Bellevue Bullies: Hooked By Love Part 8

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Swallowing loudly, I know I'm in trouble. I know I should run. But instead, I hold his gaze, my lips curving as I whisper, "Oh, Larry."

Well, I thought I'd whispered, but actually, I whimpered. And that has his eyes darkening even more. His face flushes, the splotches appearing down his chest. My body is tingling, and the white-hot l.u.s.t that is running through my body is downright confusing. How can I want someone this badly? Especially someone I don't even know.

"What is going on here?" he asks suddenly and I can't even answer.

My breath is coming out hard. His hands tighten on my hip and jaw, and I can feel his heartbeat against mine. I know I shouldn't let him be this close, touching me, but I can't stop him. Let alone think. Because thinking isn't even an option.

Nothing is except to be completely lost in the green depths of his eyes.

Somehow, I blink dumbly at him and I shrug, which causes his lips to curve. "I have no clue."

"Me either."

"But I like it."

"Oh, Diane, me too. So f.u.c.king much," he whispers back as his lips slowly start to drop down to mine. I close my eyes, my hands coming up on his bare chest, ready for the kiss I know will be f.u.c.king amazing...but nothing happens.

Opening my eyes, I watch as he lets me go, being pulled back by a group of guys.

They are turning him upside down.

Oh, fun, it's time for a keg stand.



Even upside down, my No Dating Diane is gorgeous.

s.h.i.+t, I should really ask her for her name.

She sure as h.e.l.l doesn't look like a Diane.

Maybe a Dirty Diana, but not a Diane.

When I saw her earlier today, I thought she was hot, gorgeous. But tonight, she's pulling out all the stops. The s.h.i.+rt she is wearing doesn't fit; it's big, hanging off her in a carefree way that has me wanting to rip it off her with my teeth. The bra she's wearing underneath it is almost see-through, and the little peek of skin is ridiculously hot. I hadn't noticed the sick-a.s.s black and gray guitar tattoo she has on her forearm or the other one that is a daisy with music notes falling from it in the same place on her other arm. They are amazing tattoos and only add to her hotness. Her jeans might as well be painted on, showing her long, thin legs, with just a small peek of ankle. It's sad that her little glimpse of ankle has me drooling, making me want to drop to my knees to touch the skin, just to feel her.

I hadn't realized how long her hair really is, touching her b.u.t.t and making me want to wrap it around my hand to pull her to me for a kiss. G.o.d, we were so close to doing just that. I don't know what came over me. I just had to taste her, feel her body against mine. I have no clue what it is, but man, she's got me in some kind of trance. It's weird. Crazy, even.

But it has to be her eyes. Those turquoise depths are complete trouble. They make me feel things I've never felt. They make my stomach clench, my c.o.c.k perk with excitement. They are flawless. Perfect, especially with the way her dark lashes fan above them.

I could stare at her all night.

And that's my plan.

I just wish my boys wouldn't have pulled me away for a keg stand, though.

As I hold on to the keg, Markus puts the end of the tap in my mouth and the beer starts to flow. Everyone is hooting and hollering, but all I can do is look at her as the beer streams down my throat. This isn't my first keg stand, and I like to think I've become a pro at them. h.e.l.l, with Jude as my brother, how could I not? He has the longest keg-stand record right now.

But not for long.

Holding her gaze, I watch as her face changes, her brows rising as she watches. She's upset that I was pulled away-I can read it all over her face and body-but I plan to come back to her. No doubt about that. In the meantime, though, I'll be amazing.

Like always.

Gripping the side of the freezing keg, I start to do inverted push-ups, just for s.h.i.+ts and giggles. As I expect, people lose their s.h.i.+t as they count loudly, all eyes on me. Just like I want it. I want people to know that this Sinclair is just as good as the others. If not better. It doesn't matter that they are in the NHL and I'm not. I was hurt, but my time is coming. And in the process, I'm going to burn a trail of awesomeness that leaves a mark on everyone at this school.

I will be remembered.

And not because I'm Jude and Jayden Sinclair's little brother.

But because of who I am.

The best.

As the crowd counts, I can tell that I've impressed No Dating Diane and that makes me push on. Her lips curve as she watches, her thumbs hanging loosely in her belt loops, looking ten times better than this beer. h.e.l.l, a million times better.

Still going, though, I have twenty more seconds. I start to get a little light-headed, but I refuse to stop. I will beat Jude. My boy Richie is recording this; it's going to be on Facebook and Jude best believe I'm going to tag him in it. Jayden's and his reign is over-it's time for me to take over. This is my house, my team, and d.a.m.n it, I'm going to leave h.e.l.lfire behind me.

"Sixty-one, sixty-two, sixty-three, sixty-four."

Only seven more seconds. I can do this. Closing my eyes, I dig deep like I would on the ice. On the ice, I'm unstoppable, and that's the way I need to be now. When I have my mind set on something, I do it, and I don't lose. I win. Well, except for that time I had my collarbone broken because I was protecting my now sister-in-law, but that's all small details. I'm healthy. I'm ready to win. I'm ready to show this f.u.c.king school who the best is. I was supposed to go before both my brothers, but s.h.i.+t just kept getting in the way.

Now, though, nothing will get in my way.

"Woo-hoo! Go, Jace!"

Opening my eyes, I see No Dating Diane holding her beer in a toast as she cheers me on, counting with everyone. I don't know why that means so much to me, but it does. I like that she is supporting me.


What the h.e.l.l is up with her?

Why does she affect me so?

"Seventy, seventy-one, seventy-two!"

Yup, I'm done. When I nod my head, Markus pulls the tap out of my mouth and then helps right me. Closing my eyes, I swallow down the barf that wants to escape and inhale a deep breath. I've got this. I do.

"New house champion!" Richie yells, holding up my hand as the crowd goes nuts. "What's you got to say, Champ?"

I look back at Richie; he's holding the camera up, waiting for my response with a big goofy grin. Smiling, I choke down some more puke before I say, "Winner, winner, chicken dinner. In your face, Jude Sinclair!"

That sends the crowd into a frenzy, and soon everyone is patting me on the head, smacking me on the back, and fist-pumping as I make my way back to Diane. I'm woozy and my stomach hurts, but nothing is going to keep me from finding out her name. She's watching as I come toward her, wobbling as I walk and still swallowing down the puke that is trying its hardest to get out.

As I stop in front of her, she grins up at me. "Wow, I'm impressed."

"Thanks," I say before letting out a long, obnoxious burp that has my boys cheering. Swallowing hard, I blink, realizing I may be drunk. I hadn't even drunk all day because I knew I was going to attempt that time tonight. I have been talking about it for a while, and no one paid me any mind because Jude had the record and no one could beat him. I knew I could. But s.h.i.+t, I have no clue how my brother got trashed and then held that for seventy-one seconds, because I feel like I'm going to puke my brains out and die. Kudos to him.

Even though I'm better.

"You okay, big guy?" she asks and I smile.

"Yeah, fine." I wave her off, holding my chest as I burp again. "Ugh, sorry. I'm not usually this trashy."


I grin. "Nope, I'm a dude."

"Ha, I highly doubt that," she teases and I hold up my forefinger and thumb.

"Just a bit."

"Yeah, okay."

I burp again and I think I'm good. Everything is going to stay down. I hope. "So where were we?"

Her eyes are bright, intoxicating, as she looks up at me. She's way shorter than me, which surprises me. She has what I thought were long legs, but maybe they just look long. I don't know, but she only comes to my chest. She makes me want to cuddle her, she's so little and cute.

"I'm not sure, but I think you were gonna kiss me," she says, her eyes full of need.

"I was," I say triumphantly, pointing at her. "But I had to go kick some a.s.s."

Her brows touch. "Whose?"

"My brother, Jude. He had the longest time."

"Oh, cool," she says, but I don't really think she thinks it's that cool.

"Yeah." I nod. "But first, what's your name?"

Her teeth come out to bite her bottom lip, and I swear, I'm about to come out of my skin. I'm not sure if it's the beer that has my need flowing out of my pores, but I want her more than I could ever describe. I love women-don't get me wrong, they are the highlight of my life after hockey-but I usually like to know the person I'm sleeping with. Unlike Jude before Claire, I do respect the women I sleep with. In that way, I'm like Jayden. But this girl, I don't need to know anything but what's in them pants.

Wow, that makes me a douche, right?

Eh. Oh, well.

"Avery," she says huskily and everything goes taut. My shoulders, my back, my c.o.c.k-Jesus, everything is hot and hard. All she did was say her name and I'm gone.

"Avery," I say, her name falling from my lips like it was meant to be said by only me. "I like it."

Her face breaks into a grin as she looks away. "Thanks."

"Don't look away," I demand, bringing her face up. "How am I supposed to stare into those gorgeous eyes if you look away?"

Her lips curve in a very skeptical way. "You and those lines."

This time, I'm grinning. "I've been saving all of them, all my life, only for you."

"Oh my G.o.d, really?" she laughs and I smile.

"Hey, I knew one day I'd meet the girl who was deserving of every corny, lame, cheesy line I can think of, and you, gorgeous, beautiful Avery are the one."

"I'm gonna gag," she says bluntly and I laugh.

"But you're more beautiful than a hundred pink flamingos on a golf course."

Her eyes widen before she bubbles with laughter.

And I'm nowhere near done.

"Don't laugh. Help me, there is something wrong with my eyes."

Her brows come together, concern on her face. "What? I don't see anything wrong with them."

"I just can't take them off you."

Her mouth drops open as her cheeks redden before she rolls her eyes, laughter bubbling from the base of her throat. "You're killing me."

"I'm killing you? Girl, I must be Richard Gere because you are the prettiest woman I have ever seen."

"Oh my gosh," she laughs and I grin, leaning against the doorjamb. "Stop, please."

"I haven't even gotten to the good ones yet."

"Good ones? Please!"

"Oh yeah, you know what? If you were a booger, I'd pick you."

"Gross!" She grins, smacking me, and I love the look on her face. She may think I'm lame, but I bet she's never smiled like that before. I have that effect on people. Going behind her, I run my fingers along her shoulder blades as she laughs, looking back at me like I'm crazy. I may very well be. Who knows? But one thing is for sure. I never want this girl to do anything but smile. "What are you doing?"

"Looking for your wings, because you have to be the angel I asked G.o.d to send me."

Throwing her head back, she laughs louder, her body vibrating beneath my hands. Her face is flushed, so is her neck and even the top of her chest. From where I am standing, I can see right down her bra and I'm not even the least bit bashful getting my fill. She's stunning and I can't take it any longer. Threading my fingers through her hair, I hold her head in my hand, my other hand coming up to her chin as I drop my mouth to hers.

I pause, her breath hot on my lips, her eyes locked with mine, and wow, I've never seen something so beautiful in my whole entire life.

This girl.

This girl is... f.u.c.k, I can't even think.

But then she closes the distance, our mouths meeting, and everything just stops.

Her mouth tastes like pure ecstasy.

Unadulterated and beautiful paradise.

Her lips are soft, inviting, and she tastes like mint.

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