Bellevue Bullies: Hooked By Love Part 72

Bellevue Bullies: Hooked By Love -

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My heart clenches at the way Avery's face lights up. "Yeah, the fourth."

"Seven o'clock. We'll have to get lunch before."

"I would love that."

"Me too, honey," he says, kissing her cheek before shaking my hand. "I'll be in touch."

When he's gone, I look at Avery. "You aren't going to tell them about Matty?"

She shakes her head. "Why? You know?"

I give her a look. "Because he's a d.i.c.k and he f.u.c.king deserves it."

But she just smiles, her hands resting against my chest. "Yeah, but that will make me just as bad as he is, and I don't want that. I'm too happy for that. He's the one suffering. Not me. I'm blissfully in love with you, having a beautiful baby, and I'm me. Just me. You know?"

Falling for her once more, I smile, leaning my nose to hers. It's crazy how I fall for her every single f.u.c.king day. It's insane. But then, it's supposed to be like this, I think. That's what keeps loving marriages working. The man falling and the woman catching. And vice versa. Because as I lean my head into hers, my hand coming to rest on our child, she holds me, her eyes full of so much love that I'm breathless.

But still, even breathless and feeling like I've done twenty-seven overtimes, I whisper, "Yeah, baby, I got you."

"Like always."

I nod. "No, like forever."

As the lights dim and the applause fades to silence, I move my hands down the strings of my guitar and I look out into the crowd.

The first person I see is him.

My biggest fan.


Front row.


The biggest grin imaginable on his beautiful face.

Around him are our families. His mom, Lucy, Angie, Jayden, and Baylor. On the other side is my family, my mom and dad with Laurence. Seth wanted to come, but he had a game, like Jude, and couldn't make it in. He made me promise that I'll post a video on Facebook, and I still can't believe how much has changed in the last three months. Not only has our little girl grown and is crazy active in my belly, but my relations.h.i.+p with my family has grown. I don't talk to Laurence and Seth like Jace does with his family, but we talk, and that's enough for me.

We have had years of silence between us, and we have to learn each other again. That's fine. I've forgiven them all, even Matty. I know, crazy, but I couldn't move on until I did. I needed that closure. But we don't talk, at all, and he still hasn't come out. I really don't think he ever will, but that's his problem, not mine. Me, I'm happy. And when he decides to do that, maybe we can try to have a relations.h.i.+p. But I'm not holding my breath, nor am I craving his love and attention.

Why do I need to when I have all these people loving me and cheering me on?

Grinning, I look down at my set list and realize I've got one more song. I want to say I'm nervous, but I'm not. I'm excited, ready, and all because of Jace. He's been talking me up since the beginning of week-h.e.l.l, since we knew about the showcase-and I really do believe that is the reason I'm not curled up in a ball crying. All because of his love and support, something I know I'll have forever. Going to the mic, I look out into the audience once more, seeing that Stu is sitting at the back with lots of guys in suits, all of them with their eyes intently on me. He has been so encouraging, so great the last few months. I know that without his help my songs wouldn't be what they are. I'm singing nothing but originals tonight, eight songs that he and I wrote together, plus one all my own. I owe him a lot, but as my gaze falls on to Jace, I know I owe everything to that incredible man.

My whole existence.

Because he changed me. I'm better because of him. I'm whole because of him.

As he holds my gaze, I say into the mic, "This is my last song."

"What? Seriously?" Jace exclaims and I have to hold back my laughter as I shake my head, immediately taken back to the first time he watched me do a gig.

Smiling so big my face hurts, I say, "Much to my husband's dismay, it is. But I want to thank everyone for taking the time to listen to me. I hope to work with some or all of you in my future. And well, let's go out with a bang, yeah?" I ask, for which I'm rewarded with a round of applause. As I meet Jace's intense, laughter-filled gaze, I smile. "When I wrote this song, I didn't want it to be about this guy, but it was. He inspired it. Like he inspires everything in my life. Love like ours doesn't come around often, and this song is the heartbeat of our love. So, Jace, this song is for you. I love you."

Moving my fingers along the strings, I close my eyes and I sing.

I sing from my soul.

My heart.

And only for Jace.

It's insane how I started this journey, alone and scared. But now, as I open my eyes, watching as my husband sings along with me, his mother holding a sign that says I'm her baby, and a grin on the face of every person who loves me, I couldn't feel alone if I tried. I feel good. I feel happy, and while I know my journey is not over, I'm more than glad that I have Jace beside me for the long haul.

My love.

The inspiration for every song I write.

My forever.

When I sing the last note and my fingers finish their course on the strings of my guitar, I'm met with thunderous applause as Jace stands, screaming my name so loudly, I have to hold back the tears that want to escape. Inside me, our baby girl is kicking like mad, like she always does when I sing. One by one, everyone stands, clapping loudly and hollering my name. Pus.h.i.+ng my guitar back, I bow before turning to the band who learned my songs. They all grin at me as I bow once more and then head off the stage. Before I even reach the bottom of the steps, Jace is there, taking me in his arms and kissing me hard on the lips. I laugh as we part, and he shakes me softly.

"You did it!"

Grinning, my heart still beating uncontrollably, I exclaim, "I did. I can't believe it."

"You were so awesome," he says, taking my guitar as we move off to the side. I'm still trembling, the adrenaline running through my body like crazy. He kisses me once more, and I melt against him, holding him tightly as our little girl moves in my belly. Parting from me, he laughs as he holds on to my protruding gut. "Jesus, she's going nuts."

"She's making beats in there," I say with a wink. "I'm surprised I was able to play with her getting it on."

He smiles as his eyes fall to mine, but before he can say anything more, my dad pulls me into his arms. My mom kisses my temple, and I hug them in return before they pull back, holding me close. "I did not know you were that incredible," my mom cheers.

"I mean, mind-blowing. Wow," Dad says as Laurence nods, looking at his phone.

"Yeah, bada.s.s. I posted a video of the last song, Seth loves it," he says and I'm grinning so hard, my face hurts.

"Awesome. Thank you."

Holding me by my shoulders, my dad shakes me. "I'm so proud of you, Avery. So d.a.m.n proud."

I grin as my mom's eyes get watery and she kisses me again. "So proud."

"Thanks," I gush, just as I see Stu coming for me. "Excuse me," I say, walking toward him as he tucks his hands into his pockets. I notice he looks nervous. s.h.i.+t, did I suck? Does no one want to buy my songs? d.a.m.n it. But then, it's okay. I'm not done, I'll continue to work, I'll push because I will make my dreams come true.

But when I reach him, he looks up, grinning at me. "Great set."

Smacking him playfully, I shake my head. "I thought you had bad news."

"h.e.l.l no, I sold all nine songs."

"Shut up!"

"Nope. Jelly wants four, and other labels want the other five. You are going to be getting one big-a.s.s payday if you approve the contracts that should be on my desk come Monday."

Doing a little dance, I throw my hands up as I close my eyes.

I did it.

I hadn't even realized Jace had followed me until his arms come around me and he's kissing me hard on the lips. Kissing him back, I push aside the tears of happiness that want to fall as I get lost in his kiss. I can't believe it. Is this real? Am I really in love with the most amazing man in the world? Carrying his baby? And now selling songs?

Pulling back, he grins down at me and says, "Told ya."

"We did it."

"No. You did it," he corrects, pressing his head to mine. "d.a.m.n it, I'm so proud of you."

I'm proud of me too. I came from rock bottom, and with the love of this man, I'm making my dreams come true.

"Now it's your turn," I say and he grins, his eyes dancing with excitement at the mention of the upcoming draft. The Bullies won the champions.h.i.+p for the third time in a row, but they lost nationals because of a s.h.i.+tty call that resulted in a goal. Not his fault, and thankfully, he is still prospected to go first.

"Yup, gotta make you proud," he says with a wink and I scoff, leaning my head to his.

"I'm already proud."

Holding me tightly, he kisses my lips. Really, how could life get any better?

Why am I nervous?

I've got this.

I know I do, but yet, I'm shaking in my seat, my heart pounding so hard in my chest that it aches from each thump. With my left hand in Avery's and my right in my mom's, I watch as the Florida Panthers are on the clock, ready to make their pick. Swallowing hard, I look down, seeing Thea sitting beside Matty four rows down. We didn't say anything to Matty when we entered the arena with them. He didn't even look at us, not that either of us cares. Avery is just fine without him, but I've noticed she keeps looking down there.

"Baby, if you want to-"

"Just shut up," she demands, shaking her head, and I smile. I've already asked once and I thought she was going to cut my head off then, but I just want her to be happy. Resting her other hand on her, she looks tired. She hasn't been sleeping much because she can't get comfortable at night. The drive here, since it's too late in her pregnancy to fly, took even more out of her. The doctors are saying she's probably going to go early, and I can't wait. I want to meet my baby. We still technically have three weeks, but I'm hoping she goes today, even if we are out of town. Drafted and a baby, all in the same day. That's what I want.

I just want everything to be perfect, but it hasn't been. We have struggled, we have fought, and we have disagreed, but we've loved more. She completes me, and I hope I do the same for her. It's just crazy to think of my life before her. I remember when this moment was all I cared about. When this was going to be the highlight of my life, but it isn't. The highlight is the day outside of the abortion clinic when my life really started.

The day she agreed to love me forever and have my baby.

We've grown, so d.a.m.n much, and I couldn't be prouder of us.

Of her.

She's a trooper, and I don't even worry about her hurting herself anymore. She is just too happy. Even when she is mad at me, she's happy. She's getting along with her family, minus Matty, and she loves mine something fierce. It's great and I could walk out of this place, not drafted at all, and be happy.

But, I'm going to need to be drafted. That was just a hypothetical thought.

"So, stiff compet.i.tion around here," Jude calls from down the row, Claire beside him grinning happily. They finally moved in to their house in Nashville, and it's been nice having them home.

"Yeah, thinking maybe you'll go eighth," Jayden says simply as I roll my eyes. The didn't win the cup, which was disappointing. But when Shea Adler, their captain, announced his retirement, the talk started that Jayden will take his place. It's crazy, but I'm proud of my brother.

"Hope he goes. Can't keep depending on Avery to bring home the bacon," Lucy says and I glare as she grins at me. "Did y'all see that car she bought him? Spoiled brat."

That has everyone laughing and I roll my eyes, but I smile too.

"Shut up," I bark at them, and my mom points her fingers at my siblings, her eyes wild. She's shaking as badly as I am.

"Shut your mouths. He's nervous."

"Aw, poor baby," they all coo in their own ways, and I turn to my mom.

"Mom," I groan and everyone laughs, even Avery.

They are all so close now, my wife with my siblings and their wives. Lucy, she's still alone, but she doesn't seem too bothered by it. She moved out of my mom's house last month and in to a condo above her shop. I guess walking in on Mom and Coach having s.e.x had her hightailing it out of our family home, and I can't blame her. I still can't look at them without shuddering in disgust. Word is, Coach is moving in, and really, I don't mind. My mom is happy, grinning ear to ear with Coach sitting beside her, also excited for me. My dad is nowhere to be seen, and I'm more than okay with that. He burned that bridge, and I'll never forgive him for what he did. Unlike Avery, I can't just forgive like that. Maybe one day, but not today.

When the GM of the Panthers stands with a little piece of paper in his hands before he climbs the stairs, I sit up straighter. I scoot to the edge of my seat as my mom lets out a cry, her other hand coming to grasp the hand she is already holding. Avery looks at me and I look at her.

Smiling, she says, "Here we go."

"Yeah. Hope you love me if I don't go first."

She rolls her eyes. "You could go dead last and I'll still love you."

"But I have to go?"

She gives me a playful look. "Duh, I can't support all of us."

I give her an exaggerated wink, and she laughs as the whole room quiets down. The GM heads to the podium, tapping the mic. Holding my breath, I close my eyes, praying I go first. Not because I want it more than I want my next breath, but also because I don't want to hear Jayden's and Jude's mouths if I don't go first. Their skates are huge to fill, but d.a.m.n it, I know I'm good enough. "The Florida Panthers would like to choose with their first pick, from the Bellevue Bullies, Jace Sinclair."

As my face breaks into a grin and my mom cries out, I can't move.

I did it.

I made my dreams come true.

But when I open my eyes, Avery is watching me, her eyes full of tears as they start running down her face. While one of my dreams did come true, the look of pure excitement and love swirling in her eyes is what makes me choke with emotion.

I have it all.

"Sunny Florida. Ready?"

"More than ready," she gushes, holding my face in her hands. "I'm so proud of you."

Grinning, I lean my head into hers, kissing her nose. "Good. That's what I've been working for."

And I'll continue to work for it for the rest of my life.

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