Bellevue Bullies: Hooked By Love Part 19

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Me: You on your way?

Avery: Did you beat me? Stalker.

Grinning, I chuckle as I write her back.

Me: No, weirdo, I'm about to leave now.

Avery: So...we'll get there at the same time?

Me: Or I will beat you.

Avery: Or I could beat you.

Me: Are you challenging me?

Avery: Duh.

Me: I don't back down from a challenge.

Avery: Of course, you don't, but this is a challenge you're gonna lose.

Me: Bring it.

Avery: Crossing the quad now.


"Dude, you going?"

Markus looks back at me as I slide my feet into tennis shoes. "Yeah, I guess, since you obviously need a date."

I scoff. "My date is meeting me there."

"It's okay," he says as he shuts the game off and stands. "You don't have to lie to kick it, bro."

"Whatever, hurry up."

"I'm ready," he says much to my surprise before reaching for the door. Usually, it takes him hours upon hours to get ready.

"Oh. Cool." I follow him up the stairs. It's only a two-minute walk to the food-court strip mall. The coffee shop is at the end of it, so I know I'll beat her to it. But just in case, I have a little pep in my step.

"Why are we walking so fast?"

Looking back at Markus, I point toward the food strip. "Just want to get there."

"Dude, really?"

"What?" I ask, confused.

"I've never seen you like this, even with Delanie, who I thought you were gonna marry. You didn't rush to get to her."

I shrug. "Because that was s.e.x. I told you this was different."

"Whatever, dude." He shakes his head. "Have you talked to Delanie?"

I shake my head. "Um, not for a couple of weeks. She just started that new job."

"I heard she's coming down for a belated celebration of Baylor's birthday."

"Oh? Who'd you hear that from?"

"She posted it on Baylor's wall."

"Oh. Cool."

And I know he expects me to be all excited, but really, I don't care. Delanie is a friend. We had fun, she rocked my world for a bit, but it ended. We both didn't see it going anywhere. It was good, hot s.e.x, but outside of the bedroom, we really did nothing but watch Netflix. She's funny and stuff, but we didn't click the way I wanted. I know everyone thought we were serious, but we weren't. Not even kind of.

She didn't make me feel even an ounce of what Avery makes me feel. Because of that, I know this thing with Avery is important. Real. I just hope she can get on my level, because this no dating s.h.i.+t is wack. I'll be d.a.m.ned if I'm going to be all caught up while she's playing the field. No way. I don't know what is going to happen, but I'm not going to let this girl go easily. I just can't.

"And you don't care?"



"Dude, I told you. I'm in it to win it with Avery."

"You don't even know the chick."

I shrug. "But I know what I'm feeling is real, so I'm gonna explore it. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work, but I'm gonna try."

"All right, Jayden."

"Shut it."

Before he can answer me, though, we are entering the coffee shop and I'm searching for her. I don't see her, and while that gives me a rush of victory, I wonder where she is. Did she stop to talk with someone on the way here? Was it a dude? Oh f.u.c.k, did I just ask that?

"Yo, Sinclair!"

Looking up, I see my boy Chase, who I grew up with. "Bro!"

Shaking hands that leads into a manly hug, I grin as I pull back to meet his gaze. "What are you doing here?"

He doesn't go to Bellevue, and I thought he was in Brazil or something. Living the life.

"Dude, my parents own this coffee shop, remember?"

"Oh, yeah," I say as he shakes hands with Markus. "So you run this place?"

"You know it. I'm changing the name to Chase Your Coffee."

"Clever," I say with a grin and he laughs.

"Mom hates it, but it's my place now, so, oh well. She's off living the retired life." He shrugs and I nod in agreement. "How're Jude and Jayden? Killing it?"


"Bet you're ready to get up there."

"You know it. My time is coming."

"I hear ya, man."

Looking around, I see that the shop is a cool place. I have never come in here before because I'm not a coffee person, but I might have to change that. It's chill. People are studying and drinking coffee while some dude on the stage packs up his guitar. I a.s.sume that's where Avery will perform, and I see a table right at the front.

My table.

"So what brings ya in? I didn't take you for a coffee drinker."

I shake my head. "I'm not. I'm just ordering some water, I guess."

Looking around for Avery, I see she still isn't here, and uneasiness settles in my chest. Where is she? I go up to the counter as Chase walks around it, and he gets me a bottle of water, then one for Markus.

"On the house."

I grin. "Thanks, bro. Glad you can afford to give out water."

He laughs. "Yeah, yeah. So what are you here for if it isn't for my great coffee?"

Looking back at him, I say, "Here to watch someone perform."

"The hot Avery Rose?" he asks with a sly grin and my grin drops. Markus, though, sputters with laughter, I guess from the look I'm giving Chase. "Whoa. No offense, didn't know she was taken."

"She isn't," Markus sings and I glare back at him.

"Yet," I correct him, which only makes him laugh harder.

"Oh, trying to get with her, then? She's hot and talented, for sure."

"Yeah, I wonder where she is."

"Oh, she's in the back setting up stuff with the sound guy."

Confused, I ask, "She's here?"

"Yeah, been here for like an hour."

That brat.

Grinning, I roll my eyes, but then I pause when my gaze falls on a "Help Wanted" sign. Like I said, I'm not a coffee guy, but apparently this is the place Avery is always hanging according to her Facebook. She also likes to study here, so maybe I should come here more often. "You're hiring?"

"Yeah, you need a job?"

I pause. Do I? I mean, I know I do, not only to get Jude and Jayden off my a.s.s but also to get some of my own money in my pocket. The only problem is I have no clue how to make coffee.


"I heard about the divorce. Sorry, bro."

"Thanks. But yeah, just something part time."

"That's what I'm looking for."

"I have no coffee-making experience."

"I can train you."

"Cool, yeah. Can you work with my hockey schedule?"

He nods. "Of course."


"When can you come in to train? I'm usually here in the mornings."

"What time?"

"Like four. I know, sucks," he says when I make a face of disgust, but I know that time will work. I'll come here, work, and then head to hockey. Yeah, I'm losing two hours of sleep, but it can work.

"Okay, I'll be here tomorrow."

"Cool," he says just as the strum of a guitar catches my attention. Looking at the stage, I see Avery standing there in all her beautiful glory. She's in a pair of tight jeans and a white tee that hangs off her shoulder. Her hair is in wild curls down her shoulders with a big, floppy black hat on her head. She looks so small in that s.h.i.+rt since it hangs off her so much, and then add in the guitar that looks huge in her small, delicate hands. But she looks so f.u.c.king hot, I can't stand it. It's like I forgot how attractive she is in the little time we were apart.

She must have felt me staring at her because she looks up, her eyes sparkling underneath all the makeup she is wearing. Her lips are painted a dark red color, and I'm unsure if I can handle how drop-dead gorgeous she looks. As she gives me a sneaky little grin, my lips curve and she looks away, putting her guitar on the stand and heading offstage. I think she is coming to me, but then she goes to the back and I'm confused.

Shouldn't she be greeting me or something?

Just then my phone dings and I look down to see a text from her.

Avery: I would come say hi, but the way you're looking at me, I'm pretty sure my lipstick would be smeared.

Grinning so hard I feel like my face is going to break, I nod as I text her back.

Me: You are positively correct. You look super hot.

Avery: ...

Me: You beat me.

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