Stone Coffin Part 4

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Lindell sat down across from him.

"We'll have to put out a search for Isabella," she said, and walked once around the room.

"Who is that?"

"The dog."

Fredriksson made an effort to return his attention to the papers, but then sank back on the couch.

"If you look around, what impression do you get of the Cederen family?"

"Wealth," she said simply.

"Yes, wealth, but something else too. It's messy and not a little dirty. Behind all the artistic gla.s.s pieces, there is a ton of dust, there's dirt under the rugs, the kitchen is sticky, and the bathtub is grimy."

"So?" Lindell said.

"A house of almost two hundred square meters-neglected. We know that Josefin was a stay-at-home mom. She had been home since the girl was born. Whatever she was doing all day, it wasn't cleaning."

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know. People are different. I wouldn't have been able to stand this mess for a single day."

Lindell was quiet. His observation gave her no ideas.

"I think she was unhappy," Fredriksson said. "She allowed one of the finest houses in Uppsala-Nas to go to the dogs."

"She had other priorities," Lindell said tartly.

She didn't like Fredriksson speaking ill of the dead. Tossed in the ditch at the side of the road, on her way to her mother's grave with her daughter, though separated from her by several meters at the moment of death. Josefin Cederen had not even had the chance to give her daughter a final hug. An untidy house, yes, but now she was dead.

"I don't think she was happy here," Fredriksson resumed. "That tells us something."

"But it may not have anything to do with her death," Lindell objected.

"That's true, but it's a question mark."

"There are many question marks in people's lives," Lindell said. "We happened to be dropped into this."

She got up and walked out to the kitchen. Fredriksson's observations were correct: The kitchen was sticky. There was a large open s.p.a.ce with a freestanding island, the ma.s.sive beech top of which was covered with kitchen utensils, a couple of plates with dried yogurt on them, an open tub of margarine, and bread crumbs. She must have been planning to clear this away after visiting the grave, Lindell thought, but the fact was, the kitchen verged on disgusting.

Who would clean now? Her father?

Lindell walked upstairs. The girl's room was full of stuffed animals. The double bed in the master bedroom was unmade. A white pajama top had been thrown on the floor. A couple of slippers peeked out from under the bed.

She walked over to one of the bedside tables and picked up a book. An American novel. On the other table there was a folder full of notes that Lindell a.s.sumed had to do with MedForsk. She flipped through the pages. Tables of explanatory text-some in English, some in Spanish. Occasionally in the margin there were hasty notes, scribbled in pencil in a difficult-to-read hand-a question here and there, a couple of exclamation points.

Everything had to be examined, page by page, in the hopes that there would be something that would explain why he had slain his family. Or was he lying dead somewhere too? Was there a third party that had slaughtered the entire family?

And in that case, where was he? Lindell thought of the dog. A pointer. Was that a spotted kind?

She stood there with the folder in her hands. The front door opened, and she a.s.sumed that it was the technicians returning after a quick meal.

There were two other rooms on the second floor. A guest room with Spartan furnis.h.i.+ngs; a sewing room with a sewing machine, a dressmaker's dummy, and a table draped in black cloth. Lindell pulled out the uppermost drawer in a dresser that looked out of place with its baroque style, marble top, and curved legs, and carefully looked through the bits of fabric. The next drawer was filled with paper-sketches, from what Lindell could tell. At the back of the drawer, under some patterns, there was a blue book with a linen cover. Lindell opened the book to the first page and immediately realized that she had found something that would help her understand Josefin Cederen, because it was her book. She deduced this both from the fact that it was hidden in her room and also from the handwriting.

It was a diary beginning at the end of May 1998. The first entry read: "After a year of uncertainty I now know everything. I can't say that I am surprised, but it hurts so much. Perhaps I am the one to blame."

The handwriting was clear and easy to read. Lindell turned the page. A person's innermost thoughts, recorded over a period of two years. The last entry was dated the fourth of June.

There was sadness in the blue book. Josefin wrote in it instead of cleaning.

Lindell kept searching the drawers for other notebooks but didn't find anything else. Either this was the only one or Josefin had stored her earlier diaries somewhere else.

She brought the journal with her and went downstairs.

"I've got some reading to do tonight," she said and showed her find to Fredriksson, who was still sitting at the table.

He looked up. "I wish that I could find some personal notes, but these are simply doc.u.ments from his work. I need a medical researcher to translate."

Allan Fredriksson looked fresh and alert despite his recent illness.

"I'm glad you're back," Lindell said.

There was a time when he had not met her gaze. Now he looked at her with a smile and nodded.

One of the technicians came out of the kitchen. Lindell had taken a second look at him earlier. He was in his thirties and had that appealing blend of strength and softness that Lindell liked. "He's married. Happily married," Sammy Nilsson had said when he noticed her look.

"We're sorting through the trash and the only item of note is the remains of an airplane ticket. All of the rest is an ordinary collection of refuse. Would you like to see the ticket?"

They went out into the kitchen. Lindell could not help sniffing the scent of his aftershave or whatever it was.

He held up a piece of paper with a tweezer.

"I think it's the back of an airplane ticket," he said. "There's a handwritten note that says eight twenty-five. Other than that there is only the name of the company. British Airways."

Lindell looked at it without expression.

"Keep it," she said and left the kitchen.

"Think I can take one?"

There was a bowl of candy in the living room. Lindell was extremely hungry, and the sight of the candy made her mouth water.

"Maybe they're laced with poison," Fredriksson said.

Lindell twisted off the wrapper of a Marianne. Normally she didn't eat candy, but right now the treats were irresistible. She took one and then another.

Fredriksson looked up. "You should eat some food instead."

"I'm hungry, but not at the same time. Candy is exactly what I needed."

"I don't think people need to eat more than bananas," Fredriksson said.

"Bananer." Lindell chuckled.

She held the journal in her hand. She knew that there were threads she could start unraveling. What had pushed Josefin to start to write? The inner pressure had become too great and she had been forced to write down her anxiety and despair. What had she sensed and then become convinced of? She would find out tonight.

As Lindell left the house, she b.u.mped into Berglund and Haver. They were going to a.s.sist Fredriksson.

"At least until ten o'clock," Haver said.

"Go home to your girls instead," Lindell said.

He had become the father of a little girl in May. But Haver simply smiled. They briefly discussed the outcome of the morning meeting.

Lindell called Ottosson and let him know that she would not be coming by. She was going to read the journal.

The neighbors were gone, the road empty. A couple of ducks flew in a wide arc over the house, and there was a scent of summer.

But something didn't add up. Lindell thought of Josefin's well-groomed nails, painted and polished. She seemed attractive and clean, even in death. The house stood in stark contrast to that impression, more than a little dirty and unkempt, almost disgusting. She had to have been a woman who placed a great deal of weight on appearance; her closet and shelves were filled with clothes, beautiful and most likely expensive. She sewed a great deal, taking her inspiration from fas.h.i.+on magazines, and her makeup table was covered with all kinds of jars and products.

Why didn't she keep the house clean? The Cederens would never have been able to invite people over. What was their social life like? Lindell had an impulse to pay a visit to Josefin's father again but decided to wait until the next day.

Her nausea had increased on the trip back to town and she stopped at a McDonald's and had a hamburger.

She managed to get home and into the bathroom right before it came over her again. She crouched over the toilet and cursed herself for not taking care of herself. She drank a little water from the tap, rinsed her mouth, and rested her brow against the cool porcelain. What a day. Yesterday all routine office work and a meeting about the new organizational structure. Today a decimated family.

Holger Johansson's lacerated scalp appeared in her mind. Did he have eczema or had he scratched it during the day?

She threw the journal on the floor in the entryway. She stepped over it and walked into the kitchen. The light on the answering machine was blinking, so she pressed the play b.u.t.ton. The first message was from deshog. Ann had started to realize that her parents were no longer in the prime of life and that she could get a phone call about sickness, or even death, at any time. But this time it was only the usual words from her mother-"How are you? Everything is fine here"-and then some details about which flowers were blooming in the garden.

The other message brought her to her knees. Edvard's voice sounded as if it came from another age, another world. She knew it so well and yet it sounded so foreign. "Oh, G.o.d," she breathed, and sank onto the chair.

He sounded happy, and this made her heart beat faster. She stared vacantly as he talked of Graso, pa.s.sed along greetings from Viola, and talked about work. At the end of the message, his voice grew lower, his tone more hesitant, as if he was unsure of how to sign off. There was a quick good-bye and then it ended.

Give up, she thought. Leave me in peace. She replayed the tape and listened to it again. His voice. She could imagine him standing in front of the window overlooking the bay, a sunny Roslagen landscape. Or else he was sitting in the wicker chair.

He had talked about his work, mostly about his work. Repairing a barn. Where did all this work come from? He built things, spending his days breaking and bending, lifting and heaving, cutting and fitting, living with others, laughing and having cups of coffee, leaning up against a red-painted wall. His hands. Lacerated, scarred, and sometimes so rough that they made a sandpapery noise when he rubbed them against her back, sometimes with fingertips worn so smooth that you wouldn't have been able to get a good set of prints.

She could hear his heavy steps on the stairs. His exchanges with Viola. She could feel his breath.

Ann pulled over the telephone and selected number one on speed dial. deshog. Mom and Dad.

"Yes, I'm fine. There's a lot of work right now."

She did not want to talk about the Cederen case. Her mother chattered on.

"Yes, maybe, but there's just a lot going on right now."

The closest neighbors, Nisse and Ingegerd, had had a grandchild. A boy. Four kilos. As her mother talked on, Ann opened the refrigerator and peered inside.

"In July and half of August," she said and took out the margarine and caviar spread. "Of course. I'll come then. I promise."

No bread in the house.

"I miss you too. Give my love to Dad."

At the very back of the cupboard there was half a packet of hardtack. "Fiber," she muttered and made herself four pieces spread with caviar, picked up the milk, and went out into the living room, returning to the entryway to pick up the journal.

Now she was adequately supplied. Her belly screamed for food and her head ached. She took a couple of bites, poured the milk-it was Edvard who had taught her to drink milk-and leaned back in the armchair.

The blue journal was resting on the table. She was curious but still felt some resistance. Josefin's journal had not been written for public consumption. Now her notes would be pored over. Her clothes, photos, medications, and trash would be systematically sorted, examined, and evaluated.

Ann crunched on the crackers, looked around the room, and decided she should clean more often.

She herself didn't have any diaries. Not even from her teen years. The only piece of writing she had saved that could be considered private was a letter. It was from Edvard, written in January. At the end of the Christmas holidays, she had left the island and also him. She had been too much of a coward to tell it to his face, but the way she disappeared had clearly indicated that it was for good.

A couple of weeks later, he had sent her a letter. Hands trembling, Ann had read it. She had not imagined that Edvard could write so pa.s.sionately. It was as if all of the words that he gathered in his self-imposed isolation had welled forth and spread across the pages in front of her. Even the fact that he owned stationery was astonis.h.i.+ng. But he must have borrowed it from Viola.

He wrote that he loved her, but that it was too complicated to live so far apart. Now he did not want to see her anymore-as if she had not been the one who had left. He was going to focus on his work and his two sons. This was certainly news to her. Jens and Jerker had hardly been out to the island during the past two years, and contact with their father had been sporadic at best.

She couldn't eat the last piece of bread, but licked some of the roe topping. Now for the journal.

She read it for half an hour before she put it down. There were twenty-five pages to go, but she already had a possible motive for Josefin's death. Why Emily had been killed was still unclear.

Josefin had written that the only thing she was sure of was that Sven-Erik loved his daughter above all else.

Thoughts of Edvard kept returning for the rest of the evening. For long periods of time, things had been wonderful. They had made love with an intensity far beyond what she had experienced before.

He had taught her a great deal. That serious gaze. Thoughts roamed like lost dogs through her landscape of thieves, murderers, and other violent perpetrators. He had made her a better police officer. Perhaps it was his language that most fascinated her, the words borne by a life so close to the earth and green, growing things. He gave name to that which she many times did not see or reflect on. He reawakened her own background and language in her. The dialects were different, but she could hear her own and her parents' language in his.

They had met once-her parents and Edvard-and after their initial nervousness, a certain feeling of kins.h.i.+p had emerged. Her father had taken Edvard out onto the plains and driven with him down the narrow lanes. G.o.d only knew what they talked of, but when they returned, it was as if they were old friends.

They had lingered by the car, looking out over the land. She and her mother had stood in the window, watching them.

In the car on the way home, Edvard had said that her father carried a rift within him, and Ann had wondered what he meant. Edvard had been quiet for a long time-she had learned to wait out his silences-but shortly before Sodertalje he had embarked on a rambling account of life on the plains of stergotland and all the villages and settlements that he and Ann's father had driven through. Her father had pointed out the long-shuttered shops where he had delivered pork and beer for twenty-five years. By now most of them had been turned into private residences but were still easily identifiable by their storefront entrances and large windows. Occasionally a sign-Arne's groceries-could still be made out.

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