Double Penetration Part 3

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"Running, Shannon?" Grey purred in his sweet as sin voice.

"Tired," she muttered, rubbing the tender area on her head for effect. Surprisingly, his eyes softened.

"This way." She followed him down the hallway to a room across the hall from his. Once again, the decor was spa.r.s.e and basic but it would suit her needs. With a rueful smile, she noted the lack of a window-she wouldn't find escape that way. At least the door had a lock. Flipping the lock mechanism, she waited for him to set her bag down and leave.

A chuckle escaped his lips. "Ya think a flimsy lock would stop me if I wanted in?"

She glared but didn't reply.

"Don't think of tryin' to escape. I've set the alarm."

Shannon glowered at his retreating backside but didn't comment.

"I have excellent hearing so don't even think of using your toys unless you want me to break down the door." He gnashed his teeth. "If I have to suffer so do you."

"I thought you found a woman to satisfy your needs earlier."

"That was a different need. My baser urges take much longer to satisfy. When I take you it will take hours-days to satisfy my hunger." Without another word, he turned and left the room.

She slammed the door behind him. "Arrogant and insufferable, that's what he is- not to mention s.e.xy as h.e.l.l," she murmured to herself.

"I heard that."

"Oh f.u.c.k off."

Eerie laughter echoed down the hall.

The door to his room cracked open and he lay sprawled across the bed. A sheet molded his lower body and she jerked her eyes from that sight. Now was not the time to get distracted. A pile of clothes lay next to the bed. She stole quietly into the room, inching closer to the bed. He didn't stir. The room was dark and she dropped to her knees to locate the s.h.i.+rt. She had to know if it was blood on his s.h.i.+rt. The morning news had reported the finding of two dead prost.i.tutes near Thirty-fourth and Central. Had Grey killed them? It had to be the other vampire, the one who watched her from the shadows. The report said they'd suffered ma.s.sive injuries to their throats and there appeared to be a lack of blood at the scene. If he'd ripped out their throats, there'd be more than a spot of blood on his s.h.i.+rt-wouldn't there?

She found what she was looking for and glanced up into eyes that gleamed. He lounged on the side of the bed, his face mere inches from hers. The sheet was nowhere in sight. Rolling gracefully to his feet, he stood towering over her. She glanced anxiously at him. Her face was on level with his prominent erection and she jerked backward, falling awkwardly on her bottom. Oh lord, he hadn't lied when he promised deep and hard. His thick appendage jutted proudly from between his muscled thighs.

"Are ya looking for something?"

"I... uh, thought I would do some laundry." She licked her lips, struggling to tear her gaze from his c.o.c.k.

"Because ya have so many dirty clothes." It was a statement not a question.

"Well, I only brought a couple changes so I figured I better keep everything clean."

She managed to look at his face. In the faint light his eyes and teeth gleamed.

"And did ya find the laundry room?"

"I haven't looked yet."

Squatting down in front of her, he grasped her chin. His eyes probed hers. "Why don 't ya confess ya were looking for a key?"

"I... " She was afraid to mention the news report and that she was looking for blood. Grasping at straws, she nodded her head.

"Do ya remember your punishment for tryin' to escape?"

", I wasn't trying to escape. I was..."

"Too late, ya already confessed. It's time for the punishment-or should I say your reward."

"Grey," she squeaked as he scooped her up in his too powerful arms. Her face pressed intimately to his hairless chest and a sigh escaped her lips. He tossed her into the middle of the rumpled bed and followed her down. His large, firm body pinned her to the mattress. She tried to wiggle loose and he laughed.

"Go ahead, struggle, it excites me all the more as ya squirm beneath me. I wonder which panty set ya chose to wear for me. I'll soon know." His breath fluttered on her cheek as his lips met hers.

A maelstrom of emotion rocked her to the core. Relaxing, she parted her lips for his invasion. In the back of her mind, the thought of the deaths lingered but she knew in her heart, he hadn't killed those women. If she were honest, she'd admit part of the reason she'd entered his room was for this. His hand settled between her damp thighs and she groaned. This was what she wanted. Her hands left his shoulders, traveling down his smooth, muscled back.

She looked as if she belonged on his bed, her hair spread out across the black velvet spread. Lips temptingly swollen from his kisses parted on a sigh. "Grey."

His lips traced her neck to her ear, biting at the lobe, not hard enough to pierce. His tongue entered her ear and she shuddered. "My tongue will enter every nook, cranny and crevice." She whimpered helplessly as his tongue thrust back into her mouth.

He needed a taste, just a sip of her blood. His tongue played with hers, encouraging it to enter the unholy cavern of his mouth. Unwittingly, her tongue followed his, licking its way past his lips. Her tongue rolled across his and he suckled the torrid appendage.

At her answering groan of submission, he parted her legs for his thigh. She writhed against him, grinding her jean-covered c.u.n.t against his bare leg. Her hands gripped his hips as she rode his leg. He silently cursed the clothing that separated their flesh.

Closing his mouth around her tongue, he allowed his fangs to gently pierce the tender flesh as he continued to suckle. Her sweet essence engulfed him. Hot blood flooded his veins, filling his elongated c.o.c.k with heat and obsessive need. She bucked on his thigh, her p.u.s.s.y becoming liquid heat. Long nails raked their way up his back, leaving shallow gorges. He arched, grinding his fiercely aching erection into her hip. Her m.u.f.fled scream of release awoke him from the sensual haze and he released her tongue.

Their mouths parted and they both gasped for breath. She swallowed deeply, raking her teeth across her tongue. "What the h.e.l.l was that? I've never-jeez." She shuddered as her luminous eyes held his steady gaze.

"You didn't enjoy it."

"I didn't say that. It's just...I've never come from having my tongue sucked but I've never had my tongue sucked quite like that either. You bit me, didn't you?"

Reaching beneath her s.h.i.+rt, Grey gathered her full, pendulum b.r.e.a.s.t.s in his hands. "Just wait until I suckle these." He flicked her nipples with his thumbs as he continued, "And I'll suck that hot little c.l.i.t that is pulsing against my thigh."

Her eyes widened, her lips parted. "I don't think... " Her pink tongue snaked out and wet her lips. "I couldn't survive it."

Grey's dark, sinister laugh filled the room. "Ohh, you'll survive and beg for more."

Shannon blinked at his bold statement but didn't argue. His penetrating gaze as much as his body pinned her to the bed. Dark eyes narrowed in scrutiny as his thumbs drew torturously slow circles around her nipples.

She bit her bottom lip to silence her pleas. She didn't want to prove him right, at least not so quickly. Sinewy muscles flexed under her hands as he s.h.i.+fted his weight. His skin warmed under her touch as she trailed fingers up his spine. Shannon was pleased to see fierce need flicker in his eyes. She might beg but he wouldn't get off unscathed.

Sliding her hands down his back to his a.s.s, she squeezed. Taut muscles flexed. She cupped the bunched muscle and then reached between to brush against his heavy sac.

"You're a bad girl," he moaned as he ripped her s.h.i.+rt off.

His head lowered and she watched as his mouth absorbed a nipple. His tongue rolled the peak and she forgot to breathe. "f.u.c.k!" she gasped, finally able breathe.

He chuckled against her skin. "An invitation?" Raising his head long enough to speak, he switched to the other breast. Rasping the tender flesh with his teeth, he sent pinp.r.i.c.ks of pleasure straight to her c.l.i.t.

Her p.u.s.s.y was slick with need, as he would soon discover. A hand flicked the snap of her jeans and lowered the zipper. The loose jeans easily slid down her legs, leaving her clad in a silken pink thong. His thumb ground the wet, silky material against her slick folds. She drew a sharp breath.

"I like your choice but I think I'll enjoy tearing it off you even more." Magnetic eyes found hers as his finger slid beneath the material. She shut her eyes and swallowed deeply.

"Look at me," his voice rasped with heated desire. "I want to watch you come as I claim your body."

Her eyes fluttered to his and with a sharp jerk of his hand, he tore the material that s.h.i.+elded her p.u.s.s.y. She released a shaky breath as skilled fingers parted her l.a.b.i.a. Parting her legs wider, she opened herself to his fingers. She wanted his penetration, needed his deep possession to feel whole.

"Grey," she cried. Her hands found his erect shaft and it branded her with its searing heat. Her hands were her eyes as she grasped his c.o.c.k, gauging his girth, his length. "Oh lord." Her p.u.s.s.y throbbed, ached, wanting what his fingers promised.

She circled his rod with both hands. He was hot, hard and vein riddled. Her thumb rode the slit in his fleshy head and pre-come dampened her finger.

"Please," she begged.

"What do you want?"

"You. This." She gave his c.o.c.k an extra yank.

An unholy growl left his lips. "You may get more than you bargained for." He arched, displaying perfectly sculpted pecs, a chiseled six-pack and she licked her lips.

"I hope so."

She felt the vibrations of his chuckle more than she heard it.

Grey knelt between her thighs. Her hungry gaze lowered and his c.o.c.k grew impossibly heavier under her wanton eyes. Her parted thighs revealed her flushed, swollen p.u.s.s.y. Cream coated her lips and the heady scent of arousal lifted to his nose.

"Do you have condoms?" The question was innocent but reminded him of his shortcomings.

There was no need for condoms since he was incapable of producing a child. Nor would his body tolerate a disease. He shook his head. "No need, I can't get you pregnant and vampires don't carry venereal diseases."

He wasn't sure what he expected, certainly not the tears that filled her eyes. Her lips trembled as she smiled. "I can't... I can't have a child anyway."

His heart pounded, he shouldn't feel joy to know she was sterile but part of him rejoiced. If she couldn't have children, she wouldn't mind that he couldn't... not that even the darkest recesses of his mind could conceive a beautiful, vibrant woman such as her wanting a future with him.

The throb of his c.o.c.k thrust aside any thoughts of a future. He licked his lips. His gaze drilled her c.u.n.t as his shaft soon would, but first, he needed to taste her sweetness again before he marked it with his essence. He bent her knees to her chest, leaving her open, vulnerable.

He lowered his head and her hands groped his hair. "" Her cries weakened as he tongued her tender folds.

"Sweet," he panted, his c.o.c.k twitched with want of its turn. Her thick cream as delicious as her blood warmed his soul. He held her gyrating hips still as his tongue pierced her tight hole, seeking more of her heady juices.

"Please...please." A fierce yank of his hair wouldn't stop him. His lips curled to a grin against her wet, needy c.u.n.t as he tongue-f.u.c.ked her. Finding her c.l.i.t with a thumb, he ground the tender flesh in tight circles. She writhed. Her inner muscles quivered and pulsed against his thrusting tongue. "Oh f.u.c.k... oh f.u.c.k." Her climax shuddered through her as she rode his face.

While she still vibrated in the grips of ecstasy, he s.h.i.+fted and thrust full length into her quaking depths. His breath hissed from his lips, she was hot, tight and oh-so wet. She rippled around his c.o.c.k and he gritted his teeth in sweet agony. With superhuman strength, he held himself immobile.

Misty eyes opened to meet his and he growled with need at the emotion burning in her gaze. Holding her stare, he eased back and thrust forward, seating himself b.a.l.l.s deep in liquid heat. Her eyes rolled back as she gasped to breathe.

He lowered his gaze to where her body stretched wide to swallow him. Between her plump folds, her swollen nub peeked at him. Tweaking the tender flesh with one hand, he arched forward. Gathering a breast to his mouth, he slowly began to pump his hips. He wanted... needed double penetration-fangs and c.o.c.k!

"I could drown in you, in your sweet, wet heat."

His fangs protruded-erect, needy, he allowed them to sink into her nipple as his hips rapid-fired his possession. The double penetration put her over the edge and she gasped and bucked.

"Grey." Her p.u.s.s.y clenched his c.o.c.k, creamed and began a pulsing, milking rhythm that shot his control to h.e.l.l and back.

"f.u.c.k." His fangs released her breast as his c.o.c.k thrust endlessly, deathlessly erupting hot c.u.m deep in her welcoming depths.

He collapsed, gasping for breath, sated for the first time in years. He licked his lips, her taste upon his tongue souring. He closed his eyes as realization dawned. In his s.e.xual haze, he hadn't noticed the slight taint to her blood. He knew the cause-cancer. His heart pounded. Did she know? Was it curable? Was that why she couldn't have children? He had to know. If she was ill, he could offer her a cure of sorts.

As his breathing returned to normal he couldn't stop the question, "Why can't you have children?"

"I had a hysterectomy-cancer," she didn't hesitate to reply. Her answer was quick and precise, a standard, emotionless retort. One she'd obviously given many times. He needed more.

"Are you cured?"

She shrugged her shoulders and cast her eyes away. He had his answer. She knew or suspected the cancer was back.

Chapter Five.

A hysterectomy and two rounds of chemo had taken their toll on her body and mind. Her hair had grown back. For all appearances, she was normal but felt like less than a woman. What man would want a wife who couldn't give him children-maybe a man who couldn't have children either?

She turned to meet his steady gaze. For once, his eyes were warm and unguarded. He could be perfect for her if he wasn't a deranged killer. A man who didn't expect children, a man who didn't make her feel as if she were half a woman. A man who couldn't walk in the light of day? Okay, there were some issues but they weren't insurmountable. Not if he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

His hand caressed her stomach. "No scar."

She shook her head. "It was a operation." Her scars were not the physical kind.

"What will you do if the cancer returns?" Worry softened his eyes.

"I don't know, I guess it would depend on the type of cancer, the treatment options." This wasn't something she wanted to discuss with a new lover. It certainly wasn't the way to start a relations.h.i.+p. Especially not when you've been putting off your check-up because you've been unusually tired-the same as you were before.

He had to tell her. She had to know so she could make a decision. She could seek help or he could offer her an eternal cure. If he told her and she refused he would have to erase her memories of him and implant an impulse to seek medical help. It was the only way. It would leave his existence a bleak one, filled with a vivid hunger that would never be sated, but he would do it for her. He could not force her to accept him or his way of life. He would not force this existence upon her the way it was forced upon him.

It was a cool night. His bedroll lay near the crackling campfire. A branch snapped and he knew he was no longer alone. His senses had always been astounding. He supposed it was his Indian blood. It had served him well, he needed to be alert, half-breeds didn't have many friends.

His hand closed around his Colt .45. His eyes opened mere slits, his long lashes s.h.i.+elding the fact that he was awake. Then he saw her, the surreal beauty that seemed to float toward him from the darkness. He thought it was a trick. No woman such as herself would be traveling alone. She had to have a male escort. Everyone knew women were defenseless.

He rolled gracefully from his blankets to stand in front of the woman. Without fear, she moved closer until they stood toe to toe. Her long dark hair, multicolored, flowing skirts and abundance of jewelry proclaimed her gypsy blood. He knew he couldn't trust her, holding her as a s.h.i.+eld in front of him as his dark eyes searched the surrounding area for her accomplice.

The woman was cool to the touch but as she wiggled against him, he was anything but. She began a low sultry purr as she started to kiss his throat and jawline.

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