The Works of John Knox Volume II Part 26

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_Item_, We think expedient that nane be admitt.i.t unto the first Colledge, and to be Suppostis of the Universitie, onles he have frome the Maister of the Schole, and the Minister of the toun whair he was instructed in the toungis, ane testimoniall of his learnyng, docilitie, aige, and parentage; and likewayis triall to be tane[472]

be certan Examinatouris, deput be the Rectour and Princ.i.p.allis of the same, and yf he be fund sufficientlie instruct.i.t in Dialectick,[473]

he shall incontinent, that same yeare, be promoted to the of Mathematicque.

[472] In edit. 1621, "triall be taken."

[473] In edit. 1621, "in the Dialectica."

_Item_, That nane be admitt.i.t to the of the Medicine bot he that shall have his testimoniall of his tyme weall spent in Dialecticque, Mathematique, and Phisicque, and of his docilitie in the last.

_Item_, That nane be admitt.i.t unto the of the Lawis, but he that shall have sufficient testimoniallis of his tyme weill spent in Dialecticque, Mathematique, Phisique, Ethick, OEconomiques, and Pollitiques, and of his docilitie in the last.

_Item_, That nane be admitt.i.t unto the and seige of Divines[474] bot he that shall have sufficient testimonialles of his tyme weill spent in Dialecticque, Mathematicque, Phisique, Ethique, OEconomique, Morall Philosophie,[475] and the Hebreu toung, and of his docilitie in the Morall Philosophie and the Hebreu toung. But neathir shall suche as will applye them to hear the Lawis, be compelled to heir Medicine; neathir suche as applye them to hear Divinitie be compellit to hear eathir Medicine or yit the Lawis.

[474] In edit. 1621, "Seage of Divinity."

[475] In edit. 1621, "and Politica."


_Item_, In the Secound Universitie, whiche is GLASGU, shalbe twa Colledgeis alanerlie. In the first shalbe ane of Dialecticque, ane uther in Mathematicque, the thrid in Phisique, ordourit in all sortis as Sanctandrois.

_Item_, In the Secound Colledge, four; the first in Morall Philosophie, Ethiques, OEconomiques, and Pollitiques; the secound of the Munic.i.p.ale and Romane Lawis; the thrid of the Hebreu toung; the fourt in Divinitie: Which shall be ordourit in all sortis, conforme to it we have writtin in the ordour of the Universitie of Sanctandrois.[476]

[476] The Editor in 1722, says, "There is here no mention made of Medicine or Greek; but it is probable that a Professor of Greek was designed both for Glasgow and Aberdeen for the reason given in the remark on 25 -- of this chapter:" (Note 2, page 219.)


The Thrid Universitie of ABIRDENE shall be conforme to this Universitie of Glasgou, in all sortis.

_Item_, We think neidfull, that thair be chosin of the body of the Universitie to everie Colledge a man[477] of learnyng, discretioun, and diligence, who shall resave the haill rentis of the Colledge, and distribute the same according to the erectioun of the Colledge, and shall dalie hearkin the dyet comptis; adjoynyng to him oulklie ane of the Readeris or Regentis, above whome he shall [take] attendence upoun thair diligence, alsweill in thair reading, as exercitioun[478] of the youth in the mater taught; upoun the polecye and uphold of the place; and for punischement of crymes, shall hald ane oulklie[479]

conventioun with the haill memberis of the Colledge. He shall be comptabile yearlie to the Superintendent, Rectour, and rest of the Princ.i.p.allis convened, about the first of November. His electioun shalbe in this sort: Thair shalbe thre of the maist sufficient men of the Universitie, (not Princ.i.p.allis alreaddie,) nominat by the memberis of the College, sworne to follow thair conscience, whais Princ.i.p.all is departed, and publictlie proponed throu the whole Universitie. Efter the whiche tyme eght dayis, the Superintendent, by him self or his speciall Procuratour, with the Rectour and rest of the Princ.i.p.allis, as are chaptour convened, shall conferme ane of the three thei think maist sufficient, being afore sworne to do the same with singill ee,[480] but respect to feid or favour.

[477] In edit. 1621, "a man;" in the edit, 1722, "a Princ.i.p.all, who must be a man of learning."

[478] In edit. 1621, "as exercising."

[479] In edit. 1621, "hold a weekly."

[480] In edit. 1621, "with a single eye."

_Item_, In everie Colledge, we think neidfull at the least ane Steward, ane Cooke, ane Gardnar, ane Portar, wha shall be subject to discipline of the Princ.i.p.ale, as the rest.

_Item_, That everie Universitie have ane Beddale subject to serve at all tymes throuchout the whole Universitie, as the Rectour and Princ.i.p.allis shall command.

_Item_, That everie Universitie have ane Rectour chosin from yeare to yeare as shall follow. The Princ.i.p.allis being convened with the haill Regentis chaptourlie, shall be sworne, that everie man in his roume shall nominat suche one as his conscience shall testifie to be maist sufficient to beare suche charge and dignitie; and thre of them that shalbe oftest nominat shalbe put in edict publictlie, fiftene dayis afore Michaelmess; and then shall on Michaelmess Evin convene the hoill Princ.i.p.allis, Regentis, and Suppostis that ar graduat, or at the least studyit thair tyme in Ethiques, OEconomiques, and Pollitiques, and na utheris youngare; and everie natioun, first protestand in[481]

G.o.ddis presence to follow the sinceir ditement of thair consciences, shall nominat ane of the said thre; and he that hes monyest votis shall be confermit be the Superintendent and Princ.i.p.all, and his dewitie with ane exhortatioun proponed unto him: And this to be the 28 day of September; and thairefter aithis to be takin,[482] _hinc inde_, off his just and G.o.dlie governement, and of the remanentis lauchfull submissioun and obedience. He shall be propyned[483] to the Universitie at his entre, with ane new garment, bearing _Insignia Magistratus_; and be halden monethlie to visie everie Colledge,[484]

and with his presence decore and examyn the lectionis and exercitioun thairof. His a.s.sessoris shalbe ane laweir and ane theolog, with whois advise he shall decide all questionis civill, betwix the memberis of the Universitie. Yf ony without the Universitie persew ane member thairof, or be persewit be ane member of the samin, he shall a.s.sist the Provest and Baillies in thei, or uthir judgeis competent, to see justice be ministred. In likewise, yf ony of the Universitie be criminallie persewit, he shall a.s.sist the Judgeis competent, and se that justice be ministred.

[481] In edit. 1621, "and everie one having first protested."

[482] In edit. 1621, "tryall to be taken."

[483] In MS. 1566, "proposed."

[484] The Editor in 1722, says, "Some copies have _Insignia Magistratus_ being born before him, he shall visite every Colledge monethly." &c.


_Item_, We think it expedient, that in everie Colledge in everie Universitie, thair be twenty-four bursaris,[485] divided equalie in all the and seigeis, as is above exprimit: that is, in Sanctandrois, seventie-tua bursaris; in Glasgou, fourtye-eyght bursaris; in Abirdene, fourty-eyght; to be sustened onlie in meit upon the chargeis of the Colledge; and be admitted at the examinatioun of the Ministerie and chaptour of Princ.i.p.allis in the Universitie, alsweill in docilitie of the personis offerit, as of the habillitie of thair parentis to sustene thame thair selvis, and nocht to burding the Common-wealth with thame.

[485] In reckoning the number of Bursaries, it was proposed that the University of St. Andrews should consist of three Colleges; and Glasgow and Aberdeen of two each; thus making 72 for the former, and 48 for each of the latter.


_Item_, We think expedient, that the Universiteis be doted with temporall landis, with rentis and revenewis of the Bischopriks temporalitie, and of the Kirkis Collegiat, sa far as thair ordinarie chargeis shall require; and thairfore, that it wald please your Honouris, be advise of your Honouris Counsall and voit of Parliament, to do the samin. And to the effect the same may be schortlie expediat, we have recollected the soumes we think necessarie for the samin.

_Imprimis_, For the ordinarie Stipend of the Dialecticiane Reidar, the Mathematiciane, Phisitiane, and Morall Philosophie, we think sufficient ane hundreth pundis for everie ane of thame.

_Item_, For the Stipend of everie Reader in Medicine and Lawis, ane hundreth threttie thre pundis, vi s. viij d.

_Item_, To everie Reidar in Hebrew, Greik, and Divinitie, twa hundreth pundis.

_Item_, To everie Princ.i.p.all of a Colledge, ij lb.

_Item_, To everie Stewart, s.e.xtene pundis of fie.

_Item_, To everie Gardnar, to everie Cuke, and Portar, ilkane, ten markis.

_Item_, To the Burde of everie Bursar, without the of Theologie and Medicine,[486] twenty pundis.

_Item_, [To every Bursar] in the of Theologie, whiche will be onlie twelf personis in Sanctandrois, 24 lib.

Summa of yeirlie and ordinarie expensses in the Universitie of Sanctandrois, extendis to 3796 lib.

Summa of yearlie and ordinarie expensis of Glasgow,[487] 2922 lib.

Abirdene, alsmekill, 2922 lib.

--------- Summa of the Ordinarie Chargis of the hoill, 9640 lib.

[486] In edit. 1621, the words, "and Medicine" are omitted.

[487] The Editor in 1722, remarks, "The ordinary expenses of Glasgow or Aberdeen extend only to 2722 Pounds and one Merk, so that probably it was designed that these two Universities should have had each of them a Professor of Greek, whose salary was to have been 200 Pounds."

_Item_, the Beddellis Stipend shalbe of everie entrant and suppost of the Universitie, ii. schillingis; off everie ane graduat in Philosophie, thre schillingis; off everie ane graduat in Medicine or Lawis, 4 schillingis; in Theologie, 5 schillingis; all Bursis being except.i.t.

_Item_, We have thocht gude for building and uphald of the placis, ane general collect be maid; and that everie Erlis sone, at his entre to the Universitie, shall gif fourtye schillingis, and sicklike at everie graduatioun, 40 schillingis. _Item_, Everie Lordis sone sicklike at ilk tyme, 30 schillingis; ilk fre halding Baronis sone, twentye schillingis: everie Fewar and substantious Gentilmannis sone, ane mark. _Item_, Everie substantious Husband and Burges sone, at ilk tyme, ten schillingis: _Item_, Everie ane of the rest, (excepting[488]

the Bursaris,) 5 schillingis at ilk tyme.

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