The Works of John Knox Volume I Part 63

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[1020] In MS. G, "beset;" in Vautr. edit. "foreset."

[1021] John c.o.c.kburn of Ormistoun has already been noticed, in the notes to pages 142, 215, 237, &c. In October 1559, he received at Berwick, from Sir Ralph Sadler and Sir James Crofts, 1000 sterling, in French crowns, for the present relief of the Lords of the Congregation; and also 200 crowns (or 63, 6s. 8d.) which was given to him for his own use. But the Earl of Bothwell, and some of the French troops, being informed of this booty, waylaid him near Dunpendar-law, in East Lothian, on the last of October, and robbed him of this treasure, wounding him severely.--(Wodrow Miscellany, vol. i. p. 70.) On the 5th November, Sadler and Crofts wrote to Secretary Cecil, with the information of the "mishap" which "hath chaunced to the saide Ormestoun, to our no little grief and displeasure."--(State Papers, vol. i. pp.

528, 538, 542, 600.) c.o.c.kburn is introduced among the "Scotish Worthies," in a work written in verse, by Alexander Garden of Aberdeen, before the year 1620, but which seems never to have been printed, and the MS. unfortunately cannot now be traced. Garden calls him "ane honourable and religious gentleman, very dilligent and zealous in the work of Reformation:"

"For perrels, promises, expense nor pains, From thy firm faith no not a grain weight gains."

And, in reference to Bothwell's attack, he says,--

"Thy blood-shed sooth'd and taught this time, I know, When curtfoot Bothwell like a limmer lay, (A traytor try'd, yea, and a tirrant too,) And unawarrs did wound thee on the way."

(MS. Hist. of the Family of c.o.c.kburn of Ormistoun, circa 1722.)

[1022] James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell, succeeded his father, Patrick third Earl, in September 1556: see page 140. At this time he was in secret correspondence with the Reformers, and had professed attachment to their cause; but being gained over by the Queen Dowager, this spoliation of c.o.c.kburn of Ormistoun displayed the insincerity of his character. The Earl of Arran and Lord James Stewart proceeded with 2000 men "to revenge the said injury, thinking to find the Earl Bothwell in Creichtoun; but a little before their coming to the said place, he was depairted," &c.--(Wodrow Miscellany, vol. i. p. 70.)

[1023] Crichton Castle, now in ruins, was formerly a place of considerable strength, with an interior quadrangle. At this time it belonged to the Earl of Bothwell. It is situated in the parish of that name, in the east part of Mid-Lothian, about eleven miles from Edinburgh.

[1024] The name is left blank in all the MSS.

[1025] In Vautr. edit. "The first departing of."

[1026] In Vautr. edit. "Bannantine;" in MS. G, "b.e.l.l.e.n.den." Sir John b.e.l.l.e.n.den has frequently been mentioned: see pages 358, 400.

[1027] Mr. Gawyn Hamilton: in MS. G. is added, "Abbote of Kilwynning:"

see note 778.

[1028] Vautr. edit. makes this, "of their infants losse." It is the French phrase, "Les enfans perdus d'une armee," the forlorn hope of an army.

[1029] Lord Robert Stewart was the natural son of James the Fifth, by Euphemia Elphinstone. He had a grant of the Abbacy of Holyrood in 1539, while yet an infant; Alexander Myln, Commendator of Cambuskenneth, being administrator. He joined the Reformers, and approved of the Confession of Faith in 1560. In 1569, he exchanged his Abbacy with Adam Bothwell, Bishop of Orkney, for the temporalities of that Bishop.r.i.c.k. His lands in Orkney and Zetland were erected into an Earldom in his favour, 28th October 1581.

[1030] In MS. G, "The Capitain of the Castell." Vautr. edit. is the same as the text, in omitting these words.

[1031] In MS. G. and Vautr. edit. "victorious souldiours," or "soldiers."

[1032] In the MS. of 1566, "pause."

[1033] Or, "I think you have bought it without money."

[1034] Sir John Maxwell, who afterwards, in his wife's right, as co-heiress, a.s.sumed the t.i.tle of Lord Herries. See note 769.

[1035] Knox has here mistaken the particular days: Wednesday was the first, and Monday the sixth of November.

[1036] The persons here named were Ker of Cessfurd, and Ker of Pharnihurst.

[1037] Monday was the sixth of November: see above, note 1.

[1038] In MS. G, "for keiping;" in Vautr. edit. "keeping."

[1039] In MS. G. and Vautr. edit. "corner."

[1040] In MS. G, "neir."

[1041] The village of Restalrig is situated about half a mile to the north-east of Holyrood House. It was formerly a place of some importance, and contained a collegiate Church, founded by King James the Second, with a Dean, nine prebendaries, and two singing-boys. A portion of this Church has been restored, and fitted up as a place of wors.h.i.+p in connexion with the Parish Church of South Leith. The _myre_ was no doubt that low marshy ground, formerly covered with water, which extended to the precincts, or "the park-d.y.k.e," of the Palace and Abbey of Holyrood.

In a lease of the Park of Holyroodhouse, to "John Huntar, burgess of the Cannogait," a special charge is included "for uphalding and repairing of our said Park d.y.k.e, and casteing and redding of the fowseis about the medowis," &c.; and also for "the keping of the said Park, the Abbotis medow, _and groundless myre_ within the same." 20th March 1564-5.--(Register of Signatures, vol. i.)

Sadler and Crofts, in a letter written about the 7th of November 1559, (vol. i. p. 554,) have given an account of this skirmish, fought at Restalrig on the previous day, on which occasion the Protestant party, commanded by the Earl of Arran and Lord James Stewart, were surrounded in the marshy ground, and their retreat to Edinburgh only accomplished with a loss of thirty men slain, and forty taken prisoners.

[1042] In Vautr. edit. "parke dich."

[1043] MS. G. omits "awin;" in Vautr. edit. it is, "owne."

[1044] Captain Alexander Halyburton, at page 360, is mentioned by Knox as the brother of James Halyburton, Provost of Dundee, with whom he is by some modern writers confounded. He had previously been in the Queen's service, as in August 1555, he received 75, for his pension of the Whitsunday term.--(Treasurer's Accounts.) Bishop Lesley, in his account of this skirmish, which he places about the end of September, says, that the French troops were "not content to be sieged within the toun" of Leith; "at last, thay come fordwarte with their hoill forces, purposing to invayde the toune of Edinburgh; bot the Scottis men come furth of the toun, albeit out of ordour, and encontered the Frenche men apoun the croftis besyde the Abbay of Holieruidhous, betuix Leithe and Edinburgh; quhair the Scottis men war put to flyte, and Capitane Alexander Halieburton with mony utheris was slayne, and the Frenche men persewit the chase evin to the poirtis of Edinburgh, and had maid gret slauchter, war not thair was twa gret cannonis schot furth of the Castell at the Frenche army, quhilk stayed thame frome forder persuit; so they retered agane to Leithe."--(History, p. 279.)

[1045] This sentence in MS. G. reads, "And thus with dolour of many, he ended his dolour within two hours efter the defate, and enter, we doubt not, in that blissit immortality, quhilk abydes all that beleve in Christ Jesus trewly." All the later MSS. correspond verbatim with Vautrollier's edit., which is the same with the text above, except the latter words, "within two hours after _our departure_."

[1046] The persons here mentioned as having been taken prisoners, were probably David Monypenny of Pitmilly, or his son David; Andrew Fernie of Fernie, in the parish of Monimail, the property having afterwards come by marriage into the family of Arnot; James Stewart, Master of Buchan, second son of John third Earl of Buchan, (his elder brother John having been killed at Pinkie in 1547); and George Lovell, a burgess of Dundee.

On the 4th November 1555, George Lovell, burgess of Dundee, and Margaret Rollok, his wife, had a charter under the Great Seal, of certain acres of land in the lords.h.i.+p of Dudhope, Forfars.h.i.+re. On the previous month, he obtained a letter of legitimation for his b.a.s.t.a.r.d son Alexander. In May 1559, Lovell was fined 40, by the Justice Depute, as security for Paul Methven, in consequence of his non-appearance at trial.

[1047] In the MS. of 1566, a blank s.p.a.ce is left here, and at the end of the next sentence, as if for the purpose of adding some farther details, which may explain the apparent want of connexion.

[1048] In MS. G, "schote." Vautr. edit. has "hurte."

[1049] All-hallow even, the last day of October, being the eve of Hallowmas, of All-Saints.

[1050] William Maitland, the eldest son of Sir Richard Maitland of Lethington, became Secretary to Queen Mary, in 1561.

[1051] In the orig. MS. "ceased."

[1052] MS. G. adds, "his Sister-son." Vautr. edit. omits these additional words.

[1053] In MS. G, "have stude;" in Vautr. edit. "wold have stood."

[1054] Wednesday was the 8th of November.

[1055] In the MS. of 1566, "this."

[1056] Verse 8, supplied from MS. G, is omitted in the MS. of 1566, and in Vautr. edit.

[1057] In MS. G, "forefathers;" in Vautr. edit. "auncient fathers."

[1058] In the MS. of 1566, "Duik" is often written "Duck."

[1059] In MS. G, "it be not so."

[1060] Vautr. edit. makes it, "pa.s.sed to Comishall."

[1061] See Sadler's Letters and State Papers, vol. i. pp. 601-604, for the instructions and other matters connected with the mission of William Maitland of Lethington to London at this time.

[1062] In MS. G, "The End of the Secund Buik:" Vautr. edit. has "Endeth," &c.

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