Tics and Their Treatment Part 15

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Facial tic, moreover, may be tonic as well as clonic, instances in point being closure of the eyelids, wrinkling of the forehead, twisting of the nose, distortion of the mouth, etc., of longer or shorter duration.

Any of the facial muscles may be attacked by tics. These commonly furnish an ill.u.s.tration of functional disturbance of mimicry, as in Oppenheim's cases of tic limited to the frontales, whereby astonishment or dismay was expressed, or in contraction of the superciliary muscles, which conveys a look of pain or of mournfulness. Spread to the scalp muscles may take place, causing a perpetual to-and-fro movement of the hair, of which O. and Miss R. supply examples. The platysma is sometimes the seat of a tic. One of Oppenheim's patients was a child with alternating twitches of his two platysmas; it is of interest to note he was able to contract either voluntarily. This condition is generally a.s.sociated with similar contractions in other facial muscles, as in a case of facial and palpebral tic with platysma involvement recorded by Meirowitz,[62] or as in young M.

A not infrequent accompaniment is a shrug of one or both shoulders, due to synergic contraction of the trapezius. The resulting complex may be considered an act of mimicry in so far as it is an expression of disdain.


The muscles of the external ear come often into play. One of our patients had a tic of the left ear, consisting in visible elevation of the pinna. A case of tic of the ear muscles has been described by Romberg, and another by Bernhardt, in the distribution of the occipital and posterior auricular nerves. Reference is made by Seeligmuller[63] to a ten-year-old girl suffering from unceasing involuntary contractions of the eyelids and of various head and neck muscles, with wrinkling of the forehead and movements of the ears. His original diagnosis of ch.o.r.ea was discredited by his subsequently learning that the child, in common with a younger sister and a brother, had for several years been exercising herself by making faces, and in particular by attempting to move her ears.

It is quite conceivable that certain middle-ear phenomena are comparable to the tics. O. used often to complain of hearing noises in his right ear, which came and went with his tics of face and neck. Now, it is well known that the probable explanation of the humming sound attending forcible closure of the orbiculares palpebrarum is the variation in labyrinthine tension due to the synergic contraction of the stapedius.

This absolutely normal effect may be exaggerated by predisposed and preoccupied individuals into a sort of auditory tic.


For the sake of precision, tics of the eyes may be subdivided into eyelid tics and eyeball tics.

A. _Eyelid Tics._--These, perhaps the commonest of all tics, may be either unilateral or bilateral. They consist simply in a palpitation of the upper lid, repeated at irregular intervals, and differing from ordinary blinking only in augmented frequency and abruptness. The form they usually a.s.sume is that of a wink, attributable in the first instance to contraction of the orbicularis, but supplemented by the zygomatics and muscles of the nose.

The tonic variety of the same tic is const.i.tuted by a contraction of inordinate length, the outcome of which is the all but permanent maintenance of the eye in a half-closed position. The suspension of this tonic tic by volitional effort accentuates its distinction from contracture. In one of our patients a tic of this nature, which gave a singularly sleepy cast to the features, was easily relieved by suitable gymnastic treatment. The converse condition obtained in another case, where excessive gaping of the palpebral fissure contributed an unwonted fixity to the expression, which simultaneous contraction of the corrugator supercilii served to heighten into one of wild anger. These two tics corresponded to two diametrically opposed traits in their subject's character--viz. nonchalance and impatience respectively, and it is interesting to recall in this connection how the varying moods depend for their physiognomical delineation chiefly on the degree of curvature of the palpebral arc.

Valleix,[64] who employed the term "idiopathic facial convulsion" to designate tic, cites a case where even in moments of tranquillity the left eye seemed slightly smaller than its fellow, by reason of a feeble contraction of the orbicularis. Persistent grimaces of this kind resemble tics of att.i.tude and stereotyped acts, and the possibility of their occurrence must not be overlooked, once the diagnosis of facial paralysis or spasm has been rigorously excluded.

The terms blepharospasm and blepharoclonus, sometimes applied to tonic and to clonic involuntary palpebral contractions respectively, ought to be strictly reserved for spasms and contractures properly so called. For example, von Graefe's case of blindness consequent on permanent closure of the eyelids in a child is undoubtedly one of blepharospasm. No tic could have been attended with such a result, whereas compression of branches of the trigeminal at their points of exit might determine reflex tonic contraction of the orbicularis, and so, for that matter, might a central lesion. Hence in these circ.u.mstances it is correct to use the word spasm.

Palpebral tics are among those that ordinarily begin by a spasmodic reaction to an extraneous source of irritation, such as that yielded by a foreign body, a speck of dust, an eyelash, or by any form of conjunctival inflammation.

Eyelid tics (says Parinaud[65]) are known to ophthalmologists as clonic blepharospasms. Their starting-point is always some peripheral stimulus, in particular an everyday variety of conjunctivitis characterised by the presence of granulations in the lower part of the sac. To discover these granulations it may be necessary to explore the internal aspect of the lid. In my opinion, they are a prolific cause of tic, especially in young children, and their removal effects a cure in the vast majority of cases.

It is only when the blinking abides in spite of the suppression of the exciting cause that it can be comprised in the category of tics, otherwise the fact of its being contingent on the continuance of the irritation shows it is a spasm.

A bright light sometimes suffices to initiate these conditions. During a course of sittings for her portrait, G., a little girl eleven years of age, acquired the habit of drooping one eyelid slightly to s.h.i.+eld the eye from the somewhat glaring light of the studio, but the persistence of this movement in other surroundings was evidence of its degeneration into a tonic tic.

Noir quotes the case of one of his colleagues who was for a long time inconvenienced by a most disagreeable blinking, which he held to be a tic; but a simple explanation was forthcoming in the unusual length of some of the eyelashes on the outer part of the upper lid having caused their entanglement with others in the under one, and when they were cut off the spasm disappeared.

In the following instance, reported by Toby Cohn,[66] the diagnosis remains undetermined:

The protracted use of a magnifying gla.s.s in the left eye was the means, in a watchmaker, of inducing occasional localised twitches of the orbicularis, which were not slow, however, in spreading to the whole of the left half of the face. They may at first have been an involuntary motor response to nipping of palpebral twigs of the trigeminal, but at a later period their independence was constant and p.r.o.nounced. With certain a.s.sociated movements such as articulation or deglut.i.tion, or during the act of wiping the nose or shutting the eyes, the form they a.s.sumed was tonic. There were neither subjective nor objective sensory phenomena to note.

We have recently had the opportunity of observing a genuine case of eyelid tic, of obscure origin perhaps, but one whose clinical features eliminate the hypothesis of spasm.

Brif., a metal polisher, forty-seven years old, came on March 10, 1902, to Professor Brissaud's clinic at the Hotel Dieu, complaining of involuntary closure of the eyes, especially when out walking. In his family and in his personal antecedents there was little or no neuropathic or psychopathic tendency. The sole trouble for which he sought advice was this spasmodic shutting of his eyes, rare enough under most circ.u.mstances, but aggravated instantly by a walk of even a few paces.

The onset had been quite insidious eighteen months previously, and at the first the average frequency was scarcely more than thrice or four times daily. Whenever Brif. pa.s.sed into direct sunlight the movement was particularly liable to occur. As long as he remained seated at his work he was free from it, while he had but to rise and take a step or two for it to reappear and forthwith commence to repeat itself. At home any effort engaging his attention inhibited the tic, nor was there any sign of it in the course of our interrogation and examination of him.

Even when he was on his feet, the incidence of the act was not always uniform; if promenading with his wife and children, or fis.h.i.+ng along a river side, or running to catch a tram, he was not hampered by his affliction. When he rose in the morning, it made its appearance ere he could reach the window to look out. During his journeys to and from his place of business, he was generally unable to moderate the spasmodic movements, particularly towards evening, whereas his professional pursuits in the daytime, and any occupation--such as reading the newspaper--when at home again, wholly counteracted the inclination to tic.

The production of this untimely gesture of his Brif. was disposed to attribute to the action of sun or wind, though he acknowledged the regularity of its occurrence irrespective of either. In its actual nature the contraction was tonic in type and of several seconds' duration, so that he used to cover some yards with eyes shut. From the outset the will had always exercised a marked influence on it, so much so that on certain days and for a certain s.p.a.ce he could check the convulsion, and even when it was prolonged he contrived by volitional effort to open his eyes sufficiently to pilot himself in avoiding obstacles.

Careful search by the ordinary tests at the Quinze-Vingts hospital failed to reveal any abnormality whatever in his eyes. On our part, we satisfied ourselves that there was no restriction of the visual fields.

As far as his mental state was concerned, its chief peculiarity was a somewhat childish turn of mind, a _soupcon_ of that psychic infantilism so common in the subjects of tic; in addition, he was of an emotional temperament, and to perspire or blush for no valid reason. He was further a victim to a premature baldness which was hereditary in the family, and which may be cited as a physical stigma of degeneration.

B. _Eyeball Tics._--The extrinsic muscles of the eye occasionally partic.i.p.ate in the tics we have just discussed. a.s.siduous observation of patients suffering from blinking tics will enable the physician now and then to detect movements of the eyeball behind the lowered upper lid.

In the case of F., for instance, with each tic of the lids the eyeb.a.l.l.s deviated briskly upwards and to the left. Similarly Miss R. turned her head from right to left at the same time as the eye moved obliquely to the left and in an upward direction. A patient mentioned by Otto Lerch[67] used to open and shut his eyes while rotating the eyeb.a.l.l.s and throwing the head back. Occasionally he inclined his trunk to one or other side, accompanying the act with disagreeable little grunts.

The eruption of these tics may equally be attributed to some foreign body or minute conjunctival granulation, as was the case with a small child of ten years under our care, who, in spite of the withdrawal of the irritating particle, acquired the trick of tickling the inner surface of his upper lid by rolling his eye about whenever he happened to blink. The delight he took in this trivial manuvre led to its mechanical reiteration, and was the means eventually of its developing into a tic which required a sufficiently delicate muscle exercise and drill for its repression.

Defects in the visual apparatus sometimes induce abnormal movements and att.i.tudes which may become tics if careful examination does not elicit their explanation.

Tic of the eyeball is generally a.s.sociated with other tics, ocular or facial, but it may occur alone and bear a resemblance to nystagmus, a peculiarity we have noticed in a patient perfectly free from any cerebro-spinal disease. It is almost always bilateral, but in some cases of unilateral palpebral tic it is more p.r.o.nounced on the side of the latter.

Fixity of the eyes is characteristic of tonic tics of the extrinsic ocular muscles, and gives a somewhat haggard or maybe merely attentive expression to the countenance. Very frequently it escapes observation, and indeed cannot be considered a tic unless there be an incongruity between it and the ideas at that moment uppermost in the patient's mind.

Reference has already been made to the historic example of an ocular tic in the person of Peter the Great. A series of interesting discussions has taken place recently at the Neurological Society of Paris in regard to the question of a tic of elevation of the eyes.

The patient, who had come to consult Professor Marie at Bicetre in December, 1899, was presented to the Society in the first instance by M. Crouzon.[68] He entered the room with his eyes fixed on the floor, but in a few seconds they had resumed their normal position in the horizontal plane. At frequent intervals he raised them upwards, or inclined his head so as to bring the pupils into contact with the upper lids, the natural position of rest of the globes being regained by a voluntary effort after each displacement. When interrogated, he complained of not being able to distinguish objects in an area of his visual fields limited by an imaginary line drawn from his eyes to strike the ground at a point six feet in front of him; otherwise his sight was excellent. The history he gave was to the effect that five months previously, in the enjoyment of perfect mental and physical health, he had had a sudden stroke, and been unconscious for seventeen hours. No sinister results ensued till four days later, when he lost his vision, began to articulate very indistinctly, and failed to recognise his wife, continuing in that state for the next two months. Gradual recovery of speech and sight then commenced, but the habit of looking upwards persisted. The absence of injury to the visual apparatus, coupled with the presence of admitted psychical disorders, decided Crouzon in his consideration of the condition as a functional disturbance of the ocular muscles a.n.a.logous to tic.

In this connection the significant observation was made by Joffroy that in the rec.u.mbent position the patient's eyes a.s.sumed their ordinary place, suggesting a comparison with those dolls whose eyes open or close according as they are held vertically or horizontally. In his opinion, the eye mobility negatived any idea of contracture consequent on central lesions.

A few months later the same patient was submitted a second time to the Society, on this occasion by M. Babinski,[69] who declared himself in disagreement with the hypothesis of M. Crouzon. In all cases of mental torticollis, so called, the contrary movement to that the execution of which is impelled by the spasm can from time to time be accomplished, whereas in the case under discussion downward as opposed to upward deviation was never obtained.

Further, the acute onset, with loss of consciousness, militates strongly against the tic theory, and indicates rather a variety of paralysis of the inferior recti, or paralysis of conjugate downward movement, secondary to organic disease of the nervous system. The difficulty experienced by the patient in inducing his eyes to resume the horizontal position after once elevating them is explicable on the a.s.sumption that the action of the superior recti is no longer controlled by their antagonists the inferior recti, the former pa.s.sing into a state of temporary spasm, which is, however, strictly consecutive to the paralysis of the latter.

M. Parinaud expressed himself as being in accord with M. Babinski, and recalled certain rare forms of a.s.sociated ocular palsies occurring with paralysis of convergence, a combination manifest in the subject in question. Curiously enough, in these cases the disturbance of function is always ushered in by a stroke, which justifies the belief in the focal nature of the lesion.

On the other hand, it was noticed by M. Ballet that the range and facility of downward deviation varied inversely with the attention devoted to the patient by the examiner.

On yet a third occasion this identical case provided a subject of discussion at the Society, after being under the observation of Professor Pierre Marie in Bicetre.

Professor Marie[70] had failed to satisfy himself of the paralytic nature of the phenomenon, and demonstrated the ease with which the eyeb.a.l.l.s moved downwards if the patient was made to hold his head in the position of maximum extension, while in the attempt to look at his feet--the head being held normally--they were forthwith inclined violently upwards, and were so maintained for thirty or forty seconds. The only view tenable was that he was suffering from a sort of neurosis whose outward expression was this spasmodic elevation of the eyes. Additional confirmation of the accuracy of this hypothesis was supplied by a consideration of the circ.u.mstances attending the commencement of the illness. The sudden and unexpected apoplexy, of seventeen hours' duration, had been accompanied neither by stertor nor by relaxation of sphincters, and had been followed by an equally sudden return to consciousness, the faculty of speech and the desire for food rea.s.serting themselves unexpectedly. The ensuing three or four weeks the patient had spent in a curious delirious state, not unlike the post-seizure stage of hysteria, a trace of which remained in the guise of certain eccentricities of mind. The difficulty in his speech bore a resemblance to hysterical stammering; and, finally, his visual fields were concentrically and bilaterally restricted.

Of the subsequent history of the case some information was forthcoming at a later date,[71] corroborating the opinion originally propounded by Professor Marie. Simultaneously with the diminution in intensity of the ocular spasm there had been grave deterioration of the patient's mental level, as evidenced by the development of ideas of persecution.

In the subjects of tic, and especially in cases of mental torticollis, we have noted an a.n.a.logous symptom, consisting in inability to look down at the feet, except perhaps by the aid of innumerable contortions, in contrast to the consummate ease of upward glances. By making the person write at a blackboard, and observing his action according as his hand is above or below a horizontal plane through his eyes, one can soon convince oneself of the reality of the occurrence, yet search will fail to discover any sign of ophthalmoplegia.

Patients of this cla.s.s evince a remarkable apt.i.tude for elevation movements, and the trouble they experience in depressing the eyeb.a.l.l.s is not of necessity to be construed as denoting paralysis of the depressors, but rather indicates the presence of a tic of the elevators, as Professor Marie says--a tic born of a habit, and nourished perhaps by the dread such persons feel of witnessing an exaggeration of their convulsive movements whenever they cast their eyes down.

Our object in summarising this discussion has been twofold: at once to note the existence of tics of extrinsic eye muscles, and to ill.u.s.trate the intricacies of their diagnosis.

A case not unlike the preceding, recorded by Nogues and Sirol,[72] was characterised by inability to look above a certain height without simultaneous raising of the head. Paralysis of the a.s.sociated movements of elevation was excluded by the fact of the gradual onset, without an ictus, and by the absence of paralysis of convergence and of impairment of speech and intellect. Basing their conception of the case upon its post-febrile origin and the knowledge of hysterical antecedents, the authors were disposed to regard it as a neuropathic manifestation.

It is conceivable that some cases of strabismus in children are nothing more than vicious habits transformed into tics, since, as a matter of fact, attentive supervision is frequently sufficient to effect a cure, although no doubt in other cases some visual abnormality is responsible for the condition.

Finally, since accommodation is a function subservient to the will, tics of accommodation are theoretically possible. Our information thereanent must be sought from the ophthalmologists. We have met with genuine professional cramps of accommodation in those who use the microscope, as well as in opticians, watchmakers, etc.

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