Tempt My Heart Part 7

Tempt My Heart -

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Oh, h.e.l.l no.

My body is betraying me as a s.h.i.+ver of electricity jolts from the tip of my fingers straight to my heart, causing it to do that f.u.c.king fluttering s.h.i.+t again. This is so not good.

"Yes, it is." I manage to say.

G.o.d! I sound like an idiot right now!

"Wait a sec, you two have met?" Holden asks as his face twists into a puzzled expression.

Jordon takes a long pull from his beer and I get lost momentarily as I watch his fingers tap on his thigh to the beat of the music blasting through the club. "We met downstairs on the dance floor. Brittan sure knows how to move."

G.o.d, his voice is like b.u.t.ter, and those blue eyes are glowing as they slowly slide over my body. I feel like he's envisioning me naked right now, making my face flush ten shades of red.

Levi lets out a low chuckle, "She sure does. Give her a dance floor and a good beat, and she'll dance a hole in the floor."

Standing abruptly, I spin around towards my bandmates, "Well this was fun guys, but I'm exhausted." Spinning on my heels, I flash a smile at Kingston, Zane, Lawson, Natasha and then finally meet Jordon's eyes, "It was nice to finally meet all of you. I'm so sorry to be tearing out while y'all are still partying; it's just been a long day for me, so I'm going to call it a night."

Everyone tells me goodnight and after giving my bandmates all a quick hug goodbye, I bee-line it towards the back entrance where my town car is waiting for me. My head is a little dizzy from the shots, so I gingerly make my way down the winding staircase taking extra care not to trip and fall flat on my face. Alcohol and six inch stilettos do not mix well. The last thing I need is a broken ankle a week before we go on tour.

I slide into the back of the Lincoln Town Car and sink into the cool leather seat. I finally let out the breath I've been holding since the moment I walked away from Jordon.

Laying my head back, I tell the driver to take me home. Just as he begins to roll away from the back entrance someone pounds on the window giving me a f.u.c.king heart attack!

"Jesus Christ!" I curse, as I roll my window down to find Jordon standing beside the car with a look that tells me he isn't letting me leave alone tonight.

Ignoring the voices in my head screaming at me to tell him to f.u.c.k off and go find another chick in the club to ride his d.i.c.k, I open the door, "Get in. You are a maniac! You know that right!? You don't go banging on someone's car in a f.u.c.king alleyway! I thought you were a crazy mugger or something." I shout as I slide across the seat giving him room to get in and sit beside me.

Finding my b.i.t.c.hing and mini freak out amusing, Jordon just laughs at me, and slides beside me draping his right arm over my shoulder. "Hey, now! If I remember correctly, when we were interrupted earlier, you promised me we'd be finis.h.i.+ng what we started. My f.u.c.king b.a.l.l.s are aching right now; it's only fair you finish what you started by those bathrooms. Because...well baby...ya kinda owe me." I can't help but sigh with disgust as he cups his crotch and adjusts his d.i.c.k.

What a p.r.i.c.k!

"Excuse me? I didn't make you finger me on that dance floor. You did that all on your own accord." I say matter-of-factly with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

Jordon rolls his eyes and lets out a laugh that causes my girly parts to tingle. I can't stop staring into his eyes...I feel like they're drawing me in, and no matter how hard I try, I can't look away. I swear; they're the brightest eyes I've ever seen, practically glowing from the streetlight that's s.h.i.+ning into the car. It doesn't help that his tight blue tee is making them pop even more.

I think blue is definitely his color.

Slowly rubbing circles over my arm with his fingers, he leaned down pressing a kiss to my ear and nipping at my lobe, "You may not have said anything with that delicious mouth of yours, but baby there is no denying your body was practically screaming at me to finger f.u.c.k you. So stop lying to yourself, because you and I both know you got exactly what you I expect the same in return."

d.a.m.n it.

I swear this j.e.r.k.-.o.f.f. can read me like an open f.u.c.king book.

Spinning in the seat and climbing up onto my knees, I take Jordon by surprise when I straddle his lap. I slowly slide my fingers through his hair and grip it tightly; I tilt his head back so that his baby blues are locked onto my mocha brown eyes, "Normally I find the whole a.s.shole att.i.tude offensive and a big turn off." I pause for a moment, letting him ponder my words before continuing, "But...for some reason, with you, I like it. So let's come to an agreement, shall we? Tonight...and only tonight, we'll do this. But we agree that it'll never happen again while we're on tour. I need to keep things professional."

Jordon opens his mouth to speak, but I press my manicured index finger against his lips quieting him.

"Shhh...I know what you're thinking. But don't worry; I'm not the jealous type, so there will be no drama if you hook up with anyone while we're touring. I hope you can say the same. I really need this tour to go off without a hitch."

Gripping my a.s.s in the palms of his hands, Jordon grinds his now hardened c.o.c.k, that's ready to burst out of his jeans, against my p.u.s.s.y that's starving to be filled by him.

A ghost of a smile creeps over his lips, "Deal." He says before sliding one of his hands along my back, making me s.h.i.+ver and causing goose b.u.mps to cover every inch of my body.

Cupping the back of my neck, he pulls me closer to him. As if my body knows what it wants before I do, my head falls to the side exposing my neck for him to trail fiery kisses across it.

Soft moans vibrate in my throat as he kneads my a.s.s. All the while licking, sucking and nibbling a path from my neck to the swell of my b.r.e.a.s.t.s that are peaking out of my tube top.

We spend the twenty minute drive home teasing each other's bodies, leaving us both on the verge of tearing our clothes off the second our feet hit the asphalt of my driveway. I had the driver drop us off under the large carport in front of my sprawling waterfront mansion. As soon as the cool night air hits my skin, it sobers me slightly, but not enough to make me back out now. We've come this far; we might as well have this one night together; I can live with my regrets in the morning.

I have a million emotions exploding out of me as I take his hand, and we run up the large marble steps leading up to my double oak doors. Punching in my security code, we burst through the doors and instantly Jordon is back on me. His arms wrap around my body and lift me off the ground as he crashes his mouth to mine.

The taste of his beer mixed with my shots is an intoxicating concoction. I haven't been this consumed with the desire to f.u.c.k someone since Cane, which causes my heart to skip a beat.

My entire body feels more alive right now than it has in eight years, which is overwhelming and terrifying all at the same time. I just hope I can handle having Jordon for one night only, and then having to see him for the next six months and not being able to act on the attraction I feel towards him.

Crash and Burn.

Stumbling up the stairs, Jordon and I only break away from each others lips for a few seconds at a time as we remove our clothing, leaving a trail from my front door up to my bedroom.

His kiss has me so worked up; I swear I will combust within seconds of his c.o.c.k sliding into me.

"f.u.c.kkk..." Jordon hisses and I let out a small giggle as he stumbles, kicking off his jeans. "You find that funny?" He asks as he runs at me, scooping me up in his arms and tossing me over his shoulder. He playfully slaps my a.s.s making my p.u.s.s.y clench with the antic.i.p.ation of what's to come.

I wiggle out of his embrace and fall back onto the bed, "It was quite comical." Slowly, I lift my leg and grab at his boxer's waistband with my toes, pulling him towards the bed. I love seeing him from this angle. He looks like a bada.s.s Adonis, with his ripped muscles, dangerously delicious smile, and melt me into a puddle gaze...don't even get me started on his breathtaking tattoo.

The only clothing remaining is his boxers and my panties, which I know right now, are both going to join our other items on the floor.

Jordon stalks towards the bed until his knees. .h.i.t the mattress. With a devilish grin playing on his lips, he grabs my panties, slips them off of me and presses them to his nose. "Mmmm, I wonder if your p.u.s.s.y tastes as sweet as it smells." He ponders as he tosses my panties on the floor behind him.

Jordon kneels down at the foot of my bed grabs my legs and drapes them over his shoulders. The antic.i.p.ation of where his mouth is going to stop has my body vibrating with excitement and screaming for release.

He slowly trails a path of kisses along my inner thigh, working his mouth towards my sensitive flesh. The second his tongue licks a trail just above my pubic bone; I wiggle beneath him trying to hold back my laughter because it tickles and feels so good all at the same time.

He's teasing me, getting his mouth so close to where I ache for him just to keep me teetering on the edge. Finally, a sigh of relief escapes me as his tongue flicks at my c.l.i.t and tantalizingly slides its way down between my lips to dip inside of me.

Reaching out, I fist his hair and tighten my legs so now my heels are digging into his back. I arch my back raising my mound up to his mouth as hunger for pleasure consumes me.

Stopping suddenly, Jordon flashes his mega-watt, panty dropping smile up at me as I gaze down at him over my stomach.

"Mmm..." He says licking my arousal off of his lips. "I was right; you taste just as sweet as I thought you would."

I didn't think it was possible, but hearing him say that elevates my pa.s.sion for him.

Breaking me out of my euphoric daze he asks, "What's your favorite song right now? And please do not tell me One Direction's, Story of My Life, or I will walk out that door right now!" He teases as he dips his fingers into my neglected p.u.s.s.y.

Biting down on my lip, I try to focus and answer his question, "Hmm...I do love that song..." I can't help but laugh at his expression, "Well. I'm really loving Fall Out Boys, Lite 'Em Up." I answer as my eyes roll into the back of my head when I suddenly feel the familiar beat of the song begin playing on my c.l.i.t with his rough, callused fingers. Jordon gets back to work, f.u.c.king my p.u.s.s.y with his very talented tongue.

I now know why guitarists get so much p.u.s.s.y...they can finger f.u.c.k you into tomorrow!

With the mixture of his tongue doing things to me, that should be illegal in the state of Florida, and his fingers playing my c.l.i.t like his treasured guitar, I find my head spinning. My thighs clench around his head as I eagerly grind my p.u.s.s.y into his face. I climax so hard I see stars before my eyes.

I feel strands of his hair rip out into my hands, but neither of us seems to care at the moment. The o.r.g.a.s.m he's giving me is too f.u.c.king incredible to care about anything else.

After I catch my breath and fall back to earth, I sit up and s.h.i.+ft my b.u.t.t is on the edge of the mattress. Jordon slowly climbs to his feet never taking his eyes off of mine. He's now standing between my thighs as I grip the elastic of his briefs and slide them down, stripping away his last article of clothing.

I nibbled on my bottom lip as his hard velvety c.o.c.k springs free, bouncing before me and tempting me to run my tongue over the smooth, slightly purple head. It's so hard right now his veins are bulging out all around it.

Gazing up at Jordon, I slowly drag my tongue seductively across my lips, moistening them before I wrap them around his swollen tip.

I hear Jordon suck in a sharp breath as he slides his fingers through my hair, ma.s.saging my scalp. He begins to rotate his hips, f.u.c.king my mouth.

I relax and allow his c.o.c.k to slide past the barrier, easing him deeper into my throat. Jordon mumbles under his breath, "Holy...f.u.c.k...Brittan..." as he thrusts it in and out of my throat.

Reaching up, I grip his finely toned a.s.s in my hands, squeezing and digging my nails into him causes a deep moan to resonate in his throat, producing additional wetness between my thighs. I love giving head. It turns me on when the guy I'm blowing is enjoying it.

Jordon moves his hands from my hair to my shoulders, gripping them, he says, "Stop. I'm two seconds away from blowing my load, and I want to come while buried deep inside your tight f.u.c.king p.u.s.s.y." His words make my body tingle with excitement.

Pulling his d.i.c.k out of my mouth, he slides his gaze from me towards my pillows, silently telling me to move up the bed. I roll onto all fours and make my way up my bed taking extra care to sway my a.s.s with each movement I make.

"I swear you have the finest a.s.s I've ever seen, Brittan." Jordon murmurs as he crawls onto the bed behind me. Within seconds, he's leaning over my body pressing his rock solid length between my thighs and trailing kisses along my spine.

"Mmmm..." I moan with pleasure as I feel his lips, tongue and teeth on my back. His c.o.c.k is now moist with my saliva and his pre-c.u.m, sliding deliciously slow over my folds and c.l.i.t, still sensitive from the o.r.g.a.s.m he just graced me with.

My body flushes as I feel an o.r.g.a.s.m building inside of me. Fisting the blankets, I press my forehead into the wall of pillows in front of me as my body stiffens.

"Ohh G.o.d!" I scream, as my body quakes and tingles from my head to my toes as an o.r.g.a.s.m tears through me.

Before I can come down from my o.r.g.a.s.m, Jordon is slipping his c.o.c.k deep inside of me. Slowly inching his way inside, filling every single inch as he buries himself b.a.l.l.s deep.

I was so lost in bliss; I didn't realize he had slipped on a condom, but I'm glad he did. I don't to ruin the moment by having him pull out to put one on.

Better to be safe than sorry, we don't know how many people either of us has been with, and how many they've been with before us.

"You feel even better than I imagined you would. Perfection wrapped around my d.i.c.k." He hisses between clenched teeth, as he begins sliding his c.o.c.k almost completely out before driving it back into me.

He thrusts into me, slamming against my cervix. He delivers a rush of pleasure mixed with pain as he pushes my body past its comfort zone and making every nerve ending inside me fire up. Lying on my elbows, I clench the blankets and arch my back at the perfect angle so his b.a.l.l.s swing and slam against my c.l.i.t, stimulating it.

My body relaxes with each pa.s.sing second and every thought and fear that was bouncing around inside of my head vanishes. I hear nothing but the sounds of our moans, heavy breathing, and skin slamming against skin.

Jordon's moans, as I clench my p.u.s.s.y around his c.o.c.k, are the most erotic f.u.c.king sound I've ever heard.

Leaning over me, Jordon sets one hand beside my head to hold his body up, while the other is ma.s.saging my b.r.e.a.s.t.s. The pinching and twists tease my sensitive nipples, sending my head spinning as ecstasy washes over me.

His taut, muscular body, slick with sweat, and his hardened nipples pressing against my back, feel like a live sparking wire on my skin, awakening every nerve ending in my body. The electrifying sensations erupting between us has my body humming with need for Jordon's touch, craving it like my body craved; there's no high like this that can be manufactured.

My body starts to become ridged, and my muscles contract as the o.r.g.a.s.m builds deep inside of me. I begin rocking my body, meeting Jordon's thrust with an animalistic pa.s.sion as I chase my climax.

Sitting up, Jordon grips my hips possessively, as he starts thrusting feverishly into me. Within seconds, he's stiffening behind me as I feel him finis.h.i.+ng. My screams, mixed with his cries of pleasure, echo and bounce off of the walls. My body convulses and clenches around his pulsating c.o.c.k to milk the c.u.m out of him. I ride out one of the most intense to ever explode through my body.

I feel Jordon slowly pulling out of me before removing himself completely. The feeling of his hands sliding over the curves of my a.s.s is soothing as he places kisses against both of my back dimples.

Rolling onto my side, I lie on the bed as I try to get my breathing back to normal.

Jordon glances at me momentarily before slipping his condom off and knotting it. "Bathroom?" He asks, as he slides off of the bed with a nervous smile on his face.

It's adorable.

I watch as his muscles flex with each movement he makes on the way to the bathroom. He has to be one of the most attractive men I've ever seen. It's going to be difficult being around him all the time and not being together with him like this. But it's for the best.

"Right through that door is the en-suite." I tell him, pointing towards the white door behind me.

"Thanks, I'm going to clean up real quick."

As he disappears into the bathroom, I feel the atmosphere in the bedroom swiftly changing, and the sense of the air being vacuumed out of the room.

I feel that all too familiar feeling taking over my body.


Sliding off of the bed, I go to my dresser to remove my earrings, and out of habit I pull out one of Cane's old t-s.h.i.+rts. I normally sleep in them every night. They're becoming worn and faded, but I'll wear them until they disintegrate before I'll throw them away.

Climbing back into my bed, I pull the covers over my body and stare down at my diamond engagement ring with the two tiny b.u.t.terflies and small rubies. Twisting it, I think about the feelings Jordon has awakened within me that I haven't felt in such a long time. I didn't think I'd ever feel them again.

I'm struggling with the fact that I don't know how to deal with them. On one hand, I'd rather spend my life numb and alone because I can't imagine my life with anyone but Cane. On the other hand, it feels great to appear normal for a few minutes, instead of like a grieving widow.

As soon as Jordon steps out of the bathroom my stomach aches, feeling like a swarm of bees are buzzing around inside of it.

The guilt I'm drowning in begins to consume me.

I should have never brought him back here. I knew the moment he kissed me on the dance floor I was playing a game of Russian Roulette. The excitement of what was going to happen overpowered my fears of what the consequences would be.

"You okay?" Jordon asks with concern laced in his words as he slips his briefs back on.

I plaster on my best fake smile and lie through my teeth; it's become so easy to lie to everyone and myself; half the time I actually believe the s.h.i.+t I tell them.

"Yeah, I'm great. Just tired, today's been a roller coaster of emotions that have left my mind and body exhausted."

Crawling onto the bed beside me, Jordon props his body up on his left arm and searches my eyes for a moment. The sadness I see flas.h.i.+ng over his face sends a pang of anguish into my heart.

Raising his hand up, he used the pad of his thumb and brushes a few strands of my hair off my face and tucks them behind my ear. Licking his lips, he smiles down at me causing one of his s.e.xy dimples to appear in his cheek.

"You are a mysterious and captivating woman, Brittan McKenna. I am trying so hard to read you, but I officially think it's impossible."

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