The Seraphine Chronicles - Spellbound Part 3

The Seraphine Chronicles - Spellbound -

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The hunter was free.

And Tierra knew he would charge after his prey with no thought beyond the chase.

The capture.

s.h.i.+vers of pleasure rattled Tierra's being...

What would the furious hunter do if he caught her?

Tear her clothes from her body and f.u.c.k her like the wild beast that he was?

The mere thought made her stumble. Made her quim wet and her nipples as hard as his c.o.c.k had been in her mouth.

But no. Tierra had to find her halias. She could not afford to take time for a dalliance with any man.

No matter how much she wanted to f.u.c.k him.

Her breathing came hard and labored, and she could scarce hear anything beyond blood rus.h.i.+ng in her ears. Was the brute gaining on her? She would not be able to run much longer.

The forest grew denser and it became even harder to see as she ran deeper into this place Renn had called Merth Darkling.

A tree. That was it. She would find a suitable one, climb into its branches and hide.

Tierra skidded to a stop, her brogans sliding in the rotted pine needles and leaves. A quick glance and she spotted the perfect oak tree across the clearing, with branches low enough for her to reach and thick foliage to hide within.

She started toward the oak, then froze.

To the side of the tree was an ominous glitter. Like an enormous mound of tiles made from iridescent obsidian, almost like gla.s.s catching what little light the wood had to offer. The tiles rose high, at least twice Tierra's own height.

The strange tower of gla.s.s rippled.

And then she saw its eyes...the angry yellow glow focused on her...and her heart dropped to her brogans.

The beast roared and lumbered straight toward Tierra.

As Tierra sprinted into Merth Darkling, Renn roared his frustration and struggled against the wench's magical ties.

The witch had trussed him from chest to ankle. Even his still throbbing c.o.c.k had been bound tight against his belly.

When he got his hands on Tierra, he would tease and torture her 'til she begged him to f.u.c.k her. After he made her insane with l.u.s.t, he would thrust his c.o.c.k in and out of her quim 'til she screamed her pleasure.

And then he would f.u.c.k her again.

But first, he had to get out of the d.a.m.ned bindings.

Maybe I will just kill the b.i.t.c.h.

Renn fought the magical ties, his fury growing with every second that pa.s.sed. Feymir snorted and whinnied, and Renn glared at the almost amused look in the stallion's black eyes.

Concern tinged Renn's anger. The foolish woman had fled into the most dangerous part of Merth Darkling, where the fierce lycidian dragons feasted upon unwary travelers.

G.o.ds d.a.m.n his failure to keep and protect the maid. d.a.m.n him for allowing Tierra to best him and to flee straight into the jaws of certain peril.

Renn gave another bellow just as the bindings vanished.

Without pause he propelled himself to his feet. In mere strides he reached the stallion, grabbed his saddlebags and flung them over the beast's back. It took Renn but a moment to gather his belongings, but each moment was precious time he should be spending retrieving the maid.

He wouldn't be able to carry his sword as he needed to take his nordai form and fly after his denai to ensure he reached her before one of the dragons did. For surely the wretched beasts would catch her sweet scent even before she stumbled upon their lair.

s.n.a.t.c.hing his boots with one hand, his tunic, breeches and sheathed dagger with his other, he paused only to command Feymir to follow him.

Taking a single stride, Renn s.h.i.+fted into his nordai form, the clothing in his hands instantly becoming sleek raven's feathers, his sheathed dagger strapped to his bird's leg. With a flap of his mighty wings, Renn shot through the forest like an arrow from an Elvin bow.

Behind him, Feymir's hooves pounded the forest floor. Renn did not waste time looking back, instead listening for sounds of the maid. His sensitive nordai hearing caught Tierra's harsh breathing as she ran. The thump of her feet against leaves and loam, and then silence as she paused.

Harder Renn pumped his wings. An unsettling fear invaded his bones as the stench of dragon breath reached him. Never had he felt fear of this intensity 'til this moment. But by the G.o.ds, the thought of anything happening to Tierra ripped into his gut sharper and more intense than the qinok's claws had shredded his back in the Xardu Moors, that long ago night after his last ill-fated encounter with Anistana, Queen of the Faeries, Ruler of Astral.

His heart quickened as he heard Tierra catch her breath.

And then she screamed.

Renn tore into the clearing to see Tierra backing away from the dragon. The beast lumbered toward her, scales glittering, jaws wide, intent on devouring its prey.

s.h.i.+fting into his human form even as his feet neared the forest floor, Renn landed between Tierra and the oncoming lycidian. Fully transformed and fully clothed, Renn yanked his dagger from its sheath. His experienced eye told him at once this was a mere yearling.

Thank the G.o.ds.

The beast would not have come into its fire or its wings yet, but it would be deadly nonetheless.

"Flee, foolish wench," Renn shouted to Tierra, then gave a Nordain warrior's fierce cry of battle.

The dragon roared in response, yellow eyes flas.h.i.+ng its deadly intention as it widened its jaws. From his side vision Renn saw that Tierra no longer stood behind him, but to his left.

d.a.m.n the woman for not fleeing like he ordered.

Using a lifetime of training and skill, Renn dropped to one knee, sliced his dagger at the beast's throat while dodging out of the dragon's path, barely avoiding its wicked teeth. His blade had merely slid across scales and did naught but nick the beast's thick hide. With a bellow the yearling whirled and charged again.

Renn's blood thrummed with the call of battle, the need to protect his woman. He crouched, dagger at the ready, intent on besting the dragon with his bare hands if need be.

The beast launched itself at Renn. Just as he prepared to thrust his dagger into the dragon's throata"the creature stumbled and crashed to the forest floor.

The force of its landing caused the ground to shudder and rock beneath Renn's feet.

In an instant Renn realized that the dragon's legs had buckled and its jaws clamped tight.

As though it had been bound.. .by glittering silver ropes.

What in the G.o.ds' names?

Yellow eyes glowing with fear and fury, the beast struggled to move.

Renn's gaze shot to Tierra. Her arms were stretched out toward the dragon in the same manner as when she had bound Renn. She slowly lowered her hands, but her gaze remained focused on the dragon. "You best hurry and be done with it," she muttered through clenched teeth. "It is far too large and powerful for me to hold much longer."

With a scowl and a tremendous thrust of his dagger, Renn drove his blade between the small scales of the dragon's throat and into its life-vein. s.h.i.+mmering blue blood spurted from the wound as Renn yanked his dagger from the beast's throat.

Still the dragon struggled and fought its bindings, even as its life fluids spilled onto the forest floor.

Tierra's face was taut with the effort it took to maintain her magical hold on the beast. Renn hurried to widen the slit in its throat to hasten its demise. The red stone in his dagger glittered as he worked the blade.

When the yellow glow faded from the dragon's eyes, it ceased moving.

Renn's gaze went to Tierra as he carefully wiped dragon blood from his blade onto a patch of gra.s.s. His denai dropped to her knees. Her features were pale, her limbs trembling.

Something inside Renn snapped. Raging emotions that he could scarce control.

Fury at her for leaving herself so vulnerable, for not fleeing when he had ordered her to.

But something more, an even greater emotion. Something he could not name above the fear that had ripped through his gut when the dragon had charged her.

In a few long strides Renn reached Tierra and scooped her within his arms. She felt small and helpless, and his heart clenched. He cradled her tight to his chest, thanking the G.o.ds that she was alive.

Tierra's lids fluttered shut and she went limp in his embrace.

Sunlight kissed Tierra's eyelids and chill morning air teased her cheeks. But an ache beat upon the inside of her skull, rivaling the strength of Mairi's pounding surf. Everything seemed hazy and confused. She dared not open her eyes, waiting instead for the pain in her head to ease. Forcing herself to relax, she fought to remember what had happened and where she might be.

The air smelled of jensai blooms and running water, and the breeze felt light and cool upon her skin. Bird song met her ears, and in the distance was the constant roar of a river. Perhaps the Everlasting River that she had traveled beside on her journey north toward Wilding Wood?

The strength of sunlight on her eyelids told her the forest was less dense now, unlike how it had been once she had traveled into Merth Darkling. She hadn't smelled jensai since entering the dark bit of forest, and the scent made her homesick for her heart-sistersa"especially Liana, who had always smelled of the sacred blooms.

Gradually the ache in Tierra's head eased and she opened her eyes. She blinked against the morning light and was pleased that the pain in her head was not more than a dull throb now. Her stomach growled its complainta"when had she last eaten?

Bringing her hand to her ear, she rubbed at her starmark as she took in her surroundings. She was in a meadow...that had the oddest looking trees. The trunks were dark blue, the leaves various shades of blue from pale to dark. In the far distance a strange blue mist crept close to the ground, but it looked harmless enough.

A sigh escaped her lips. Thank the G.o.ds she was no longer in that horrible Merth Darkling...

She attempted to roll onto her back, only to realize she was completely bound, as though in a tight coc.o.o.n.

Not unlike what it might feel like to be locked within her own spellbindings.

Warm breath stirred the hair at her nape. Tingles of awareness skittered throughout Tierra's body and she tensed as she came completely awake and her memories returned in full force.

She was not bound. She was in a man's tight embrace.


His masculine scent of cedar and sun-warmed flesh surrounded Tierra, much like his arms that kept her bound snug to his chest. One of his powerful thighs draped over her hip, imprisoning her legs. His breathing was deep and steady, his chest rising and falling behind her as he slept.

And sweet mother of the G.o.ds, his very large, very hard c.o.c.k was pressed tight against her a.s.s.

Her very clothed a.s.s at that.

A sigh of mingled relief and disappointment eased from her, and she relaxed. The warrior had not stripped her of her clothing while she slept, had not forced himself on her, just as he had promised when they first met. The b.a.s.t.a.r.d had a touch of gentleman in him after all.

Why then did she feel disappointed?

Because she wanted this man to possess her.

And even though she had enjoyed besting him, she wanted him to dominate her. Not in some humiliating way, but in the way a powerful man sometimes masters an equally powerful woman he loves.

The alien thoughts felt strange in her head, and she shook it as though to rattle it free.

"Mmmm," Renn murmured against her, sending a s.h.i.+ver straight to her quim. He pressed his lips to her neck, flicking his tongue out and licking her skin. "Are you ready to be f.u.c.ked?"

Tierra gasped, her nipples hardening and the ache in her core multiplying with the husky sound of his voice and erotic words.

"My c.o.c.k is hard for you, denai." Renn rubbed his erection against her a.s.s in a slow, rhythmic motion. "It is my one desire, to be deep inside you."

"Renn." She couldn't help but moan as he pulled her against his chest so that she was partially laying on him, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s thrust into the chill morning air. "Where are we?" she murmured as he moved his hands to her nipples.

"Near Wilding Wood." Renn's lips moved to the base of her neck and she s.h.i.+vered as his tongue flicked her skin. "Feymir carried us through the night, away from Merth Darkling. The beast has a mind of his own at times and brought us here. Too close to the Faerie witch for my comfort."

Tierra groaned as Renn's large hands kneaded her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "Faerie witch?"

"Anistana, Queen of Faerie." He almost growled out the words, as though he was none too pleased to say her name.

"Ahhh..." Tierra placed her hands over his, encouraging him to touch her even more.

He nipped at her neck. "Are you hungry, denai?"

"Very," she whispered, but it was not food she was hungry for now.

"Then you must be well." His voice held concern, even as his fingers tweaked her aching nipples through her tunic 'til she thought she would scream with wanting. "Tell me how you feel."

"Hot." Without even realizing it at first, she began rubbing her a.s.s against his c.o.c.k and arching her b.r.e.a.s.t.s into his palms. "Like I am aflame."

"You are burning for me." Renn lifted his hands from her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, only long enough to slide them under her tunic, filling both his large palms with her soft, warm flesh. "I will f.u.c.k you. Soon."

She was too lost in the sensations to care about anything but the feel of his fingers pinching and pulling her nipples, his c.o.c.k rubbing her through her breeches.

Yes. She wanted this more than anything. She wanted this fine warrior stud to f.u.c.k her with everything he had.

"Tell me." His breath was hot on her shoulder as he guided his hand toward the waistband of her breeches. "I want to hear your desires."

G.o.ds, she had never been so aroused. Had never wanted anything so much in her life as she wanted this man's c.o.c.k inside of her. "You," she whispered. "I want you to f.u.c.k me."

"That I will." The b.a.s.t.a.r.d's voice was as smug as ever. "When I am ready."

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