The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla Part 2

The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla -

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[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 37.]

It may also be stated that the core E is not indispensable to the operation of the regulator; but its presence is obviously beneficial. This regulator, however, has another valuable property in its capability of reversing the motor, for if the coil F be turned through a half-revolution, the position of its convolutions relatively to the two coils C C and to the lines of force is reversed, and consequently the phases of the current will be reversed. This will produce a rotation of the motor in an opposite direction. This form of regulator is also applied with great advantage to Mr. Tesla's system of utilizing alternating currents, in which the magnetic poles of the field of a motor are progressively s.h.i.+fted by means of the combined effects upon the field of magnetizing coils included in independent circuits, through which pa.s.s alternating currents in proper order and relations to each other.

In Fig. 37, let P represent a Tesla generator having two independent coils, P' and P", on the armature, and T a diagram of a motor having two independent energizing coils or sets of coils, R R'. One of the circuits from the generator, as S' S', includes one set, R' R', of the energizing coils of the motor, while the other circuit, as S S, includes the primary coils of the regulator. The secondary coil of the regulator includes the other coils, R R, of the motor.

While the secondary coil of the regulator is in its normal position, it produces its maximum current, and the maximum rotary effect is imparted to the motor; but this effect will be diminished in proportion to the angle at which the coil F of the regulator is turned. The motor will also be reversed by reversing the position of the coil with reference to the coils C C, and thereby reversing the phases of the current produced by the generator. This changes the direction of the movement of the s.h.i.+fting poles which the armature follows.

One of the main advantages of this plan of regulation is its economy of power. When the induced coil is generating its maximum current, the maximum amount of energy in the primary coils is absorbed; but as the induced coil is turned from its normal position the self-induction of the primary-coils reduces the expenditure of energy and saves power.

It is obvious that in practice either coils C C or coil F may be used as primary or secondary, and it is well understood that their relative proportions may be varied to produce any desired difference or similarity in the inducing and induced currents.



In the first chapters of this section we have, bearing in mind the broad underlying principle, considered a distinct cla.s.s of motors, namely, such as require for their operation a special generator capable of yielding currents of differing phase. As a matter of course, Mr. Tesla recognizing the desirability of utilizing his motors in connection with ordinary systems of distribution, addressed himself to the task of inventing various methods and ways of achieving this object. In the succeeding chapters, therefore, we witness the evolution of a number of ideas bearing upon this important branch of work. It must be obvious to a careful reader, from a number of hints encountered here and there, that even the inventions described in these chapters to follow do not represent the full scope of the work done in these lines. They might, indeed, be regarded as exemplifications.

We will present these various inventions in the order which to us appears the most helpful to an understanding of the subject by the majority of readers. It will be naturally perceived that in offering a series of ideas of this nature, wherein some of the steps or links are missing, the descriptions are not altogether sequential; but any one who follows carefully the main drift of the thoughts now brought together will find that a satisfactory comprehension of the principles can be gained.

As is well known, certain forms of alternating-current machines have the property, when connected in circuit with an alternating current generator, of running as a motor in synchronism therewith; but, while the alternating current will run the motor after it has attained a rate of speed synchronous with that of the generator, it will not start it. Hence, in all instances heretofore where these "synchronizing motors," as they are termed, have been run, some means have been adopted to bring the motors up to synchronism with the generator, or approximately so, before the alternating current of the generator is applied to drive them. In some instances mechanical appliances have been utilized for this purpose. In others special and complicated forms of motor have been constructed. Mr. Tesla has discovered a much more simple method or plan of operating synchronizing motors, which requires practically no other apparatus than the motor itself. In other words, by a certain change in the circuit connections of the motor he converts it at will from a double circuit motor, or such as have been already described, and which will start under the action of an alternating current, into a synchronizing motor, or one which will be run by the generator only when it has reached a certain speed of rotation synchronous with that of the generator. In this manner he is enabled to extend very greatly the applications of his system and to secure all the advantages of both forms of alternating current motor.

The expression "synchronous with that of the generator," is used here in its ordinary acceptation--that is to say, a motor is said to synchronize with the generator when it preserves a certain relative speed determined by its number of poles and the number of alternations produced per revolution of the generator. Its actual speed, therefore, may be faster or slower than that of the generator; but it is said to be synchronous so long as it preserves the same relative speed.

In carrying out this invention Mr. Tesla constructs a motor which has a strong tendency to synchronism with the generator. The construction preferred is that in which the armature is provided with polar projections. The field-magnets are wound with two sets of coils, the terminals of which are connected to a switch mechanism, by means of which the line-current may be carried directly through these coils or indirectly through paths by which its phases are modified. To start such a motor, the switch is turned on to a set of contacts which includes in one motor circuit a dead resistance, in the other an inductive resistance, and, the two circuits being in derivation, it is obvious that the difference in phase of the current in such circuits will set up a rotation of the motor. When the speed of the motor has thus been brought to the desired rate the switch is s.h.i.+fted to throw the main current directly through the motor-circuits, and although the currents in both circuits will now be of the same phase the motor will continue to revolve, becoming a true synchronous motor. To secure greater efficiency, the armature or its polar projections are wound with coils closed on themselves.

In the accompanying diagrams, Fig. 38 ill.u.s.trates the details of the plan above set forth, and Figs. 39 and 40 modifications of the same.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIGS. 38, 39 and 40.]

Referring to Fig. 38, let A designate the field-magnets of a motor, the polar projections of which are wound with coils B C included in independent circuits, and D the armature with polar projections wound with coils E closed upon themselves, the motor in these respects being similar in construction to those described already, but having on account of the polar projections on the armature core, or other similar and well-known features, the properties of a synchronizing-motor. L L' represents the conductors of a line from an alternating current generator G.

Near the motor is placed a switch the action of which is that of the one shown in the diagrams, which is constructed as follows: F F' are two conducting plates or arms, pivoted at their ends and connected by an insulating cross-bar, H, so as to be s.h.i.+fted in parallelism. In the path of the bars F F' is the contact 2, which forms one terminal of the circuit through coils C, and the contact 4, which is one terminal of the circuit through coils B. The opposite end of the wire of coils C is connected to the wire L or bar F', and the corresponding end of coils B is connected to wire L' and bar F; hence if the bars be s.h.i.+fted so as to bear on contacts 2 and 4 both sets of coils B C will be included in the circuit L L' in multiple arc or derivation. In the path of the levers F F' are two other contact terminals, 1 and 3. The contact 1 is connected to contact 2 through an artificial resistance, I, and contact 3 with contact 4 through a self-induction coil, J, so that when the switch levers are s.h.i.+fted upon the points 1 and 3 the circuits of coils B and C will be connected in multiple arc or derivation to the circuit L L', and will include the resistance and self-induction coil respectively. A third position of the switch is that in which the levers F and F' are s.h.i.+fted out of contact with both sets of points. In this case the motor is entirely out of circuit.

The purpose and manner of operating the motor by these devices are as follows: The normal position of the switch, the motor being out of circuit, is off the contact points. a.s.suming the generator to be running, and that it is desired to start the motor, the switch is s.h.i.+fted until its levers rest upon points 1 and 3. The two motor-circuits are thus connected with the generator circuit; but by reason of the presence of the resistance I in one and the self-induction coil J in the other the coincidence of the phases of the current is disturbed sufficiently to produce a progression of the poles, which starts the motor in rotation. When the speed of the motor has run up to synchronism with the generator, or approximately so, the switch is s.h.i.+fted over upon the points 2 and 4, thus cutting out the coils I and J, so that the currents in both circuits have the same phase; but the motor now runs as a synchronous motor.

It will be understood that when brought up to speed the motor will run with only one of the circuits B or C connected with the main or generator circuit, or the two circuits may be connected in series. This latter plan is preferable when a current having a high number of alternations per unit of time is employed to drive the motor. In such case the starting of the motor is more difficult, and the dead and inductive resistances must take up a considerable proportion of the electromotive force of the circuits. Generally the conditions are so adjusted that the electromotive force used in each of the motor circuits is that which is required to operate the motor when its circuits are in series. The plan followed in this case is ill.u.s.trated in Fig. 39. In this instance the motor has twelve poles and the armature has polar projections D wound with closed coils E. The switch used is of substantially the same construction as that shown in the previous figure. There are, however, five contacts, designated as 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The motor-circuits B C, which include alternate field-coils, are connected to the terminals in the following order: One end of circuit C is connected to contact 9 and to contact 5 through a dead resistance, I. One terminal of circuit B is connected to contact 7 and to contact 6 through a self-induction coil, J. The opposite terminals of both circuits are connected to contact 8.

One of the levers, as F, of the switch is made with an extension, f, or otherwise, so as to cover both contacts 5 and 6 when s.h.i.+fted into the position to start the motor. It will be observed that when in this position and with lever F' on contact 8 the current divides between the two circuits B C, which from their difference in electrical character produce a progression of the poles that starts the motor in rotation. When the motor has attained the proper speed, the switch is s.h.i.+fted so that the levers cover the contacts 7 and 9, thereby connecting circuits B and C in series. It is found that by this disposition the motor is maintained in rotation in synchronism with the generator. This principle of operation, which consists in converting by a change of connections or otherwise a double-circuit motor, or one operating by a progressive s.h.i.+fting of the poles, into an ordinary synchronizing motor may be carried out in many other ways. For instance, instead of using the switch shown in the previous figures, we may use a temporary ground circuit between the generator and motor, in order to start the motor, in substantially the manner indicated in Fig. 40. Let G in this figure represent an ordinary alternating-current generator with, say, two poles, M M', and an armature wound with two coils, N N', at right angles and connected in series. The motor has, for example, four poles wound with coils B C, which are connected in series, and an armature with polar projections D wound with closed coils E E. From the common joint or union between the two circuits of both the generator and the motor an earth connection is established, while the terminals or ends of these circuits are connected to the line. a.s.suming that the motor is a synchronizing motor or one that has the capability of running in synchronism with the generator, but not of starting, it may be started by the above-described apparatus by closing the ground connection from both generator and motor. The system thus becomes one with a two-circuit generator and motor, the ground forming a common return for the currents in the two circuits L and L'. When by this arrangement of circuits the motor is brought to speed, the ground connection is broken between the motor or generator, or both, ground-switches P P' being employed for this purpose. The motor then runs as a synchronizing motor.

In describing the main features which const.i.tute this invention ill.u.s.trations have necessarily been omitted of the appliances used in conjunction with the electrical devices of similar systems--such, for instance, as driving-belts, fixed and loose pulleys for the motor, and the like; but these are matters well understood.

Mr. Tesla believes he is the first to operate electro-magnetic motors by alternating currents in any of the ways herein described--that is to say, by producing a progressive movement or rotation of their poles or points of greatest magnetic attraction by the alternating currents until they have reached a given speed, and then by the same currents producing a simple alternation of their poles, or, in other words, by a change in the order or character of the circuit connections to convert a motor operating on one principle to one operating on another.



A description is given elsewhere of a method of operating alternating current motors by first rotating their magnetic poles until they have attained synchronous speed, and then alternating the poles. The motor is thus transformed, by a simple change of circuit connections from one operated by the action of two or more independent energizing currents to one operated either by a single current or by several currents acting as one. Another way of doing this will now be described.

At the start the magnetic poles of one element or field of the motor are progressively s.h.i.+fted by alternating currents differing in phase and pa.s.sed through independent energizing circuits, and short circuit the coils of the other element. When the motor thus started reaches or the limit of speed synchronous with the generator, Mr. Tesla connects up the coils previously short-circuited with a source of direct current and by a change of the circuit connections produces a simple alternation of the poles. The motor then continues to run in synchronism with the generator. The motor here shown in Fig. 41 is one of the ordinary forms, with field-cores either laminated or solid and with a cylindrical laminated armature wound, for example, with the coils A B at right angles. The shaft of the armature carries three collecting or contact rings C D E. (Shown, for better ill.u.s.tration, as of different diameters.) One end of coil A connects to one ring, as C, and one end of coil B connects with ring D. The remaining ends are connected to ring E. Collecting springs or brushes F G H bear upon the rings and lead to the contacts of a switch, to be presently described. The field-coils have their terminals in binding-posts K K, and may be either closed upon themselves or connected with a source of direct current L, by means of a switch M. The main or controlling switch has five contacts a b c d e and two levers f g, pivoted and connected by an insulating cross-bar h, so as to move in parallelism. These levers are connected to the line wires from a source of alternating currents N. Contact a is connected to brush G and coil B through a dead resistance R and wire P. Contact b is connected with brush F and coil A through a self-induction coil S and wire O. Contacts c and e are connected to brushes G F, respectively, through the wires P O, and contact d is directly connected with brush H. The lever f has a widened end, which may span the contacts a b. When in such position and with lever g on contact d, the alternating currents divide between the two motor-coils, and by reason of their different self-induction a difference of current-phase is obtained that starts the motor in rotation. In starting, the field-coils are short circuited.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 41.]

When the motor has attained the desired speed, the switch is s.h.i.+fted to the position shown in dotted lines--that is to say, with the levers f g resting on points c e. This connects up the two armature coils in series, and the motor will then run as a synchronous motor. The field-coils are thrown into circuit with the direct current source when the main switch is s.h.i.+fted.



One of the general ways followed by Mr. Tesla in developing his rotary phase motors is to produce practically independent currents differing primarily in phase and to pa.s.s these through the motor-circuits. Another way is to produce a single alternating current, to divide it between the motor-circuits, and to effect artificially a lag in one of these circuits or branches, as by giving to the circuits different self-inductive capacity, and in other ways. In the former case, in which the necessary difference of phase is primarily effected in the generation of currents, in some instances, the currents are pa.s.sed through the energizing coils of both elements of the motor--the field and armature; but a further result or modification may be obtained by doing this under the conditions hereinafter specified in the case of motors in which the lag, as above stated, is artificially secured.

Figs. 42 to 47, inclusive, are diagrams of different ways in which the invention is carried out; and Fig. 48, a side view of a form of motor used by Mr. Tesla for this purpose.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIGS. 42, 43 and 44.]

A B in Fig. 42 indicate the two energizing circuits of a motor, and C D two circuits on the armature. Circuit or coil A is connected in series with circuit or coil C, and the two circuits B D are similarly connected. Between coils A and C is a contact-ring e, forming one terminal of the latter, and a brush a, forming one terminal of the former. A ring d and brush c similarly connect coils B and D. The opposite terminals of the field-coils connect to one binding post h of the motor, and those of the armature coils are similarly connected to the opposite binding post i through a contact-ring f and brush g. Thus each motor-circuit while in derivation to the other includes one armature and one field coil. These circuits are of different self-induction, and may be made so in various ways. For the sake of clearness, an artificial resistance R is shown in one of these circuits, and in the other a self-induction coil S. When an alternating current is pa.s.sed through this motor it divides between its two energizing-circuits. The higher self-induction of one circuit produces a greater r.e.t.a.r.dation or lag in the current therein than in the other. The difference of phase between the two currents effects the rotation or s.h.i.+fting of the points of maximum magnetic effect that secures the rotation of the armature. In certain respects this plan of including both armature and field coils in circuit is a marked improvement. Such a motor has a good torque at starting; yet it has also considerable tendency to synchronism, owing to the fact that when properly constructed the maximum magnetic effects in both armature and field coincide--a condition which in the usual construction of these motors with closed armature coils is not readily attained. The motor thus constructed exhibits too, a better regulation of current from no load to load, and there is less difference between the apparent and real energy expended in running it. The true synchronous speed of this form of motor is that of the generator when both are alike--that is to say, if the number of the coils on the armature and on the field is x, the motor will run normally at the same speed as a generator driving it if the number of field magnets or poles of the same be also x.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIGS. 45, 46 and 47.]

Fig. 43 shows a somewhat modified arrangement of circuits. There is in this case but one armature coil E, the winding of which maintains effects corresponding to the resultant poles produced by the two field-circuits.

Fig. 44 represents a disposition in which both armature and field are wound with two sets of coils, all in multiple arc to the line or main circuit. The armature coils are wound to correspond with the field-coils with respect to their self-induction. A modification of this plan is shown in Fig. 45--that is to say, the two field coils and two armature coils are in derivation to themselves and in series with one another. The armature coils in this case, as in the previous figure, are wound for different self-induction to correspond with the field coils.

Another modification is shown in Fig. 46. In this case only one armature-coil, as D, is included in the line-circuit, while the other, as C, is short-circuited.

In such a disposition as that shown in Fig. 43, or where only one armature-coil is employed, the torque on the start is somewhat reduced, while the tendency to synchronism is somewhat increased. In such a disposition as shown in Fig. 46, the opposite conditions would exist. In both instances, however, there is the advantage of dispensing with one contact-ring.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 48.]

In Fig. 46 the two field-coils and the armature-coil D are in multiple arc. In Fig. 47 this disposition is modified, coil D being shown in series with the two field-coils.

Fig. 48 is an outline of the general form of motor in which this invention is embodied. The circuit connections between the armature and field coils are made, as indicated in the previous figures, through brushes and rings, which are not shown.



In a preceding chapter we have described a method by which Mr. Tesla accomplishes the change in his type of rotating field motor from a torque to a synchronizing motor. As will be observed, the desired end is there reached by a change in the circuit connections at the proper moment. We will now proceed to describe another way of bringing about the same result. The principle involved in this method is as follows:-- If an alternating current be pa.s.sed through the field coils only of a motor having two energizing circuits of different self-induction and the armature coils be short-circuited, the motor will have a strong torque, but little or no tendency to synchronism with the generator; but if the same current which energizes the field be pa.s.sed also through the armature coils the tendency to remain in synchronism is very considerably increased. This is due to the fact that the maximum magnetic effects produced in the field and armature more nearly coincide. On this principle Mr. Tesla constructs a motor having independent field circuits of different self-induction, which are joined in derivation to a source of alternating currents. The armature is wound with one or more coils, which are connected with the field coils through contact rings and brushes, and around the armature coils a shunt is arranged with means for opening or closing the same. In starting this motor the shunt is closed around the armature coils, which will therefore be in closed circuit. When the current is directed through the motor, it divides between the two circuits, (it is not necessary to consider any case where there are more than two circuits used), which, by reason of their different self-induction, secure a difference of phase between the two currents in the two branches, that produces a s.h.i.+fting or rotation of the poles. By the alternations of current, other currents are induced in the closed--or short-circuited--armature coils and the motor has a strong torque. When the desired speed is reached, the shunt around the armature-coils is opened and the current directed through both armature and field coils. Under these conditions the motor has a strong tendency to synchronism.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIGS. 49, 50 and 51.]

In Fig. 49, A and B designate the field coils of the motor. As the circuits including these coils are of different self-induction, this is represented by a resistance coil R in circuit with A, and a self-induction coil S in circuit with B. The same result may of course be secured by the winding of the coils. C is the armature circuit, the terminals of which are rings a b. Brushes c d bear on these rings and connect with the line and field circuits. D is the shunt or short circuit around the armature. E is the switch in the shunt.

It will be observed that in such a disposition as is ill.u.s.trated in Fig. 49, the field circuits A and B being of different self-induction, there will always be a greater lag of the current in one than the other, and that, generally, the armature phases will not correspond with either, but with the resultant of both. It is therefore important to observe the proper rule in winding the armature. For instance, if the motor have eight poles--four in each circuit--there will be four resultant poles, and hence the armature winding should be such as to produce four poles, in order to const.i.tute a true synchronizing motor.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 52.]

The diagram, Fig. 50, differs from the previous one only in respect to the order of connections. In the present case the armature-coil, instead of being in series with the field-coils, is in multiple arc therewith. The armature-winding may be similar to that of the field--that is to say, the armature may have two or more coils wound or adapted for different self-induction and adapted, preferably, to produce the same difference of phase as the field-coils. On starting the motor the shunt is closed around both coils. This is shown in Fig. 51, in which the armature coils are F G. To indicate their different electrical character, there are shown in circuit with them, respectively, the resistance R' and the self-induction coil S'. The two armature coils are in series with the field-coils and the same disposition of the shunt or short-circuit D is used. It is of advantage in the operation of motors of this kind to construct or wind the armature in such manner that when short-circuited on the start it will have a tendency to reach a higher speed than that which synchronizes with the generator. For example, a given motor having, say, eight poles should run, with the armature coil short-circuited, at two thousand revolutions per minute to bring it up to synchronism. It will generally happen, however, that this speed is not reached, owing to the fact that the armature and field currents do not properly correspond, so that when the current is pa.s.sed through the armature (the motor not being quite up to synchronism) there is a liability that it will not "hold on," as it is termed. It is preferable, therefore, to so wind or construct the motor that on the start, when the armature coils are short-circuited, the motor will tend to reach a speed higher than the synchronous--as for instance, double the latter. In such case the difficulty above alluded to is not felt, for the motor will always hold up to synchronism if the synchronous speed--in the case supposed of two thousand revolutions--is reached or pa.s.sed. This may be accomplished in various ways; but for all practical purposes the following will suffice: On the armature are wound two sets of coils. At the start only one of these is short-circuited, thereby producing a number of poles on the armature, which will tend to run the speed up above the synchronous limit. When such limit is reached or pa.s.sed, the current is directed through the other coil, which, by increasing the number of armature poles, tends to maintain synchronism.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 53.]

In Fig. 52, such a disposition is shown. The motor having, say, eight poles contains two field-circuits A and B, of different self-induction. The armature has two coils F and G. The former is closed upon itself, the latter connected with the field and line through contact-rings a b, brushes c d, and a switch E. On the start the coil F alone is active and the motor tends to run at a speed above the synchronous; but when the coil G is connected to the circuit the number of armature poles is increased, while the motor is made a true synchronous motor. This disposition has the advantage that the closed armature-circuit imparts to the motor torque when the speed falls off, but at the same time the conditions are such that the motor comes out of synchronism more readily. To increase the tendency to synchronism, two circuits may be used on the armature, one of which is short-circuited on the start and both connected with the external circuit after the synchronous speed is reached or pa.s.sed. This disposition is shown in Fig. 53. There are three contact-rings a b e and three brushes c d f, which connect the armature circuits with the external circuit. On starting, the switch H is turned to complete the connection between one binding-post P and the field-coils. This short-circuits one of the armature-coils, as G. The other coil F is out of circuit and open. When the motor is up to speed, the switch H is turned back, so that the connection from binding-post P to the field coils is through the coil G, and switch K is closed, thereby including coil F in multiple arc with the field coils. Both armature coils are thus active.

From the above-described instances it is evident that many other dispositions for carrying out the invention are possible.



The following description deals with another form of motor, namely, depending on "magnetic lag" or hysteresis, its peculiarity being that in it the attractive effects or phases while lagging behind the phases of current which produce them, are manifested simultaneously and not successively. The phenomenon utilized thus at an early stage by Mr. Tesla, was not generally believed in by scientific men, and Prof. Ayrton was probably first to advocate it or to elucidate the reason of its supposed existence.

Fig. 54 is a side view of the motor, in elevation. Fig. 55 is a part-sectional view at right angles to Fig. 54. Fig. 56 is an end view in elevation and part section of a modification, and Fig. 57 is a similar view of another modification.

In Figs. 54 and 55, A designates a base or stand, and B B the supporting-frame of the motor. Bolted to the supporting-frame are two magnetic cores or pole-pieces C C', of iron or soft steel. These may be subdivided or laminated, in which case hard iron or steel plates or bars should be used, or they should be wound with closed coils. D is a circular disc armature, built up of sections or plates of iron and mounted in the frame between the pole-pieces C C', curved to conform to the circular shape thereof. This disc may be wound with a number of closed coils E. F F are the main energizing coils, supported by the supporting-frame, so as to include within their magnetizing influence both the pole-pieces C C' and the armature D. The pole-pieces C C' project out beyond the coils F F on opposite sides, as indicated in the drawings. If an alternating current be pa.s.sed through the coils F F, rotation of the armature will be produced, and this rotation is explained by the following apparent action, or mode of operation: An impulse of current in the coils F F establishes two polarities in the motor. The protruding end of pole-piece C, for instance, will be of one sign, and the corresponding end of pole-piece C' will be of the opposite sign. The armature also exhibits two poles at right angles to the coils F F, like poles to those in the pole-pieces being on the same side of the coils. While the current is flowing there is no appreciable tendency to rotation developed; but after each current impulse ceases or begins to fall, the magnetism in the armature and in the ends of the pole-pieces C C' lags or continues to manifest itself, which produces a rotation of the armature by the repellent force between the more closely approximating points of maximum magnetic effect. This effect is continued by the reversal of current, the polarities of field and armature being simply reversed. One or both of the elements--the armature or field--may be wound with closed induced coils to intensify this effect. Although in the ill.u.s.trations but one of the fields is shown, each element of the motor really const.i.tutes a field, wound with the closed coils, the currents being induced mainly in those convolutions or coils which are parallel to the coils F F.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 54.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 55.]

A modified form of this motor is shown in Fig. 56. In this form G is one of two standards that support the bearings for the armature-shaft. H H are uprights or sides of a frame, preferably magnetic, the ends C C' of which are bent in the manner indicated, to conform to the shape of the armature D and form field-magnet poles. The construction of the armature may be the same as in the previous figure, or it may be simply a magnetic disc or cylinder, as shown, and a coil or coils F F are secured in position to surround both the armature and the poles C C'. The armature is detachable from its shaft, the latter being pa.s.sed through the armature after it has been inserted in position. The operation of this form of motor is the same in principle as that previously described and needs no further explanation.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 56.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 57.]

One of the most important features in alternating current motors is, however, that they should be adapted to and capable of running efficiently on the alternating circuits in present use, in which almost without exception the generators yield a very high number of alternations. Such a motor, of the type under consideration, Mr. Tesla has designed by a development of the principle of the motor shown in Fig. 56, making a multipolar motor, which is ill.u.s.trated in Fig. 57. In the construction of this motor he employs an annular magnetic frame J, with inwardly-extending ribs or projections K, the ends of which all bend or turn in one direction and are generally shaped to conform to the curved surface of the armature. Coils F F are wound from one part K to the one next adjacent, the ends or loops of each coil or group of wires being carried over toward the shaft, so as to form U-shaped groups of convolutions at each end of the armature. The pole-pieces C C', being substantially concentric with the armature, form ledges, along which the coils are laid and should project to some extent beyond the the coils, as shown. The cylindrical or drum armature D is of the same construction as in the other motors described, and is mounted to rotate within the annular frame J and between the U-shaped ends or bends of the coils F. The coils F are connected in multiple or in series with a source of alternating currents, and are so wound that with a current or current impulse of given direction they will make the alternate pole-pieces C of one polarity and the other pole-pieces C' of the opposite polarity. The principle of the operation of this motor is the same as the other above described, for, considering any two pole-pieces C C', a current impulse pa.s.sing in the coil which bridges them or is wound over both tends to establish polarities in their ends of opposite sign and to set up in the armature core between them a polarity of the same sign as that of the nearest pole-piece C. Upon the fall or cessation of the current impulse that established these polarities the magnetism which lags behind the current phase, and which continues to manifest itself in the polar projections C C' and the armature, produces by repulsion a rotation of the armature. The effect is continued by each reversal of the current. What occurs in the case of one pair of pole-pieces occurs simultaneously in all, so that the tendency to rotation of the armature is measured by the sum of all the forces exerted by the pole-pieces, as above described. In this motor also the magnetic lag or effect is intensified by winding one or both cores with closed induced coils. The armature core is shown as thus wound. When closed coils are used, the cores should be laminated.

It is evident that a pulsatory as well as an alternating current might be used to drive or operate the motors above described.

It will be understood that the degree of subdivision, the ma.s.s of the iron in the cores, their size and the number of alternations in the current employed to run the motor, must be taken into consideration in order to properly construct this motor. In other words, in all such motors the proper relations between the number of alternations and the ma.s.s, size, or quality of the iron must be preserved in order to secure the best results.



In that cla.s.s of motors in which two or more sets of energizing magnets are employed, and in which by artificial means a certain interval of time is made to elapse between the respective maximum or minimum periods or phases of their magnetic attraction or effect, the interval or difference in phase between the two sets of magnets is limited in extent. It is desirable, however, for the economical working of such motors that the strength or attraction of one set of magnets should be maximum, at the time when that of the other set is minimum, and conversely; but these conditions have not heretofore been realized except in cases where the two currents have been obtained from independent sources in the same or different machines. Mr. Tesla has therefore devised a motor embodying conditions that approach more nearly the theoretical requirements of perfect working, or in other words, he produces artificially a difference of magnetic phase by means of a current from a single primary source sufficient in extent to meet the requirements of practical and economical working. He employs a motor with two sets of energizing or field magnets, each wound with coils connected with a source of alternating or rapidly-varying currents, but forming two separate paths or circuits. The magnets of one set are protected to a certain extent from the energizing action of the current by means of a magnetic s.h.i.+eld or screen interposed between the magnet and its energizing coil. This s.h.i.+eld is properly adapted to the conditions of particular cases, so as to s.h.i.+eld or protect the main core from magnetization until it has become itself saturated and no longer capable of containing all the lines of force produced by the current. It will be seen that by this means the energizing action begins in the protected set of magnets a certain arbitrarily-determined period of time later than in the other, and that by this means alone or in conjunction with other means or devices heretofore employed a practical difference of magnetic phase may readily be secured.

Fig. 58 is a view of a motor, partly in section, with a diagram ill.u.s.trating the invention. Fig. 59 is a similar view of a modification of the same.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 58.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 59.]

In Fig. 58, which exhibits the simplest form of the invention, A A is the field-magnet of a motor, having, say, eight poles or inwardly-projecting cores B and C. The cores B form one set of magnets and are energized by coils D. The cores C, forming the other set are energized by coils E, and the coils are connected, preferably, in series with one another, in two derived or branched circuits, F G, respectively, from a suitable source of current. Each coil E is surrounded by a magnetic s.h.i.+eld H, which is preferably composed of an annealed, insulated, or oxidized iron wire wrapped or wound on the coils in the manner indicated so as to form a closed magnetic circuit around the coils and between the same and the magnetic cores C. Between the pole pieces or cores B C is mounted the armature K, which, as is usual in this type of machines, is wound with coils L closed upon themselves. The operation resulting from this disposition is as follows: If a current impulse be directed through the two circuits of the motor, it will quickly energize the cores B, but not so the cores C, for the reason that in pa.s.sing through the coils E there is encountered the influence of the closed magnetic circuits formed by the s.h.i.+elds H. The first effect is to r.e.t.a.r.d effectively the current impulse in circuit G, while at the same time the proportion of current which does pa.s.s does not magnetize the cores C, which are s.h.i.+elded or screened by the s.h.i.+elds H. As the increasing electromotive force then urges more current through the coils E, the iron wire H becomes magnetically saturated and incapable of carrying all the lines of force, and hence ceases to protect the cores C, which becomes magnetized, developing their maximum effect after an interval of time subsequent to the similar manifestation of strength in the other set of magnets, the extent of which is arbitrarily determined by the thickness of the s.h.i.+eld H, and other well-understood conditions.

From the above it will be seen that the apparatus or device acts in two ways. First, by r.e.t.a.r.ding the current, and, second, by r.e.t.a.r.ding the magnetization of one set of the cores, from which its effectiveness will readily appear.

Many modifications of the principle of this invention are possible. One useful and efficient application of the invention is shown in Fig. 59. In this figure a motor is shown similar in all respects to that above described, except that the iron wire H, which is wrapped around the coils E, is in this case connected in series with the coils D. The iron-wire coils H, are connected and wound, so as to have little or no self-induction, and being added to the resistance of the circuit F, the action of the current in that circuit will be accelerated, while in the other circuit G it will be r.e.t.a.r.ded. The s.h.i.+eld H may be made in many forms, as will be understood, and used in different ways, as appears from the foregoing description.

As a modification of his type of motor with "s.h.i.+elded" fields, Mr. Tesla has constructed a motor with a field-magnet having two sets of poles or inwardly-projecting cores and placed side by side, so as practically to form two fields of force and alternately disposed--that is to say, with the poles of one set or field opposite the s.p.a.ces between the other. He then connects the free ends of one set of poles by means of laminated iron bands or bridge-pieces of considerably smaller cross-section than the cores themselves, whereby the cores will all form parts of complete magnetic circuits. When the coils on each set of magnets are connected in multiple circuits or branches from a source of alternating currents, electromotive forces are set up in or impressed upon each circuit simultaneously; but the coils on the magnetically bridged or shunted cores will have, by reason of the closed magnetic circuits, a high self-induction, which r.e.t.a.r.ds the current, permitting at the beginning of each impulse but little current to pa.s.s. On the other hand, no such opposition being encountered in the other set of coils, the current freely through them, magnetizing the poles on which they are wound. As soon, however, as the laminated bridges become saturated and incapable of carrying all the lines of force which the rising electromotive force, and consequently increased current, produce, free poles are developed at the ends of the cores, which, acting in conjunction with the others, produce rotation of the armature.

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