heart and I look forward with confidence and joy to the harvest which you are destined to reap in the not distant future. I shall be so pleased and grateful if you would send me regularly a copy of your Baha'i periodical which I trust and pray will grow from strength to strength and contribute its destined share to the progress and consolidation of the Cause of G.o.d. Be a.s.sured of my prayers for your happiness, welfare and spiritual advancement._

_Your true brother, _ _ Shoghi_

(14) October 23rd, 1926

Dear Spiritual Sister:

Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated 119-26. He was most gratified to learn that the Cause is becoming more and more known and appreciated by the people in New Zealand. This is as important as the actual increase of the number of the friends, for it means that the principles are gradually permeating the thoughts of the people and making them more ready and receptive to the full identification of their beliefs with the precepts of the Cause.

Shoghi Effendi wishes me to a.s.sure you of his prayers for you as well as for the other friends in New Zealand. He hopes that they will increase both in number as well as in spiritual understanding and insight. The reports that we occasionally receive from there are most encouraging and hopeful. It seems that the people there due to their breadth of mind and lack of traditional draw-backs show better prospect than many other places.

With deepest loving greetings,

Yours in His Name, Ruhi Afnan

[From the Guardian:]

_My dear co-worker:_

_Your letter rejoiced my heart. I request you to persevere and renew your splendid efforts for the consolidation of the work already achieved. I have great hopes in the 'Herald of the South' and trust that the Editor will be guided and strengthened in his n.o.ble undertaking. I shall be obliged if you send me copies of any newspapers that may publish anything on the Cause as I am preparing a collection of them in the Holy Land.

Please a.s.sure the friends in New-Zealand of my continued prayers at the holy Shrines for the success of their pioneer work._

_Your true brother, _ _ Shoghi_

(15) November 3rd, 1926

Dear Spiritual Sister:

Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated September 13th 1926. He was most gratified to read the nice and encouraging news it contained.[+E5] He hopes that the "Herald of the South" will daily increase in importance and now that it is coming out in printed form, obtain a great number of readers. You should try from the very start to maintain a high standard for its articles. They should be broad in view, clear in style and scholarly in their development of the different subjects. In short the 'public' should be taught to consider it as a paper fully worthwhile to read and meditate upon. Shoghi Effendi will remember in his prayers all those who are working in this n.o.ble field of service.

Shoghi Effendi desires that you should extend his loving greetings to all the friends in Auckland. He hopes that through their endeavours and the Master's invisible guiding hand they will succeed to raise the standard of the Cause in that land to such heights that it will arouse the interest of all the seeking souls and in due time win their support.

The members of the Master's family are well and send you their loving greetings.

Yours in His Service, Ruhi Afnan

[From the Guardian:]

_My dear co-worker:_

_I shall pray from all my heart for the steady development and the growing influence of the "Herald of the South". May its voice grow in strength and power, and may its pages increasingly reflect the dynamic spirit of the Faith and mirror forth the ever-expanding activities of the friends in Australasia as well as in distant lands. Persevere in your efforts, let not obstacles damp your zeal and determination and rest a.s.sured that the Power of G.o.d which is reinforcing your efforts will in the end triumph and enable you to fulfil your cherished desire._


(16) January 11th, 1927

Dear Baha'i Sister,

Our beloved Guardian has asked me to write to you for him. He is very pleased with your letter of Dec. 8th which reached him on Jan. 10th and he is very glad to hear of your activities in New Zealand. He will pray earnestly that your sincere efforts to make Baha'u'llah's Revelation widely known will bring forth much fruit and have a great result. In the newer countries minds are more open, and the people more ready and willing to receive this Great Message.

With regard to the Queen of Rumania's 3 articles--he will see that you receive them correctly. He considers the last one in which she acknowledges Mu?ammad as a true Prophet of G.o.d to have great importance for the East and especially in Persia. This evening, I personally have had a most interesting conversation with Dr. Habib of Kermanshah[+E6] who is now on a visit to Shoghi Effendi with his wife and little girl. He was telling us of the continued fanaticism of the Moslems of Persia--and how during two periods of the year especially, the fanatical Mullahs preach against the Baha'is from their pulpits--saying to the ignorant "No matter what evil things you have done during your life, or what sins you have committed, if you kill a Baha'i who is an enemy of Islam, or even if you take his property or severely injure him, all your own sins will be wiped out and forgiven for the sake of this good deed of destroying an enemy of the Faith!!"--in this way they incite the people to deeds of violence and persecution. He said that the Baha'i teachings are spreading rapidly amongst the more educated it is difficult to teach the very poor and ignorant fanatical people--tho' when they do become Believers, they are very strong and faithful. The 2 periods of particular danger for the Baha'is in Persia are the fast month and the period of Moharram[+E7]--which lasts for 8 weeks.

Shoghi Effendi is very interested to hear of the engagement of your son to a Baha'i young lady--and he prays that in future they may do a great work for the "Cause". He hopes so much that you will recover your full health and strength, and he will pray especially for that. It is good to know that Esperanto is increasingly studied in New Zealand.

He will certainly pray for Miss Palter(2) and her Mother as you ask him to do--and also for your dear son and your two daughters. Please accept all best wishes from myself and Believe me

Yours in His Service, Ethel J. Rosenberg

[From the Guardian:]

_My dear and able co-worker:_

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