Bellevue Bullies: Hooked By Love Part 41

Bellevue Bullies: Hooked By Love -

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"Well, that's because people are dumb. I'm actually very smart. Ask my mom, she'll tell you."

Her face breaks into a grin before she presses her forehead to my chin. "I think I love you, Jace."

Everything stops. My heart, my breathing, time, everything. Just stops.


Pulling back, she nods slowly, her tears streaming down her face. "I love you."

"You do?"

She smiles. "I knew I did before this moment, but I've been so scared to give you all of me because of what happened with Caleb. But I couldn't fight the feelings. I've loved you for a while. But now... Now, I just have to tell you. And if you don't love me yet, I understand, but I-"

"I love you," I say quickly, gathering her face in my hands as my eyes burn into hers. "I think I've loved you since the moment I met you."

A sob breaks from her as she hugs me tightly, but that isn't enough. Pulling away, I capture her mouth. For some reason, they're different, our kisses. They mean more. They hold so much promise, and as our lips dance together, I know I'll never have a more perfect moment than this.

Pulling back, she looks deep into my eyes and whispers, "Say it again, Jace."

G.o.d, she is so perfect. Her eyes are hopeful, her cheeks flushed, but what I see most in the depths of those turquoise eyes is that she loves me. Completely. I think I've always seen it, but I wasn't sure. Now I know. Smiling, I clear my throat free of emotion and whisper back, "I love you, Avery Rose Haverbrooke."

Her name still scares me, especially the people behind that name. But that's a distant thought as she grins, her tears falling faster down her sweet face as she nods. "I think I've been waiting to be loved by you. My whole life."

And with that, suddenly my eyes start to itch.

Not because I'm a p.u.s.s.y.

It's allergies.

And maybe because I'm so in love it hurts.

And also because I know I've been waiting my whole life to love someone like her.

Me: I think I'm gonna puke.

Jace: You're not gonna puke, you got this.

Me: I can't sit still, I think I'm having a panic attack! Did I take my meds??

Jace: You did, baby, you're fine. This is your moment. Live it.

Me: I'm scared. What if he hates me? What if he thinks I suck! What if I forget the lyrics??

Jace: That won't happen and it's just a meeting, you don't even have your guitar.

Me: What if he gives me one? What do I sing?!

Jace: My song.

That calms me a bit as I look around the brightly colored office. The lady behind the desk looks at me and gives me a smile, which I return. But then I'm freaking out again and frantically typing him back.

Me: Okay, what if he hates it?

Jace: Then he's a douche.

Me: Jace! I'm freaking out!

Jace: lol, don't, babe! Because when you leave that meeting, I'll be waiting for you and whatever happens, we'll do it together.

Biting into my lip, I know he's right and I am so thankful he is waiting for me. I wish he had come up with me. I know, I shouldn't depend on him, but I'm a nervous wreck. He was really against coming up, though, saying it would look bad for him to be there since this wasn't his meeting, it was mine. Since he has been to so many meetings for different hockey teams, I decided he might be right. I know he's only right downstairs, parked on the side of the road, but I really wish he had come with me.

Ugh, am I becoming one of those needy b.i.t.c.hes?


Looking back at my phone when it vibrates, I smile.

Jace: You got this.

Me: I love you.

Jace: I love you more.

I don't think I'll ever get used to those three words coming from his mouth. I've wanted to be loved by someone like Jace my whole life, and now I've got it. It's freaking awesome.

"Ms. Rose? Stu will see you now."

Whipping my head to the receptionist who is standing, waiting on me, I suck in a deep breath.

Oh Jesus, take the wheel. Please.

Swallowing hard, I get up and follow her through the office and to the empty conference room near the back. I look back at her, confused, and she smiles. "He'll be right in. Would you like a drink?"

I shake my head frantically, but then I pause. You got this. I hear Jace saying it to me in my head, and I know he's right. So, with a smile, I slowly shake my head, taking in a breath before saying, "No, thank you."

"Okay, he'll be right in. Have a seat."

I do as she asks, surveying the room that is full of gold and silver records of some of my favorite artists. I did research on him before I came, and of course, Jelly Records is the home of some really big names.

And he called me.

Oh, h.e.l.l.

Swallowing hard around the lump in my throat, I beg myself to be chill. I've got this. This is awesome. So many people beg for this chance, and I got it. I sort of don't like how it came about since Jace contacted his dad to get Stu to listen. But then, why doesn't it matter? Whatever way gets me there, I'm okay with. Well, not really. I'm not sucking d.i.c.k to get to the top. I happily suck Jace's d.i.c.k, but that's irrelevant. In this case, I'm okay with the circ.u.mstances. I just want to s.h.i.+ne. I want to be something great.

When the door opens, I realize I hadn't even noticed it was shut until a very tall man closes it again behind him and looks over at me with a huge smile on his face. On the phone, I thought I was meeting with an older guy. But this guy is young and huge. Over six feet, with broad shoulders and thick arms. His brown hair is long, dusting his shoulders, while his brown-eyed gaze is very intimidating. Despite his age, which can't be over thirty, he looks distinguished. Like one of those high-up guys, and my heart is pounding so hard against my ribs as he pins me with a look.

"Avery Rose! Nice to meet ya! I'm Stu Waters," he says, shaking my hand and I plead with myself to remember how to talk.

"It's wonderful to meet you," I somehow say and he grins as he pulls out a chair, setting his computer down.

"Really excited to talk with ya, feel ya out, see what you're thinkin'," he says quickly, his Southern drawl lacing his voice. "So, tell me your story."

"My story?" I croak out and he grins.

"Yeah, who are you?"

I shrug. "I'm me."

"And that is?" he asks, leaning on his hand, and I smile.

"Amazing," I say, taking a page out of Jace's book, and he grins back at me. "I moved here from Princeton, New Jersey to follow my dreams. My parents didn't believe that I could or would do it when I started talking about it back in March, but I knew I was leaving. I want to be a singer or a songwriter. Maybe even both. I go to school at Bellevue, pursuing a music degree, and I start my interns.h.i.+p at Empress Records in January. I do at least four gigs a week, and I've gotten pretty popular on campus-"

"Yeah, I came to your show downtown at Lyrics last week."

I cringe. "You did?"

"Yeah, it was great. I love how you work that loop pedal."

"Thank you."

"Very Ed Sheeran of you."

"I learned how to do it after watching one of his shows. I thought it was amazing."

He nods. "For sure! Awesome, yeah. I mean, you're great, love your style, love your voice. It's very smoky, I love it. Kinda a mix between Alanis Morissette and Sara Bareilles."

"Wow, thank you," I say, and I pray he doesn't see that I'm freaking the h.e.l.l out. Those women are my idols, and he's saying my voice is like theirs? Eek!

"For sure, and you are good lyrically. You could be better, and I think with some work, I can get you there."

"You can?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm not sure if I can sell you, though," he says, shaking his head as he looks me over. Sell me? Why? Am I doing something wrong? s.h.i.+t, I wasn't ready for this. "You're like every other girl out there with this dream, a female version of Ed. And I don't know, I don't think it will sell."

"I think I would sell well."


"Yeah. I mean, sure, I'm like every girl out there, but I feel my voice is unique, rustic, and I'm likable. Plus, I have drive. I fight for what I want."

He nods. "Yeah, I agree. I like you, but I don't know if everyone else will. Okay, hold on. Let's see what you think about this," he says, pausing before leaning forward and hitting the b.u.t.ton on the phone in the middle of the table. He then leans back in his chair to cross his arms as the receptionist's voice fills the room.

"Yes, Stu?"

"Hey, do we have any interns.h.i.+ps open?"

"Yeah, you fired that kid last week, remember?"

He pauses. "What? I did?"

"He spilled your coffee down your s.h.i.+rt in front of Diddy."

"Oh!" he says, laughing, and my eyes widen. "That's right. But I fired him?"


"Hm, seems a little drastic, don't you think?"

"Diddy didn't think so."

"Then I'm awesome! Okay, and I haven't hired anyone else?"

"Nope, you have a whole stack of applications on your desk."

"Cool, thanks," he says before clicking the b.u.t.ton again and looking at me. "Blow off that unpaid interns.h.i.+p at Empress and come work here now. My interns get eight bucks an hour."

"Wow, sign me up."

"That's my girl." He grins. "And then, wait," he says, pausing and hitting the b.u.t.ton again. He's very erratic. I like it, but at the same time, it makes me twitch. I want to slow him down, make him think, but he's working at a thousand miles an hour.

"Yes, Stu."

"Hey, when is our next showcase?"

"March fourth," she says and he nods.

"That's right, thanks," he says, clicking off and looking at me. "We have a showcase coming up. All the talent I believe in comes and performs. Invite your family, your boyfriend, and rock the socks off not only them and me but my colleagues, too. I really believe in your music, and I think it's going to be awesome. In the meantime, though, you'll work here, we'll work on your songwriting, and you'll learn the ropes. Meet people, do the d.a.m.n thing, you know?"

I can only nod as my cheeks start to hurt from smiling so hard. This is happening. This is really f.u.c.king happening. Holy c.r.a.p.

"Cool, so what do you say?"

Grinning, my heart is in my throat and I have to keep myself from screaming out. "When do I start?"

When I'm done with all the paperwork and I say bye, I practically sprint down the stairs and out of the building to where Jace is waiting for me. When I throw the door open, he jumps and I realize he was sleeping. But unlike normal people who wake up all slow, Jace is wide-eyed, his eyes on me as he turns to face me.


"So! Ah!" I yelp and he grins.

"Tell me!"

"I have a showcase on March fourth, and he wants me to intern here. Now! Like, tomorrow, and he's paying me. Like, money! I was working for free at Empress. Holy c.r.a.p! And we will work on my writing and everything. Holy c.r.a.p, Jace. This is happening!"

"h.e.l.l yeah, it is! Told you," he says, taking me by my face and kissing me hard on the lips. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks. I can't believe it!"

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