Bellevue Bullies: Hooked By Love Part 21

Bellevue Bullies: Hooked By Love -

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"It's perfect," Jace calls out to me as he claps loudly.

Grinning, I look away bashfully. He's really making it hard to do this without turning into a puddle of goo.

"Well, thank you very much," I say roughly into the mic which I notice makes him squirm in his seat. Good. I like that he's squirming since I've been squirming all d.a.m.n day.

Looking down, I see that I only have time for one more song. It's insane how quickly my time goes up here. What's more insane is that a h.e.l.l of a lot more people are here tonight. Makes me feel really awesome. Like I'm actually succeeding here. Back home, no one ever took the time to listen to me. But, it seems like I have the attention of everyone. I look out into the crowd, and I smile as Jace's applause comes to an end and he lowers himself back into his chair.

"This is my last song-"

"What? Seriously?" Jace exclaims, and I have to hold back my laughter as Markus smacks him.

"Dude, shut up."

"Much to his dismay, this is my last song, and I want to thank everyone for taking the time to listen. I have some flyers up here, so if you have time, come get one and check me out. Follow me and all that stuff-"

Before I can finish, though, Jace is up, reaching for the flyers I had made yesterday. Apparently not noticing that I'm looking at him like he is crazy, he begins to pa.s.s out flyers to everyone in the coffee shop. Even the people who work here.

"Okay, wow," I say and Markus laughs, shaking his head as Jace goes to each person. "All right, so thanks again, and I hope you enjoyed my show. I know I have. I thank you and this is my cover of 'Coffee' by Miguel."

I hear some cheer but not loudly. Not like Jace, who is still pa.s.sing out flyers while fist-pumping to the beat I just hit. I love my loop pedal; this thing is awesome and it really does help make my music a thousand times better. Catching the beat, I start to play, and when I begin to sing, I look up, seeing everyone watching me, moving their heads to the beat and singing along. They seem to love what I'm doing, and I swear, I live for this. Yeah, it's just a coffee shop on campus, but these people are my peers and they dig me. That's freaking amazing.

But then my eyes are drawn to his, and I find that he's standing in the back, his hands in his pockets, free of flyers, with a huge grin on his face. Looking so d.a.m.n beautiful and big, I have to close my eyes to remember the next verse.

But I feel free.

So d.a.m.n free.

I don't know how this happened, how this dude just came barreling into my life like an angry defenseman and took over my heart in one day. One f.u.c.king day. Yes, I just used a hockey comparison, but really, he did! It's mind-blowing and scary as h.e.l.l. I'm unsure what is going to happen. I mean, it could all go to h.e.l.l after we actually get to know each other. He could not like me as a person but like s.e.x with me. To be honest, that could easily be the case, and I need to be ready for that.

But that's hard to think when I open my eyes, and again, they are locked with his. He looks at me like we've known each other for years and we are finally realizing we want more. But what the h.e.l.l is more? Why am I even considering that? That's the last thing I need or want. I can't end up like I did last time. I have to take this slow. I have to think it through.

It's's hard when all I want to do is do what I'm singing.

Wake up next to him and drink some coffee.

When I finish the set, Jace loses his c.r.a.p, and everyone joins in, clapping and whistling for me. Pus.h.i.+ng my guitar behind me, I feel my face burn as his cheers get louder. I grin, waving before thanking the crowd one more time. The spotlight goes off and the lights turn up. As I bend down to put my guitar in its case, someone says, "Really great set, Avery. Do you have some of your stuff on iTunes?"

Looking up, I see it's one of the girls in my music theory cla.s.s. "Hey! Thanks. No, not yet."

"You should for real put them up. I'd buy 'em."

When a few people behind her nod, I smile. "Yeah, I'll do that."

"When's your next show?"

Standing up, I run my hands down my thighs. "Not sure yet, gotta talk to Chase. I'll post it on Facebook."

"Awesome. Thanks."

I smile as I wave to them, thanking them again, and then I go back to cleaning up.

"Put me to work, rock star. Let me be your roadie."

Man, his voice gives me the chills. I look up, and his grin hits me straight in the gut as I shake my head. "Are you qualified?"

He shrugs. "I take direction well."

I give him a smile that he returns with a suggestive wag of his brows and I'm laughing, shaking my head. "You were positively obnoxious."

He feigns surprise. "Who, me?"

"Yes, you!" I stand up and smack his arm. "You almost made me forget what I was singing."

He winks. "That was my plan. I should have flashed you, but my pants are kinda tight."

Dissolving into laughter, I shake my head in disbelief as I point to my loop pedal. "Can you pack that up?" I ask around my laughs.

But his eyes stay locked with mine. "First, let me mess that lipstick up."

My brows rise. "I might if you do a good job."

His eyes narrow as I bend down to get a cord to wrap up. "Fine," he says and then he walks past me, his eyes dancing with mischief. When his hand slides down my a.s.s and between my legs, I squeal, jumping about a foot away from him while he just laughs.

Gasping, I say, "Jace Sinclair!"

"What? What did I do?" he asks innocently as he picks up my pedal and puts it in my backpack. "What is this thing?"

My heart is basically in my throat as I shake my head. "I can record and save beats on it."


"Hey, Avery."

Looking to where my name is being called, I see Todd coming toward me and up the stairs. He performed before me tonight. We have a bunch of the same, and he's a cool dude, I guess. "Hey, Todd. I thought you left."

"Nope, stayed for your set. Great job."


"We should work on some stuff together, merge our sets together. It would be awesome."

"For sure." He does have a great voice and I could definitely grow from working with him.

"So you wanna go out tonight? Drink it up?"

I feel Jace's gaze on me; it's like he is staring a hole in the side of my head and I know why. His comment from earlier about me being his girl still has the hairs on my arms standing at attention. Apparently, he wasn't joking around. Not that I thought he was anyway. He doesn't seem like one of those guys who just says stuff. He usually means it. I have no intention of blowing him off, though, but I'm not blowing off this opportunity either. "I actually have plans tonight. So, let me get with him, and then I can see you later."

"Oh, I didn't know you had a boyfriend," he says and I quirk my brow.

"I don't," I say even though Jace is still staring at me. I mean, he isn't my boyfriend, so I don't know why I feel awkward for saying that. It's the truth. I don't even want a boyfriend.


"Oh. Cool."

"Yeah, see ya, Todd." I wave as he walks away before I go back to packing up.

"So I have compet.i.tion? Cool."

Glancing over at Jace, my lips curve. "What in the h.e.l.l are you talking about?"

His eyes are playful. "Your fan there, he clearly wants you."

Laughing, I roll my eyes. "Please, be real."

"One hundred percent real, right here."

"Whatever." I wave him off before I stand.

"Don't believe me, it's cool. But I'm not backing down to that dude."

Narrowing my eyes, I shake my head. "You have nothing to worry about." He eyes me suspiciously and I roll my eyes again.

"But I'm not your boyfriend," he supplies, his eyes burning into mine and I nod.

"You're not."

"But would a 'friend' do this?"

Before I can even move, he reaches out and takes me by the front of my jeans, pulling me to him as his arm snakes around me. I can't even catch my next breath before his mouth is on mine, devouring me. Just like they did last night, his kisses take me out of this world. My heart speeds up in my chest, my stomach clenches, and everything is hot. So freaking hot. I wrap my arms around his neck and he deepens the kiss, his tongue playing with mine in such a stimulating and fulfilling way.

Leaning me back, he holds me to him as he kisses me. I swear it feels like he is trying to become one with me. Absorb me inside of him. And I don't think I'd stop him. His kisses are sinful and perfect, and when he pulls away, I go to my toes, pressing my lips back to his, unable to get enough. His fingers dig into my sides, his heart rattling my chest, it's beating so hard.

"Get a room," someone calls out. I think it was Markus, and I grin against Jace's lips as his hands hold my hips tightly.

Opening my eyes, I find that his are still closed, his mouth so close to mine as his nose rubs against mine in the purest way. He is so beautiful with the way his dark lashes touch his cheeks and how hot his lips are against mine. Finally, he opens his eyes and they are so dark, I'd almost argue they aren't even green. His gaze is intense and hits me straight in the chest. Everything inside me wants to hold on to him and never let go.

Give him all of me.

But whoa, no. Calm down, killer.

This is too intense.

"I'm pretty sure you're wearing my lipstick now," I say as I reach up, running my thumb along his lips to wipe it off.

"Good, maybe then that singer guy won't try to steal ya from me." He doesn't even smile. He's serious and I'm breathless.

Blinking, because what the h.e.l.l do I say to that, I just look at him. How did this get so intense? Ah, who am I kidding? It was intense the moment I met him.

"Let's go," I say, still trying to catch my breath. His hand slides into mine as I pull away, but I don't get far before his other hand catches my chin.

"You did great, Avery. I'm thoroughly impressed by you."

A grin pulls at my lips as I lean into his hand. "Well, thank you. It's easy to say you were my biggest fan."

He nods, his own lips curving. "That's my plan."

He presses his lips to mine softly but only for a second before he reaches for my guitar and looks at me. "Ready?"

No. I'm not. But I don't tell him that. I can't.

I mean, how do you tell someone you're unable to move because you're trying not to fall like a sack of boulders for them?

I still haven't recovered from the moment onstage when Jace kissed me as we head to across campus. Jace, though, he's great. Animated as all get-out, and even though I'm dealing with my own demons, I can't help but laugh.

"Like, seriously. I wanted to barf everywhere."

Laughing, I shake my head as my hand wraps around his thumb, his hand molding around mine. I don't know why I'm holding his hand. I mean, come on, we aren't together. But it's like, any time I'm around him, I have to touch him. It's hard not to, and he doesn't make it easy to resist when he's touching me too. Even if it's just a brush of his hand or a into my shoulder, we somehow end up holding hands.

I know, it's been maybe twenty-four hours since the first moment I met him, but it's just so crazy. We are walking, talking about his family so I feel even I know them. He's so candid, so personable and honest, it's hard not to fall victim to him. To want to be his.

Oh, Jesus, did I just think that?

I need to stop because I'm pretty sure this is how it was with Caleb. I fell hard and fast and then...

Shaking my head to get rid of the thoughts, I squeeze Jace's hand, making myself smile as I say, "It couldn't have been that bad. He just wants to date your mom."

He gives me a deadpan look. "So I'm guessing your parents are still married?"

I smile. "Yeah."

"Okay then, you don't understand the awkwardness of it." His grin slowly fades as he looks out in front of us. "The split was nasty. My dad is a cheating b.a.s.t.a.r.d and my mom is the greatest person in the world, which is why it was so bad. She's just so good, you know?"

Nodding my head, I look at him. "Yeah, I bet."

"And so we've all been recovering from it, because we were like the perfect family. Yeah, my dad can be a d.i.c.k sometimes, but we were a unit. He went to all our games, supported us with my mom, and I thought they loved each other. That he loved us enough to be faithful to us, but then it all went to s.h.i.+t."

"That blows."

He nods. "Yeah, but like I said, we are trying to find our footing. Because when he left, he left. Took everything. Thankfully, me and my brothers were on full-ride scholars.h.i.+ps, so that's why we were able to come here. But man, he really did a number on us."

"Wow." I really don't know what to say. I can see the pain on Jace's face and it hurts me. Like, guts me when really it shouldn't. This isn't my problem, it's his, but it feels like my problem. It's clear he hasn't gotten over the betrayal of his father or the pain of watching his mother hurt over the whole thing. He's still hurting. "So is that why you wanted to be a player?"

He laughs, rolling his eyes. "I am a player, thank you." He just laughs harder when he meets my cynical gaze. Shrugging, he looks away. "I just don't want to go through what my mom and sister went through. They both were cheated on and hurt bad. I don't want that."

"Who does?" I say sullenly, and he nods.

"Exactly, but anyway, it's been like two years and Mom has been really down, really only living for us. So I guess I should be happy she wants to date."

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