European Diary, 1977-1981 Part 37

European Diary, 1977-1981 -

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27 Using the Social Fund to ease the consequence of the rundown in the steel industry.

28 Sir Geoffrey de Freitas, 191382, Labour MP 194561 and 196479. High Commissioner to Ghana and Kenya in the interval. A Strasbourg figure since 1951 and President of the a.s.sembly of the Council of Europe 19669.

29 Michael Murphy, b. 1919, was the first President of the Cour des Comptes 197781.

30 Sir John Eden, b. 1925, cr. Lord Eden of Winton 1983, was Conservative MP for Bournemouth 195483 and a middle-rank minister 19704.

31 Sir Peter Parker, b. 1924, was Chairman of British Rail 197683. Now Chairman of the Rockware Group and a member of many other boards.

32 Sir Richard Sykes, 192079, had been a Deputy Under-Secretary in the Foreign Office before going to The Hague in 1977.

33 Baroness Gaitskell, cr. 1963, is the widow of Hugh Gaitskell.

34 Sir Con O'Neill, 191287, twice resigned from the foreign service before becoming Amba.s.sador to the EEC 19635. Director of the Britain in Europe campaign for the 1975 referendum.

35 The paper was closed down from November 1978 to November 1979.

36 Douglas Stuart was a well-known BBC commentator.

37 Airey Neave, 191679, was Conservative MP for Abingdon 195379, and Opposition spokesman on Northern Ireland from 1975.

38 Robin Leigh-Pemberton, b. 1927, has been Governor of the Bank of England since 1983.

39 My mildly mocking name for the Ortoli, Gundelach, Davignon, Jenkins quartet.

40 It survived eighty years of railway owners.h.i.+p much better than it has since survived eight years of privatization.

41 Sir Peter Wakefield, b. 1922, came to Belgium after three years as Amba.s.sador to the Lebanon. Since 1982, Director of the National Art Collection Fund.

42 Nicholas Davenport, 18931979, was a radical stockbroker and financial commentator, whose heterodox views did not prevent him making enough money to acquire a regicide's fine mansion near Faringdon in which he much entertained, inter alia, Hugh Dalton and Richard Crossman.

43 John Beaven, b. 1910, cr. Lord Ardwick 1970, was London editor of the Manchester Guardian 194655, editor of the Daily Herald 19602, and political adviser to the Mirror Group 196276 (hence his interest in Cecil King and Hugh Cudlipp).

44 Sir Alexander Glen, b. 1912, was Chairman of the British Tourist Authority 196977.

45 Edmund Muskie, b. 1914, was Governor of Maine 19559, Senator for that state 195980, and US Secretary of State 19801.

46 Joan Littlewood founded the Theatre Workshop in 1945 and subsequently did many productions at the Theatre Royal, Stratford. Went to work in France 1975 and was largely responsible in the early 1980s for an unfortunate autobiography published by Philippe de Rothschild.

47 African, Caribbean and Pacific (i.e. Lome) countries.

48 Sir Derek Ezra, b. 1919, cr. Lord Ezra 1983, was Chairman of the National Coal Board 197182.

49 George Younger, b. 1931, was Secretary of State for Scotland 197986, and is now Secretary of State for Defence.

50 Not many of them now left.

51 (Sir) Charles Morrison, b. 1932, has been Conservative MP for Devizes since 1964. Sara Morrison, b. 1934, is a director of GEC.

52 For the signing of the treaty admitting Greece into the Community.

53 (Dame) Judith Hart, cr. Baroness Hart of Lanark 1987, was Labour MP for Lanark 195987, and holder of various middle-rank offices at periods between 1964 and 1979.

54 Wilfried Martens, b. 1936, has since been Prime Minister of Belgium 197981,19815 and from October 1985.

55 Sir Billy Snedden, 192687, had led the Liberal Party in opposition 19725.

56 A unanimous decision of governments is required to override the Commission on such a matter.

1 Joo de Freitas-Cruz, b. 1925, a professional diplomat, was Portuguese Foreign Minister 197880, and Amba.s.sador in London 19803.

2 La Prieure was a sort of pavilion in the grounds of the Chateau de Val d.u.c.h.esse.

3 Fred Mulley, b. 1918, cr. Lord Mulley 1984, was Secretary of State for Education 19756, and for Defence 19769.

4 Neologism for British Permanent Representation to the Community.

5 So much so that we changed from the Sofitel to the Terminus-Gruber for the subsequent eighteen months of our visits to Strasbourg.

6 (Sir) Leslie Fielding, b. 1932, was then head of the Commission Delegation in j.a.pan and is now Vice-Chancellor of Suss.e.x University.

7 I.e. they wanted to have a German, French, Italian etc. figure for oil imports in the communique and thus be able to complain to an individual government if it was over its level, whereas we wanted to keep room for virement within the Community.

8 Mark Boxer, 193188, cartoonist (Marc), and editor of the Tatler from 1983.

9 Lady Katherine Asquith, b. 1949, is the great granddaughter of the Liberal Prime Minister.

10 Patrick Trevor-Roper, b. 1916, is an ophthalmic surgeon and author.

11 Stavros Roussos, b. 1918, was Amba.s.sador to London 19749, and became Secretary-General of the Greek Foreign Ministry 19802.

12 Philip Noel-Baker, 18891982, cr. Lord Noel-Baker 1977, intermittently a Labour MP 192974, spent much time in Geneva on League of Nations business in the twenties and thirties (and was a great dancer).

13 Simone Veil, b. 1927, French Minister of Health 19749, President of the European Parliament 197982.

14 (Sir) Russell Johnston, b. 1932, has been Liberal MP for Inverness since 1964.

15 Giacinto Pannella, b. 1930, had founded the Movement for Civil Rights and Freedom 1974, member of the Camera dei Deputati 197686, MEP since 1979.

16 Mrs Barbara Castle, b. 1910, was MP for Blackburn 194579 and a fellow member with me of both Wilson Cabinets. She had been elected an MEP in June 1979, and became leader of the Labour Group in Strasbourg.

17 This hope was never put to the test, for he died six months later.

18 Peter Walker, b. 1932, MP for Worcester since 1961, has held a wide variety of Cabinet posts in both the Heath and Thatcher Governments. He was Minister of Agriculture 197983.

19 Professor Hugh Trevor-Roper, b. 1914, cr. Lord Dacre of Glanton 1979, was Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford 195780, before becoming Master of Peterhouse, Cambridge, 19807.

20 Mrs William Douglas-Home, b. 1929, following (at some delay) the death of her father who had been known by a higher t.i.tle, emerged as the Baroness Dacre (27th in line) in 1970. She was not enthusiastic about sharing it with Professor Trevor-Roper nine years later.

21 Jeremy Hutchinson QC, b. 1915, famous defence counsel, had been created Lord Hutchinson of Lullington in 1978.

22 John Grigg, b. 1924, author and journalist, succeeded his father as the 2nd Lord Altrincham in 1959, then disclaimed the t.i.tle when this became possible in 1963. Married to Patsy Grigg.

23 John Bayley, b. 1925, has been Warton Professor of English Literature at Oxford since 1974. Married to (Dame) Iris Murdoch, philosopher and novelist.

24 George Scott, 192 588, editor of the Listener 19749 and frequent Liberal candidate, had become head of the London office of the Commission earlier in 1979.

25 Towards the end of our 196870 sojourn in 11 Downing Street we had a.s.sembled on the staircase (with the help of [Sir] Roy Strong, then Director of the National Portrait Gallery) a collection of cartoons of previous Chancellors. I think we had deliberately avoided photographs in order to provide a variation from the No. 10 staircase decoration.

26 Current Brussels jargon for using the Community budget to help the poorer more than the richer countries. It therefore subsumed the problem of Britain's excessive budgetary contribution. 'Concurrent studies' and the 'reference paper' were other jargon phrases with the same meaning.

27 Roberto Ducci, b. 1914, was Italian Amba.s.sador to London 197580.

28 He was murdered four months later.

29 Madron Seligman, b. 1918, a friend from Balliol days, has been an MEP since 1979.

30 Uwe Kitzinger, b. 1928, had been a fellow of Nuffield College, Oxford, since 1956, was then Dean of INSEAD (197680) and is now Director of the Oxford Centre for Management Studies and head of Templeton College.

31 It was settled quickly and satisfactorily by that evening, in sharp contrast with pre-1971 'Bretton Woods' devaluations.

32 Bruno Kreisky, b. 1911, was Federal Chancellor of Austria 197083.

33 Rudolf Kirchschlager, b. 1915, was Foreign Minister 19704, and President of Austria 197486.

34 Brian Key, b. 1947, was the strongly pro-European Labour MEP for South Yorks.h.i.+re from 1979 to 1984, when he was not reselected.

35 (Sir) James Scott-Hopkins, b. 1921, was an MP 195979, and has been a Member of the European Parliament since 1973. He was leader of the European Democratic (Conservative) Group 197982.

36 Anwar Sadat, 191881, was President of Egypt from 1970 until his

37 Sir Michael Weir, b. 1925, was Amba.s.sador to Cairo 197985.

38 Pierre Bernard-Reymond, b. 1944, was a State Secretary at the Quaid'Orsay 197881. An MEP since 1981.

39 The Brussels habit was for All Saints Day on 1 November to form the core of a long holiday weekend.

40 The subject, of course, as was becoming perennially the case, was the British budgetary contribution.

41 (Sir) Michael Butler, b. 1927, replaced Sir Donald Maitland as British Permanent Representative to the European Community in October 1979 and served there until 1985.

42 President of the Central African Republic proclaimed himself Emperor and reigned for a fairly brief spell before being toppled from power with some French a.s.sistance. During his imperial period he was alleged to have given some unaccounted-for diamonds to President Giscard d'Estaing.

43 Which indeed led to van Agt being one of the most constructive people at Dublin.

44 John Horam, b. 1939, Labour and then SDP MP for Gateshead 197083. Bill Rodgers's, junior minister at the Department of Transport 19769.

45 Phillip Whitehead, b. 1937, was Labour MP for Derby 197083. He did not join the SDP. A television producer, he is Chairman of the New Statesman and of New Society since 1986.

46 Sir Geoffrey Chandler, b. 1922, came from Sh.e.l.l to be Director-General of the National Economic Development Organization 197682.

47 Colin Phipps, b. 1934, an oil exploration executive, was Labour MP for Dudley 19749.

48 Charles Haughey, b. 1925, having previously been successively Minister of Justice, Agriculture, Finance, and Health and Social Welfare between 1961 and 1979 then became Irish Prime Minister until 1981, from March to December 1982, and since February 1987.

49 Brian Lenihan, b. 1930, has been Irish Foreign Minister 19723, 197981 and since 1987.

50 Henry Grunwald, b. 1922 in Vienna, to which he has now returned as US Amba.s.sador.

51 Nigel Lawson, b. 1932, has been Chancellor of the Exchequer since 1983, but was then only Financial Secretary to the Treasury.

52 Sir Fred Warner, b. 1918, had been Amba.s.sador to j.a.pan 19725, before being elected a Conservative MEP 197984.

53 This timetable subsequently slipped by three years.

54 The reluctance sprang from breakfast as a working meal, not from Dohnanyi.

55 I.e. whether the catchment area of any new party was to be Labour members and supporters or more widely drawn to embrace those of other parties or of no party. I favoured the latter approach.

1 Then Chancellor of the Exchequer, not Foreign Secretary. The subject requiring a compromise agreement was of course the British budgetary dispute which, post-Dublin, was all-dominating.

2 He turned out not to be at all like Colin Phipps.

3 A small book had been compiled out of the letters of tribute which a remarkable variety of (mainly) American and British figures had written after his death. Evangeline Bruce asked me to write a summing-up, with which flattering but testing request I gladly complied.

4 In fact he went for Ruffini, who lasted only three months.

5 See entry for 12 May 1978. On this occasion they were staying with us after an official Lord Mayoral visit to the Commission.

6 Frank Giles, b. 1919, was deputy editor of the Sunday Times 196781, and editor 19813. Married to Lady Katherine (Kitty) Giles, nee Sackville.

7 Pieter Dankert, b. 1934, an MEP from the Netherlands since 1977, succeeded Simone Veil as President of the Parliament, 19824.

8 Jacob Javits, 190486, was Senator from New York 195786.

9 John J. McCloy, b. 1895, former High Commissioner in Germany, Chairman of the Ford Foundation 195365, Hon. Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations.

10 Sam Spiegel, formerly S. P. Eagle, 190485, was a film mogul who moved much in liberal political circles.

11 Lloyd Cutler, b. 1917, Was.h.i.+ngton Democrat and lawyer, was Counsel to the President 197981.

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