Vampire Babylon - Midnight Reign Part 30

Vampire Babylon - Midnight Reign -

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Dispa.s.sionately, Benedikte watched them, Master of it all.His body sank, even though he physically remained stiff postured in his chair. He seemed to leak out of the form that resembled Sorin, a puddle on the floor, dirtied and diseased.

For the past thirty years, he'd lived the high life with this emerging Underground, adding to the numbers of his precious Elites, watching Groupies come to exist, seeing to it that Sorin's Guard corps would be ready to defend them when and if the next blood brother attacked.

Yet it'd only taken a woman's smile to slay him.

From that point on, he died a daily death, wanting her. His hope started to wither, spiraling downward into a chasm of worthless wishes. Long nights, endless, empty...

Then, finally, over twenty eternal years later, everything changed.

One night, his television sparkled with a picture shown during an Eva Claremont entertainment special: Dawn Madison, all grown up.

Slowly, Benedikte sat up on his divan.

Hope stirring.




T HE oppression in the hidden room told Dawn it was late, but more rest wasn't an option. She'd already gotten enough to revitalize, even though she wouldn't say she was fully back to Xena fighting form yet.

Frank obviously didn't agree so much with getting a move on. He was leaning against the wall near the fireplace, messing around with the wire innards of an old radio that would've been right at home in the seventies. Apparently, it was one of Eva's "antiques"

and he'd taken it upon himself to play Hero of Domestic Bliss by making the piece of junk work.

"Why haven't you been putting that kind of energy into devising some makes.h.i.+ft weapons?" Dawn was wandering around in search of anything she could use to bully Julia. "You could even be trying to yank that chain out of the wall."

"Why would I run off when you just got here?"

Hah-hah. "Because Wifey has you chained up? Some people might consider that a threat."

"It's a...what do you call it? Formality. It's Julia's idea more than Eva's, really. This Underground is obviously suspicious of me 'cos I worked with Limpet. Jonah ain't one of their favorite people. Eva asks me about him all the time."

Dawn remembered the mind probe Eva had put on her about The Voice. "She asks you about Jonah, or she mind screws you?"

Frank kept on working, never looking up, even though his rough complexion went ruddy. "She's fiddled with my head, but I can keep her out."

Training from Limpet.

It made Dawn wonder.... Had she inherited Frank's blocking abilities? Is that why she'd been a natural from the start?

"Anyway," she said, scanning the baseboards, "I'm glad to hear you're still on our side. I wasn't so sure." Now her father glanced up from the radio, baffled.

She motioned to her neck, her chains chiming. Then she gestured to him. When Dawn had allowed Eva into the superficial areas of her mind, her mom had shown her that she could heal things like bites, among all her other talents, so Frank wouldn't have much of a mark right now.

Even so, exactly how powerful would Frank's kind of vamp be? Less than Eva, for sure, but more than a Groupie.

Clearly surprised, her dad put a hand over his jugular, almost like he was pressing a love letter into a secret book.

It explained a lot, even why he would betray Limpet and a.s.sociates, a group he'd supposedly been loyal to-as loyal as Kiko.

And Breisi.

Dawn chuffed. "Do you think Breisi'll be just as understanding with you as you are with the wife? I mean, when she finds out you're Eva's vampire boy and all...."

Dropping his hand from his neck, Frank went back to work. He had a look on his face that said he couldn't believe Dawn would think he'd ever give in so easily. That he would ever give up on Breisi.

Dawn didn't back off. "Did you exchange blood? Is Eva your poison of choice now?"

Without warning, he heaved the radio to the ground. It vomited parts, then rattled to stillness.

Father and daughter stared at each other, needing to say so much, yet...there was a line to be crossed here. She didn't want to know about her parents' private lives-what child did?-but it'd come to so much more than that now.

Didn't Frank know what he was doing?

Or did he know? Maybe Dawn had spent so much time distancing herself from him that he'd truly become the reformed, savvier man Breisi talked about.

Who the h.e.l.l was he?

Who were any of them?

Their cracked apart when the door opened. Julia entered first, holding her dart gun and aiming it at Dawn. Always the primary target.

Eva came in next, rosy-cheeked and dressed in a new flowy summer dress. The style was her signature-one that captured Frank, if his adoring gaze proved anything.

But the actress herself was anything but flowy. She actually seemed more nervous than ever. "There's something on the news...."

She trailed off, watching her family's faces. "Julia, I'd like to be alone with them."

The Servant left the room, but Dawn knew she'd be watching the monitors, guarding her lady.

As if to address that point, Eva said, "The cameras are off. This is family time." She jammed a lock of hair behind an ear. "I don't really want to be showing you this, but I...I just think I should. You're..." She fidgeted. "You're both involved in this situation."

She blew out a breath then picked up the remote from a slot on the side of the TV, pressing a b.u.t.ton. It flashed on, warming up, clearing to a solid picture.

A tilted room. Someone was behind the camera, fumbling with it, trying to adjust the aim upright.Based on the tweed upholstery and cheap wood paneling, Dawn guessed that they were seeing the inside of an old camper.

"Almost got the perfect frame," said an anonymous female's voice from the TV.

Now Eva talked as the camerawoman played with the focus some more. "It's a live feed from the new Vampire Killer. That's what the newscasters are saying."

Dawn stepped closer to the screen. "The murderer's a woman?" She turned to Eva. "Did you know we were investigating this?"

Is that why she was showing it to them?

"As you're so fond of reminding me, I'm a vampire. I keep abreast of these things." Evasively, Eva looked at the TV again. "I don't know anything about technology, but she's managed a live broadcast. When this started, she said she's sharing her 'finale'

with the world, that she's going to kill someone at the stroke of midnight-the demons' play hour."

One look at the clock on the TV-11:36-and Dawn wanted to punch something. Even if the only reason she'd been investigating this killer was because the solution might lead to Frank, she felt like she could've saved another woman's life.

Then deja vu hit her. Wait. Tamsin Greene had broadcast her death on the Internet. Had the Vampire Killer taken inspiration from that? Death made public, a spectator sport...

My G.o.d. This was the killer's letter to the press, the ultimate performance to gain fame. She didn't even care if this got her caught.

But punishment wouldn't exist for this person-not if she were in it just for long-lasting celebrity.

Isn't that what Matt Lonigan had hinted?

Frank's chains rattled as he moved away from the wall, closer to the TV and nearer to Dawn. "I don't wanna see this. It's like one of those terrorist beheading tapes."

The Eva-vamp put her hand over her mouth.

On the TV, the camera stabilized. "There," said the Vampire Killer. Then she turned the lens on the victim.

Even though the picture was clear, it took Dawn a few moments to comprehend it. And when she did, the floor seemed to veer.

She grabbed on to Frank to stay standing.

He grabbed her, too.

There, in living color, sat a bound and duct tapegagged Breisi, her bobbed hair splicing over one cheek like dark, open cuts.

Although she was sweating, her gaze was steady.

She didn't want them to worry if they happened to be watching, Dawn thought. Nausea made her weak when she pictured the crime-scene photo that might come out of this.

Not another photo, G.o.d, no, not another one.

Dawn leaned against Frank, who held her tight.

Eva was watching them both, eyes round and fearful. She wanted to see just how much they cared, didn't she?

"I didn't know," she said pleadingly. "I didn't realize Breisi was the one-"

"Liar!" Dawn ground out. "This is probably a repeat of another broadcast that they're playing over and over, and you knew d.a.m.ned well it was Breisi."

Wrapping her arms over her chest, Eva stared at the floor. "I told you, this is a live feed. That wasn't a lie." The Vampire Killer was talking again, still off camera. "Look what I caught-a genuine vampire hunter. And, wouldn't you know, I'm the Vampire Killer. But that doesn't mean I murder vampires. It means I'll be one. So...the more suspected hunters I can do away with now, the better life will be later. Understand?"

She took the camera and moved it up and down, making Breisi's entire bound body nod in pretend agreement.

Breisi merely flicked the killer a glance and that was it. Dawn had never been so proud of anyone: the way Breisi kept her cool, the confidence she displayed.

Hang in there, Breez, just until...

Hold up-was Breisi calm because she knew The Voice would finally come outside for this? He'd never let Breisi die. He and Kiko were probably already on their way to wherever she was, and thanks to Eva's faked calls from Dawn, they were no doubt wondering why their third hunter wasn't answering their summons. But they wouldn't have time to deal with that-not right now.


Dawn began twisting her chain bracelet, like she could work her way out of it.

As the Vampire Killer started taunting her victim in earnest-prey teasing its failed hunter-Eva raised her head again, eyes on her family.

"If your friend is a slayer-if you're all slayers-this Vampire Killer might go after you next. This is what you would have to face if you went back out there."

"Thanks to you and your Underground," Dawn said.

"You really think I had some sort of hand in this?" It sounded like Eva was on the cusp of tears again. "You truly believe I could ever be a part of this perversity?"

A perversity? Didn't that describe vampires in the most basic language?

Instead of starting another useless argument, Dawn glanced up at Frank. His face was a mask of horror as he watched Breisi, but his eyes...His eyes were bloodshot, full of love, proving that he didn't fully belong to Eva.

"Do you see how much he loves her?" Dawn said to the vamp.

And that's when she saw a revelation on her mother's face: Eva yearned for Frank to close the book on his old life, and Breisi's death would do that, hopefully bringing him to her once and for all. That's why she was showing them this broadcast, to let him know Breisi was truly out of the contest.

"You want her dead," Dawn said.

"No, I don't. I don't want this to happen at all." Eva stopped, shocked, as if realizing how much she did want it. But then she vehemently shook her head. "I hate what's happening!"

"Do you know that standing by and just watching-whether you want it to happen or not-makes you dead to me? As dead as you've been my whole life?'s even worse, because now I know what kind really are. You're nothing like the mom I always wanted." Dawn bent closer to Eva. "I wish I didn't have any part of you inside of me."

"Don't say that...." Eva came forward to touch her daughter, just as she'd done when she was masquerading as Jac. Comfort from a false friend. It wasn't going to work this time.

Dawn dodged the vampire actress, near tears again."You and your Underground," she added. "Dead."

Eva raised her arms and wrapped them around her head, covering her ears. "Do you realize how much it hurts to hear you talk like that?" She was sobbing now.

Frank was still watching the TV, as if he could protect Breisi with just a look. Prayers were probably running through his head, blocking out his daughter and wife.

But as Dawn watched her mother cry, the little girl inside of her was weeping, too. Mommy, I love you. I've idolized you so much that it hurts to know I'll never be as good as I thought you were. It hurts to know my perception of you was never real.

Furiously, Eva sprang to the remote and pressed the TV off. The image of Breisi disappeared, retracting into the center of a blackened screen.


Frank went stiff, sweat dampening his T-s.h.i.+rt against his skin. "Where is she, Eva?"

Taken aback, Dawn looked at both her parents. They were watching each other as if they were in one another's heads. It went beyond a "parent look." It was something much different....

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