Double Penetration Part 1

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Double Penetration.

L.A. Day.

Trademark Acknowledgement.

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction: Colt .45: Colt's Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing Co., Inc.

Chapter One.

Grey wrinkled his nose at the scent of stale beer and urine as he ambled along a trash-riddled alley. Other smaller creatures of the night that shared his solitary, barren existence scuttled in his wake. The scent of blood was in the air. His acute hearing detected a scuffle down the alleyway and his silent footsteps quickened upon the damp pavement. Stopping abruptly, he took in the violent scene as it played out before him.

"Get that skirt outta the way," a tall, burly man told another as he loosened his belt. Blood trailed from the lip of a pet.i.te, blonde female struggling between the two men. Her blouse gaped open, her bra shoved up to reveal full b.r.e.a.s.t.s reddened by rough handling. "We're gonna have us some fun, Blondie. I'm gonna f.u.c.k your p.u.s.s.y. Then I'll let you suck my c.o.c.k nice and slow while my friend here has his turn at your sweet a.s.s."

"No," she pleaded as the smaller of the two men held the woman and worked her skirt down over her hips. "No," she said louder, slapping at the larger man's hand as he squeezed her exposed nipple. Twisting, she clamped her teeth on the smaller man's ear. Blood squirted across her blouse and chest as she savagely attacked. Grey's lip curled in pleasure at the sight.

"G.o.d d.a.m.n b.i.t.c.h," the man yelled, grasping his ear, blood spurting from between his fingers. The female darted to the right as she tried to break free, but was grabbed from behind and swung into the brick wall. Her head hit the unyielding brick with a sickening thud and she tottered for a second before sliding down the wall. Her legs stretched out awkwardly before her as she slumped to one side.

"The f.u.c.king b.i.t.c.h bit me."

"Well, she ain't biting now. Grab her other leg and spread her out. She don't need to be conscious. f.u.c.k! She don't even hafta be alive as long as she's still warm. I bet she has a nice, tight c.u.n.t to go with those big t.i.ts."

An inhuman growl rumbled in Grey's chest as he moved toward the two men dragging the woman away from the wall, all the while spreading her legs farther apart. He did not often interfere in human matters and he seldom killed... anymore. However, there were exceptions and this seemed to be one.

Moving stealthily behind the first man, Grey grasped his head between both hands and twisted. With little effort, he snapped the man's neck. The second man froze in place, a look of pure terror upon his face, as his cohort collapsed to the ground. Grey didn't know if the terror resulted from the sight of his friend dying or the fact that he was in full vamp mode, fangs and all. Few ever saw him this way and none lived to tell of it.

"Pl-please, mister..." the second a.s.sailant begged for his life.

Grey's movement was so sudden the man never saw it coming. Grey simply grasped his chin and jerked it violently to the right. The sound of shattered bones reverberated in the alleyway, followed by a thud as his body hit the pavement.

His eyes darted to the woman at his feet and Grey crouched down next to her. He could hear the blood as it pumped through her veins. She was still alive, just knocked out. He felt the egg-sized lump on the side of her head. She'd have one h.e.l.l of a headache when she awoke. The a.s.sailants' blood permeated the air but Grey still managed to detect her scent, clean and fresh with just a hint of lavender. His gaze lowered to her lush b.r.e.a.s.t.s and vicious hunger gnawed at him. He hungered for her body and her blood.

"You're a vampire." Her sultry voice was just a whisper and his eyes darted up to meet the woman's blue gaze.

Believing her to be unconscious, he hadn't hid his condition. Her steady gaze surprised him. He didn't read fear or revulsion on her face. Obviously, she was concussed and confused. "Shh, everything's all right," he tried to put her at ease.

"Oh." Her hand lifted to her head as she tried to sit up.

"Take it easy, ma'am. Ya got quite a knot on your head."

"Yes, those men..." She glanced to the side. "Oh, they're..."

"There's no need to worry about them."

"You killed them." She batted her eyes slowly and her brow furrowed.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt ya," Grey promised. His incisors had receded and he hoped he appeared more human.

"I'm not worried about that but my head..."

"We need to get away from here." Without further consideration, he hefted her slight frame into his arms. Taking a few steps, he bent and scooped up a discarded purse.

His preternatural speed had them at the door to the downtown warehouse loft he currently called home in moments. Placing his slight burden on the couch, he strolled to the kitchen for some ice. She had nodded off as he carried her and he worried she had a concussion. He considered taking her to a hospital but feared that would arouse suspicion. The last thing he needed was too many questions. If someone became too curious about him, it could be the end of him, or force him to make life-altering decisions.

In essence, he was a normal man. He did his best to fit into his environment, whatever the current environment was.

Wrapping the ice in a new, unused dishtowel, he held it to the back of her head. A low groan escaped her parted lips. For the first time, he let himself study his unwanted charge. She was young, he estimated in her late twenties. A tangle of soft strawberry-blonde hair spread across his leather couch, surrounding her wan but ethereally beautiful face. Crimson lips stood out in contrast to her pale, flawless complexion. His body ignited with a gnawing physical hunger. The shredded blouse she barely wore revealed more of her soft curves than it concealed and the revelation was mouthwatering. He tugged her blood-splattered skirt back down to cover her to her knees. Not before an imprint of those creamy, firm thighs seared his mind.

His subconscious realized that the man he had once been would have felt guilty over ogling an unaware, half-naked woman. However, he was not that man anymore. Besides, if not for him she would be getting worse than a good ogling.

Unknowingly, she thrashed and he gently smoothed her hair, attempting to soothe the torment in her mind. Instead of soothing, his touch seemed to panic her and one of her arms swung out. If not for his quick reflexes, it would have connected in an inopportune spot. He dodged and she rolled. He almost missed catching her before she hit the floor. Nearly bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s pressed firmly against his chest as he lay beneath her on the floor. She moaned and s.h.i.+fted, his c.o.c.k twitched. It was a good thing he had taken the edge off his blood l.u.s.t and carnal needs so recently or she might find herself in true mortal danger.

"No," she murmured, swinging her arms.

"Shh, you're safe. I mean ya no harm," he crooned softly, trying to ease her anxiety. Before she could begin again in earnest he shuffled her in his arms. Rising, he carried her down the hall, placing her in a safer position upon his king-sized bed.

Light from the hall spilled onto his bed. A full breast tumbled from a tear in her blouse. Maybe his bed was not the safest place. His tongue glided along his incisors as they began to protrude.

The darkness in his soul reminded him he could suckle her breast-taste her blood -she would never know. He could take anything he wanted and then make her forget, but he wouldn't.

"d.a.m.nation, I don't take advantage of the helpless." Resisting temptation, he stomped from the room.

Splas.h.i.+ng cool water on his face, he glanced at the mirror. His incisors protruded slightly, branding him the monster he was. Turning the water to warm, he wet a cloth. He might resemble an animal but most of the time, he thought like a man.

The scent of blood a.s.saulted his senses as he reentered the bedroom. It was a temptation he did not need.

A slight curl pulled at the corner of his lips when he remembered her teeth clamping onto her a.s.sailant's ear. She was feisty. She didn't deserve this. The blood washed easily from her skin but her clothes were another story. Her blouse was in tatters and her skirt held a good amount of her attacker's blood.

Going to his dresser, he pulled out a black T-s.h.i.+rt. Returning to the bed, he eased her up to remove the blouse. Unhooking her bra, he peeled it away and could not help but notice the bruise marring the pale perfection. Her head rolled back, exposing a long, creamy neck. He licked his lips. Her heartbeat was strong, enticing-a lure to his senses.

Turning his eyes away from the alluring display, he grabbed the T-s.h.i.+rt and pulled it over her head, smoothing it down across her upper thighs. Before he could reconsider, he reached beneath the s.h.i.+rt, finding the zipper to her skirt. He yanked it off and flung the offending garment across the room. A glimpse of red lace panties teased him before he smoothed the s.h.i.+rt back over her thighs, thighs between which a man could find the ultimate bliss.

With an unholy growl, Grey shoved himself off the bed and stalked across the room. He felt the sun rising, he was restless and-d.a.m.n it-hard. He cursed his already black soul for bringing the woman here. He had not been unwillingly hard in decades. He intentionally kept himself uninvolved with humans. It was the only way for him to exist. Humans asked too many questions and that could get him killed.

He would allow her to stay for now but as soon as she recovered, she would have to leave. Maybe it was time for him to move on, to establish another ident.i.ty in another state or even another country, though he did prefer the United States. It was the land of his birth, death and rebirth.

Stretching his long frame out on the bed next to the woman, close but not touching her, he shut his eyes, willing the darkness to take him. Usually, he sank into the pitch-black abyss immediately but today her scent lingered in his mind as the darkness pulled him under.

"Grey," her husky voice whispered as he sank into the crystal blue of her eyes. The s.h.i.+rt and panties had vanished as she sat astride him. His erect c.o.c.k was nestled in her wet heat. Large b.r.e.a.s.t.s with peaked, mauve nipples bounced as she s.h.i.+fted back and forth.

He wanted to gather her b.r.e.a.s.t.s for his mouth, he needed to mount her on his c.o.c.k but he couldn't move. An unseen force held him in place as she slowly danced across his naked flesh, her skin, her breath a sweet caress. Strawberry-blonde hair cascaded around him as she leaned forward, her lips just inches from his.

"Please," he heard himself beg. He never begged, he was always in control but this little witch had somehow mesmerized him "What do you want?" Illuminated as if in a spotlight, she writhed in place.

"You. I want you. I don't want to be alone."

"Accept me, join with me and come into the light." As she spoke, she rose up and lowered herself with painstaking slowness onto his rock-hard c.o.c.k. A glove of hot, liquid heat encompa.s.sed him. He couldn't breathe as she began to move. Her tight inner muscles dragged along his swollen length as she lifted and fell upon his c.o.c.k in an agonizing rhythm. He wanted to buck his hips, to deepen the possession and quicken the pace, but he lay paralyzed, unable to move or partic.i.p.ate as she took possession of his body and mind.

"Come for me." The words whispered across his flesh.

"No. I want to touch you."

"Come for me."

He resisted and her hands trailed across her abs and up her torso to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Gathering the full mounds, she held them as if in offering, her thumbs flicking the pebbled tips. He strained to reach her to no avail. He wanted...he needed...her inner muscles rippled around him and he gave up the fight as his c.u.m burst forth in a furious blast.

With a gasp, Grey sat up in his bed and ran a hand through his sweat-dampened hair. "f.u.c.k," he moaned in a slow pant. He hadn't had a wet dream in centuries. He cast his eyes to the cause of his problem. The woman still lay next to him but now the s.h.i.+rt had risen to expose the vee between her legs covered only by thin lace. His mouth watered and he swallowed deeply.

The woman next to him stirred and began to awaken, jarring his mind from the haze of l.u.s.t. A feminine hand landed in the middle of his stomach as she struggled to push herself into a sitting position.

Shannon's hand crept along firm, cotton-covered flesh. Fles.h.!.+ She yanked her hand back, opening her eyes. Pain shot through her skull and she blinked rapidly. She raised a hand to her temple, pressing firmly. The pressure didn't ease the pain and the body in her bed was not a hallucination.

Her eyes darted around-a black bedspread, stark white walls. It was not her room -not her bed. f.u.c.k. What did I do last night? she silently asked herself. Next to her in the bed lay a fully dressed man, a very large, fully dressed man. Red cotton stretched tightly across a large expanse of chest. His dusky skin, black hair and high cheekbones proclaimed he had a Native American ancestor. However, he was a stranger to her and her head throbbed mercilessly. Looking down at herself, she was surprised to find herself clad only in her panties and a black s.h.i.+rt. Now she had to wonder exactly how well they were acquainted. Certainly she couldn't have drunk enough to forget a night in this man's bed.

The stranger lay still upon his back, unmoving except for the dark eyes regarding her carefully. She tried to rise but the pain in her head overwhelmed her. She collapsed back onto the bed.

"That was quite a blow ya took to the side of your head, ma'am. You'd best lie back and relax awhile longer."

That deep voice seemed familiar. It had a soothing quality to it and just a trace of an accent. Something niggled at her mind, just out of reach.

"What am I doing here?"

"You had an accident and I brought ya home."

She blinked her eyes rapidly, trying to remember. "An accident..." Then it hit her, she had gone out with some co-workers after work to a downtown bar. Tired from a long week at work, she'd left early. She remembered approaching her car, the hairs on the back of her neck standing up at the sound of rapid feet on the pavement. Before she could react, a hand closed over her mouth and another wrapped around her waist.

Her eyes flew back to study his face. The vampire! He'd saved her when those men had hauled her into an alley and ripped at her clothes. She had been terrified. She'd known what they intended but was helpless against the two of them. Her self-defense mechanism had kicked in and she had bitten one of them. Everything was a blank until he'd knelt next to her. Had they...

"Nothing happened, ma'am. I mean other than them roughing ya up a bit."

"I remember." Tugging the s.h.i.+rt as low as she could, she twisted back to look at him. "Thank you. I owe you my life or at the very least my sanity."

"My pleasure, ma'am." He nodded his head and, though he had the outward appearance of an urban man, she could picture him tipping a cowboy hat. Ebony eyes gleamed with a fiery intensity. Then he blinked and the black, blank stare returned.

"My name is Shannon. Shannon McNeal, and yours?" She extended her hand.

He sat up next to her in the bed and she realized how truly large he was. "Grey Hawthorn."

His hand enclosed hers, dwarfed hers and her heart jumped. He was not the first vampire she'd shook hands with but he was the first to affect her so dramatically. "I expect you're wondering why I'm so calm about the whole vampire thing."

"Vampire?" His dark brows shot upward.

"Don't try to pretend. I remember everything." She remembered looking up and seeing her avenging angel, an angel with long, black hair. For a moment she thought she' d died for certainly such perfection could not walk the earth. Even after she'd seen his furrowed brow and fangs, she hadn't felt fear, only apprehension of what was to come.

"I a.s.sumed you'd forgotten since... "

"You expected that I'd run screaming from the room at the first opportunity?" Shannon tried to grin but her face felt like it was ready to crack.

"Something to that effect." He nodded his head.

"Please. I work for Schuster and Crane. We handle the estates of almost every vamp and werewolf on the eastern seaboard."

Grey laughed. "Not every vamp. I'm old school. I prefer to keep my affairs private. Of course, I could be persuaded to allow ya to handle my-affairs." His eyes glowed with an inner light.

Shannon's eyes narrowed on him. He was smooth and obviously used to charming and possessing any female he chose. His potent maleness was almost palpable. She wondered how safe she really was, and to her chagrin, a thought popped into her head.

How safe do I want to be?

He must have read the anxiety on her face. "Don't ya worry, you're safe enough-for now," he said with a wink as he scooted off the bed.

"Just a regular vampire hero and all around good guy, right?" Boldly her gaze roamed his flat stomach and long, muscled legs. A thick ridge of male flesh quite visible beneath his jeans drew her gaze and her eyes paused. A heated blush colored her face as she realized her gaze lingered a little too long in an inappropriate area. Just great! What kind of freak am I? she thought as she mentally criticized her judgment. Waking up next to a stranger was one thing. Waking up next to a vamp and creaming your panties over him was quite another. It was a good thing her brain felt ready to explode or she might do something really stupid.

"How's your head?" He grinned, flas.h.i.+ng l.u.s.trous white teeth. To her dismay, her nipples tightened under the thin cotton s.h.i.+rt. She groaned in dismay and hoped he would account it to her headache. By the gleam in his eyes, she was sure he hadn't missed her body's reaction.

"It has been better."

"I imagine it has." He paced nervously across the room. "How long have ya known about vampires?"

"A long time, my best friend was bitten...turned as a teen. At first, I thought she'd lost her mind. Eventually, I came around."

"Have you ever been bit?" His dark, intense eyes drilled her and she swallowed deeply.

An innocent question inspired thoughts of him biting her, his fangs buried deep as he suckled her flesh. She shuddered. "No, at least not that I know of."

"How did ya get involved with Schuster? He's an old vamp."

"He's also Alicia's sire."

"Alicia...that's your friend?"

She nodded her head. "Do you know her?" Shannon hoped they didn't share an intimate history. She felt sure if they had, she would know. Alicia liked to brag about her conquests. She would have crowed about eye candy as hot as Grey.

"I've seen her, she runs with a young vampire group. I'm more of a loner. It's safer that way."

"Do you get lonely?" Their eyes met as she spoke and her heart turned over.

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