Arohanui: Letters from Shoghi Effendi to New Zealand Part 10

Arohanui: Letters from Shoghi Effendi to New Zealand -

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_I cannot refrain from adding a few words in person to a.s.sure you of my lively appreciation of your constancy and of the distinctive services you are so ably and devotedly rendering our beloved Faith. That you may be able to extend their range is my fervent and constant prayer. Persevere, and be confident and happy._

_Your true and grateful brother, _ _ Shoghi_

(37) December 19th, 1947

Dear Baha'i Brother:

Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated Dec. 12th has been received, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. The previous letter you mention cannot have reached him, as he always replies to letters from the friends.

Your book[+E10] touches on a very important subject, and he regrets that he cannot read it himself. His work is so pressing and multiplying so fast that he invariably refuses to go over the ma.n.u.scripts the friends send him as he simply cannot attend to such things as well as all his other work.

You should send it to the Reviewing Com. in the U.S.A. and ask their advice. Perhaps an outside publisher would be interested in it? The Baha'i funds have such heavy demands made on them at present that even essential literature must often wait to be published, unfortunately.

He fully appreciates the fact that the believers locally, in different parts of the world, often feel that their political party is in many ways striving to accomplish ideals akin to our Baha'i aims--but the fact remains that the only way for the Baha'is to preserve their international character, their unity and integrity, is for them individually to sacrifice these desired political affiliations for the universal good and protection of the Faith. There is no political party in existence with whose platform we wholly agree, and we must abstain from members.h.i.+p in such parties. Likewise people who join the Faith must have the courage and conviction to leave their political affiliations behind.

There is no reason why this should cause enmity as they are not joining another party, but a universal Faith striving for the advancement of the entire human race. He thinks there is very little possibility of any politician joining the Faith. The sacrifice of such individuals' personal ambitions is too great a one for them to make. The condition of the world today is such that it is obvious no political solution to its problems is going to be found. We Baha'is must therefore concentrate on Baha'u'llah's World Order--the true solution.

He a.s.sures you he will pray your teaching labours may be very successful.

He will also pray for your dear mother's welfare.

With warmest greetings, R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

_a.s.suring you of my loving prayers for your welfare and success in the service of our beloved Faith,_

_Your true brother, _ _ Shoghi_

(38) November 23rd, 1949

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your letter of October 28 has been received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

First, let me say how very deeply he appreciates the services you have been rendering our glorious Faith in Australia, and particularly Perth, during the past two years. Your trip has been of real a.s.sistance to the teaching work, and it pleased him greatly.

Regarding Mr. ...: it was with the approval of the Guardian that his name was removed from the voting list. It is very bad for the Cause to have a member of the Community, actively, in the public eye, teaching the Faith, and at the same time showing dishonest characteristics. We cannot possibly say that because a person also has many virtues, faults as grave as lying and dishonourable conduct regarding money, can be overlooked! This means that we tolerate as representatives of our Faith people who flagrantly disobey its laws and fundamental teachings. This does not mean there is no hope for Mr. ...; let him change his conduct, if he really loves the Cause, and then a way will be opened for him to again be active. But the change must be real and obvious; mere protestations will serve no purpose.

He urges you to continue your services in the teaching field in New Zealand, and also to write to the friends in Australia who are disturbed about Mr. ..., and strengthen their faith and determination.

With warmest greetings, R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

_May the Almighty, Whose Cause you serve with such zeal and devotion, reward you for your labours, and graciously a.s.sist you to win great victories for His Faith and its inst.i.tutions,_

_Your true brother, _ _ Shoghi_

(39) December 18th, 1949

Dear Baha'i Brother:

Your letter of November 1st was received, and, although our beloved Guardian is so busy at present on the Shrine work here that his mail is piling up alarmingly, he does want to send you a word of appreciation for your fine, constructive spirit and the services you are rendering the Faith.

Vicious criticism is indeed a calamity. But its root is lack of faith in the system of Baha'u'llah (i.e. the administrative order) and lack of obedience to Him--for He has forbidden it. If the Baha'is would follow the Baha'i laws in voting, in electing, in serving, and in abiding by a.s.sembly decisions, all this waste of strength thru criticizing others could be diverted into cooperation and achieving the Plan. Keep on trying to point this out to them!

With Baha'i love, R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

_a.s.suring you of my loving prayers for the success of every effort you exert for the promotion of our beloved Faith, and the realization of every desire you cherish for its progress,_

_Your true and grateful brother, _ _ Shoghi_

(40) June 11th, 1952

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your two letters of May 25th have been received, and the beloved Guardian thanks you for them, and for the loving sympathy which you express.

He hopes that you will make every effort to attend the New Delhi Conference, as it will be a very historic occasion, and the more Baha'is from Australia and New Zealand that are present, the better.

You should get in touch with the Indian National Spiritual a.s.sembly as regards accommodation etc.

This has been a very tiring winter for the beloved Guardian. He has had so many pilgrims, and so many problems locally, and an ever-increasing amount of work, so I will make this letter brief.

He a.s.sures you your services are deeply appreciated, and that he will remember you in his prayers.

With warm Baha'i greetings, R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

_May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to promote the best interests of His Faith,_

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