Enquire Within Upon Everything Part 36

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Medicine, _med_-e-cin, not _med_-cin.

Minute (sixty seconds), _min_-it.

Minute (small), mi-_nute_.

Miscellany, mis-_cel_-lany, not _mis_-cellany.

Mischievous, _mis_-chiv-us, not mis-_cheev_-us.

Ne'er, for never, nare.

Neighbourhood, _nay_-bur-hood, not _nay_-burwood.

Nephew, _nev_-u, not _nef_u.

New, nu, not noo.

Notable (worthy of notice), _no_-tu-bl.

Oblige, as spelled, not obleege.

Oblique, ob-_leek_, not o-_blike_.

Odorous, o-der-us, not _od_-ur-us.

Of, ov, except when compounded with the here, and where, which should be p.r.o.nounced here-_of_, there-_of_, and where-_of_.

Off, as spelt, not awf.

Organization, _or_-gan-i-_za_-shun, not or-ga-_ne_-za-shun.

Ostrich, os-tr'ch, not _os_-tridge.

Pageant, _paj_-ent, not _pa_-jant.

Parent. _pare_-ent, not _par_-ent.

Partisan, _par_-te-zan, not par-te-_zan_, nor _par_--ti-zan.

Patent, _pa_-tent, not _pat_-ent.

Physiognomy, as _fiz_-i-_og_nomy, not phy-sionnomy.

Pincers, _pin_-cerz, not pinch-erz.

Plaintiff, as spelled, not plan-tiff.

Pour, pore, not so as to rhyme with our.

Precedent (an example), _pres_-e-dent; pre-_ce_-dent (going before in point of time, previous, former), is the p.r.o.nunciation of the adjective.

Prologue, _pro_-log, not _prol_-og.

Quadrille, ka-_dril_, not quod-ril.

Quay, key, not as spelled.

Radish, as spelled, not red-ish.

Raillery, _rail'_-er-y, or _ral_-er y, not as spelled.

Rather, _rar_-ther, not ray-ther.

Resort, re-_sort_.

Resound, re-_zound_.

Respite, _res_-pit, not as spelled.

Rout (a party; and to rout), should be p.r.o.nounced rowt. Route (a road), root.

Saunter, _saun_-ter, not _sarn_-ter or _san_-ter.

Sausage, _saw_-sage not sos-sidge, nor sa.s.sage.

Schedule, _shed_-ule, not shed-dle.

Seamstress is p.r.o.nounced _seem_-stress, but semp-stress, as the word is now commonly spelt, is p.r.o.nounced _sem_-stress.

Sewer, _soo_-er or _su_-er, not sh.o.r.e, nor shure.

s.h.i.+re, as spelled, when uttered as a single word, but shortened into s.h.i.+r in composition.

Shone, shon, not shun, nor as spelled.

Soldier, _sole_-jer.

Solecism, _sol_-e-cizm, not sole-cizm.

Soot as spelled, not sut.

Sovereign, _sov_-er-in, not suv-er-in.

Specious, _spe_-shus, not _spesh_-us.

Stomacher, _stum_-a-cher.

Stone (weight), as spelled, not stun.

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