The Girls Of Room 28_ Friendship, Hope, And Survival In Theresienstadt Part 10

The Girls Of Room 28_ Friendship, Hope, And Survival In Theresienstadt -

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11. Ibid., p. 131. Ibid., p. 131.

12. In his daily order of July 7, 1943, camp commandant Burger threatened the harshest punishment for unreported pregnancies. For a while all pregnancies were terminated with abortions. Later the commandant reserved for himself the decision as to whether a pregnancy was to be aborted or carried to full term. Most pregnant women, however, could expect to be put on the next transport to the East. A total of about 350 involuntary abortions were carried out. Of 207 children born in the camp, 25 survived. In his daily order of July 7, 1943, camp commandant Burger threatened the harshest punishment for unreported pregnancies. For a while all pregnancies were terminated with abortions. Later the commandant reserved for himself the decision as to whether a pregnancy was to be aborted or carried to full term. Most pregnant women, however, could expect to be put on the next transport to the East. A total of about 350 involuntary abortions were carried out. Of 207 children born in the camp, 25 survived.

13. On January 10, 1942, nine ghetto prisoners were hanged for infractions against camp rules; seven more hangings followed on February 26, 1942. Most of them had smuggled or tried to smuggle illegal letters or news out of the camp. One had secretly met with his non-Jewish wife, who had come to see him at the camp. After February 1942, there were no more executions in the ghetto, although individuals were taken to the Little Fortress and murdered there. On January 10, 1942, nine ghetto prisoners were hanged for infractions against camp rules; seven more hangings followed on February 26, 1942. Most of them had smuggled or tried to smuggle illegal letters or news out of the camp. One had secretly met with his non-Jewish wife, who had come to see him at the camp. After February 1942, there were no more executions in the ghetto, although individuals were taken to the Little Fortress and murdered there.

14. Alice Herz-Sommer in an interview with the author, summer 1999. Additional quotations are also based on this interview. Alice Herz-Sommer in an interview with the author, summer 1999. Additional quotations are also based on this interview.

15. Elsa Bernstein, Elsa Bernstein, Das Leben als Drama: Erinnerungen an Theresienstadt Das Leben als Drama: Erinnerungen an Theresienstadt (Dortmund: Edition Ebersbach, 1999), p. 114. (Dortmund: Edition Ebersbach, 1999), p. 114.

SIX Appearance and Reality Appearance and Reality 1. Otto Pollak, diary entry. Presumably, "Monte Terezino" is the bastion on the ramparts. On July 11, 1943, Otto Pollak noted: "The first time on the bastion with Ornstein and Ruhlmann from Berlin. Beautiful view of Litomice." Otto Pollak, diary entry. Presumably, "Monte Terezino" is the bastion on the ramparts. On July 11, 1943, Otto Pollak noted: "The first time on the bastion with Ornstein and Ruhlmann from Berlin. Beautiful view of Litomice."

2. Miroslav Karn, in "Jakob Edelsteins letzte Briefe," in Miroslav Karn, in "Jakob Edelsteins letzte Briefe," in Theresienstadter Stu- Theresienstadter Stu- dien und Dok.u.mente 1997 dien und Dok.u.mente 1997, pp. 21629. Jakob Edelstein and his family were shot dead in Auschwitz-Birkenau on June 20, 1944.

3. Kotouc et al., Kotouc et al., We Are Children Just the Same We Are Children Just the Same, p. 127.

4. Viktor Ullmann, "Kritik Nr. 8, Musikalische Rundschau," in Viktor Ullmann, "Kritik Nr. 8, Musikalische Rundschau," in 26 Kritiken uber musikalische Veranstaltungen in Theresienstadt 26 Kritiken uber musikalische Veranstaltungen in Theresienstadt, ed. Ingo Schultz (Hamburg: Bockel Verlag, 1996), pp. 5155.

5. Von Lang, Von Lang, Das Eichmann-Protokoll Das Eichmann-Protokoll, p. 225.

6. There was, in fact, a concentration camp for political prisoners at Heydebreck, Upper Silesia. But Eva is correct. The reality was that "to go to Heydebreck" meant "to go to the gas chambers." As part of the deception of prisoners, the camp high command told them that the ma.s.s murders they were planning were merely a transport to the labor camp at Heydebreck. There was, in fact, a concentration camp for political prisoners at Heydebreck, Upper Silesia. But Eva is correct. The reality was that "to go to Heydebreck" meant "to go to the gas chambers." As part of the deception of prisoners, the camp high command told them that the ma.s.s murders they were planning were merely a transport to the labor camp at Heydebreck.

7. "Prominent" people were those designated as such by the SS or the Council of Elders. They were given so-called privileged quarters and enjoyed some protection from being transported. Ultimately, however, such status was of use to only a very few. In the end, they were treated just like all other prisoners and were put on transport lists. "Prominent" people were those designated as such by the SS or the Council of Elders. They were given so-called privileged quarters and enjoyed some protection from being transported. Ultimately, however, such status was of use to only a very few. In the end, they were treated just like all other prisoners and were put on transport lists.

8. Jindich Flusser, "Lebwohl, Theresienstadt" ["Farewell, Theresienstadt"], in Iltis, Ehrmann, and Heitlinger, eds., Jindich Flusser, "Lebwohl, Theresienstadt" ["Farewell, Theresienstadt"], in Iltis, Ehrmann, and Heitlinger, eds., Theresienstadt Theresienstadt, pp. 3026. The number given for the town's population at its highest level is incorrect. Up to fifty-eight thousand people actually lived in Theresienstadt.

9. "Theresienstadter Kindertagebucher," pp. 11424. "Theresienstadter Kindertagebucher," pp. 11424.

10. Gonda Redlich's diary, quoted by Vojtch Blodig in his Gonda Redlich's diary, quoted by Vojtch Blodig in his Ammerkungen zu Maurice Roussels Bericht, Theresienstadter Studien und Dok.u.mente 1996 Ammerkungen zu Maurice Roussels Bericht, Theresienstadter Studien und Dok.u.mente 1996, p. 304 n. 16.

11. Rumors Rumors (bonkes) (bonkes) about a visit by a delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross began circulating with the first orders for beautification in December 1943, but no one knew when it would occur. Himmler officially agreed to an inspection of the Theresienstadt Ghetto for the Elderly in May 1944. A letter dated May 18, 1944, sent by the Reich Security Main Office to Colonel Niehaus of the German Red Cross, said that Himmler "had approved an inspection of the Theresienstadt ghetto and of a Jewish labor camp by you and a representative of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Also taking part in the inspection will be representatives of Denmark and Sweden. The date for this inspection is sometime in early June 1944." Quoted in about a visit by a delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross began circulating with the first orders for beautification in December 1943, but no one knew when it would occur. Himmler officially agreed to an inspection of the Theresienstadt Ghetto for the Elderly in May 1944. A letter dated May 18, 1944, sent by the Reich Security Main Office to Colonel Niehaus of the German Red Cross, said that Himmler "had approved an inspection of the Theresienstadt ghetto and of a Jewish labor camp by you and a representative of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Also taking part in the inspection will be representatives of Denmark and Sweden. The date for this inspection is sometime in early June 1944." Quoted in Theresienstadt Studien und Dok.u.mente 1994 Theresienstadt Studien und Dok.u.mente 1994, doc.u.ment section. Historians concur that the term "Jewish labor camp" referred to the family camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau, which itself was planned as part of a n.a.z.i propaganda campaign.

12. See H. G. Adler, See H. G. Adler, Theresienstadt 19411945, Das Antlitz einer Zw.a.n.gsgemeinschaft, Geschichte, Soziologie, Psychologie Theresienstadt 19411945, Das Antlitz einer Zw.a.n.gsgemeinschaft, Geschichte, Soziologie, Psychologie (Tubingen: J. C. Mohr, 1956). (Tubingen: J. C. Mohr, 1956).

13. Of note in this context is Cara De Silva's Of note in this context is Cara De Silva's In Memory's Kitchen: A Legacy from the Women of Terezin In Memory's Kitchen: A Legacy from the Women of Terezin (Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2006), a collection of traditional Bohemian, Moravian, Austrian, and German recipes that were exchanged among the women of Theresienstadt to satisfy their hunger, at least in their fantasies. They had neither the ingredients nor a place to cook or bake the foods in these recipes. (Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2006), a collection of traditional Bohemian, Moravian, Austrian, and German recipes that were exchanged among the women of Theresienstadt to satisfy their hunger, at least in their fantasies. They had neither the ingredients nor a place to cook or bake the foods in these recipes.

14. Heinrich Taussig, born in 1923; Bernhard Kaff, born in 1905 in Brno. Neither survived. Viktor Ullmann also wrote about a Beethoven concert given by Bernard Kaff. See "Kritik Nr. 19" in Ullmann, Heinrich Taussig, born in 1923; Bernhard Kaff, born in 1905 in Brno. Neither survived. Viktor Ullmann also wrote about a Beethoven concert given by Bernard Kaff. See "Kritik Nr. 19" in Ullmann, 26 Kritiken 26 Kritiken, p. 76.

15. "Theresienstadter Kindertagbucher," pp. 11424. "Theresienstadter Kindertagbucher," pp. 11424.

16. Ibid. Ibid.

17. Eva Herrmannova in an interview with the author in Prague, 1998. Eva Herrmannova in an interview with the author in Prague, 1998.

18. See Herbert Thomas Mandl, See Herbert Thomas Mandl, Die Wette des Philosophen. Der Anfang des definitively Todes Die Wette des Philosophen. Der Anfang des definitively Todes (Munich: Boer Verlag, 1996), p. 106. (Munich: Boer Verlag, 1996), p. 106.

19. Frank, Frank, "Brundibar "Brundibar, der Brummbar."

20. Maurice Rossel's report and other doc.u.ments were first published in their entirety in Maurice Rossel's report and other doc.u.ments were first published in their entirety in Theresienstadter Studien und Dok.u.mente 1996 Theresienstadter Studien und Dok.u.mente 1996, pp. 284301, with an introduction by Miroslav Karn, pp. 27682, and detailed notes by Vojtch Blodig, pp. 30220. Unless otherwise noted, all other quotations by Maurice Rossel are taken from this report.

21. Claude Lanzmann in a conversation with Maurice Rossel, published in Claude Lanzmann in a conversation with Maurice Rossel, published in Theresienstadter Studien und Dok.u.mente 2000 Theresienstadter Studien und Dok.u.mente 2000, pp. 16891. Lanzmann conducted this conversation for his doc.u.mentary film Shoah Shoah (1985), but it was not used in the film. It was first published in (1985), but it was not used in the film. It was first published in Un vivant qui Auschwitz, Theresienstadt 19431944 Un vivant qui Auschwitz, Theresienstadt 19431944 (Paris: Editions Mille et une nuits/Arte Editions, 1997). (Paris: Editions Mille et une nuits/Arte Editions, 1997).

22. The deportees' baggage was confiscated by the SS at the "sluice" and then plundered. What was left landed in the The deportees' baggage was confiscated by the SS at the "sluice" and then plundered. What was left landed in the Kleiderkammer; Kleiderkammer; it was very strictly inventoried and then distributed among the prisoners and/or sold in shops for ghetto currency. it was very strictly inventoried and then distributed among the prisoners and/or sold in shops for ghetto currency.

23. Karel Kursawe, born in 1892; member of the SS camp high command and director of camp agriculture. Karel Kursawe, born in 1892; member of the SS camp high command and director of camp agriculture.

24. Eva Herrmannova in an interview with the author in Prague, 1998. Eva Herrmannova in an interview with the author in Prague, 1998.

25. From the program of a 1995 production of From the program of a 1995 production of Brundibar Brundibar by Jeunesses Musicales Deutschland; premiered at the Staatsoper Unter den Linden, Berlin. by Jeunesses Musicales Deutschland; premiered at the Staatsoper Unter den Linden, Berlin.

26. Kathe Starke-Goldschmidt, "Die Zentralbucherei des Ghettos Theresienstadt" ["The Central Library of the Theresienstadt Ghetto"], in Iltis, Ehrmann, and Heitlinger, eds., Kathe Starke-Goldschmidt, "Die Zentralbucherei des Ghettos Theresienstadt" ["The Central Library of the Theresienstadt Ghetto"], in Iltis, Ehrmann, and Heitlinger, eds., Theresienstadt Theresienstadt, pp. 185ff.

27. Hans Hofer, "Der Film uber Theresienstadt" ["The Film About Theresienstadt"], in Iltis, Ehrmann, and Heitlinger, eds., Hans Hofer, "Der Film uber Theresienstadt" ["The Film About Theresienstadt"], in Iltis, Ehrmann, and Heitlinger, eds., Theresienstadt Theresienstadt, pp. 194ff.

28. Eva Herrmannova in an interview with the author in Prague, 1998. Eva Herrmannova in an interview with the author in Prague, 1998.

SEVEN Ghetto Tears Ghetto Tears 1. See Ullmann, "Kritik Nr. 16," in See Ullmann, "Kritik Nr. 16," in 26 Kritiken 26 Kritiken.

2. Ullmann, "Kritik Nr. 24," in Ullmann, "Kritik Nr. 24," in 26 Kritiken 26 Kritiken.

3. See Zdenka Fantlova, See Zdenka Fantlova, My Lucky Star My Lucky Star (New York: Herodias, 2001). (New York: Herodias, 2001).

4. Paul Kling (19282005) in conversations with the author in New York and Berlin, 1997 and 1998. Paul Kling (19282005) in conversations with the author in New York and Berlin, 1997 and 1998.

5. Leo Haas, "Die Affare der Theresienstadter Maler" ["The Theresienstadt Painters' Affair"], in Iltis, Ehrmann, and Heitlinger, eds., Leo Haas, "Die Affare der Theresienstadter Maler" ["The Theresienstadt Painters' Affair"], in Iltis, Ehrmann, and Heitlinger, eds., Theresienstadt Theresienstadt, pp. 170ff.

6. Mitteilungen der Judischen Selbstverwaltung [Communications of the Jewish Self-Administration] Mitteilungen der Judischen Selbstverwaltung [Communications of the Jewish Self-Administration], no. 45, September 17, 1944, taken from the literary estate of Otto Pollak; also quoted in Otto Pollak's diary entry of, September 16, 1944.

7. Miroslav Karn, "Die Theresienstadter Herbstransporte 1944" ["The Theresienstadt Transports in the Fall of 1944"], in Miroslav Karn, "Die Theresienstadter Herbstransporte 1944" ["The Theresienstadt Transports in the Fall of 1944"], in Theresienstadter Studien und Dok.u.mente 1995 Theresienstadter Studien und Dok.u.mente 1995, pp. 737.

8. Ibid. Karn's essay provides solid evidence that Himmler's chief motive in ordering these transports was to weaken resistance in Theresienstadt, to eliminate all potential for resistance, and to counter what he feared most, an uprising. At the same time he could then carry on unhindered with his camouflage of Theresienstadt and garner any political capital such a deception might yield. Ibid. Karn's essay provides solid evidence that Himmler's chief motive in ordering these transports was to weaken resistance in Theresienstadt, to eliminate all potential for resistance, and to counter what he feared most, an uprising. At the same time he could then carry on unhindered with his camouflage of Theresienstadt and garner any political capital such a deception might yield.

9. Felix Weiss was a cousin of Otto Pollak and a member of the fire department in Theresienstadt. He died in January 1945 in a concentration camp in Bavaria. Felix Weiss was a cousin of Otto Pollak and a member of the fire department in Theresienstadt. He died in January 1945 in a concentration camp in Bavaria.

10. Karn, "Theresienstadter Herbstransporte 1944," pp. 737. Karn, "Theresienstadter Herbstransporte 1944," pp. 737.

11. Eva Herrmannova in an interview with the author in Prague, 1998. Eva Herrmannova in an interview with the author in Prague, 1998.

12. Mica was important for the manufacture of munitions. It had to be splintered into very thin pieces and weighed, both processes demanding good light and exceptional dexterity. After September 1944, more than a thousand women were put to work fracturing mica. Mica was important for the manufacture of munitions. It had to be splintered into very thin pieces and weighed, both processes demanding good light and exceptional dexterity. After September 1944, more than a thousand women were put to work fracturing mica.

EIGHT Liberation Liberation 1. Horst Cohn, a resident of Israel, in a conversation with the author in Schwerin, Germany, January 2001. Horst Cohn, a resident of Israel, in a conversation with the author in Schwerin, Germany, January 2001.

2. Paul (Sandfort) Aron, Paul (Sandfort) Aron, Ben: The Alien Bird Ben: The Alien Bird, trans. Paul Aron and Alex Auswaks (Jerusalem: Gefen Books, 1999), p. 295.

3. Irena Lauscherova, "Die Kinder von Theresienstadt" ["The Children of Theresienstadt"], in Iltis, Ehrmann, and Heitlinger, eds., Irena Lauscherova, "Die Kinder von Theresienstadt" ["The Children of Theresienstadt"], in Iltis, Ehrmann, and Heitlinger, eds., Theresienstadt Theresienstadt, p. 111.

4. Among the dead was the Viennese pianist Renee Gartner-Geiringer (19081945). Flaka's sister Lizzi, who was on the same train, tripped over the dead body of Gartner-Geiringer as she left the cattle car after the bombardment. Among the dead was the Viennese pianist Renee Gartner-Geiringer (19081945). Flaka's sister Lizzi, who was on the same train, tripped over the dead body of Gartner-Geiringer as she left the cattle car after the bombardment.

5. In their attempt to save Hungarian Jews, Rudolf Kastner and Joel Brand were involved in controversial dealings with the On April 5, 1944, when Kastner and Brand first met with Dieter Wisliceny, who was part of Eichmann's Section IV B 4, Wisliceny demanded $2 million in exchange for the lives of 800,000 Hungarian Jews. After the first partial payment, a rescue operation was set in motion for a selected group of 1,700 Jews, who, after extended incarceration at Bergen-Belsen until late 1944, finally did make it to Switzerland. As part of those April negotiations, Eichmann offered Joel Brand another deal: the release of one million Jews in exchange for ten thousand trucks and other goods from the West. This offer of "blood for goods," as it was called, was rejected by the Allies. Kastner nevertheless continued negotiations, which the Allies supported for tactical reasons. Accused of betraying Jews and collaborating with the, Kastner was later tried in Israel in 195455. Kastner's legal appeal was still pending when he was shot and killed on the street by nationalist extremists in Israel on March 15, 1957. Kastner's good name has now largely been restored. Those whom he saved have erected a monument in his honor. In their attempt to save Hungarian Jews, Rudolf Kastner and Joel Brand were involved in controversial dealings with the On April 5, 1944, when Kastner and Brand first met with Dieter Wisliceny, who was part of Eichmann's Section IV B 4, Wisliceny demanded $2 million in exchange for the lives of 800,000 Hungarian Jews. After the first partial payment, a rescue operation was set in motion for a selected group of 1,700 Jews, who, after extended incarceration at Bergen-Belsen until late 1944, finally did make it to Switzerland. As part of those April negotiations, Eichmann offered Joel Brand another deal: the release of one million Jews in exchange for ten thousand trucks and other goods from the West. This offer of "blood for goods," as it was called, was rejected by the Allies. Kastner nevertheless continued negotiations, which the Allies supported for tactical reasons. Accused of betraying Jews and collaborating with the, Kastner was later tried in Israel in 195455. Kastner's legal appeal was still pending when he was shot and killed on the street by nationalist extremists in Israel on March 15, 1957. Kastner's good name has now largely been restored. Those whom he saved have erected a monument in his honor.

6. Der Kastner-Bericht uber Eichmanns Menschenhandel in Ungarn [The Kastner Report Concerning Eichmanns Traffic in Human Beings in Hungary] Der Kastner-Bericht uber Eichmanns Menschenhandel in Ungarn [The Kastner Report Concerning Eichmanns Traffic in Human Beings in Hungary] (Munich: Kindler, 1961), pp. 32327. (Munich: Kindler, 1961), pp. 32327.

7. Kotouc et al., Kotouc et al., We Are Children Just the Same We Are Children Just the Same, pp. 7273. Eva Ginz is the sister of Petr Ginz, the editor of Vedem Vedem.

8. Alice Ehrmann, "Ein Theresienstadter Tagebuch, October 18, 1944-May 19, 1945" ["A Theresienstadt Diary"], in Alice Ehrmann, "Ein Theresienstadter Tagebuch, October 18, 1944-May 19, 1945" ["A Theresienstadt Diary"], in Theresienstadter Studien und Dok.u.mente 1994, pp Theresienstadter Studien und Dok.u.mente 1994, pp. 171205. The author was born on May 5, 1927, and arrived in Theresienstadt on July 13, 1943. There she became friends with Zeev Shek, a committed Zionist leader. In 1947 they married, and in 1948 she followed him to Palestine. Alisah Shek is one of the cofounders of the archives and memorial Beit Terezin, at Givat Chaim Ichud, Israel, where she lived until her death in 2007.

9. Theresienstadter Studien und Dok.u.mente 1995 Theresienstadter Studien und Dok.u.mente 1995, pp. 30624. Erich Kessler was born on June 14, 1912. He lived in Prague until he was deported to Theresienstadt on February 9, 1945, along with other Jews living in (as the called it) a Mischehe Mischehe (mixed marriage). (mixed marriage).

10. According to information provided by Karl-Heinz Schultz, chairman of the Friends of the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial, "Papa" was a customs agent who had been rea.s.signed to guard prisoners on September 13, 1944. He was killed in an air raid on Hamburg-Tiefstack. According to information provided by Karl-Heinz Schultz, chairman of the Friends of the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial, "Papa" was a customs agent who had been rea.s.signed to guard prisoners on September 13, 1944. He was killed in an air raid on Hamburg-Tiefstack.

11. Erich Kessler in Erich Kessler in Theresienstadter Studien und Dok.u.mente 1995 Theresienstadter Studien und Dok.u.mente 1995, pp. 30624.

12. Ibid. Ibid.


1. Hanka Brady's story is told in the book Hanka Brady's story is told in the book Hana's Suitcase Hana's Suitcase, by Karen Levine (Morton Grove, Ill.: Albert Whitman & Co., 2007).

2. Pemysl Pitter (18951976) was a Christian humanist who devoted his life to social work with children. Pavel Kohn has written a book in his honor: Pemysl Pitter (18951976) was a Christian humanist who devoted his life to social work with children. Pavel Kohn has written a book in his honor: Schlosser der Hoffnung. Die geretteten Kinder des Pemysl Pitter [Castles of Hope: The Rescued Children of Pemysl Pitter] Schlosser der Hoffnung. Die geretteten Kinder des Pemysl Pitter [Castles of Hope: The Rescued Children of Pemysl Pitter] (Munich: Langen Muller, 2001). (Munich: Langen Muller, 2001).

3. Eugen Kolb (18981959) was an art critic, art historian, and journalist; from 1952 to 1959 he served as director of the Helena Rubenstein Museum in Tel Aviv. Eugen Kolb (18981959) was an art critic, art historian, and journalist; from 1952 to 1959 he served as director of the Helena Rubenstein Museum in Tel Aviv.

BIBLIOGRAPHYThe following three publications were especially rich sources of information and inspiration:Theresienstadt. Ed. Rudolf Iltis, Frantiek Ehrmann, and Ota Heitlinger. Trans. Walter Hacker. Vienna: Europa Verlag, 1968.Theresienstadter Studien und Dok.u.mente. Ed. Miroslav Karn, Raimund Kemper, and Margita Karna. Prague: Edition Theresienstadter Initiative Academia, annual volumes starting 1994.Kotouc, Kurt Jiri, et al. We Are Children Just the Same: We Are Children Just the Same: Vedem, Vedem, the Secret Magazine by the Boys of Terezin the Secret Magazine by the Boys of Terezin. Trans. R. Elizabeth Novak. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1995.Historical Literature on TheresienstadtAdler, H. G. Theresienstadt 19411945, Das Antlitz einer Zw.a.n.gsgemeinschaft. Geschichte, Soziologie, Psychologie Theresienstadt 19411945, Das Antlitz einer Zw.a.n.gsgemeinschaft. Geschichte, Soziologie, Psychologie. Tubingen: J. C. Mohr, 1956. Die verheimlichte Wahrheit. Theresienstadter Dok.u.mente Die verheimlichte Wahrheit. Theresienstadter Dok.u.mente. Tubingen: J. C. Mohr, 1958.Blodig, Vojtch. "The Genocide of the Czech Jews in World War II and the Terezin Ghetto." In Art, Music and Education as Strategies for Survival: Theresienstadt 19411945 In Art, Music and Education as Strategies for Survival: Theresienstadt 19411945, ed. Anne D. Dutlinger, pp. 14461. New York: Herodias, 2001. "Die letzte Phase der Entwicklung des Ghettos Theresienstadt." In "Die letzte Phase der Entwicklung des Ghettos Theresienstadt." In Theresienstadt in der Endlosung der Judenfrage Theresienstadt in der Endlosung der Judenfrage, ed. Miroslav Karn, Vojtch Blodig, and Margita Karna, pp. 26778. Prague: Panorama, 1992. "Terezin in the 'Final Solution of the Jewish Question.' " In "Terezin in the 'Final Solution of the Jewish Question.' " In The Holocaust Phenomenon: Conference Report of the International Scientific Conference The Holocaust Phenomenon: Conference Report of the International Scientific Conference, pp. 8791. Prague, 2000.Bondy, Ruth. "Elder of the Jews": Jakob Edelstein of Theresienstadt "Elder of the Jews": Jakob Edelstein of Theresienstadt. New York: Grove Press, 1989.Chladkova, Ludmilla. Das Ghetto Theresienstadt Das Ghetto Theresienstadt. Terezin: Verlag Nase Vojsko, 1991.De Silva, Cara. In Memory's Kitchen: A Legacy from the Women of Terezin In Memory's Kitchen: A Legacy from the Women of Terezin. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2006.Drori, Hana, and Jehuda Huppert. Theresienstadt. Ein Wegweiser Theresienstadt. Ein Wegweiser. Prague: Vitalis, 1999.Karas, Joa. Music in Terezin, 19411945 Music in Terezin, 19411945. New York: Beaufort Books, 1985.Die Kleine Festung Theresienstadt, 19401945. Exhibition catalogue. Prague: Pamatnik Terezin, 1996.Kuna, Milan. Musik an der Grenze des Lebens Musik an der Grenze des Lebens. Frankfurt: Zweitausendeins, 1993.Migdal, Ulrike, ed. Und die Musik spielt dazu. Chansons und Satiren aus dem KZ Und die Musik spielt dazu. Chansons und Satiren aus dem KZ Theresienstadt Theresienstadt. Munich: Piper, 1990.Schwertfeger, Ruth. Women of Theresienstadt: Voices from a Concentration Camp Women of Theresienstadt: Voices from a Concentration Camp. New York: Berg, 1989.Ullmann, Viktor. 26 Kritiken uber musikalische Veranstaltungen in Theresienstadt 26 Kritiken uber musikalische Veranstaltungen in Theresienstadt. Ed. Ingo Schultz. Hamburg: Bockel Verlag, 1996.Autobiographical Literature on TheresienstadtAron, Paul (Sandfort). Ben: The Alien Bird Ben: The Alien Bird. Trans. Paul Aron and Alex Auswaks Jerusalem: Gefen Books, 1999.Bernstein, Elsa. Das Leben als Drama: Erinnerungen an Theresienstadt Das Leben als Drama: Erinnerungen an Theresienstadt. Dortmund: Edition Ebersbach, 1999.Bor, Josef. 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Typescripts, Jewish Museum, Prague.Essays by the girls of Girls' Home L 410, written October 18, 1943. Subject: "What has made the deepest impression on you since you have been living in the Girls' Home?" Archives Beit Theresienstadt, Israel.BrundibarHans Krasa (music) and Adolf Hoffmeister (text), Brundibar Brundibar, represented by the music agency Boosey & Hawkes, Berlin, London, New York. Eine Oper fur Kinder von Hans Krasa & Brundibar und die Kinder von Theresienstadt. Feature von Hannelore Wonschick. EDITION ABSEITS, 1999. Double CD with the opera and a radio doc.u.mentary on the history of the opera with recorded recollections by survivors of Theresienstadt.



The author and the publisher wish to thank the Girls of Room 28 for supplying many photographs and doc.u.ments from their personal collections for publication in this book: Anna Ha.n.u.sova-Flachova Helga Kinsky Eva Stern Handa Drori Eva Gross Vera Kreiner Judith Rosenzweig Ela Weissberger Hanka Weingarten Marianne Deutsch Evelina Mer Marta Mikul Eva Sohar Eva Vit Miriam Jung Still from the propaganda film Theresienstadt: Dok.u.mentarfilm aus einem judischen Siedlunzgsgebiet Theresienstadt: Doc.u.mentary of a Jewish Settlement Theresienstadt: Dok.u.mentarfilm aus einem judischen Siedlunzgsgebiet Theresienstadt: Doc.u.mentary of a Jewish Settlement. Photograph Narodni Filmovy Archiv v Praze National Film Archive in Prague. idovske Muzeum v Praze. Archive Beit Theresienstadt, Givat Chaim Ichud, Israel.From Zeichne was Du siehst: Zeichnungen eines Kindes aus Theresienstadt/Terezin. Draw What You See: Drawings of a Child of Theresienstadt/Terezin Zeichne was Du siehst: Zeichnungen eines Kindes aus Theresienstadt/Terezin. Draw What You See: Drawings of a Child of Theresienstadt/Terezin by Helga Weiss. Gottingen: Wallstein Verlag, 1998. by Helga Weiss. Gottingen: Wallstein Verlag, 1998. idovske Muzeum v Praze.Moon Landscape, 194244, by Petr Ginz. Drawing, pencil on paper. Gift of Otto Ginz. Reprinted by permission of the Yad Vashem Art Museum, Jerusalem.Private collection.Private collection.Reprinted by permission of the Theresienstadt Memorial.From Zeichne was Du siehst: Zeichnungen eines Kindes aus Theresienstadt/Terezin. Draw What You See: Drawings of a Child of Theresienstadt/Terezin Zeichne was Du siehst: Zeichnungen eines Kindes aus Theresienstadt/Terezin. Draw What You See: Drawings of a Child of Theresienstadt/Terezin by Helga Weiss. Gottingen: Wallstein Verlag, 1998. by Helga Weiss. Gottingen: Wallstein Verlag, 1998. idovske Muzeum v Praze.Private collection.Reprinted by permission of the Theresienstadt Memorial. idovske Muzeum v Praze.Reprinted by permission of the Theresienstadt Memorial. Beit Theresienstadt Archive, Givat Chaim Ichud, Israel. idovske Muzeum v Praze. George Brady, Canada. Alice Sommer. Chava Linden.Private collection.Watercolor sketch from The Book of Alfred Kantor: An Artist's Journal of The Book of Alfred Kantor: An Artist's Journal ofthe Holocaust, by Alfred Kantor and John Wykert. New York: Schocken Books, idovske Muzeum v Praze.Reprinted by permission of the Theresienstadt Memorial. Hannelore Brenner-Wonschick.

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