The Alaska Brides Collection Part 62

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"Oh, never mind," Julie said with a sigh. "Would you mind helping Sam with the dogs while I get some of my gear?"

"You can just leave it all, and we'll bring it in," August said.

Sam laughed as Julie rolled her eyes. "Don't even start, August. She's got Christmas presents and doesn't want any of us to see them."

"Oh," August replied and went to unharness Kodiak.

Julie turned to Sam. "Now, why can't you be more like him?" Sam shrugged his shoulders and went to help August.

Julie managed to get her gifts inside without running into her father. She was coming out of her room when Vern came in search of her.

"Jewels!" he said as he embraced her. "Good to have you home."

"Good to be home. I wanted to let you know about George Nakoota. He tangled with his dogs and had his arm ripped up pretty bad. I st.i.tched him up, and it looks good for a full recovery."

"He was blessed to have you there," Vern said as he walked with Julie to the kitchen. "He probably would have died if you hadn't been. That village is nearly fifty miles from Nome, and he would have bled to death before he got proper care."

"Well, he's doing fine now, and I know he'll follow my instructions on how to care for the wounds. My biggest frustration with many of the Eskimos is their curiosity. I'll st.i.tch something closed and bandage it up, and before I can recheck it, they've unbandaged it so they can see my handiwork."

Vern chuckled just as Sam and August came in through the back door. "You know where curiosity will get you," Vern added.

"Yeah," Sam answered with a grin. "No Christmas present."

Julie had brought extra sugar and eggs with her from Nome. She was determined to bake something nice for Christmas so she cleared the men from the kitchen.

Darkness fell by two o'clock, but Julie refused to let it dampen her spirits. It was Christmas Eve! She baked a cake and rolled out sugar cookies, a tradition started by her mother to pa.s.s the anxious hours.

As Julie used each of her mother's cookie cutters, she remembered with fondness the stories her mother would tell about them. The star was for the Bethlehem star that announced the birth of Christ. The Christmas tree, an outline of an evergreen, reminded them of everlasting life in Christ, and the shape of a bell was to bring to mind the joyous music in heaven whenever a sinner accepted Christ.

Taking a final batch of cookies from the oven, Julie put them aside to cool and turned her attention to the finis.h.i.+ng touches on a chocolate cake. Setting out a stack of plates and forks, Julie went to the front room to retrieve the men.

"Who'd like some cake?" Julie asked as she entered the room.

"Cake? We should have Julie home more often," August said, deserting his chess game with Sam in order to take his sister's arm. "I'd love some, Julie. Lead the way."

"Yes," Sam said as he rushed to take Julie's other arm. "Lead the way."

Vern laughed and got to his feet. "I guess I'll just bring up the rear," he said and followed the trio into the kitchen.

They gathered around the table, praising the towering chocolate confectionery. Julie cut the cake and heaped huge slices on each plate.

"Let's have the blessing," Vern suggested as Julie placed a pot of coffee on the table and went for cups.

Julie took a seat at the table. The men joined her, and Vern led them in a short prayer.

"Father, we thank You for the birth of Your Son, Jesus, and the free gift of salvation You gave to us through Him. Thank You for this gathering of loved ones as we celebrate that birth. Amen."

"What say we share our gifts now?" Vern suggested after a bite of cake. "Umm, Jewels, this is excellent."

"It sure is," August agreed. "And I agree with Pa. I'd like to exchange gifts."

Julie shrugged her shoulders. "I guess that's fine by me."

"Then I suggest everyone get their Christmas gifts, and we'll move to the front room," Vern said, adding, "Oh, and Julie, please bring the cake and coffee."

"I'll help her," Sam said as he got to his feet. "I'm trying to stay in Julie's good graces." He picked up the cake and coffee pot and moved to the front room.

Julie followed Sam with the coffee cups and then excused herself to retrieve her gifts. She unwrapped the fur bundle that she'd placed on her bed and revealed the guitar. The knife and tools were in separate boxes, so Julie rewrapped the guitar, tucked it under one arm, and grabbed the other gifts with her hands.

She joined the men in the living room and was surprised to find someone had decorated a small Christmas tree and placed it on a table in the center of the room. Beneath it were several wrapped packages of different sizes.

"How wonderful," Julie said as she placed her own gifts on the table. "I remember the last time we did this."

"It was the year before you left for Seattle," August said, taking a package from beneath the tree.

"Yes," Vern remembered, "and your mother was still here. I remember she made the most wonderful meal. I wish she could be here to enjoy this evening, but in a way, I guess she is."

"She sure is, Pa," Julie said as she took a seat on one of the overstuffed chairs opposite the couch.

"Here," August said, handing his package to Julie. "I got this for you. Merry Christmas."

Julie opened the package to reveal a black lacquer jewelry box with beautiful red ornamentation. "Thank you, August. It's incredible." She opened the box to reveal a red velvet interior and added, "I've never seen anything like it."

"It's j.a.panese," August said proudly. "The guy I bought it from was trying to raise money to get home. He said it was one of a kind."

"Well, I haven't much in the way of jewelry, but I'll cherish it always," Julie said appreciatively. "That large bundle of fur over there is yours. But I need the wrapping back." She laughed.

August unwrapped the fur to reveal his gift. "A guitar! What a great idea, Jewels. Thanks," he said as he took the guitar out and began tightening the strings. "You didn't know I'd been taking lessons, did you?"

"Then you already have a guitar?" Julie asked disappointedly.

"No. I've been using Sam's."

"Sam's?" Julie said, turning questioning eyes to Sam. "You truly are a man of surprises, Mr. Curtiss."

"You don't know the half of it, Miss Eriksson," Sam said with a laugh.

"Well, with both guitars here it would be a nice touch to our celebration if you'd both play us some Christmas songs," Vern proposed.

"Oh, yes, please!" Julie begged.

"Maybe after all the gifts are opened," Sam said and went to the table. "I have a gift for August as well."

He handed August a small package, which, when opened, revealed a dog harness. Vern and August exchanged curious glances, and Julie laughed as Sam cleared up the mystery.

"Kodiak sired a litter of pups last fall, some of the best quality dogs I've seen in a long time. I'm giving August his pick of the litter," Sam announced. "You've been a good friend, August." The men exchanged a heartfelt hug.

"A very generous gift indeed, friend," August stated, knowing Sam could sell any one of his dogs for better than a thousand dollars. "Thank you, Sam."

"You deserve it," Sam replied and took a seat by the fireplace.

"Well, I have a gift for my daughter," Vern said. He pulled several packages from beneath the tree and brought them to Julie.

"I feel like a little girl again," Julie said as she hurried to open each one. She immediately recognized the gifts as pieces of her mother's prized jewelry collection.

"Jewels for my jewel," Vern said and planted a kiss on Julie's forehead. "These were your mother's favorites."

"Yes, I know," Julie said with tears in her eyes. She held up a necklace against her white blouse. The gold of the chain and brilliance of the ruby settings looked good against Julie's dark hair.

"This was always my favorite one," Julie added as she replaced the ruby necklace, "because you gave it to her for Christmas not long after I turned sixteen. I thought it was the most romantic gift in all the world." She wiped at her eyes before looking into the other packages.

"Those pieces were some I thought you would enjoy. I thought I'd save the rest until you marry," Vern stated, wiping tears from his own eyes as well.

"Thank you, Papa," Julie said as she got up to retrieve her father's gift. "I'm afraid my present pales in comparison." She handed her father the package.

"I've already got the best gift in all the world. You've come home to Alaska, and that's enough for me."

As Julie watched her father unwrap the tools, she wondered if she should give Sam his gift. If she did and he hadn't gotten her anything for Christmas, he might feel bad. He might also take her gift the wrong way and think it was a promise of something more than friends.h.i.+p.

"Well, would you look at this," Vern said as he held up a new hammer. "I can't believe it, but they're exactly what I need. I was planning on buying all of these." Julie watched as he tested the blade of the saw and examined the chisel set. "Perfect!" Vern declared, and Julie leaned back, feeling quite satisfied.

"Oh, I nearly forgot," Julie said as she got up and rushed to her room. She came back with the bundle that Tanana had given her. "These are from George's wife, Tanana. She thought I might not get a chance to do any Christmas shopping, and so she made these mukluks for me in pay for sewing up George."

"Anything that woman makes is a prize to be sure," Vern said as he undid the rawhide strip that tied the package shut. He examined the mukluks before pa.s.sing one pair to August. "It also helps that she knows our sizes."

"Well, this has been a fine Christmas," Vern said as he stretched out his feet.

"Wait," August said as he went to the tree. "There's another gift here. Who's this one for?"

Julie swallowed hard. It was now or never, she decided, and quickly answered. "That one is for Sam."

Three pairs of eyes turned in surprise at her, and Julie wished she could crawl beneath the chair. "I never had a chance to properly thank him for all he did for me. Merry Christmas, Sam," she said quickly to break the tension.

"Well, I must say this is a surprise," Sam said as he accepted the package from August. He unwrapped the brown paper to reveal the knife and sheath. "It's exquisite," he murmured as he examined the craftsmans.h.i.+p. "I've never had one as fine. Thank you, Julie."

She blushed under the intensity of Sam's eyes. The silence was unbearable, and Julie searched her mind for something to say. "How about those songs, now?" she finally questioned.

"Yes," Vern agreed, "now would be the perfect time." He leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

"I'll get your guitar, Sam," August offered and went to his room.

Sam studied the knife before sheathing it and looping it onto his belt. He was more than touched at Julie's extravagant gift. It signaled a change in their relations.h.i.+p. Had Julie come to approve of the idea of marriage? He couldn't wait until a time revealed itself when he could be alone and offer his own Christmas gift.

After several hours of listening to Sam and August, as well as joining in on all the songs they could think to sing, Vern suggested they read the nativity story. Everyone readily agreed, and while Sam continued to strum the haunting melody of "Silent Night," Vern, August, and Julie took turns reading the second chapter of Luke.

When they'd finished, Vern offered a prayer and got up to stretch. "I think I'm going to retire, but before I do, I'd like to say something. I wasn't looking forward to this holiday. It was always Agneta's favorite, and I knew that it wouldn't be the same without her. But I was wrong. The celebration of Christ's birth isn't a matter of the house you live in or the people who share your table. It's a matter of the heart. If the Lord lives here," Vern said as he patted his chest with his hand, "then Christmas is a matter of everyday life. Agneta would want it that way, too. Good night."

Julie watched her father walk from the room. She admired his strength and, in it, found more courage for herself.

"Unless you need help cleaning up, I'm going to bed, too," August said as he ran a gentle hand over the guitar. "This is a swell gift, Jewels. I'm going to enjoy it for a long, long time."

"I'm glad you like it," Julie said, getting up to embrace her brother. "You go ahead to bed. I can manage all of this just fine. Besides, I want to see if the aurora makes an appearance tonight." August nodded, gave Sam a single-fingered salute, and took his leave.

Julie knew that Sam's eyes were on her even before she turned around. What would she say to him? How could she deal with the feelings her heart would no longer let her deny? She cared for Sam, that much was true. But how would it fit in with her nursing? Was it really love she felt or merely infatuation? Taking a deep breath, she turned to meet his eyes.

"Do you have to clear these things away just yet?" Sam asked as he came across the room.

"No," Julie whispered. "I suppose they can wait."

"Good, because I can't," Sam said and took Julie in his arms. His kiss was as gentle as the first he'd ever given her, but the feelings he evoked in Julie's heart were so much greater.

After what seemed an eternity, Julie pushed away. "I can't breathe," she said with a laugh, trying hard to push aside the pa.s.sion she was feeling.

Sam allowed her the s.p.a.ce and led her to the couch. "I want to talk to you," he said as he sat down beside her. "I have a Christmas gift for you."

"You shouldn't have," Julie said in a barely audible voice. Having Sam so close completely muddled her thoughts.

Sam reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. He opened it for Julie and revealed a ring of gold, with a small diamond. "Julie," he whispered, "will you marry me?"

Julie stared dumbfoundedly at the box. He'd actually proposed. None of his presumptuous att.i.tudes or the self-a.s.sured c.o.c.kiness that he'd delivered before, just the plain and simple heart of the matter. A marriage proposal!

"I don't know what to say."

"Say yes," Sam said as he took the ring from the box and slipped it on Julie's finger.

Julie stared at the ring for several minutes. It was a bit big, but it was exactly what Julie would have hoped for in a wedding ring.

"We've only known each other a couple of months," Julie said, searching for a way she could avoid dealing with the issue.

"We both know it's right," Sam said as he pulled Julie against him. "I love you, Julie, and whether or not you'll admit it, I know you love me."

Julie trembled in Sam's arms. Her breath caught in her throat and made it impossible to deny his statement. Did she love him?

"I don't know what I'm feeling," Julie finally answered honestly. "I won't deny the chemistry between us, but Sam, you weren't in my plans."

"What about G.o.d's plans?"

"But I thought I knew what G.o.d's plans for me were," Julie said, daring to look into Sam's piercing brown eyes. "I thought I knew exactly what I was supposed to do."

"And now?" Sam questioned.

"Now," Julie said as she took off the ring. "I feel confused. I can't marry you, Sam, unless I know for sure it's what I'm supposed to do." She handed him the ring, expecting an angry retort. Instead, Sam surprised her.

Closing his hand around Julie's fingers and the ring, he spoke. "Keep the ring. I feel confident that G.o.d has sent you to be my wife. One day, you'll know it, too, and you'll come to me wearing it, and I'll know your answer." With that, Sam placed a light kiss on Julie's forehead and got up. "Good night, love," he said and left Julie to contemplate her feelings.

Julie held the ring tightly and prayed. "Oh, G.o.d, what am I to do? I thought the way was so clear. You had shone a light of understanding on the path that I was to take, and I felt confident that I was making the right choice. Now," she paused and looked at the ring. "Now, I just don't know. I'm so afraid, and I need to understand what I'm to do. I want to serve You, Father. I want to bring glory to You. Can I do this as Sam's wife?"

Several minutes pa.s.sed. With the ring still in her hand, Julie retrieved her father's Bible and opened it to Joshua 1:9: "Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy G.o.d is with thee whithersoever thou goest."

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