The Seraphine Chronicles - Spellbound Part 10

The Seraphine Chronicles - Spellbound -

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Something warm and soft pressed against her face and blew warm air upon her cheek. "No!" She moved her face away, but her hands and legs were still bound.

"Open your eyes," the voice commanded.

She stilled and slowly lifted her lids.. .to find herself nose to muzzle with Feymir.


The black stallion snuffled her cheek and then backed away, his hooves making a clacking sound, as though upon rock. Her eyes cut to her surroundings, her thoughts wild and confused. What in the G.o.ds' names?

She was naked, in a small room, the only light pouring in through a barred window. And not only that, but she was shackled against a cold stone wall, the metal restraints like ice around her wrists and ankles. Had Zanden enslaved her as he had promised? Or had that been a dream?

More likely that b.i.t.c.h Anistana had imprisoned her alone in a dungeon with a horse.

Tierra blinked away the haze and stared at Feymir.

A horse that spoke.. .and sounded like Renn?

"Are you all right, denai?" Renn's voice came from her right.

Her gaze moved to the empty wall beside her and then dropped to the floor where Renn was partially hidden in the shadows, sprawled on his back. His wrists and ankles were shackled, too, leaving him completely stretched out in all his naked splendor.

"Anistana did this?" Tierra pulled against the shackles, but they did naught more than creak and rattle. "She promised to send us to Phoenicia."

"She kept her promise." Renn sighed and the corner of his mouth curved. "If you will notice, she complied with all my requests. Feymir is here, as are our belongings and clothing. But since I neglected to specify where in Phoenicia, she sent us to the dungeons of Sky Castle." His own chains rattled as he s.h.i.+fted. "Next time I will remember to request that we be left unfettered."

"The b.i.t.c.h." Tierra's gaze traveled the surprisingly clean dungeon, and sure enough spotted all of their clothes piled neatly in one corner, along with her pack, Renn's saddlebags and Feymir's saddle. And of course the stallion himself.

When her eyes met Renn's again, Tierra couldn't help a laugh from escaping at the absurdity of their situation and the Faerie Queen's last bit of revenge. "She is a spiteful creature, is she not?"

"You have no idea." Renn visibly relaxed his tense muscles and stared up at the ceiling of the dungeon.

Tierra tested her bonds again as she studied the room, catching a scent like vinegar and lye soap. Her gaze returned to Renn. "I never expected a dungeon to be so clean."

He shrugged as his eyes met hers. "Aric insists that every room in Sky Castle be cleaned on a regular basis. Even though these dungeons have not been used for centuries, they have never been closed off."

She s.h.i.+vered, the cold air of the dungeon making her nipples as hard as gemstones. "Will anyone be coming down here soon?"

"Not likely." Renn's expression was one of contemplation. "The dungeons are cleaned twice yearly and it appears this one has recently been attended."

"No cobwebs. No dirt." She looked at the well-oiled restraints. "No rust."

Renn took a deep breath and jerked against his wrist cuffs, muscles bulging and thick veins rising beneath his skin from the incredible effort he put into the task. Sweat broke out upon his brow and her quim grew damp at the sight of her dark warrior battling for freedom. And his c.o.c.ka"so big, even when he wasn't aroused. How she wanted to slide her lips over his length, to lick and suck him, to swallow his seed again.

But then she noticed blood dripping down his powerful arms and her l.u.s.t went colda"the metal was slicing into his flesh.

"Stop!" Tierra pulled against her own restraints, wanting to reach him, to keep him from harming himself further. "You are hurting yourself."

After another fierce pull Renn ceased his struggles, but his breathing came hard and fast. Dried blood had crusted around the wrist restraints, and she realized he must have been fighting against the shackles even as she slept.

"Now would be a good time," he said, his deep voice sending a s.h.i.+ver through her, "to discover more of your Fae powers."

Tierra stilled as his words crept into her thoughts.

Could she? Was it possible that she had the power to free them? Would she be able to use her spellbindings, even while in restraints?

Feymir whickered and tossed his head as though urging her on.

Her fingers were free. She could send out a spellbinding and wrap one around the horse's d.a.m.n muzzle to shut him up.

The stallion snorted and rolled his eyes.

"Well?" Renn prompted.

Ooooh. She ought to bind his mouth, too.

Tierra pushed the thoughts away, clearing her mind. And then it occurred to hera" perhaps she could use her spellbindings in a manner that would free them.

Focusing on her index finger, she released a thick strand of magical rope. It glittered in the dim light of the dungeon as she moved it with her mind toward the shackle. Concentrating with all her might, she guided it into the keyhole.

She could feel the mechanism inside the lock as she explored it with the rope, and could almost view it with her mind's though the magic allowed her to see inside the lock.

How did these things work? If she pressed against thisa"no. Or perhaps thisa" nothing.

Tierra continued fidgeting with her magic and the lock, her frustration growing. Her temper snapped and she wanted to screama"but then she heard a loud click.

The shackle fell away from her arm.

"Excellent," Renn said and Feymir snorted.

Tierra's eyes widened. "It actually worked." She shook out her free arm that tingled as blood flowed back into her fingers.

She glanced at Renn and smiled at the sight of his c.o.c.k, which had grown to its full magnificent length, his l.u.s.t-filled eyes watching her with insatiable desire.

"Does it arouse you to watch me?" Tierra brought her free hand to her breast and cupped it. "Do you want to touch me?"

He swallowed, his throat visibly working. "Do not taunt me, wench."

"Wench, is it?" She brought her breast to her mouth and stroked her nipple with her tongue. Renn groaned and fire grew in her quim. "You like me submissive. Would you like to f.u.c.k me here, chained to the wall, my Lord?"

"Free me, and I will." His voice was rough with the fierceness of his desire.

Slowly she set to unlocking one ankle cuff with her spellbindings. With every movement she made, she took care to brush her hands across her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and her nipples. Renn's breathing grew more and more labored as he watched her every move.

When she sent a magical rope to her other ankle restraint, she slid the glittering binding down her belly and through the damp red curls of her mound. It eased along her slit, teasing her swollen nub. Tierra gasped at the erotic feel of the spellbinding against her c.l.i.t, and Renn groaned.

The rope continued down, wrapping around her leg 'til it reached the ankle cuff. This time the lock opened at once, the shackle falling to the floor with a clatter that echoed in the cell.

"Hurry." His voice was so hoa.r.s.e she scarce recognized it.

Tierra looked from the one remaining wrist cuff and back to Renn and gave him a teasing look. She held out her hand and released a spellbinding, sending it straight toward her dark warrior and wrapping it around his erection.

Renn groaned, the magical rope driving him insane with need as it slid up and down his c.o.c.k. It tingled and thrummed as it stroked him. "d.a.m.n, wench. Do you mean to drive me out of my mind?"

"Yes. With l.u.s.t." Tierra's smile turned wicked and she released another glittering rope and sent it straight to her quim. Her lids lowered as she watched her spellbinding fondling Renn while the other teased her c.l.i.t.

She widened her stance, giving him an even better view of her quim and her swollen folds. Another spellbinding left her fingertips and slid across her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, rubbing against her nipples.

His c.o.c.k grew even more rigid and his b.a.l.l.s drew up. "Cease," he said through clenched teeth. "Or I shall climax before I can sink my c.o.c.k into your quim."

"Come with me." Tierra's body trembled and he could tell she was near climax. "I want to see your seed spill from your c.o.c.k."

Her cries as she came shot a jolt of fire through Renn's loins and his o.r.g.a.s.m burst inside him. His c.o.c.k jerked against the bindings and his seed spurted onto his taut belly in a warm pool.

"I want to taste you." Tierra licked her lips, her eyes focused on the white fluid, and G.o.ds help him, his c.o.c.k hardened at once.

He could not take his eyes from her as she released his c.o.c.k from the spellbinding and brought the magical rope to the remaining wrist cuff. In a mere moment she was free, the shackle rattling against the wall as if fell away from her.

His gaze traveled over her as she walked toward him. Her emerald eyes and sensual mouth, lovely b.r.e.a.s.t.s and rigid nipples, the curve of her hips, the patch of fire between her thighs... "You are so beautiful, denai." The words left his lips before he realized he had spoken them aloud.

She walked around him, studying him like she was examining a trinket she wished to purchase. "And you are a fine specimen of a man."

"Remove the shackles." He raised his wrist, pulling against the cuff as she came full circle and knelt beside him.

"When I am ready." She leaned over him and lapped at the pool of seed on his belly. "You taste of sweet cream."

Renn sucked in his breath, the sight of her licking his come made his c.o.c.k harder yet. "Tierra, I order you to free me."

"Mmmm." Tierra remained wholly focused on her task, ignoring his demand. "Most delicious."

Groaning, he settled back to watch the mischievous Faerie maid as she cleaned every drop from his skin.

When she finished, she raised her head and smiled at him. Wrapping her fingers around his erection, she moved her lips to his c.o.c.k and blew warm breath over the head.

"Free me first." Chains rattled as he s.h.i.+fted beneath her mouth. "I need my hands upon you."

"Shhh." Tierra flicked her tongue over his c.o.c.k and a rush of air hissed through his teeth."

"Release my bonds, wench," he demanded.

"Who is the master now?" She smiled and slipped her lips over his erection, her eyes fixed on his.

Tierra licked and teased, bringing him to the brink of madness and then backing away before he reached release.

She rose up on her knees and he glared at the imp and said, "When I am free, I shall spank that fine a.s.s of yours."

"Fine a.s.s?" Her smile became devious and then she turned so that her back was to him and she bent over so that she was on all fours. He swallowed hard at the sight of her sweet quim, her swollen c.l.i.t peeking from its folds.

"Tierra..." he said in a warning tone.

"Do you like this view, my Lord?" She slipped her fingers into her slit as she looked over her shoulder at him. Her eyes were heavy lidded while she slowly rocked her hips against her fingers. "Do you want to f.u.c.k me?"

Renn roared and jerked against his shackles. His c.o.c.k was so hard it stood straight up, and his heart pounded against his ribs. "I must have you."

"Good." Tierra returned to him and straddled his waist, her a.s.s pressed against his rod. She braced her arms to either side of his head and leaned forward. Her red tresses brushed his chest, the sensuous caress like flame to his already burning body. Honeysuckle and woman, her scent near overpowered him.

"You will pay," he murmured as her lips brushed over his.

"Promises. Always promises." She caught his bottom lip between her teeth and flicked her tongue over the captured flesh.

Renn struggled against his bonds, willing the links to shatter so that he might touch this l.u.s.ty wench and f.u.c.k her 'til she screamed her pleasure. He thrust his tongue into her mouth, savoring her taste that only left him wanting more.

"d.a.m.n the fates," he growled when she pulled away to look down upon him. "Free me, woman."

"When I am ready." She moved her mouth to his ear and flicked her tongue inside. "It is not oft that I might see a warrior fine as you in shackles."

"My c.o.c.k is near to bursting for you." He groaned again as she trailed her lips along his jaw and kissed the scar on his cheek.

The scar tingled, the flesh tightened beneath her lips and tongue as she kissed the whole of it. She paused and raised her head, a puzzled look upon her beautiful face.

"Your scar." Her brows furrowed. "It is...gone."

"The power to heal old wounds." Renn's eyes met her surprised emerald gaze. "A gift similar to Anistana's, surely. She had the power to heal my wounds when they were new, but she chose not to."

Her look of amazement vanished as he thrust his hips, his c.o.c.k poking her a.s.s. "Now f.u.c.k me, wench," he commanded.

She returned her attention to kissing him, ignoring his demand and taking her time to work her way from his neck to his chest. Slowly she licked a hot, wet trail down his muscled abdomen 'til she reached the tight curls around his c.o.c.k.

"Tierra." Her name was a threat through his clenched teeth. "f.u.c.k me now or I shall spill my seed with your next touch."

With a sultry smile she moved up so that her quim was over his c.o.c.k. "As I am now the master, you must refer to me properly." A wicked glint flashed in her eyes. "You must beg and refer to me as 'my Lady/"

Renn thought he might pa.s.s into the nether world if his c.o.c.k was not in her quim. "Tease me no more."

She braced one hand on his chest while grasping his staff in her other hand and placing it to the entrance of her channel. "I'm waiting, fine warrior stud."

"Please, my Lady," he growled, his eyes flaring.

"Mmmm, yes." Tierra sighed with pleasure as she took him into her slick core. "G.o.ds, you feel good inside me."

He bucked his hips against her, hard. "f.u.c.k me, Tierra."

And she f.u.c.ked him. Raising herself up and down on his c.o.c.k, pounding her quim against him. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s bounced with every thrust of her hips. She tilted her head back and reached up to tweak her nipples as she rode his c.o.c.k. "So good," she murmured. "Can't get enough of you inside me."

She arched her back and after a fine thrust up from Renn she brought her hands down behind her to clench his b.u.t.tocks, digging her nails into his muscular a.s.s. Her face was covered in a fine sheen of sweat, her eyes glazed.

The walls of her quim clenched around his c.o.c.k, driving him closer to the brink of o.r.g.a.s.m.

Tierra cried out and rocked against him as her o.r.g.a.s.m hit her. The power of her climax was enough to make Renn come with a bellow.

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