A Silken Thread Part 9

A Silken Thread -

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"Same here," he agreed. "I'd rather have a tired mom than no mom."

She heard the love for his mother in his voice and couldn't help but admire him for it.

"So I guess it's just me and you for lunch, kid."

She met Brian's gaze and smiled. "I don't have a problem with that."

She crossed the kitchen to where he was standing and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Thank you."

He raised a brow. "For what?"

"For knowing I needed rea.s.suring and taking the time to do it. For taking me upstairs and making me feel like I am loved deeply and that I am the most important woman in your life and that I am your life."

"You are."

Erica stared up at him. She believed him because he always went out of his way to make her believe. Their love was what storybook romances were made of. From day one their attraction had been magical.

Memories of the summer she'd met Brian flooded her mind. She'd needed to get away that summer because of her mother. Every day she'd concoct a reason to shove Griffin down her throat.

Things had been just as bad at Griffin's house. So the two had come up with a plan to deliberately go their separate ways for summer. Griffin had escaped to Paris and she had decided to take April up on her offer to spend the summer at her beach house in South Carolina. And the rest, as they say, was history.

She stood on tiptoes and brushed a kiss across Brian's lips. He hadn't shaved yet and the shadow on his jaw made him look s.e.xy. She couldn't help but think of the sweetest chocolate as she looked into his brown eyes, and everyone knew that chocolate was a weakness of hers.

Brian looked down at her. "Hey, I think you can do better than that."

She met his gaze and could tell by the teasing glint in his eyes and the smile on his lips that he was ribbing her. "Yes, I can can do better than that." do better than that."

Erica stood on tiptoes again and pressed her mouth to his and, when she felt his arms wrap around her and his hand gently squeeze her backside, she parted her lips on a breathless sigh, giving him the opening he evidently needed.

His tongue delved into her mouth but she refused to let it take control. She was determined to show him just what she could do and how she could do it better than ever before. Pa.s.sion began filling her bones, but she doubted it had left from the time he'd kissed her when she'd arrived at the airport.

She deepened the kiss and could immediately feel his erection pressed hard against her middle. The man was doomed and she intended for him to stay that way for a while. She always enjoyed a.s.saulting his mouth this way, letting him know she enjoyed his taste and every aspect of their relations.h.i.+p, especially this.

When he pulled her closer, it seemed he had gotten even harder. s.h.i.+vers raced through her when the hands resting on her backside pressed her even closer to him, letting her feel every hard inch of him.

She finally pulled back, breaking off the kiss and smiling when he gave her wet lips one last intimate swipe. "Was that better?" she asked, keeping a smile on her lips while leaning in closer.

"Yes, and you know what I think?"

"No, what do you think, sweetheart?" she asked.

"I need to go out and get some more condoms."

She tossed back her head, laughing. She had gone off the Pill last month when they'd both agreed to start a family right after the wedding, since they both wanted kids. It wouldn't bother her in the least if she were to get pregnant on her wedding night.

"That might not be such a bad idea." She leaned in for another quick kiss.

His dazzling smile reached his chocolate eyes. "I can't wait to introduce you to Minor and Talbert night. Once they meet you they will know what a lucky guy I am."

"So, you're back."

Wilson turned around and met Karen's gaze. She stood in the doorway of their bedroom. At least it used to be their bedroom. She had suggested once Erica had moved out that he find somewhere else in the house to sleep. He hadn't wanted to pull rank and remind her that technically the house and everything in it was his and had been in his his family for years. Instead, he'd taken up residence in one of the guest bedrooms. However, for appearances' sake, and to not give their housekeeper anything to gossip about, he still kept his clothes in their combined closet. He had news for Karen-the housekeeper was smarter than she thought and had figured out long ago that they were living separate lives. family for years. Instead, he'd taken up residence in one of the guest bedrooms. However, for appearances' sake, and to not give their housekeeper anything to gossip about, he still kept his clothes in their combined closet. He had news for Karen-the housekeeper was smarter than she thought and had figured out long ago that they were living separate lives.

"Yes, I'm back." His response was deliberately as dry as her greeting had been. She hadn't been home when he'd arrived and now he could see why. She was wearing the outfit she usually played tennis in. "Who won the match?" he asked since he really had nothing else to say to her. Just like he knew she truly had nothing else to say to him. How could he have thought he could live this way?

"I won, of course."

He chuckled. "Of course." With all their niceties out of the way, he turned back around to resume unpacking. A part of him truly regretted that he did not feel one iota of guilt about cheating on her. If anything, he felt guilty for not feeling guilty. But in no way did he feel Karen got what she deserved. Regardless of what kind of wife he thought she was, as his wife she had deserved his faithfulness, and for that he knew what he'd done last night with Rita was wrong. But he refused to wish it hadn't happened or regret it. If that made him a b.a.s.t.a.r.d then so be it.

He drew in a deep breath when he heard her walk away. He didn't love Karen and she didn't love him. What he should have done years ago was ask for a divorce, but he had thought it would be too complicated. Besides, he felt since he'd put up with things for this long, he might as well continue to put up with them.

But then last night had happened.

He eased down on the bed beside his luggage and stared into s.p.a.ce, remembering a night he knew he would never forget. Rita had done more than show him what he'd been missing. She had touched him in a way he hadn't been touched-ever. And the really sad thing about it was that he and Karen hadn't grown apart. They'd always been apart. Even on their wedding night. She'd told him then she would do her duty, give him a child, preferably a son, and that was it.

She had been disappointed that Erica was born a girl because she'd figured he would demand a son, which meant she would have to continue to have s.e.x with him "until the deed was done," as she'd said. He had wanted other children, but listening to her b.i.t.c.h and moan each time they'd shared a bed hadn't been worth it. He could still remember the expression of happiness that shone on her face when he'd finally told her she would not have to be subjected to his lovemaking any longer, because he was satisfied with Erica being their only child.

Wilson moved from the bed and walked over to the window and looked out. He wondered what Rita was doing, what she was thinking. She had no idea what last night had meant to him. It had been an involvement, true enough, but for him it had also been something else. An awakening.

He wished he could call her and tell her not to feel any guilt because his marriage wasn't what she might think it was. Not to feel any guilt because he couldn't make himself feel any. And if given the chance he would do it again.

He sucked in a deep, trembling breath at that realization. In a way he was pretty d.a.m.n surprised at how incredibly easy it was to reach such a conclusion with a clear head and not an ounce of scotch in his system. He wanted Rita again but knew her frame of mind wouldn't allow it. If truth be told, he had begun developing feelings for her since the engagement party. He hadn't meant for it to happen, but it had. He needed to talk to her. He needed to see her.

He also needed to finally end his marriage to Karen. Forget about the guilt he didn't feel-he needed to think of the fairness. And to be fair to her, he needed to go his way and let her go hers. He had no problems in providing a generous divorce settlement. h.e.l.l, she could have it all.

All he wanted now was his freedom.

"I feel like I'm a part of a soap opera," Rita said softly, glancing out the kitchen window.

When she'd showered and crawled between the covers to take a nap after calling Brian, Lori was there. And when she had awakened three hours later, her friend was still there.

Unfortunately Rita hadn't slept off the guilt. It was still there staring her in the face, right along with an aftermath of luscious sensations that just wouldn't leave her alone. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were still tender from where Wilson's mouth had been, and the area between her thighs...well, there wasn't much she could say about it. His mouth had been there and also the most hard and thick erection she'd ever seen. When he'd entered her, the invasion had been priceless, right along with the pa.s.sion they'd fueled and the desire they'd stirred in each other.

"Is that why you cancelled your lunch with Brian and Erica?"

Rita rubbed her hand down her face. "For crying out loud, Lori. How could I look in Erica's face knowing what I've done? What was I supposed to say? Oh, by the way, I ran into your father in Sweden and we had drinks and screwed our brains out."

"Is that how it was?"

Rita threw her head back. "Practically, although what I said almost painted a picture of the two of us being drunk, we were in our right minds, trust me."

"Then why do you think you did it?"

Rita glanced over at Lori. Her friend could ask the d.a.m.nedest questions at times. It had to be the attorney in her. "l.u.s.t, pure and simple."

"So, you weren't operating under the illusion that you've fallen in love?"

"No, although Wilson is a man I think any woman could love. Karen would be a fool if she didn't love him. He's kind, gentle, charismatic, handsome, well built, an extraordinary lover." She paused. "Need I go on?"

"Not unless you want to. You've drawn a pretty d.a.m.n good picture for me. Now I'm sorry I had that business trip and missed the engagement party and checking out Wilson Sanders for myself."

She knew Lori meant it, although she also knew Wilson would have been much too old for Lori's taste. Her motto these days was "Go young and have much more fun."

"And I would have checked out Karen Sanders," Lori added. "Most men, you know, cheat because of something they're missing at home. I would have been able to tell within seconds if she's putting out."

"It really doesn't matter if she can stand at the head of the line as the Wicked Witch of the West, no woman deserves to be cheated on, Lori. I think you of all people would believe that."

Lori should have believed that. Her ex-husband, Deon, a pilot for one of the major airlines, had cheated on her. Lori had returned to town early from a business trip to find him in their bed with the woman-one of his flight attendants.

"I do, but to be totally honest, Deon and I had begun drifting apart a year before he pulled that stunt. He wasn't getting any from me and with his h.o.r.n.y a.s.s, I figured he was probably getting it from somewhere. What p.i.s.sed me off was the fact that I caught them in our bed. He had money. They could have gotten a hotel room someplace."

Of course Rita knew the entire story. Lori had grabbed the pistol she usually kept in her nightstand and begun shooting. Of course she'd been smart enough to raise the revolver toward the ceiling, but according to Lori it had given her great satisfaction to see her husband and the other woman run b.u.t.t-naked from the house into the streets. That had given the neighbors, the postman, the garbageman and a UPS man making deliveries in the area something to talk about.

And someone, Lori still didn't know who, had captured the fiasco of the naked couple trying to hide behind bushes-probably on a cell phone-and had mailed the video to her. She had used the pics as leverage to get everything she wanted in the divorce settlement.

Rita had always suspected Deon of being up to no good. On the other hand, she believed Wilson when he'd told her he had never cheated on his wife before. She suspected he was somewhere feeling as bad about what had happened between them as she was. She couldn't help wondering how he would react when he saw her again. How would she react to him?

"So what do you plan to do, Rita? You can't hide from your future daughter-in-law for the rest of your life. Nor from your future in-laws."

Rita began nibbling on her bottom lip. She loved Erica as the daughter she'd never had, but now she had a secret that if ever revealed would destroy that relations.h.i.+p forever. She could just imagine what Erica would think of her. It then flashed through her mind what Brian would think of her. She rubbed her hand down her face when she felt tears threatening to fall.

"Hey, don't you dare cry anymore, Rita Tonette Sparks Lawson. What's done is done and it's time to move on. Time to get prepared."

Rita let out a sigh. "For what?"

"For your body to start craving the very thing you gave it a taste of. All I'm saying, best friend of mine, is don't be surprised if you start feeling the urge to seek out your Mr. Sanders again, married or not."

Chapter Eleven.

"Daddy! This is a pleasant surprise."

Wilson smiled as he entered Erica's home after leaning down and kissing her on the cheek. He wished there was some other way to find out the information he wanted but hadn't thought of one, and the need to know about Rita was like a bellyache that wouldn't go away.

"I hadn't seen you in a couple of weeks and missed you," he told her. That was no lie. He had missed her, but he was also hoping for some information during his visit.

"Things were slow at the library so I left for Dallas to start celebrating Brian's promotion early."

"And how is Brian?" he asked as he followed her into the kitchen.

"Brian's fine and we celebrated all four days I was there. On night I met the other two partners, nice older men who had been friends of Brian's father, and their wives. They took us out to dinner."

"Sounds wonderful." He paused a moment and then asked the burning question. "What about Brian's family? His grandparents? His mother? How are they doing?"

He was taking a chance that Rita hadn't mentioned anything about them seeing each other in Sweden and being stranded together there. Chances were she was trying hard to forget the entire episode. A part of him knew that if this was the case, he should grant her wish and let her be, but he couldn't.

Erica was standing at the counter making coffee. He was nervous she might suspect something and patted his s.h.i.+rt pocket for cigarettes, but immediately recalled he had broken the nasty habit a year ago. This was the first time he'd forgotten he'd done so.

She turned around and smiled. "Everyone is fine. I saw his grandparents and got to spend a little time with them, but I didn't get the chance to see his mother."

A knot settled in his stomach and only deepened the ache there. "Oh? Was she out of town?" he asked, trying to sound as casual about it as possible.

"No, she had just returned from one of her trips the day after I arrived. Seems her flight got delayed somewhere in Europe because of that volcanic ash like yours did. Only thing was she came back with a little bug. She called to cancel our lunch." She paused a moment and then said, "I hate that I didn't get to see Rita this trip. I really like her, Dad."

Wilson drew in a deep breath, tempted to tell his offspring that he really liked the woman as well, but for different reasons.

The time he spent with Rita had shown him that as a man he liked having a woman in his bed, a woman he found desirable, a woman who had a pa.s.sion to match his own. A woman he could laugh with, enjoy jazz music with. A woman he could talk about his favorite pieces of art with and who didn't make him feel like a sissy for doing so. A woman who could make his blood race and, yes, a woman who could also give him bellyaches. Like the one he'd been feeling since waking up that morning in Stockholm and finding her gone.

There was only one woman he wanted. She was free to be pursued but he had yet to do any pursuing. However, he planned to remedy that, and soon.

He wanted more than anything to talk to Rita, hear her voice, convince her that what they'd done was no one's fault and that he had no regrets.

And heaven help him, he would do it again in a heartbeat. But only with her.


It was then he realized that Erica has been talking to him. "Yes, sorry, sweetheart, I missed hearing what you said."

She smiled, reached over and gently patted his hand as if he might be in the first stages of dementia, and if so, that was fine. She understood. "I was saying that I haven't mentioned anything to Mom yet, but I'm thinking about resigning my position at the historical center and moving to Dallas a month early."

He lifted a brow. "Before the wedding?"

"Yes. Brian mentioned the possibility of us looking for a house sooner than we planned. With him making partner it means more money will be coming in."

Wilson couldn't help but smile. His daughter never had to worry about money. Her grandparents on both sides had seen to that by leaving her trust funds. But she had mentioned a few months back, right after she had announced her engagement, that she had no intention to intimidate Brian with all her wealth. For once in her life she wanted to live like a normal human being who had to survive within her means. She had even considered donating all the monies in her trust to various charities.

He had talked her out of doing such a thing and instead had suggested she keep the trust funds to pa.s.s on to her kids, since she and Brian seemed eager to have plenty of them. According to her, they wanted at least four.

He didn't mind being a grandfather, although Karen wasn't looking forward to being a grandmother and was still wailing at the very thought that her daughter would want that many children.

Comments like that often made him wonder about Karen's childhood and what could have possibly gone on at the Delbert house, behind those huge mansion doors. He'd tried to get her to talk about it once and she had refused, saying her parents had given both her and her sister the perfect life, and that she didn't appreciate him insinuating that the Delberts had somehow been a dysfunctional family. h.e.l.l, he didn't see why not, when the Sanderses definitely were. His father was a social drunk and his mother a sophisticated and refined nymphomaniac. It was sad but true. His father never wondered, or possibly never cared, why there had been so many gardeners rotating on and off the mansion's grounds. When his mother got tired of one she gave him the boot. Oh, she had been discreet, or tried to be, until the time he and Marshall had stumbled upon her and one of her lovers at the lake house. They'd been kids at the time but old enough to figure out what was going down.

"So, what do you have planned for the rest of the day?" Erica broke into his thoughts to ask him.

He glanced across the table at her and smiled. "Nothing. I decided to take the day off work."

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