The Seraphine Chronicles - Spellbound Part 19

The Seraphine Chronicles - Spellbound -

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When he could see, Ranelle and Liana were standing before him, their hands linked.

"Where is Tierra?" he demanded.

The women gasped and released their hands.

"She had to know if Zanden was truly dead." Liana's eyes were filled with tears. "We did not want to send her."

He looked from one woman to the other. "Send.. .her.. .where?"

"To Merth Darkling," Ranelle replied. "To the dragon's lair where we sent Zanden to finish him off. Only we could not be sure he died."

Renn clenched his fists, his fear for his heartmate vibrating through his body. "You must send me there as well."

The women exchanged startled glances. "Do you think we can?" Ranelle asked. "Without Tierra?"

"You must try." Renn towered over Tierra's halias. "Now."

Ranelle and Liana stood to either side of him, stretching their arms out to reach all the way around.

As a wild white wind surrounded him, Renn prayed to the G.o.ds with all his soul. Let me be in time...

Tierra stumbled and barely kept to her feet as the magic storm released her. She whirled around, getting her bearings, her hands raised, prepared to spellbind anything that moved.

Smells of charred flesh and hair filled the clearing and Tierra almost retched as bile rose in her throat. Nothing moveda"the dragon apparently deep within his lair. And the Sorcerer.. .was he truly gone?

Her gaze dropped to the charred leaves at her feet. Black, sticky blood covered some that were not burnt. Her skin chilled and she began to tremble as she saw that the trail led away from where she stood.

She snapped her head upa"

Only to see a grotesque figure materialize from out of the woods.

Charred hair and flesh, bleeding open wounds...


Tierra flung out her spellbindings, spinning them around the Sorcerer.

He waved them away like they were naught more than a fragile spider's web.

"You have made the gravest of errors." His voice was rough, damaged, as he advanced toward her, dragging one mangled leg behind him. "Now that I can no longer control my that I no longer seek you three b.i.t.c.hes at the same can be the sole focus of my energy and powers. I can kill you with a thought, and your magic is useless against me."

Again Tierra flung out her spellbindings. Again Zanden waved them away.

Fury filled her as she stepped back. "You b.a.s.t.a.r.d."

"But I will not give you a painless death." He raised one blackened hand and Tierra felt his magical grip around her neck. "I intend to make you suffer."

His grip tightened and Tierra's breath gurgled in her throat. Stars flashed behind her eyes as she struggled to breathe.

"b.i.t.c.h!" The Sorcerer raised his hand and shoved it down.

A force drove Tierra to her knees.

She was frozen in place. She could not breathe. Could not move.

My babe! Her thoughts blasted through her head, trying to summon the strength to defeat her attacker, for the sake of her child. For the sake of everyone she loved. For Renn.

The effect seemed only to slow the b.a.s.t.a.r.da"and even that, very little.

Zanden stepped closer, dragging one foot behind him. "It pleases me to know that I am the last sight you will have in this world."

Tierra's vision blurred as the grip grew tighter around her throat. In her confused sight, she thought she saw Renn. A dream image.

Renn appearing from nowhere, behind the Sorcerer.

Renn's voice as he bellowed a curse filled with fury.

Renn's muscles flexing as he swung his sword.

Renn's blade flash through the air.. .slicing through Zanden's neck.

The Sorcerer's charred head flying across the clearing and rolling to a stop in front of the dragon's lair.

Air rushed into Tierra's lungs and she collapsed onto her side on the forest floor.

"Tierra!" Renn shouted as she rolled on her back, trees spinning above her.

In the next moment his beautiful face was above hers and she struggled to focus on his precious features. "It's really you," she murmured as he swept her into his arms and held her tight to his chest. "I wasn't dreaming."

"I thought I had lost you." Renn's voice was hoa.r.s.e, choked with emotion as he pressed his lips to her forehead, her cheeks, her nose. "I could not bear it if you left me."

"Worry not." She smiled and brought her hand to his handsome face. "The only place I intend to travel is back to Phoenicia and to our bed."

Chapter Sixteen.

With her halias to either side of her, Tierra walked barefoot upon the gra.s.s, through the castle gardens toward the rise to where her soon-to-be husband waited. Absolute certainty filled her, the knowledge that Renn was her heartmate, and that they would be happy for the remainder of their lives.

Suns.h.i.+ne warmed the gardens this morn of Renn and Tierra's joining day, feelings of renewal, hope, and joy in the balmy air. Blossoms of every color suffused the gardens in brilliant arrays of reds, purples, oranges, blues and yellows. Standards of as many colors snapped and waved in the breeze, testament to representatives from almost every race upon Dair who had come to partake in the festivities.

Table upon table had been arranged in the garden where guests were already seated and waiting for the joining ceremony to begin. Voices and laughter rang out, the sounds of people happy and thankful to the G.o.ds and G.o.ddesses for all their blessings.

To Tierra's left strolled Ranelle. The Nordain-Elvin Princess was clothed in a revealing gown of brilliant amethyst, her mahogany locks tumbling over her shoulders to her waist.

On Tierra's other side was the Tanzinite-Nordain Queen Liana, who wore a scanty affair in a lovely aqua shade. The golden circlet of her station perched upon her moonlit tresses. Her hair flowed around her, caressing her shoulders with every movement she made.

Tierra's curls were piled on top of her head with fiery ringlets cascading down her back. She was dressed in a gown that had been a gift from the Elvesa"an iridescent white concoction that left her shoulders completely bare. The bodice barely rose high enough to cover her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her creamy swells nearly pouring out from the top. The sheer skirt frothed around her ankles, and she only hoped that her patch of red curls did not show through the gossamer material in the brilliant sunlight.

But then again, she rather looked forward to Renn's expression when he saw her. Maybe he would throw her over his shoulder and vanish with her around one of the garden hedges.

Tierra smiled at the thought and her quim tingled. She could not wait to be alone with her dark warrior.

Perfume of jensai blooms and roses surrounded Tierra as she and her heart-sisters walked through the extensive gardens. And was that the scent of lilies, too?

"You are the most beautiful of brides," Liana said, turning her brilliant smile on Tierra.

Ranelle laughed, a note of pure happiness, the sound as precious as that golden day. "And to think," she said, "we shall all be sisters by marriage now, as well as heart-sisters."

As they strolled over the rise, Tierra took each of her friends by the hand and smiled from one to the other. "I am the most fortunate of souls on all of Dair to have you as my halias."

Her gaze lifted to see Renn. The world around her seemed to slip away, and she was only vaguely conscious of her heart-sisters releasing her hands and moving slightly behind her.

Lords above, Renn was magnificent. His powerful physique, his chiseled jaw and hooded expression. In the sunlight his black hair shone like a raven's wing, and his silver eyes focused only on her. Beneath his snug black tunic and breeches, his muscles rippled, and he clenched his hands into fists as though restraining himself. Holding back from rus.h.i.+ng straight to her.

Tierra was of half a mind to turn around and run, just so that he would chase her.

And capture her.

It seemed it took her forever to reach his side, but then she was before him.

Renn took her hands in both of his and brought his mouth to hers. Slowly he kissed her, nipping gently at her lips, then pus.h.i.+ng his tongue into her mouth. He tasted of spice and ale, and uniquely Renna"she could not get enough of him.

A roar seemed to swell around them, like the Mairi Sea, churning, louder and louder.

Renn broke away from her and smiled. "I love you, denai."

Dazed, Tierra could only look up at him. She wanted to reach up to kiss him again, but then she realized what the roar around them actually was.

People applauding and cheering.

Warmth flushed through Tierra. Renn took her hand in his and they both turned to face the enthusiastic crowd.

"As many of you know," he said, his voice rumbling over the crowd that quickly silenced. "I never believed that there was truly such a thing as finding one's heartmate. Fantasy and Elvin tales." His gaze dropped to Tierra, and he gave her that sensual smile that made her knees weak and her quim wet. "But I was wrong. And I will spend the rest of my days thanking the G.o.ds that I found my heartmate. Tierra."

His heart swelling with love for his woman, Renn raised their joined hands and said, "I present you with my wife, my love, my denai.. .Tierra."

More applause broke out from all those in attendance. Nordain, Tanzinites, Elves, Dwarves, and Human...all mixed and mingled, not segregated by race. All united as one, as all should be. Even the black-eyed Ewan of the Devline and Chrys of the Seraphine Elves sat side-by-side...although from the glares they tossed one another, neither looked too pleased with the seating arrangements.

Many of their loved ones, their brothers and sisters had been lost in the battle. It saddened Renn's heart, but he knew that his kinsmen had gladly given their lives to protect the freedom of all peoples of their world. He was grateful for those who had survived, including Jalen's sisters.

And he was most grateful that he and Tierra were able to stand before their peoples, to be united as one.

From the midst of the crowd appeared Yanea, Queen of the Seraphine Elves wearing a sheer gown. She carried the sacred ruby and gold goblet that had been used in joining ceremonies of L'tiercel royalty for centuries. The amethyst-eyed Queen's enrli symbol glittered upon her forehead and between her thighs as she came to a stop before them.

The Queen inclined her head, her golden tresses glimmering in the sunlight. "Thank you for this honor in presiding at your joining."

"You do us a great honor," Renn responded with a bow of his own.

At Tierra's concerned look at the contents of the goblet, Yanea said in mind-speak, The elixir will not enter your womb nor affect your daughters.

Daughters? Tierra said to Renn in thought. Her emerald eyes sparkled as she looked to Renn and he smiled.

Renn had no doubt his daughters would be as lovely as his wife. And likely just as feisty.

And dear G.o.ds, they might have wings.

What if they each had two sets? Faerie and Nordain?

Oh, lords. They would never be able to catch them...

He would certainly have his hands full.. .and he looked forward to it.

Yanea lifted the chalice to Renn's lips and repeated the ceremonial words, "Drink of the Nordain joining elixir and share with your mate."

Renn gladly sipped from the cup that he had never believed he would drink from. His c.o.c.k hardened as the heady fluid rolled into his mouth. The taste of raspberries settled upon his tongue as he held the liquid for his mate.

Tierra tipped her head up. Renn pressed his lips to hers and released the elixir into her mouth.

The moment the warm fluid flowed over her tongue, Tierra's head grew light and she feared she might fall. As though reading her thoughts, Renn clasped his hands at her waist, holding her steady. Her nipples grew hard, pressing against the filmy fabric of her dress, and her quim ached to be tasted and touched by her man.

When he ended the kiss, Yanea brought the cup to Tierra's lips and said, "'Tis your turn, child of Fae."

Tierra took the elixir in her mouth and held it, warming the fluid as she waited for her husband's kiss. She reached up on her toes as he brought his head down to meet her. Gently she released the elixir as he sucked it from her mouth.

She felt him trembling with l.u.s.t as he held her close in an endless kiss. Barely leashed desire radiated from him in waves.

When they parted the crowd again cheered.

Yanea had retreated back to her seat of honor, leaving the couple alone before the joining attendees.

Renn opened his mouth to speak, but the crowd gasped and murmured. Renn's eyes fixed on the crowd. Tierra turned her gaze to where he lookeda"and her belly fluttered.

Down the center aisle came two ethereal beingsa"Elinni and Ibella, the dark Faerie twins.. .both completely naked.

Elinni's iridescent ebony wings glimmered in the sunlight as she slowly fluttered down the aisle. Ibella walked beside her flying sister, carrying what appeared to be a gold and crystal box.

Everyone present appeared to be mesmerized by the beautiful Faeriesa"by their night dark skin, long black hair that reached below their slender hips, heavenly b.r.e.a.s.t.s, burgundy nipples and naked moundsa"and by the fact the Faeries came at all. This was heady business indeed, for Anistana to bother with affairs outside of Astral.

The Faerie twins' almond-shaped amber eyes appeared both mischievous and intriguing. Tierra could not help but recall the first and only time she had seen the twinsa"when Elinni had licked her c.l.i.t and Ibella had suckled her breast while Renn thrust his c.o.c.k into Tierra's mouth.

As the pair approached, Tierra felt a sense of misgiving. Her sister, the Faerie Queen, had been invited to the ceremony, but had elected not to attend. Why had she sent the twins in her stead?

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